Why Dogs Do That: A Collection of Curious Canine Behaviors

Dog Books Reviews

Marty Becker on VetStreet. It's best to keep that chocolate bar out of Fido's reach. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine — stimulants that are dangerous to dogs, Greg Nelson, senior vice president of Central Veterinary Associates in Valley Stream, New York, told Live Science in After a dog eats chocolate, it might begin to drool excessively, vomit and have diarrhea. These are signs that the chocolate is toxic to the dog, Nelson said. Dogs can also experience an increased heart rate and act restless, nervous or excited because of the caffeine, he said.

In addition, an irregular heart rate can cause poor circulation, which can lead to a drop in body temperature. If your dog has ingested chocolate, call your veterinarian for advice. You should also call your vet if your dog eats a grape or raisin, as these can cause kidney failure in certain breeds. Anyone who has a cat knows that as soon as a box enters your home, your cat will turn it into a home in no time.

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But why do they seek out these confined spaces? This behavior is likely instinctual; in the wild, enclosed spaces can help cats hide from predators and stalk prey. A box can also help cats see what's coming at them, essentially helping them scan the area without being seen, Zawistowski said.

What's more, if the kitty leaves the box to chase prey or a toy, it can always return to its safe zone afterward.

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When people sweat, they rely on their vast number of eccrine sweat glands all over their bodies. The sweat wets the skin and then evaporates, cooling the body in the process, Yana Kamberov, an assistant professor of genetics at the University of Pennsylvania, told Live Science in October This system allows people to continue walking, trekking or running without overheating, she said.

In contrast, dogs have sweat glands only on their paws and noses, Catherine Carrier, a veterinarian and animal operations senior manager at Covance Laboratories, a contract research facility that partners with pharmaceutical companies, told Live Science in July It's possible that sweaty paws give dogs more traction, Carrier said. But sweaty paws aren't enough to cool off a dog. Rather, dogs mostly cool off by panting, Carrier said. Dogs have some of the animal kingdom's most sophisticated and skilled noses.

Why do cats hate baths?

In fact, their sense of smell is 10, to , more acute than humans', according to an article on NOVA. That super sniffer leads to perhaps the ultimate, albeit stinky, dog mystery: What's up with all that dog-on-dog butt sniffing? Those tail-wagging maniacs are communicating, of course. Or that's what scientists think, though there is a dearth of research to confirm that they are spreading information with their butts. What scientists do know is that dogs have anal sacs that secrete smelly, volatile compounds.

For instance, George Preti, now at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, found that the sacs emit a cocktail chock-full of trimethylamine, and several short chain acids such as propionic acid and butyric acid. His study was detailed in in the Journal of Chemical Ecology.

Why Dogs Spin Before They Poop

What those chemicals are telling other dogs is a mystery, said Anneke Lisberg, an associate professor of biological sciences at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater who studies chemical communication signals in domestic dogs. One study by Cheryl Asa, of the University of Minnesota, and colleagues found that wolves showed some particularities related to anal secretions: Adult male wolves, especially the alpha males, released anal-sac chemicals while pooping more frequently than females or juvenile wolves, the scientists wrote in in the Journal of Mammalogy.

Sometimes, wolves would deposit these butt scents without pooping, "suggesting a dual role in communication by these substances," the researchers wrote. As for what types of dogs seem to prefer butt-sniffing behaviors, one study found that, at least in dog parks, male dogs were more likely than females to sniff another dog's butt, while females were more likely to inspect the other canine's head, according to the study, published in in the Journal of the International Society for Anthrozoology. You knew it was coming… Your dog doesn't only smell other dogs' bottoms and poop in odd ways — Fido also sometimes consumes feces.

This behavior, called coprophagia, sometimes happens because the dog has a health condition, such as diabetes or Cushing's syndrome, that alters its appetite. But oftentimes, perfectly healthy dogs will eat poop. It's unclear why, but one hypothesis is that coprophagia is simply a scavenging behavior, a remnant of dogs' evolutionary history.

Another idea is that dogs learn this behavior during puppyhood, when their mothers lick their genitals to stimulate urination and defecation, and then eat the excrement to maintain a clean den. It's also possible that dogs eat poop simply because they're bored. Regardless of the reason, eating feces can be harmful, as one case report revealed: A 1-year-old female mixed-breed dog was brought to the vet because of urinary incontinence, abnormal thirstiness and an excess of diluted urine, according to the report, published in in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Turns out, the young pup had eaten the feces of another household dog, and that dog was being treated with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug called carprofen. The drug ended up in the treated dog's feces and then was transferred to the female when she ate that poop. Science doesn't have a clear answer on this one, so cat and dog lovers may forever debate whether Fluffy or Fido is brainier. But there are hints as to which fluff ball is most intelligent.

Cats' brains take up 0. Oct 21, Skyqueen rated it liked it. I learned a few things. Genetically speaking dogs are identical to wolves from which they are descended. There are no genetic "markers" that enable scientists to tell one breed from another. And above all, I agree with his statement: It is also why the dog, of all the creatures that inhibit this chaotic ark, is the one most surely infused by the spark of the divine. Jan 04, Andrew rated it liked it Recommends it for: A basic questions and answer book, but provides some interesting insight to the wiring of dogs.

Know why dogs circle before lying down? It's because in prior generations, they tended to sleep outside and have to trample down grass or hay to lie in Oct 02, Hilary rated it liked it Recommends it for: Apr 30, Alaine rated it did not like it Shelves: Miss Lasko-Gross rated it liked it Jul 24, Michi Rosa rated it really liked it Aug 11, Professor Digory Kirke rated it really liked it Sep 03, Alireza Shams rated it it was ok Mar 26, Eric rated it it was ok Nov 17, Lilly rated it liked it Sep 20, Randy Laxton rated it really liked it May 02, Rebecca rated it really liked it May 30, Barry H Rotner rated it liked it Jan 21, Annelise Lestrange rated it it was amazing Feb 28, Helen rated it really liked it Jun 13, Marcia D Barabash rated it it was amazing Nov 07, As there are a few in the pipeline already, we could be talking months before your review appears.

This is the best summary I can muster. The Culture Clash lays out the pillars of […]. Based on a podcast series, the book gives science-based, powerful, and force-free tips on how to raise a polite and well-adjusted dog. Although pet owners are the target audience, professionals will find themselves recycling her analogies and explanations when talking to clients. One thing kept going through my mind […].

Ethical toolkit for dog trainers including a well-written review of the usual hot-button issues. Will benefit professional dog trainers will benefit most. The Ethical Dog Trainer is, as far as I […]. Comprehensive review of every possible aspect of dogs. One of the most quoted body of work on dogs and behaviour, both in academic and technical circles. For the scientifically literate specialist trainer or the companion animal […].

An invaluable guide to running your own dog business: Definitely pick this one up it if you want to start your own dog business. It is jam-packed full of tips, lessons learnt and best practices. A manual on how to spot, understand, and capitalize on the myriad resistance moments from our human clients.

This book is aimed at dog training and canine behaviour therapy professionals, be they private or group instructors. I am a little biased reviewing this book as […]. If you have to choose a book about dog body language as a dog owner, pick this one. If the stuff is new to you, read it again and again, and it will transform how you understand your dog. So, not to be put in the hands of complete beginners in dog behaviour. This book is a little gem.

It has a backyard […]. Step-by-step manual for tons of dog tricks.

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It does what it says on the tin: Succinct timeline of important milestones in psychiatry in list form. This book is written in French and has not been translated to English. As far as technical language barriers are concerned, jargon is not an issue. It will be an interesting read for anyone interested in framing major psychiatric developments […].

A must-have for the animal behaviour student. Fantastic reference for in-depth, reliable, and distinct definitions of animal behaviour concepts. A worrying review of the institutional animal abuses of the food and research industries; and a summary of the ethical arguments for granting animals equal consideration. For a book written by an academic, it is remarkably accessible and jargon-free.

Any person interaction with animals would do […]. A pocket-sized review of the formal ethical framework around animal rights. It gets pretty dry. David de Grazia […]. Review of the latest research into animal cognition: A real-life-oriented review of the contemporary body of knowledge into animal welfare and cognition, with chapters on dogs, cats, zoo animals and cows among others. Very accessible style appropriate for non-specialists as well as pros. In-depth analysis of some common issues surrounding companion animal behaviour, including legal and welfare issues. Not quite for the academic, not quite for the layman: Read it if you want […].

This book does not focus on dogs but if every dog trainer and behaviourist embraced its values, our unregulated profession would be rid of the […]. She is a well-established reward-based trainer. Warning, the review below does make use […]. The book contains review articles about: Scientific classification Evolutionary history Domestication history Breed diversity history […].

Non-academics, be they owners or trainers, will very much enjoy this book. It gives them the tools to evaluate claims about dog behaviour critically. In fact, this book is […]. Peter Beekman fans or people who want to read the influential Dutch classics on dog training. Peter Beekman enjoys somewhat of a cult following in the Dutch dog training world. He is a trainer and behaviour therapist […]. You might enjoy this book as a professional if you want to reflect upon some aspects of our relationship with dogs. I would say that it is more squarely aimed at owners, though.

It does not use technical terms. This is more a professional handbook than coffee table material, its style is a little dry and technical. I would not recommend it for the average dog owner. A guide to approaching behaviour change like a behaviour analysis project. One thing is for sure: Everyone will enjoy reading this: Handbook of behavioural medicine for cats and dogs. Written for the layman, it is a smooth and pleasant read. Step-by-step guide to the Do As I Do training methods to teach your dog new behaviour by demonstrating them yourself.

This book is quite reminiscent of […]. Anecdotes about running a dog behaviour counselling practise. Wannabe small animal behaviour therapists. I was a little disappointed with this one. Author Linda Case, […]. It was tough selecting a readership stamp, as: Informal collection of case studies by American veterinary behaviourist Nicholas Dodman. Style and contents The book […].

Interpretations often pack theory-based of commonly observed dog behaviour. The audience is, in theory, dog owners looking to debunk myths about dogs.

Why Dogs Do That: A Collection of Curious Canine Behaviors by Tom Davis

Unfortunately, it disseminates the occasional myth by itself, so to be taken with a pinch of salt. So I would put it in the hands of critical readers […]. Lively essays on critical dog questions through popular science. If you are an owner struggling with inconsistencies with traditional training methods, this book has your name written all over it. Every dog professional should read it too, though. Autobiography of a family dog narrated by the family dog himself. This book was written for entertainment, not education. It is written without jargon and does not require an academic or technical background.

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