Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications (Image Processing Series)

Image segmentation

Cappellini Image and Video Colorization; L.

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This process continues until all pixels are assigned to a region. Product pricing will be adjusted to match the corresponding currency. The following is a brief overview of some of the main research ideas that current approaches are based upon. Against common belief, computers are not able to match humans in calculation related to image processing and analysis. Gonzalez and Richard E. The central idea is to evolve an initial curve towards the lowest potential of a cost function, where its definition reflects the task to be addressed.

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IMT4305 - Image Processing and Analysis

Summary Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications embraces two decades of extraordinary growth in the technologies and applications for color image processing. The book offers comprehensive coverage of state-of-the-art systems, processing techniques, and emerging applications of digital color imaging.

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The Bookshelf application offers access: Offline Computer — Download Bookshelf software to your desktop so you can view your eBooks with or without Internet access. The country you have selected will result in the following: Image sensing and acquisition: Intensity Transformations and spatial filtering: Filtering in the frequency domain: Complex numbers, Fourier series, Fourier transform, impulses and their sifting property, sampling, aliasing, function reconstruction from sampled data, 2D-impulse and its sampling property, smoothing and sharpening filters, selective filtering.

Image Restoration and reconstruction: Noise and properties, noise probability density functions, restoration from noise in spatial domain, noise reduction in frequency domain, inverse filtering, geometric mean filter.

Download Color Image Processing Methods and Applications Image Processing Series Book

Point, line, edge detection, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding, region based segmentation, split and merge algorithms, region growing segmentation using watersheds. Patterns and pattern classes, recognition based on decision-theoretic methods, structural methods, high level descriptors.

On completion of this course the students: Knowledge -Possess an understanding of the fundamental characteristics of digital systems used in imaging, together with general concepts of science, quantitative methods. Skills -Are able to use mathematical techniques in colour imaging and demonstrate the use of tools such as spreadsheets and specialist maths applications to solve problems in signal and image processing.

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Communication between the teachers and the students, and among the students, will be facilitated by Blackboard. None The lecturer may change the form of teaching if the number of students taking the course falls below 5 during the semester the course takes place. Re-sit examination of oral exam by appointment with the course responsible.

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No re-sit examination of the portfolio. There is continuous assessment of each of the assignments before the final submission date of the portfolio. The portfolio will be given one single grade. Admission to a programme of study is required: The following topics must be mastered from the bachelor level: