The Erith explosion of 1864 Made in Faversham

In a strong effort was made in Zion to gather means to assist the poor Saints who wished to emigrate, and large sums of money were sent to the British Islands to assist members of the Church to this end, especially faithful Saints of many years' standing. Besides this, the Church sent for the last time teams out to the terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad to bring them thence across the deserts and mountains The 'John Bright' sailed from Liverpool June 4th.

It was intended that the emigrants this year should have crossed the Atlantic by steamers, but on account of the high price demanded for steamship passage, the voyage had to be made by sailing vessels as in previous years, so that those of only limited means could be accommodated.

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HI Royal Highness erenlni. A Swedish couple were married during the voyage. The Times of London , England , - Due to the explosion, the roof of the hall was blown away over 50 metres to a forest. Tho rushed down to tho scene itself by railway in the tide, whilo the rest of tha gap was From an early hour in the morning until dark confidence, of the friends of and set himself to the fears or the liberality of the wealthy to pur.

During the voyage there was very little sickness, and only an aged sister from England, who was sick when she went on board, died. A Swedish couple were married during the voyage. The captain was very kind and obliging towards the Saints. The company arrived safely in New York July 13th, and on the following day was conveyed by railroad westward.

The company arrived at Laramie, miles from Omaha, July 23rd. At that time, Laramie City was the western terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad, and also, temporarily, the outfitting place for the journey across the mountains with teams. Elder Folkmann acted as leader of the Scandinavians in this company and also as chaplain for the whole company. Two Swedish emigrants died on the journey across the mountains. The inadequacies of the.. Two barges, the Harriet and the Good Design , had arrived from the firm's manufacturing plant thirty miles away in Faversham, and workers were busy unloading their two hundred barrels of gunpowder.

It was a peaceful site. The company had purchased eighteen acres of land surrounding the magazine and the only nearby buildings were a magazine owned by the Lowed Company located just fifty yards from Hall's, and three cottages used by employees of the two firms. The sea wall was reduced to dust, and glass and plaster-work up to ten miles away was shattered. Every man and beast within fifty miles was startled by rumbling many presumed to be caused by an earthquake.

Police Sergeant Cox was getting out of bed at his home in Erith when he heard the explosion.

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The Erith explosion of Made in Faversham - Kindle edition by John Smith. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Erith explosion of Made in Faversham at Read honest and unbiased product.

He guessed a magazine had blown up and, after calming his wife, he set off for the marshes, gathering other helpers as he made his way through the village. The dust had settled to reveal a desolate, lunar-like landscape.

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The two magazines had disappeared. The barges Harriet and the Good Design had also vanished. The three workmen's cottages were in ruins. Seconds later his home tumbled down. Silver was found dazed and badly cut, but survived. His young niece, Eliza Osborne, 8, was staying with him and suffered terrible injuries including a fractured skull. She was tended by the medics and sent to Guy's Hospital, where she died ten days later.

Two labourers, John Hubbard, 53, and John Eaves, 26, had been collecting tools from Silver's outhouse when the building collapsed. Hubbard, who had buried his child a week earlier, was killed instantly. Eaves died in Guy's the following afternoon. The men were not employed by the gunpowder manufacturers, but worked for a contractor repairing part of the sea wall. Elizabeth Wright, 13, was rescued from the wreck of the third cottage, but was in a critical condition.

The doctors carried out an emergency operation on the spot, but despite their efforts she died shortly after arriving at Guy's.

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In all the doctors sent nine casualties to Guy's Hospital, and of those three died. The trek to Guy's could not have helped their chances of survival. They were carried by makeshift stretchers, including old doors, to carts and wagons that took them to Belvedere Station.

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Here they were put on the train to London and then conveyed to the hospital. The injuries included severe burns, fractures and lacerations, and the journey must have been tortuous.

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Exactly what triggered the disaster is unknown: It seems likely the initial explosion was on board a barge and that the flying debris ignited the neighbouring barge, the hundred-pound kegs of gunpowder at Hall's magazine, and finally the ninety barrels in store at Lowoods. The results were devastating.. The magazines had been located just twenty yards from the Thames, and the force of the explosion had reduced yards of the river wall to rubble and caused severe damage to a further yards.

Luckily, it was low tide,… Major General Warde had organised a detachment of 1, sappers and artillery troops. The new wall gradually began to take shape, and the soldiers and navvies managed to keep it just above the rising water. High tide came and went, and the wall held The Erith explosion caused widespread consternation. It revealed the dramatic power of gunpowder and showed how it could put whole districts at risk.

From Les Merveilles de la Science, published The grave marker in Faversham cemetery for over people killed in a huge gunpowder explosion on 2nd April near Uplees. Firecrackers Schwarz, Berthold, German clergyman, alleged inverntor of gunpowder, or , engraving, 19th century, friar, monk, alchemy, explosion, , Additional-Rights-Clearances-NA After the gunpowder explosion in Delft October by Van den Eeckhout.

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In attending the banquet, John and Fides carry out revenge on both friend and foe. Everyone dies in the resulting gunpowder explosion.

EECKHOUT, Gerbrand van den WorldCat After the gunpowder explosion in Delft October by Van den Eeckhout An aerial firework explodes with a shower of bright streaks created by gunpowder in a pyrotechnic device that was shot into a dark sky that is the background for this aesthetic display. The original 15th-century building was damaged first by a gunpowder explosion, later by a fire and then by the earthquake, so that the structure View of Delft after the Explosion of the Gunpowder Arsenal on October 12, Wood engraving, American, 19th century.

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Colourful explosion of big fireworks and rockets at the annual Plymouth Firework Competition and Display England Catherine wheel type lights A historic cannon facing out to sea on Southsea seafront, Portsmouth, England Fireworks from Littlehampton Bonfire Society's 65th Anniversary Celebrations in Taken from the beach on Olympus camera and lens. Barrel of explosives Schwarz, Berthold, German clergyman, alleged inverntor of gunpowder, or , engraving, 19th century, friar, monk, alchemy, explosion, , Additional-Rights-Clearances-NA Sparkles Beautiful Fireworks Explosion beautiful fireworks Mining in Idaho, circa - Removing a River Obstruction by means of Bags filled with Gun powder An aerial firework explodes with a shower of feathery streaks created by gunpowder in a pyrotechnic device that was shot into a dark sky that is the background for this aesthetic display.

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Black gunpowder abstract background fireworks gunpowder firecrackers from Spain celebration Macro shot of retro granulated gunpowder used during the World War 2. The explosion of the bridge of the Elster full the retreating French troops. The explosion of gunpowder stores at Holbeach House in Staffordshire, the hide out of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, which injured Catesby, 8 November Wood engraving, 19th century.

Fireworks Display- website header panel Kwan Loong - Famous Over the Seas An aerial firework explodes with a shower of bright streaks created by gunpowder in a pyrotechnic device that was shot into a dark sky that is the background for this aesthetic display. Black gunpowder on white background fireworks gunpowder firecrackers from Spain fest fireworks Ruins of the jetties on the river Swale used for the loading of Gunpowder and TNT near Uplees in Kent.

Some tonnes of gunpowder exploded in the hall measuring times 50 metres in the Czech Policske strojirny machine works in Policka, Czech Republic, September 9,