Youre Happy When...

When You’re Happy, You Don’t Have to Tell Anyone

Those who are envious will never understand anyway. Everyone else can just live their life as they see fit. I was like this when I first discovered Stoicism. I wanted to tell the world. If people want to hear about it they will ask and make sure you know they have open ears. Just living your life this way will draw the people that truly want to make these changes.

The old lead by example cliche. It is so true that it seems that we are not supposed to tell others of our happiness. In a way it is really sad. Thanks for the post. I have managed to live on my own terms for most of my life. It has cost me a lot though as well. Family think i am crazy and tell me how they worry about me.

It has cost me relationships of all kinds. However i get to live how and where i want. I owe no one, anything. I feel freedom and enjoy an active meaningful life to me. I stopped preaching about this many years ago. But i love this life and have had many wonderful adventures and experiences that i could have never had otherwise. Ahh, so refreshing to hear, Chris. Thanks so much for sharing. This is the way I live my life.


When others ask me questions, I share what I can. The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.

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  3. “When you're happy, you enjoy the music but when you're sad, you undestand the lyrics.”!
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  5. If you're happy and you know it.

But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. I loved this, thank you. When I see this in other people and perhaps myself once! I wonder if the desire to share comes from an aspect of ego — a bit of pride, superiority, that kind of a thing? So easy to fall into the trap! I kayak a LOT!!! This happened to me on Saturday of this week. Well, my best friend and I were talking about religion and I was having a panic attack that day due to a new job situation.

I called her, asked her to calm me down, and she did. She saved my life. Of course, then when I calmed down, she tried to tell me the reason why I was having a panic attack. I had another more severe panic attack the next day, and I went crazy. What a great, simple insight. But I have felt that not everyone is so receptive of them, even the simplest ones. Thanks for reminding me to lead by example and action, not by words. You can be unreasonably happy.

People will notice we had changed. When we are happy we shine and empower those around us. When I have that moment of clarity or grasped a hard-earned lesson, I want to share it in order to save others the painful trial and error of getting there. The student has to be ready. I never understood this lack of generosity nor their lack of desire to spare others the pain. For those of us eager to learn, please continue to share in your wisdom.

Brilliant, and frighteningly timely. As in, nearly to the minute — whoa. This post make me think of a evangelist guy we met named William during our trip to Uluru in Australia. He was a nice guy but on every occasion during the trip he was talking about how Jesus saved his life and how we should repent from our sins and such. The bus was full of young tourist backpackers, some barely speaking English and many from different country and different religion. Some way, I was happy for him that he found himself but he was so annoying!

If You're Happy and You Know It

Was she threatened by his happiness? Was it annoying to her and she wanted it to stop? Or was it simply a free-spirited and well-meaning comment? Thanks for the post! I feel so connected to everyone. You know, I completely agree with this article, but I have found over the past year, as I have changed my lifestyle to suit me, I have often had to offer up an explanation to people for why I am not as available as I used to be. Any thoughts on this? When will spreading and sharing be good?

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It means simply that, that they are happy that someone is happy. It's more about intellectual experience that emotional one, I think. You may feel happy for this. Listen to this traditional children's song. Sing along and do the actions too!.

When or in which way is it nice and non-ego? That would be the best way! For example… When I read real stories about Nike, from Nike, and the lessons are inspiring… I am welcome to here them… So therfor my thought of this post: Really loved reading this today! If I sing when I garden the right people will notice.

Reading your post today made me realize how this is.


Mar 25, To himself, he always appears to be doing both. When something is stressing you out, you know how to calm down. Nothing is greater than hearing your favorite song come on the radio or being outside and hearing a few birds chirp. You want to help them to be happy too. Happiness is always an internal happening.

Thank you for your writings, Chris. Feeling happy is indeed a personal experience. It may just mean that you are merely chatting about a good experience you had, just like: If you go that way, do consider visiting it. But there may be some who will profit. If a word of wisdom comes to me without any cost, I lap it up without second thought. And I am sure there are many others like me. Your blog is one such source. Happiness is always an internal happening. Happiness arises in response to your thoughts or you simple presence to what is.

You cannot recruit people to make you happy or teach others how to find happiness. Joy naturally exists in each moment if you are receptive to it. Yes life can be difficult but those difficulties never have to get in the way of your joy and happiness. I also remind myself of two powerful words: My experience so far is that people seem to struggle to keep everyone at whatever level of happiness they are at. In fact, you appreciate the little things. Nothing is greater than hearing your favorite song come on the radio or being outside and hearing a few birds chirp.

The little things are what contentment is composed of -- and you recognize that. As motivational speaker and coach Tai Goodwin explained in her blog on The Huffington Post , expressing genuine joy for other people can really pay off when it comes to your own happiness:. Rejoicing with others creates an opportunity to multiply the good times you get to celebrate. By seizing every chance to sincerely congratulate other's on their success, you are creating an atmosphere for others to be willing to celebrate your successes.

Living in the moment is very important to you. Happy people know that living in the here and now is key to perpetuating a positive disposition. In his TED talk on how to be happier , happiness researcher Matt Killingsworth detailed how getting lost in the present moment actually increases our feelings of joy.

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After developing an app that measures happiness in real time, Killingsworth found that most people were at their happiest when they were focusing on the current moment. As a happy individual, you know that people -- not things -- are the true keys to a joyful existence. Physical and emotional intimacy are both important contributors when it comes to maintaining overall happiness levels.

By making sure you have an extended social circle, you open yourself up for more joy -- especially as you get older. According to a study published by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , being surrounded by a larger social circle during midlife has a positive impact on psychological well-being. When something is stressing you out, you know how to calm down. As Heidi Hanna, a fellow at the American Institute of Stress and author of the book Stressaholic , points out, having go-to tricks helps you fight off everyday stressors that you may not even know are affecting you.

Studies have shown that practicing meditation or spending a chunk of time exercising each day can not only lower your stress levels, but it can also make you a more positive individual. Burning off some steam with your best friends can also help reduce anxiety and increase your happiness levels.

Whatever method it is, you know what works for you in times of distress -- and you use it whenever necessary in order to keep those bad vibes in check.

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Recent data has suggested that people who pursue material goods -- as opposed to the pursuit of emotional fulfillment -- tend to be less satisfied and express fewer positive emotions each day. So when life throws you a lemon, you throw a party. Adopting a realistic optimistic attitude has been linked to greater success and overall happiness , and optimists even have healthier hearts and stronger immune systems. You have a sister. You may not think of your little sister as the key to your happiness or your older sister as an optimistic influence, but research conducted by the University of Ulster suggests otherwise.