Dirt Poor, Family Rich

So here are 12 successful people who started off dirt poor. Think you live in a bad neighborhood? Before Leonardo rose to fame, he had quite a difficult life. As a kid, he was poor and used to live in the mean streets of Los Angeles. Even though his youth was overrun by violence and crime everywhere, he sought acting as an escape and look where it got him. Our childhoods would have been pretty boring without this genius man. Walt Disney was raised in a farm and barely was able to make money.

He started off drawing pictures to sell to his neighbors. In one phase of his life, he was jobless and no one would hire him, his brother at that time helped him get a job. He went from rags to riches, from drawing pictures to animating his own cartoons. He slept on streets and had to support himself on his own. His parents died early which resulted his sister to be admitted in a mental hospital. But to think that the same person, escaped the chaos and went to pursue a career that was as hard as impossible.

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His success came from his struggles and the urge to improve. Jack lived in a small neighborhood with his parents being musical storytellers. In his early childhood, he failed Primary School exams twice, middle-school exams thrice, and failed entrance exams for universities thrice. He wrote to Harvard University ten times and got reject every single time. After his Bachelors, he applied for different jobs and got rejected 30 times. He even said that he would marry a waitress; I told him I wouldn't and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

I want to marry a woman who is independent and who would be more of an asset than liability. Now I'm not saying I want a Paris Hilton but I would prefer my wife at least be from a upper middle class background. There are pros and cons to marrying chicks from humble backgrounds but the cons outweigh the pros for me. When a lot of humble chicks get a taste for money, they become greedier than even some rich chicks. This is due to the fact that they grew up with nothing and now feel that they are deserve the money since they grew up poor like most celebrity divorces when a rich man marries a poor woman, she leaves with half and starts flossing with the guy's money like she's the baddest bitch.

I know I'm going to get shit thrown at me for this but I feel that this is a legit topic especially since most of us on this board have aspirations to become Big Swinging Dicks someday. With that said, let's discuss. I date girls who are rich with drive, one was worth a fortune and her dream job was GS IB. That's my kind of girl, she interned at GS too.

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  • Would you guys marry a poor chick from a poor family??

I agree with OP, to an extent; If she has the drive to get a job then as long as she's productive in her life. I'd be cool with a chick as long as she has ambition and isn't content with some part time shit job all her life. It's not about their background, it's about their own desire for a career. Let the impoverished parents live off the state, it's not your problem. Just don't marry a girl who is looking to stay home and spend your money.

By the way, the GS chick is probably looking to get knocked up by an MD and quit. Bitches hate working and that is why it's important to find one that will. Dude, don't be a dumbass It doesn't really matter what they do. Obviously you don't want someone that will just be out spending all your money on diamonds and vacations while your at the office. But come on man, don't be an idiot.

My girls immediately family is quite wealthy, think middle wealthy in a foreign country. One of her family members married into one of the top 5 richest families in her country. The dad in that family is worth a cool million. I found that out through wikipedia haha. Although I knew none of this the first year we were dating so it never factored in that she was wealthy. As for the OP, I am from a relatively poor family foreign and can confirm the practice of sending money to parents back home I plan to do that myself. I also plan to help out my spouse's parents if I ever get married if they need it.

My dad did it all his life even though he didn't have much himself.

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I guess its a culture thing. Also, I sympathize with your concern. If you're working for the money, you should get to decide who to spend it on. However, I don't think that just because someone is from a less wealthy background, they will be after your money. Again, my experience is based entirely on people in my home town so take it for what its worth. OP i think what you're trying to avoid is gold diggers, not someone from a poor family.

I feel that my taste in women is more reasonable most other than guys. There are some guys that date chicks ONLY if they look like supermodels. Others will NOT date a chick unless the chick went to the same ivy league school as them. All I'm asking for is a chick to come from a well to do family. I'm not saying poor chicks are bad, I'm just saying that I would prefer to date and potentially marry a chick who is independent and comes from a financially stable family.

I don't want her dad's money nor her money. You can call it tasteless but it's not like I'm trying to wife a hooker. Monty09, I'm very hard working and I feel that I can bring a lot to the table. You don't know me nor my personal experiences, so why judge me? So, you've dated many women that you yourself have described. I see you're still single. My question is this: How's that working out for you? As long as she can cook, im fine with it.

Unless she went to a state school or works at PwC. I saw another post where someone was making fun of PwC in a similar way hahaha. I would totally marry a poor chick if she was awesome What if she wants you to help her family out? You can't expect the chick to be living well with you while her family is still starving. A lot of people are misinterpreting my op. I have nothing against the less fortunate but I would like all of my hard work to go into my wife,kids,and my parents.

I hear some of my friends complain about how their foreign parents send their paychecks to relatives in their home country. I hear talk about their parents paying for their nieces and nephews school fees. I sympathize with them because I am also in the same boat and it pisses me off. A lot of you guys don't understand since it's not the culture in the United States. But outside of it, especially in Africa, it's common custom for the family who makes it to America to send their paychecks back to their homeland.

That's why I don't want to marry a chick from a less fortunate family. You can call me idiot or cunt but I actually want to have a healthy relationship with my wife and family without having to worry about taking care of her relatives. I have your back on this one an can see exactly where you are coming from. It is a problem in dating, I just ended up ending a relationship over several factors. One of them was the money issue, I have done very well for myself and have a good bank account and money saved up.

She on the other hand had nothing, a job that didn't pay worth anything, and some debt. Her family on the other hand had nothing also, not a dime to their name, and had a lot of debt. It is a constant fear that all of it will come back on you and you will be the one taking care of her family in the future and even as her mom gets older. I am not usually the type to judge or say that you shouldn't date somebody because of their income status or their families, but you have to be careful and make sure you aren't setting yourself up for huge problems in the future!

I may not be an expert in relationships, but can foresee out a big future problem that is just waiting to develop. It would be nice to date somebody who has a professional career and can stand alone and independently when it comes to finances. Would never marry chick in very poorly paying profession i. For same reason would never marry chick from incredibly poor background unless has a very well paying job.

All theories aside, chances are if you are from an upper middle - upper class background, those would be the general circles you hang around in anyway, hence where you would likely meet your potential wife. How about, spelling correctly and checking for grammatical errors. Have you seen your thread? It has no weight, anymore. It's interesting that a lot of people on this thread consider waitressing a "low income profession. Additionally, most waitresses are in the field while also attending school or perhaps they want a flexible job that allows them to travel.

I worked as a waitress for years while attending school. I traveled a lot, made a lot of friends, and never had that "gold digger mentality" that you all have mentioned. I have now gone on to make substantially more selling medical devices and worked very hard to get where I am today. So you might want to check your facts before you limit your dating pool. Good to see people have decided who they are going to marry in there 20s. Dream wife -- Meredith Whitney, she is such a doll! First and foremost, your logic unveils a blatant lack of experience with women and life in general.

Your whole argument hinges on the logical fallacy that not having a resource in this case money makes people go ape shit once they are exposed to it. This couldn't be further from the truth. People women especially have a much harder time letting go of things they are used to. A rich woman will have a much harder time adjusting to poverty than a poor woman will adjusting to wealth. Most girls from lower class backgrounds will have to be exceptional in some way to even be exposed to an upper class stable of guys.

Girls who have had to work their way up the ladder are far more appreciative of success and will generally have the ability to look positively and respectfully on your achievements than some daddy's girl who expects to be taken care of. The family argument also holds no weight.

I can think of very few rich families I know that don't have at least a few designated fuck ups. On the other hand, most poorer families are not plagued by gun toting, crack dealing, three toothed maniac cousin fuckers. The bottom line in choosing a mate is always going to be the potential sustainability of a relationship, joint values and that undefinable spark which romance novelists bank on, yet can't explain for shit.

You would be wise to gain a lot more experience with women before coming to these sort of hasty and for you potentially life ruining conclusions. The answer to your question is 1 network 2 get involved 3 beef up your resume 4 repeat -happypantsmcgee.

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At the end of the day, I want to find someone who makes me happy. I claim to be an independent guy and, as such, am not depending on my wife's income or family money to support whatever lifestyle I may want. These are pretty much the only coherent things I found in this thread I've dated women from extreme wealth and power, and also from the bad part of my hometown, and honestly it comes down to "Can I live with this person, for the rest of my life". I like the story of J. Rockefeller who sincerely loved the woman he married, and she's the one that helped him organize his life to become wealthy: It really can go both ways.

If two people truly love each other all the modern talk of 'compatibility' and all that other bullsit goes out the window. There are actually psychological studies to the contrary. True love will conquer everything, and with your true love you will ride on a horse over the rainbow and enter Paradise.

And even when you then get divorced and take all of your husbands money, that is excusable, because altough it was true love, you suddenly stopped feeling this true love, and when it is not true love anymore, anything is excusable. Very nicely stated though. All's fair in love and war Fuck man, what happened to the days you married a girl you actually cared about? I didnt know family 'prestige' came into the mix.

You can tell pretty quickly whether a girl likes you for you or likes you for your money, and if you can't well then you need to spend more time around woman. I don't care so much about how much she makes but I would care about what she does. You can tell a lot about a person by what their job is:. She more than likely is smarter, will be more fun, and will want to get out and do something with herself instead of just sitting around and living off you which in turn makes her WAY more interesting.

Now of course if I'm just out for a good time well then I don't give two shits about what she does. What makes you think a woman would marry you to begin with? You obviously come from a bumblefuck nontarget family trying to sit at the big boys table. It is always easier to marry a woman who is of the same social status as you. If you come from a wealthy family, it is much easier to marry a woman who comes from a wealthy family - not necessarily a must, but if you have a lot of family money and marry someone whose parents are blue collar workers, there will be tension that will eventually rise on a lot of issues.

Just as it's "always easier to marry a woman who is of the same social status as you", it is equally easy to be divorced by that wife who is of the same social status as you. Do ya feel lucky, punk? There, I fixed it for you. All you teeny boppers sound ridiculous. Worry about getting some good snatch first before you worry about your spouse to be Um, let me just say this as someone who comes from a humble background and, through my career progression, is now doing well enough for myself and likes to help my family back home She's the same woman who, when you're old, incontinent, and half-demented, will leave you to rot in your diaper while running off with a young, hot stud Thank you sofib09 and others for the mature responses instead of the immature name calling.

I too was born from humble beginnings but my immigrant parents worked very hard to get to the top. As a result, I have been living upper middle class since my teenage years. I wouldn't want my wife to have a total disregard for my family's well being but I am also not looking for her to carry my weight.

I personally would feel uncomfortable with my wife taking care of my family and I hope she would feel the same way about me taking care of her family besides her parents. I never said I wanted to get with a rich but like I said I'm not to comfortable getting with a poorer chick either simply for the fact that I'm not sure if she is attracted to me as a person or my money. The best balance for me would be chick from an upper middle class background. That way she will know the value of money and hard work from being raised in a decent household and I would not have to worry about her getting too greedy with money since she would be somewhat used to it.

What is considered upper middle class here in the United States and what country does your family come from? Somewhere in Africa I presume? Let me clarify, I would help her parents but that's where it stops there. I admit, I would feel low if I couldn't take care of my parents and she wouldn't want to.

My deal is taking care of her other relatives ie siblings. OP, lets assume you married a woman from a class that you want. And, what if life throws you a curve ball, and lets say YOUR parents need help and for whatever reason you cant help them. You will ask your wealthy wife for help, right? How would you feel if she tells you she is not interested in helping your parents because they are not her responsibility Just using your logic here And, honestly, coming from a less well-off background a girl is less likely to catch my attention because she most likely won't have some of the qualities I'm looking for.

The degree to which many of you lack basic social consciousness is astounding. Speculating on the "class" of the person you're going to marry before you've even had a single adult relationship is also fucking retarded. I've dated up and down the spectrum of "classes" random: Then again, I've also been with independent rich girls who work for their own money and insist on contributing for their share.

What have I learned? Each person is different. While certain patterns may exist, there are plenty of people out there who don't fit the mold. After years of marriage, many people develop close relationships with their in-laws. In 20 years, you will either hate them or feel like they're your second parents. You would want the same care for your parents if you couldn't afford it. Common decency isn't so common anymore, apparently. You love hard-working banker girls?

I'll go with the happy, outgoing, adventurous, attractive, non-neurotic women. I know, I know: Have you ever been with one? Most of them are as dull as their male counterparts. Some of them are attractive. Some of them dress really well. Most of the ones I've encountered get boring to hang out with quickly. And many are fucking robots.

Book - Dirt Poor - Spirit Rich: A History of the Carrucan Family - Victorian Collections

Also, a girl can be independent even if she's not on the "greatness" track see LSO. If she wants to work until we're married and then stay at home and focus on becoming the best wife and mother she can be, I'd be fucking ecstatic. If she wants to work, I'd fucking ecstatic as well. Compromise comes a lot easier when two people are happy together and genuinely care about one another. But fuck, I'm way too young to hypothesize about what makes a marriage work. All I know is: I couldn't care less about how much money my girl makes. It's all about how happy I am with her. And you also sound like you have shit for game.

This post speaks the truth. I have serious doubts half the people in this thread have ever been in a relationship let alone a serious one. That was beautifully written and it showed a lot about who you are, whole time i am reading this I'm like i wanna marry whoever it is that wrote this!!! Thank you for quickly restoring the little faith I still have in society after reading the OP- OP, figure it out.

This is the BEST response concerning this topic! How is it that a Wall Streeter has such a warm and caring heart? I dated a ridiculously rich girl who was very independent and paid her own way through school. While I know where you are coming from - dating girls with "daddy issues" can be beneficial to your sex life, I would certainly be careful about marrying a girl with "daddy issues" - that generally doesn't turn out well. Marrying a rich girl has way too many drawbacks, biggest one being they're used to certain luxuries that daddy provided and now you're gonna have to pay for it.

I understand what you are saying and that's why I would prefer to marry a chick in the same socioeconomic class as me--upper middle class. For instance, let's look at Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both of these guys cheated on their wives but the difference is that Tiger has lost half of the wealth, while the Arnold may lose some respect. Arnold married a woman who actually comes from a wealthier background than him and they had a long decent marriage.

Tiger married a nanny, who then takes half of he has worked hard for. I have yet to her about Maria Shriver taking Arnold's money. She already has her own. From what I have seen, when two people who are worth the about the same divorce, no party is taking half of the other party's money. But when a couple divorces and one is making significantly more than the partner, please believe the richer party isn't walking away with all of his or her money.

Besides, believe or not there are some down to earth rich chicks out there. Not every rich woman wants to be housewife, some actually like to work hard just like us men. At least if I date a rich chick, I will know she is not with me because of my bank account. Do you really think WSO members will find it hard to believe that some rich women like to work hard for money? This is not true, as I'm lazy as fuck. I'd be willing to bet my entire net worth that your bank account isn't going to impress anyone.

If i were to analyze your other posts I could go on and on an on like this. Worrying about dating a poor girl who is going to steal his imaginary riches is like worrying what kind of saddle he wants to mount on his unicorn. First, you said in your post that your parents are from a poor background. I understand not wanting to date someone who is welfare poor, but you said you only became middle class in your teenage years.

So what ever made you think you were better than these people? The people YOU grew up with? These are the people you will have the most in common with. So if you are classless which you are you will be attracted to similar women or at least they'll be the ones you are able to pull. Being rich does not mean as much as you think to most people. I know a few rich people who don't live lavish but are polite and attractive. You might even mistake them for dare I say middle class!

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Which one would you rather be with? You sound like a complete idiot, probably look like a hill create, and would be lucky to marry an attractive girl from PwC who can cook.

12 Successful People Who Started off Dirt Poor

I don't know about that, I think either the OP is being unintentionally hilarious with his imbecility and gracelessness, OR he is one of the most subtle trolls ever. Call me old fashioned, but the only reason I'd EVER marry anyone is for true love and wanting to spend the rest of my life with that special someone. Any other reason is just plain stupid. Have fun with your "ambitious" and "driven" upper-class gold-diggers who care nothing about you besides the size of your wallet.

I'll admit that size does matter, but it sure as hell ain't your wallet size that will get some girl dreaming of you. This is really a ridiculous question. The girls mentality is wayyy more important. I've dated relatively lower class girls, middle class girls and ridiculously wealthy girls. All of them had a different perspective on what happiness meant. Sure, the more wealthy among them closely tied wealth to happiness but I think most people do that would be why lotteries exist. When you talk about marrying a girl I seriously hope that you would know what the fuck you're getting yourself into before you tie the knot.

As far as taking care of her family, that might be something you want to discuss beforehand, just a thought. A girl from a poor family is probably not going to be smart or classy enough for me to marry her. I will only marry a girl who is hot, smart, kind, and classy and good in bed, haha. And yeah, if she's wealthy, even better, but it's not a requirement. Wealth does not equal class, but they are correlated; same with intelligence. HAHAH dumb fuckers are poor cause they have lesser genetics.

Intelligence is for the most part inherited, really really poor people are very unlikely to be incredibly smart. Incredibly smart people are not likely to be incredibly wealthy since they will find making money and business in general way too mundane, they will be like middle-upper middle class. You are correct tough that for all the talk of america being the land of opportunity, it scores pretty fucking horribly on statistics measuring ones own success in life relative to the success of parents.

Anyone saying a poor girl wont have class is shallow, sheltered and lacks a lot of culture. Get out of your bubble and see the world before you make a judgement. Poor doesn't always mean Poor could be an ambitious girl whose family couldn't provide for her and she had to grind her whole life Anyone saying a poor girl wont have class is shadow, sheltered and lacks a lot of culture.

Book - Universal De Luxe Streets Directory of Melbourne & Suburbs; Sixth Edition, 1960

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Yeah the poor girl could be very ambitious and fun OR the poor girl could still be a trailer trash piece of shit. BUT in the same way a rich girl could be smart, hot, and funny OR she could be a stupid bratty bitch that you couldn't sit through one date with. The whole point of this article is down right stupid. Every one is different. Every girl you date will be different. And trying to only date girls from one class is only limiting your chances of finding someone who you will be truly happy with. This entire thread should be ended with this: Marry a girl you love to be around and could spend the rest of your life with.

DO NOT go out and attempt to marry a girl just because she is in a certain wealth class. There are different kinds of poor. Is she poor because she majored in womens studies and works at some NGO? Or is she poor because she didn't graduate from high school?

Book - Dirt Poor - Spirit Rich: A History of the Carrucan Family

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. Either you like her or you don't. The American Dream may seem very far these days for the average American struggling to get by. But behind all the mushy idealism, the truth is there are those who live a real rags to riches lives. The following are ten famous American entrepreneurs who left their poor beginnings behind to become some of the richest people in the world.

The son of Ukrainian immigrants, he grew up in the poor Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. His entrepreneurial beginnings included selling toiletry kits to motels.

Book - Universal De Luxe Streets Directory of Melbourne & Suburbs; Sixth Edition, 1960

Sheldon attended City College in New York, majoring in corporate finance and real estate, but later dropped out to join the U. He has also started his own clothing line, Rocawear; created a record label, Roc-A-Fella records; a management, publishing and entertainment company, Roc Nation and is even part owner of the New Jersey Nets. But before all of this he was living in the Marcy Housing Projects in Brooklyn and selling crack.