Fairy Tale Factory Volume 1: Six short fairy tales, some with unhappy endings

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It was awarded the Stalin prize in Bazhov's stories are based on the oral lore of the miners and gold prospectors. The first edition of The Malachite Box was released on 28 January It consisted of 14 stories and an introduction, which contained some information about the life, industry and culture of the Urals and which the author tried to include into every edition of the collection. Later versions contained more than 40 stories. Not all stories are equally popular nowadays. The most popular tales were written between and In the s the Communist Party of the Soviet Union greatly encouraged the interest in the past of the country and the people.

The Party paid a lot of attention to the development of the historical science. Istorija fabrik i zavodov. The initiative was supported by the Communist Party. History books and various historical fiction titles were published one after another. The famous folklore expert Nikolay Andreyev later wrote about that period that the folklore collections "have never been published before in such quantities, not even in the "Golden Age" of the folkloristics in the 60s". Journalists, students, and members of Komsomol started collecting folklore.

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Selected stories have been a part of school core curriculum since the Soviet Union, [95] and are still used for education purposes nowadays. All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from May All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with NDL identifiers. As time went by, he became less depended on the folklore and more independent as a writer. Poloz the Great Snake [61] , the master of gold. Other pages Apartment rentals Noticeboard Discussion forum. Walt Disney 's influential Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was largely although certainly not solely intended for the children's market. Although the fairy tale is a distinct genre within the larger category of folktale, the definition that marks a work as a fairy tale is a source of considerable dispute.

Pavel Bazhov was born at the Urals. He knew its geography, topography, natural resources , and was very proud of both the beauty of the Urals and its people. He suggested that the tales carried the sign of deep terror and trauma, which Bazhov endured between January and , and noted that The Malachite Box "is filled with unprecedented for Soviet and especially children's literature horror".

His past as a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and a seminary teacher was also questionable. So I started to work on some old ideas. The tales are told from the point of view of the imaginary Grandpa Slyshko Russian: Ded Slyshko ; lit. His new stories were told by a different type of the miner: The tales can be divided into several groups: Dorevoljucionnyj folklor na Urale. In the summer of the folklorist Vladimir Biryukov was offered to make such a collection. The historian Andrey Ladeyshchikov became its chief editor.

He was supposed to finish the book by January , however, it was not completed on February. Biryukov wrote in the diary that "the classification, introduction, and the bibliography " were needed. Several sections of the collection were not yet ready as well.

She insisted on including the folklore of the working class , although Biryukov claimed that it would be impossible to find. She added their stories to the collection. Bazhov later wrote about Blinova:. She raised a question: Vladimir Pavlovich [Biryukov] replied that he had not been able to find it anywhere. I've heard this workers' folklore in abundance, I've heard the whole skazy.

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Fairy Tale Factory Volume 1: Six Short Fairy Tales, Some with Unhappy Endings [ Karen Deblauw, Brett Boyette, Amy Leigh Morgan] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE*. Brett Boyette is the author of Fairy Tale Factory Volume 1 ( avg rating, 1 Fairy Tale Factory Volume 1: Six short fairy tales, some with unhappy endings by.

And I brought to her " Beloved Name " as an example. Pavel Bazhov had heard the skaz from Vasily Hmelinin in , and wrote it down from memory, [22] trying to use the miners' natural language where possible, [13] as he was always fascinated with miners' colloquialisms. Bazhov became the chief editor, only to be replaced by Ladeyshchikov again. There were three of Bazhov's stories in it: Prior to the publication, the Detgiz employee Vladimir Lebedev saw his manuscript.

Inspired by the success of the tales, Bazhov continued working on them. Bragin" or simply under his initials "P. The first edition of The Malachite Box was released in several versions. The first copy was presented to the author for his 60th birthday on 28 January A special deluxe edition , decorated with malachite, was sent to the New York World's Fair. It has been republished many times.

Overall, twenty three editions of the stories were released from to The book was awarded the Stalin prize. The eighth was the last edition of The Malachite Box to be published during Bazhov's lifetime in The last story " Zhabrei's Path " was published after his death. The tales were translated into 64 languages, more than editions in foreign languages were released. Bazhov mentioned that he had heard about it from "either folklorist or translator Lesnaya".

In the letter as of 25 February he wrote:. It was rather amusing. She promised to give me the book.

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But did not keep the promise. Bazhov never saw this book, and even museum workers were unable to locate it. Bazhov was very interested in the translations. He called them "the walks in alien places". The first edition of the collection was illustrated by Alexander Kudrin. On another occasion he was disappointed with the picture of Danilo the Craftsman in bast shoes , because miners did not wear them. In Prerevolutionary Folklore of the Urals Bazhov was noted as the one who collected the texts, yet in the Krasnaya Nov magazine he was listed as their original author.

Some critics considered the stories pure folklore, others thought of it was a literary work penned by Bazhov. Unfortunately the Soviet folkloristics was underdeveloped, at that time there were no specific criteria of distinguishing literature from folklore. The question of authorship arose every time a new story was released, and is still discussed nowadays. The publisher was concerned with the title of the book and the author's name.

Skazy dedushki Slyshko , [46] as if Vasily Hmelinin was the author. Bazhov was not certain of the authorship himself.

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Bazhov said he only remembered the main plot elements and some particularly memorable details. However this position was disputed by the scholars, such as Lyudmila Skorino, Alexander Barmin and others. Nowadays Bazhov's tales are generally accepted as his own "literary work based on the Urals folklore" [13] or call them "transitional" between folklore and fairy tales.

Firstly, although the plots of the folk tales remain unchanged, the book conveys certain ideological concepts common for that time period, while folklore normally has no philosophy. As time went by, he became less depended on the folklore and more independent as a writer.

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It consisted of an introduction titled "The Watchhouse on Dumna Mountain" and 14 stories, [15] [27] based on the oral lore of the miners and gold prospectors. Skazy o nemtsakh in , a series of stories about Russian steel-makers and coiners in —, Stories of Lenin Russian: Skazy o Lenine in —, and others. U karaulki na Dumnoj gore [55] was Bazhov's essay which served as an introduction to the first edition of The Malachite Box. The first short version of the essay, included in the book, was titled "The Watchhouse on Dumna Mountain".

Starting with the 3rd edition of The Malachite Box , this essay was published in all subsequent editions. That Dear Name [60] describes how the first Cossacks came to the Ural Mountains and were faced a tribe of the "Old People" who didn't know the value of gold. The Cossacks decide to take away the lands of the Old People. In this skaz , the old miner's sons meet the Great Serpent alternative translation: Poloz the Great Snake [61] , the master of gold.

He appears before them as a man in gold tunic. The earth sank under him where he stood. The story of the brothers is continued in "The Snake Trail" alternative translation: In this skaz , a young the factory worker Stepan meets the legendary Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

He passes her tests and is rewarded by a malachite casket filled with jewellery for his betrothed, Nastyona. Stepan dies, leaving the Malachite Casket to his widow Nastyona. Their daughter Tanyushka likes to play with it. With black hair and green eyes, Tanyushka does not look like her mother at all, as if she was born to different parents. When she grows up, she catches the eye of a young noble man. She promises to marry him if he shows her the Tsarina herself at the Malachite Room of the Palace. Danilo the Craftsman hears about a most beautiful Stone Flower grows in the domain of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

He goes to the mine and begs the Mistress to show him the Flower. The Mistress warns Danilo that he would never want to go back to his people, but he insists. She then shows him the Malachite Flower. Danilo's story continued in "The Master Craftsman" alternative translations: Bazhov had plans for the fourth story, [67] but it was never written. In addition to the stories mentioned above, the first edition of The Malachite Box contained the following 8 stories: The first publication's structure was determined by Bazhov. He preferred to start with the stories about gold and gold prospectors, because the believed this legends to be of more ancient origin.

Although the tales are based on folkloric tradition, many are somewhat different from their mythological and folkloric roots. Studies show that in many cases Pavel Bazhov used popular beliefs and molded them into his own original mythology. He believed that the stories about the Gumyoshevsky mine were the closest to the original folklore.

Pavel Bazhov theorized that most of the existing mythical creatures were created by the populace to explain various unexplained natural phenomena, [72] as they are related to some aspects of miners' life. Giving as example, the Earth Cat from "Cat's Ears" is described as "two blue flames that look like cat's ears" above the ground and represents sulfur dioxide gas. Most of them were green ones, chrysolites, folks call them. Although speaking about the blue snake was a bad omen among the local miners, to see one was a good sign, and it meant that a person would find a gold nugget.

The author noted that supernatural played a bigger part in the miners' lore than in the lore of charcoal burners or blast furnace workers. Mining and mine exploration in particular were always connected with some supernatural forces which presumably helped the workers. Even as late as the 19th century, people used to say about the lucky workers that they "knew the words" and had certain helpers.

Mythical creatures in The Malachite Box are either anthropomorphous primarily female [79] or zoomorphic. The animals that appear in the stories and have zoomorphic attributes are lizards, snakes " The Great Snake " , cranes " Dikes of Gold " , ants "Zhabrei's Path" , swans " Yermak's Swans " , cats, the deer.

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All these creatures, with the exception of the cats, were depicted on the Permian bronze casts the centuries. They belong to different age groups: Poskakushka is a little girl, Golden Hair and the Mistress are maidens, Veselukha is a young woman, the blue snake is a woman, Sinyushka is an old woman. They mostly contact men, e. Poskakushka helps Fedyunka to find gold; the blue snake appears before boys; the Mistress traditionally helps single men only. The recurring characters that appear in folkloric tradition are the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and Poloz the Great Snake.

It will hurt a bit. But what does that matter? Nor were these tales told primarily for children.

It was only after the Grimms published two editions primarily for adults that they changed their attitude and decided to produce a shorter edition for middle-class families. Also, a crab announces to the queen that she will become pregnant, not a frog. But they are still, he believes, suitable bedtime stories. If there is anything offensive, readers can decide what to read for themselves.

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