Onorare il fiore dellamore (Italian Edition)

E voi che siete state amate solo dai vostri vecchi sposi, coricatela nel suo letto. E tu mi assistano gli dei sei ugualmente bello: No, tu non hai tardato molto: Si provi a sommare i granelli di sabbia nei deserti d'Africa, le stelle che brillano in cielo, chi vuol contare i vostri mille e mille giochi d'amore. Godetevi il piacere e presto fate figlioli. Voglio che un piccolo Torquato, tendendogli le mani dal grembo della madre, dolcemente, le labbra schiuse, al padre suo sorrida. Sprangate le porte, fanciulle: Ma voi, dolci sposi, siate felici: Do you see a typo?

Lettere a Pasolini October New York City, NY. University of Wisconsin - Madison. Book Review February 1. Convegno Internazionale Saba extravagante. International Symposium Renato Poggioli Moderator and Round Table Participant October 6. University of Connecticut, Storrs. Georgetown University at Villa Le Balze. Italian Literature and England.

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Reader of the Signs of History. Yale Italian Poetry October 3. Convegno su John Fante. Istituto Italiano degli Studi Filosofici. The Virgin Mary in Italian Literature. Central Connecticut State University. An Homage to David Maria Turoldo. Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University.

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Inferno XXI May 1. Biblioteca San Matteo degli Armeni. Pontifical University of St. Poetry, Theology and Philosophy in Conversation: The Man and the Verbum Symposium: Of Places and Tastes: Between Theory and Practice. International Conference on Romanticism.

Imagining the Italian Nation: International Conference on Romanticism: Romanticism and the City. Eliot Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco State University. Moderator April Symposium on the Legacy of Renato Poggioli. Modernist Studies Association Conference. University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill. Symposium Petrarch and the European Lyrical Tradition: Eighteenth Barnard Medieval and Renaissance Conference: David in Medieval and Renaissance Culture.

Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Midwest. Round table in honor of Robert S. Dombroski April Chair of the sessions: Chair of the session: Le dimore della poesia. The Worship of St. Modernist Studies Association Conference: Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Leopardi and Modern Aesthetics. American Association for Teachers of Italian. Italian Literature from Dante to Levi. Italian Poetry Society of America February Chair of the session Il sacro e la letteratura: Riscritture bibliche tra esegesi, invenzione e parodia October Sixteenth International Ezra Pound Conference.

Spectacle and the Italian Women Film-makers July Fifteenth International Ezra Pound Conference. Il rinnovamento del codice narrativo in Italia dal al Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium. Fourteenth International Ezra Pound Conference. Twelfth International James Joyce Symposium. Corinna Del Greco Lobner. The Poetics of the Word. Canadian Society for Italian Studies. Eleventh International James Joyce Symposium.

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Conference on The New Voices of a Generation: Second Annual General Conference on Medievalism. Annual Names Institute First Conference. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Fox Cities Book Festival. Art Sight Studios — Galleries: Chazen Museum of Art. Poetry Reading on the exhibit Offering of the Angels April Fordham University at Lincoln Center. Poetry Reading Oganizer May Italian-American Symposium April Italian Institute of Culture.

Homage to Giacomo Leopardi November Italian Poetry in America in Italian April American Association for Italian Studies. The College of Charleston. Italian Poets in the United States. Omaggio a Montale May 3. Pasolini Futures an International Symposium April Box , Tallahassee FL mpietralunga fsu. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.

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In altre lingue Dansk Nederlands Svenska Modifica collegamenti. S'ode musica dall'altra sala. I shall leave you. Mentre Alfredo proferisce le ultime parole, entra suo padre. Le lacrime delle cose.

When we call upon the stars, nothing is hidden from us, and we can tell you all what the future holds in store. Flora ed il Marchese si stringono la mano. Gastone ed altri mascherati da mattadori e piccadori spagnuoli entrano vivacemente dalla destra. Fine - I'll make you pay for this. It's a bare-faced lie. Take care, my dear Marquis, or you'll be sorry, I swear.

ALL Come, come, whatever's happened shall be veiled by the past; what's been has been, think only of what's to be. Flora and the Marquis shake hands. Now from the right, Gastone and other men, dressed as Spanish matadors and picadors, enter. We've just arrived to join in the fun of carnival time in Paris; if you'll hear our story to the end, you'll know what great lovers we are. Tell us, tell us: Piquillo is a strapping young man. A matador from Biscay: He fell for an Andalusian lass, madly in love fell he; but the stubborn little miss answered him this way: Or pria tentiamo della sorte il vario umor; la palestra dischiudiamo agli audaci giuocator.

Gli uomini si tolgono la maschera: Gastone si pone a tagliare; Alfredo ed altri puntano. Entra Violetta accompagnata dal Barone. Flora va ad incontrarla. ALL Yes, with carefree gaiety. Now first let's try the humour of Fortune; we'll open the ring to the dauntless gamblers. Some of them walk about, talking together, while the others prepare to play. Come, now we can play. Gastone cuts the cards. Alfredo and others place their bets. Violetta enters, escorted by the Baron.

Flora goes forward to meet her. Il Dottore si avvicina ad esse; il Marchese si trattiene a parte col Barone; Gastone taglia, Alfredo ed altri puntano, altri passeggiano. Flora e Violetta parlano fra loro. Do you see him! Grenvil approaches the two women, who are talking together in a low voice. The Marquis remains to one side with the Baron. Gastone deals the cards while Alfredo and various others bet. Still other guests are talking slowly here and there about the room. He places his bet and wins again. ALL He wins every time!

And with the gold I shall return happily to the country.

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I accept your challenge. Take pity, dear God, take pity on me! Really, luck is on Alfredo's side! Escono tutti dalla porta centrale; per un momento la scena rimane deserta. Poi Violetta rientra affannata. All go out through the centre door; for a moment the scene is deserted.

Then Violetta returns, distressed. Will he listen to me? He will come, for his bitter hatred will bring him, if not my voice. What do you want? Enough - do you think I am such a coward? Ecco l'unica sventura - ch'io pavento a me fatale! Would such a misfortune frighten you? That is the only misfortune which I fear - for it would kill me too! What do you care? Forget a name which is dishonoured. Va' - mi lascia sul momento - di fuggirti un giuramento sacro io feci.

Or tutti a me. Tutti gli invitati, perplessi, ritornano nel salone. Go - leave me this instant - I took a sacred oath to leave you. Everyone - come here!

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All the guests, bewildered, return to the salon. ALL You called us? Io cieco, vile, misero, tutto accettar potea. Tergermi da tanta macchia bramo. Qui testimon vi chiamo che qui pagato io l'ho. Con furioso disprezzo, getta il borsellino ai piedi di Violetta. Violetta sviene nelle braccia di Flora. Mentre Alfredo proferisce le ultime parole, entra suo padre. Di donne ignobile insultatore, di qui allontanati, ne desti orror! Va', va', ne desti orror! Di donne ignobile insultator, ecc. But there is still time!

I wish to cleanse myself of such a stain. I have called you here as witnesses that I have paid her all I owe. With furious contempt, he throws a purse down at Violetta's feet. Violetta faints in the arms of Flora. As Alfredo is speaking the last few words, his father enters. ALL Oh, what a terrible thing you have done! You have killed a sensitive heart!

Ignoble man, to insult a woman so, leave this house at once, you fill us with horror! Go, go, you fill us with horror! Ignoble man, to insult a woman, etc. Volea fuggirla - non ho potuto! Dall'ira spinto son qui venuto! Or che lo sdegno ho disfogato, me sciagurato! Ma pur fa cor. Ne sento orrore, ecc. Where is my son? I cannot find him, for in you I no longer see Alfredo. Maddening jealousy, disillusioned love torture my heart - I have lost my reason.

She can never forgive me now, I tried to flee from her - I couldn't! I came here, spurred on by anger! Now that I have vented my fury, I am sick with remorse - oh, wretched man! ALL to Violetta Ah, how you suffer! But take heart, here, each of us suffers for your sorrow; you are here among dear friends; dry the tears which bathe your face. I know she loves him, is faithful to him, and yet I must keep a pitiless silence!

BARON in a low voice, to Alfredo The atrocious insult to this woman has shocked us all, but such an outrage shall not go unavenged. I will show you that I am well able to break your pride. I am horrified she can never forgive me now. Dio dai rimorsi ti salvi allora, ah!

Germont trae seco il figlio: ALL to Violetta How you suffer! May God save you, then, from remorse, I shall be dead, but I shall love you still. ALL How you suffer! Germont leads his son away with him; the Baron follows him. Flora and the Doctor accompany Violetta to her room. The others go out. Upstage, a bed with half-drawn curtains; a window with inside shutters; next to the bed a low table with a water-bottle, a glass, various medicines.

Downstage, a dressing-table; nearby a sofa; another table with a night-lamp; several chairs and other pieces. The door is to the left; opposite, a fireplace, with a low fire. Violetta is in bed, asleep. Annina, sitting in a chair near the fireplace, has dozed off. Look outside and tell me - is it still day? Annina apre le imposte e guarda fuori nella strada. Alzar mi vo' - m'aita. Il Dottore arriva in tempo a sostenerla. Annina porta dei cuscini e glieli mette dietro la testa.

Ma tranquilla ho l'alma. Annina opens the blinds and looks out into the street. I want to get up. She gets up then falls back on the bed. Finally, supported by Annina, she gets up and walks slowly to the sofa. The doctor enters in time to help her get comfortable. Annina brings cushions and puts them behind her. How do you feel? Last evening a priest came to comfort me.

Religion is a great consolation to the suffering. Your convalescence is not far off. Quale somma v'ha in quello stipo? Cerca poscia mie lettere. Curatevi - mertate un avvenir migliore. How much is there in that drawer? Then bring in my letters. The duel has taken place! The Baron was wounded, but is recovering. Alfredo has gone abroad; I myself revealed your sacrifice to him; he will return to ask your pardon; I too shall come.

Take care of yourself. You deserve a happier future. Si guarda nello specchio. Oh, come son mutata! Ma il dottore a sperar pure m'esorta! Parigini, date passo, al trionfo del Bue grasso. Allegre maschere, pazzi garzoni, tutti plauditelo con canti e suoni! Largo al quadrupede sir della festa, di fiori e pampini cinta la testa.

I wait, I wait - they never come to me! She looks at herself in the mirror. Ah, how I have changed! But the doctor still gives me hope! Ah, with this disease every hope is dead. Adieu, sweet, happy dreams of the past, the roses of my cheeks are already fading. I miss so much Alfredo's love, which once solaced my weary soul - Solaced and comforted - Ah, smile upon the woman who has strayed; forgive her, oh God, grant she may come to thee!

Now all is finished, all is over. Make way for the tamest of all who wear horns, greet him with music of horn and flute. People of Paris, open the path to the triumphant Fattened Ox. Neither Asia nor Africa has ever seen better, this pride and joy of the butcher's trade.

Light-hearted maidens, and frolicking lads, pay him due honour of music and song! Make way for the quadruped King of the festival wearing his crown of flowers and vine leaves. Annina rientra in fretta. Ah, tu il vedesti? Annina afferma col capo, poi va ad aprire la porta. What do you want to tell me? Ah, you saw him? Annina nods her head, then goes to open the door. Alfredo entra pallido dall'emozione e si gettano le braccia al collo. Colpevol sono - so tutto, o cara. They are in each other's arms as they exclaim: The fault is mine - I know everything now, dear.

I cannot live without you. The guilty one is me; but it was love alone which made me so. De' corsi affanni compenso avrai. Sospiro e luce tu mi sarai, ecc. Vacilla, come se per svenire.