It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to know. Used to encourage people to be inquisitive. A bachelor feels like a sultan. Used by bachelors when asked to explain why they are still single. The fly is small, but it can upset your stomach. Used when an event that seems insignificant to others, still bothers a person. It won't fill a fig seed.
Used to express the insignificance of someone's point in an argument. Can mean that a lover can do anything without calculating the consequences or that love has a blind eye. To the raven's eye, its chickens look like falcons.
But what has it got to do with frogs? Wrong, I know, but it was comforting. One who sows wind will reap hurricane. The English We Speak is your chance to catch up on the very latest English words and phrases. LingoHack 6 Minute English Feature:
Used to express the feeling that any baby looks beautiful to its mother. The sheep separated from the flock gets eaten by the wolf.
LAZY TURKISH PHRASE BOOK (LAZY PHRASE BOOK) - Kindle edition by Jason Farley. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or . LAZY TURKISH PHRASE BOOK (LAZY PHRASE BOOK) eBook: Jason Farley: Kindle Store.
Used to encourage a person to stay within the group as it plans a move. An ember burns where it falls. Used when expressing an appreciation of pain for the people who are close to the injured or hurt person. An over-protected eye gets the speck. Being overly careful or overprotective invites misfortunes.
What a man is at seven is also what he is at seventy. Used when expressing dissatisfaction in unchanged human behavior or the fact that one never learns from one's mistakes. The tree branch should be bent when it is young. Used to support the need to train a person early in life. It takes two hands to make a sound. Similar to "it takes two to tango". Lets water run unnoticed under straw. Used to define a sly person or behavior.
Look at the mother before marrying the daughter. Expresses the view that a young girl or a bride will eventually look and behave like her mother. Let the horse die from too much barley. Used to express the feeling that the benefits over weigh the risks. A camel for a dime, a camel for a thousand dimes. Used to show the irony when a person could not afford something even when it is very cheap, but can later afford it when it is thousand times more expensive. One who does not slap his children, will slap his knees.
Parents that do not discipline their children early on, will beat themselves later on when they learn the bad things their grown children have done. One who handles honey, licks his fingers. Somebody in charge of handling money or resources, get to keep or enjoy some benefits for himself. You can't run a water mill by carrying water. It is futile to start a business if you don't have a sustainable source or you can't sustain a life style with borrowed money.
Drop by drop, it will make a pond.
Small savings will lead to substantial wealth. Used to encourage people to save. Burning a bedcover for a louse. Used when an action taken does not match the unimportance of the situation. A boxwood comb for a bald head. Used to make a point when a person indulges beyond his financial means. The one who asks has one side of his face dark; the one who refuses to give has both sides. Used to put the shame or burden on the side that can give but refuses to do so.
The one who burns his mouth for drinking milk too hot, eats even yogurt carefully. Used to make the point that life's bad experiences teach people to be cautious. Every man has his own style of eating yogurt. Used to remind that others may have a different way of doing things and hence asking for tolerance. Free vinegar is sweeter than honey. Used to make a point when someone goes after something just because it is free or very cheap even though they would not normally even want it.
A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship. Used to remind that friendships should not be taken lightly and that one should have a long term commitment.
A knife-wound heals, but a tongue wound festers. Used to make a point that one should be careful before using hurtful language. A man is as wise as his head, not his years. Used to make a point that even an old person may not have all the wisdom. A tribulation is better than a hundred warnings. Used to make a point that one learns better from their mistakes or misfortunes rather than the advice of others. Beauty passes, wisdom remains. Used to make a point that wisdom matters more than physical beauty.
Do not roll up your trousers before reaching the stream.
Used to make a point that one should not be overly eager and optimistic about an outcome. Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. Used to put down someone's efforts or words and meaning that it won't have any effect on the outcome. It is a rude but effective expression. Empty words will not fill an empty stomach. Used to make a point that one is using empty promises without any real action. Used to make a point that things can always go even worse and one should make the best of current situation.
Every sheep is hung by his own leg. Used to make a point that every one is responsible from his own actions. Used as response against somebody with a hurtful or evil wish. It is rude and used only in a verbal fight. Used to make a point one is being greedy. It is more difficult than teaching a camel to jump than to reason with fool.
Used to express frustration in discussion. Used to caution that it is easy to invite someone, but difficult to ask them to leave. Kind words will get a snake out of its hole. Used to express the effectiveness of kind words as opposed to confrontation. Many will point to the right way after the wheel is broken. Used to make a point about second guessing after the outcome is known.
Stretch your feet according to your blanket. Used to make a point that one should spend according to his means. Used to make a point that poor talks too much about what the wealthy have. The real friend tells the bitter truth. Used to soften the blow when a friend needs to give bitter advise. One hand may be superior to another. Used to remind that one should not assume no one else can do better. To a bachelor, divorcing a wife comes easy. Used to point out that when one does not carry a responsibility, it is easy for them to give advice.
One does not cut cloth for a yet unborn child. Used to remind that one should not go far ahead of events or make too many assumptions. Bad neighbour forces one to have his own pots and pans. Used to remind that not depending on others, makes one self reliant. The one that falls in to the sea grabs even a snake. Used to point out that one may have to chose an unpleasant alternative in a dire situation. What is this diet, what is this pickled cabbage? Used to point out inconsistencies in one's behaviour or words. Fruit of a tree falls near its roots. Used to point out that children usually turn out like their parents.
The tree bearing fruit, gets stoned. Then, as you improve, you can think about how these phrases could be played with and modified to form longer sentences and seemingly natural conversations. Just doing 10 minutes on a language learning app can have great benefits. And always having access to a good online dictionary can be a lifesaver. Instead of spending hours studying grammar and reading vocab lists, just go out with your friends.
You can learn more by just hanging out with friends at a bar than with a grammar book. Laziness itself can also often make you do things. The fact that we are lazy can be great motivation to get out there and make an effort. So, if you want to do it, just do it.
If not, enjoy your laziness, no one is forcing you to do anything.
Leaving rainy Plymouth to move to cold and rainy Hamburg, Joseph has been trying to pronounce ridiculously long German words ever since. Now working at the online language portal bab. Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information. Learn while relaxing Chilling out in front of the TV can be one of the best ways to learn a language.