Grave Deception

Grave Deception: A Lesbian Paranormal Romance: Book 3 of the "Grave Delights" Series

As long as foolish people say things about their works living forever, others will mock them by bringing up the poem. An edifice is both a building and a complex set of beliefs. Jesus died at the cross, but the cross is also a symbol of the Christian belief named after Christ. This is referring to the eventual collapse of religion, though the longstanding belief in Christianity mandates that it'll be around as long as people 'need' it, as beliefs often last longer than objects themselves.

The Bible describes Jesus as a figure who was killed out of hatred for his beliefs, yet we continue to believe that he will come again.

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We celebrate holidays such as Easter Sunday to represent his reincarnation. People often use religion as a way to justify themselves. They believe that repentance and belief will send them to a heaven of eternal joy.

This belief is what impels people to preach the word of the Bible. They rely on this idea of eternal glory past the end of their lives.

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By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. A grave deception Ask Question. You'd think, but no They'll both collapse, but mine takes even longer till it goes I was back then, as now, despised and hated Yet I continue to be reincarnated So long as men do dream of easy glory So long are men inspired to relive my story Who am I?

Edit -- A Hint: Look deeper to find the scheme of the riddle. Big Black Box 3, 14 Are you Charles Ponzi? Here I lie, so famously Master of the edifice they named for me The 'Ponzi Scheme' as hinted at in your You'd think, but no They'll both collapse, but mine takes even longer till it goes A reference to a 'pyramid scheme' - a similar but different! By contrast, Ponzi schemes can survive simply by persuading most existing participants to reinvest their money, with a relatively small number of new participants" I was back then, as now, despised and hated Yet I continue to be reincarnated Charles Ponzi was a notorious con artist, deceiving many in his life So long as men do dream of easy glory So long are men inspired to relive my story A Ponzi Scheme, cleverly executed, would be a source of easy money for those who would endeavor the risk.

Yes, the pun was intended, as is hinted at by the title of the riddle, which contains another double entendre. Also, "reincarnated" refers to spoiler: I figured that was what you were going for there, wasn't sure if that was covered in the last two lines already, though. Daphne B 3, 10 Whoa, I never would've thought of that!

However I like that you made use of some important clues, even if not exactly in the way I intended They have never lived under a plantocracy or know what it means not to vote or denied the right to choose which trade union to belong to. They grew up knowing the Antigua government owned all the lands in Antigua Since , Caribbean people have gown up with, in the main, a black professional and political elite charged with administering the islands of the Caribbean.

Grave Deception: Inspired by a True Murder

One could say, a reactionary Black Power, interpreted as blacks replacing whites as ministers, managers and administrators and advisors, have been quite successful. For most people living today, their only knowledge of colonialism is what they read in books or from stories told by their great grandparents. It is an admission of colossal failure on their part.

And that, in the Caribbean islands, might not be happening, but it can. And the political parties are seeing to it that this kind of politics never happens. It is characterized mainly by mudslinging, sensationalism and pursuit of trivia. Every five years, a cornucopia of election campaign promises is routinely made. People participation is limited to cheering at election rallies and a ten-second act of voting every five years. Government is reduced to Prime Ministerial dictatorship.

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Long term issues of development are hardly ever on the agenda of popular discourse. Since independence, nevertheless, the Caribbean people have continued to demonstrate their displeasure with the restrictive conditions into which they have been forced. On every occasion, except for when a mass movement and a general strike in Antigua brought down the Bird government and the triumph of the Grenadian revolution ended the rule of Eric Gairy, governments were successful in temporarily halting popular rebellions in places like Guyana under Forbes Burnham, Trinidad under Eric Williams and Jamaica under Hugh Shearer.

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The same in Antigua and Barbuda! The truth of the matter is that State sanctioned violence and murder was significant in the arsenal of State repression. Nothing prevents its reoccurrence. Today, , as in and in , we still have to ask what does independence require of us? The economic problems and the attendant social problems have multiplied. Here are a few mentioned in the speech by Norman Girvan referred to above. Second, the insidious and largely invisible influences of money in politics and the determination of state policy.