Superhero Surtain: Future President of the United States Combats Katrina

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HURRICANE KATRINA humbled some of our most powerful national and local leaders, but she also inspired many of the humblest among us to unimaginable. Superhero Surtain: Future President of the United States Combats Katrina - Kindle edition by James E. Michalik, Scott Smith. Download it once and read it on .

They embodied between them all that fear and misery, hunger and longing that had haunted me on Ellis Island. Ed Hannigan , Mantlo's artist collaborator on Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man , recalled that he and Mantlo jointly came up with the characters' visual design: He gave me a lot of leeway, but it was fairly obvious that Cloak would be black and have a big 'animated' black cloak and Dagger would be white with a skintight leotard-type thing.

I am not sure, but I think I might have come up with her ballet angle. It debuted in October and was a success, prompting Marvel Comics to launch an ongoing bi-monthly Cloak and Dagger series in , with the same creative team. Costumed supervillains rarely appeared in the series, which focused on Cloak and Dagger's quest to end the drug trade completely, and frequently explored the issue of vigilantism.

After issue 11, Marvel combined the bi-monthly titles Cloak and Dagger and Doctor Strange into a monthly revival of the double-feature series Strange Tales. The title change was accompanied by Bret Blevins stepping in as both penciller and inker. Austin would briefly return, but as the series writer this time, Mantlo having ended his run with issue 6. In , they starred in Marvel Graphic Novel Predator and Prey , which was written by Mantlo before his departure from the series. Strange back into separate bi-monthly titles.

Dagger was rendered blind in the first issue, and her struggles to deal with this new disability were a major theme of the series. Austin did extensive research at the American Foundation for the Blind so he could give an authentic depiction of the physical and psychological impacts of going blind and the coping techniques used by blind people. The pair continued to make numerous appearances as guest stars in titles such as Runaways and the Spider-Man Maximum Carnage story arc, as well as starring in their own adventures in anthology titles like Marvel Comics Presents.

Cloak made a solo appearance in issues of the miniseries House of M , as a member of an underground human resistance movement. It was uncertain if Dagger also existed in the altered reality of House of M as there were no mentions of her during that storyline. They have appeared in various other Marvel Universes, one of which included a storyline where Cloak was killed. It was announced at the San Diego Comic Con that the team would be reappearing once again in their own 5-part mini-series by writer Valerie D'Orazio , with pencils by Irene Flores and colors by Emily Warren.

This crossover presented them with a chance "to have their reputations exonerated and their records sealed [if they join the Dark X-Men]," Matt Fraction explained in an interview with Marvel. Tyrone is a year-old boy from Boston , Massachusetts with a debilitating stutter and ran away to New York City when his speech impediment prevented him from stopping his friend from being shot by the police, who mistakenly believed he had just robbed a store.

Tandy is a year-old girl from a privileged upbringing born in Shaker Heights, Ohio who ran away because her multi-millionaire supermodel mother was too busy with her career and social life to spend time with her daughter. When they meet, Tyrone considers stealing Tandy's purse, but before he can, a thief steals it and Tyrone retrieves it for her.

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Afterwards, they have dinner and quickly become friends. The two teens are soon forcibly delivered to criminal chemist Simon Marshall developing a new synthetic heroin for Silvermane and the Maggia , testing it on runaway teens with fatal results. Johnson and Bowen somehow survive injections of the drug, and they flee. During their escape, the drug turns them into superpowered beings. Trying to hide his newly shadowy appearance in a makeshift cloak, Tyrone absorbs Marshall's thugs into his darkness while Tandy strikes them down with daggers of light.

During Cloak and Dagger's travels around the world, Dagger is briefly reunited with her father, Nathan Tyler , who has become a type of guru in India.

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He develops an ability to manipulate his personal "light" like Tandy, but uses it as a form of control over others to increase his own power, seemingly killing Ty when he interferes with his plans. Cloak and Dagger oppose him and he flings himself into Cloak's portal. Later it is revealed that during this time, D'Spayre had been manipulating these events from behind the scenes. Cloak and Dagger became vigilantes and hunted and killed Simon Marshall and his drug-dealing henchmen responsible for activating their powers. They first encountered Spider-Man during these events.

When their activities became too damaging for the illegal drug trade, some dealers kidnapped members of the New Mutants and tried to control them by injecting them with a drug similar to that which gave the duo their powers. For a time, they lost their powers to the heroes Sunspot and Wolfsbane but they cooperated in retrieving them when it was learned the others were not handling it well.

Kingpin wanted Dagger to help heal his wife, but Dagger refused to help him. Dagger was later possessed by Night, and battled X-Factor , and lost her sight temporarily. Cloak and Dagger played a small part in the Infinity Gauntlet saga. When Thanos used the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to sacrifice half of the population of the universe to Death, Dagger was among the superheroes that vanished. Cloak answered the summons of Adam Warlock to join a task force of the remaining superheroes to fight Thanos.

The two tended to live in churches, supported by friends and priests. Cloak has run away many times, not understanding that Dagger is fully willing to use her light power to satisfy his darkness. While on an international case, Tandy performed with Eurocirque as Lady Light and shared a romance with a supposed stowaway on a drug boat.

Dagger was supposedly killed by Shriek Carnage's "wife" while saving an injured Spider-Man, but was later revealed to be severely wounded and recuperating within Cloak's shroud, and was the key instrument in breaking up the Carnage 'family'. After Tyrone leaves Tandy's side, he is no longer able to control his hunger and consumes any and every lawbreaker, no matter how small the offense. While searching for him in churches she meets the Black Widow who she teams up with to prevent a church from being robbed.

Daredevil later appears and both assist him on a mission he received from the Punisher. Dagger becomes a member of the now-defunct " Marvel Knights " team, partnering up with many different heroes, including Shang-Chi , Luke Cage , Moon Knight and Daredevil. Natasha brings Tandy to the guidance of Dr. Strange in the hopes of finding a crazed Tyrone. The Marvel Knights and Dr. Strange locate and battle an enhanced and deranged Cloak, during which most of the group are absorbed into his cape. Strange reveals that Cloak has become possessed by Nightmare.

Tandy manages to overpower and absorb Ty's Cloak powers, freeing everyone from his cape. Though at this point he was a normal human, Ty managed to defeat the robot. The Art of Blacksmithing The Official Illustrated History Goblins in the Castle Air Castle of the South: Tuesdays at the Castle The Story of Dunsmuir Castle Hollywood Westerns and American Myth: The story of our cottages, country houses, terraces, flats, semis and bungalows This item is currently out of stock.

FREE Shipping on orders over I am happy to be me; an American!!!!!!! As I listen to the man, and watch his speech over and over, great Americans come to mind. People who transformed the ideology and the future of our country for the better. I see this in Barak Obama, and honestly, if you can not understand what he is talking about, and can not see the substance in this man, then the problem in you. He is a visionary, he transcends politics, he gives hope to everyone in this country, and he is the embodiment of what America stands for.

It doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, but the content of your character. He is the embodiment of Dr. Kings vision, and why I am so proud to be an American today. This victory will undoubtedly help to bridge racial barriers globally. I believe that we will see a lot more mixed marriages.

Great moment for America and spin off lessons to be learnt by the 'world'. Not an easy task. He will need the prayers and support of all. They said you're not invited eh. Border Security are checking necks for acute redness If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day. I haven't been this proud of the United States since Nov.

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I am very, very proud of my country and extremely proud of our next president. I am just so happy and so hopeful. Though i was not one of those, i am impressed with people who voted for the man and not by virtue of his color. I really wish people stop bashing republicans and whites. Now we will see what he will do.

I can't even bring myself to read the rest. The photos are beautiful though. Its all said and done. I really just think a lot of people who are not happy about the outcome, are upset, because they don't want to admit to them being wrong. Give this man a chance before you bash him This is the first time, I have ever voted, and Im The first time I have ever been interested in politics.

The first time I actually watch these people speak, without turning the television. This will also be the first time, that when they break through televsion programs, for the President Obama to speak, that I will listen. Its not because hes black, and so am I. At first I could have cared less, but the vibe that this man and his family gives is unexplainable If you feel nothing you have a hateful soul that you carry, and may God bless you. This is a wonderful, historical moment! The world needs someone like Obama who doesn't try to divide people-- he is someone who goes beyond color of skin, beyond hatred, beyond geography, beyond all these stupid little lines-- he's someone who can bridge communities.

Yes, it's a change, and one of the changes is that it's in everyone's interest to be constructive for the future, because as it's been proven already, being destructive isn't going to help. For the past 8 years I've been afraid to say I'm American in other countries, but now Thanks for sharing these for those of us who don't have access to U.

The full weight of this has yet to hit me. I am sitting hear rocking my baby girl to sleep thinking you can really be what every you work to be in this country. Our soon to be president didn't have things handed to him in his life and he had to do three times better than his competition to get this job. Now it is up to us all to become inspired by his life and make this world better, not just the USA the whole world. I am going to do it by spending 30 more minutes a day preparing my lessons as to better inspire my students. What are you going to do we have no excuse, not that we did before, but now there is evidence, not just ideas.

Mary America: First Girl President of the United States

The president can't really do a lot on his or hopefully one day her own. No, I'm not disappointed because he's black, stupid. I'm just sure that he, like all the others, cannot fulfill the mountain of campaign promises he made. All of you crazies who are saying terrible things about the American people or talking about LAUGHING at all the failures you expect from the next administration should be ashamed.

I am a true independent. I voted for McCain and I disagree with many almost all of Obama's policies. However, I have high hopes for Obama. I'm not the only one who gets to choose the President and neither are you. The people of the United States chose this great man and I have more faith in the decisions of the American people than any other group on earth. This is a victory for all of us. Finally, we are all living in a nation where people young and old of every race go out and place their votes.

Is this not what we have been hoping for in every election? People to fulfill their civic duties. This man truly deserves to be President after the incredible numbers of people who went out to vote. Not to mention the horrible white supremicists have finally been overcome. We are no longer above electing a black man to a high office, the highest one in the world in fact.

We are the greatest country in the world and higher taxes, universal health care, and so on are not going to change that. To the bitter, angry folks posting on this blog - I don't hate you, because you are my family, friends, and co-workers too. Let's work together as best we can, and make it better for everybody! The world is watching! You had your chance, and the past 8 years shows what you've done with it.

Greed, excess, war, bigotry. It is time for a change, and if you gotta cough up an extra 2 or 3 thousand a YEAR if you're making over k, excuse me if I can't find tears to shed for you. We need a healthcare safety net for all Americans. We are extremely wealthy as a nation, and there is no reason an accidental sickness should remove one of our fellow citizens from the productive ranks of society due to lack of insurance.

This will benefit all of us, how anyone can fail to see that is truly saddening. You have showcased the best in democracy, meritocracy and inclusiveness. India has a long way to go what with petty politicians playing dirty polical games to appease their respective vote banks. But Obama's victory allows even us Indians to dream a bit in these cynical times. We the people for the people, great photo's, All ours prayers, and blessing go's to God and him along on this great day in America , a very historical moment for us and our new President Mr.

Obama, well done, well done. However, if that should not come to pass, I hope all of you with your "We Did It" buttons and stickers will still be displaying them when the question is asked: Who allowed this mess? I am not Obama supporter neither McCain. I hope Obama can be a good role model to his fellow black americans.

I hope he doesn't turn this country into what his brothers did to the many neighborhoods they inherited and turned into a garbage heap ghetto. I have never been so disgusted with this country as I am now. The American flag will never be flown at my house. I will fly the flag of my fathers fathers father.

We have not had a a leader with that quality since Reagan, and Kennedy before him. This is a onece in a generation leader. Agree with his views or not, he will move this county forward. Because he inspires people to get involved. Even if you don;t agree with his views - get involved. Give back to the community of whi you are a part of.

This is the gift the man has. I hope those promises Barry gave in his speeches are not empty words but it will come to reality. May he serve for the interest of the people and not on the vested interest of few elites. I'm hoping for a real change not only in the US but for the rest of the world. Freedom, Equality and Democracy reign! Bill, I'm sorry you don't get it.

Maybe it is because you have never struggled in your life and come out the other side. Perhaps you have never met anyone who simply by their demeanor, education, and vision inspired you to change your life. Or maybe you have never had an experience where you thought hope was all but lost and suddenly it appeared before your eyes.

It could very well be that you have never had the opportunity to be part of something this big before. I believe, more than anything what we see is change that we can all particpate in. This is not about what he is going to do,for us but about what we are going to help him do for our country.. This is our c country. The days of the "with us or against us" Presidency ended the day we selected the new president, Obama. The divisiveness cultivated by the Bush Administration served his power but not the country.

Every American will make their own mind about our new President, but they should remember that they are no longer being coerced to support him. And Americans tend to be fair people, I think they will choose to give Obama the support he needs to be successful. It's funny how the right already are positioning to shift all the blame for "this mess" on Obama before he's even sworn in. It's kind of typical. And it's confirmation that we all made the right choice in electing barack Obama our next president. They can have their negativity. I'm glad they'll be out of power. I voted for Bush twice.

Two of the worst mistakes of my life. I hope that everyone can feel the elation I feel today. I feel I redeemed myself this Tuesday.

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Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Remember, Obama was the 99th ranked Senator in Congress; now all the members must "kiss his ring". I voted for McCain and I disagree with many almost all of Obama's policies. Barack Obama creates excitement. Police just stood there and smiled.

God bless President-elect Obama and our nation's future. Also it's funny how people ask what make Obama qualified to be president when truthfully the only person who has any experience as president is an incumbent starting a second term. Why must these folk hate on Obama when the format used is the one that has been used forever in this great democracy we have. And when the tax breaks start rolling out for those who qualify for them, will they turn them down if they don't support Obama?

They'll probably say something like "he's the president for all people. Bottom line is there is still a large part of white america that cannot bring themselves to accept the fact that come January 20, they will all be under the leadership of a black man. I believe it was Ghandi who said no change has ever happened without controversy something like that and that's true. The majority of the great people of america went out and voted for a great man and the best person for the job. Florida even got it right this time. God bless america, and the next president of america.

I'm very proud of this country and what a huge victory for Barack. I voted for the man and I knew even back during the Convention that "this is the Man who could potentially be the best President in the history of the USA! But like Barack said Tuesday night that it's going to take hard work, dedication, faithfullness and time to get us back on track.

We all should pull together as ONE nation, and not separated like we have in the past. I'm aspiring to become a teacher. Either in public or private school, hopefully in Art teaching. Obama has given me more courage than anyone to see my own dreams come alive. So Peace be with us All!!! It is with great anticipation, based on the majority of these comments, that the education policies will be a top priority. Democrats are at the plate The hope of a new era Obama was an independent. You don't have to like it but you better learn to live with it because America has spoken.

A new day is dawning and I look forward to see how far we have come and will go as a nation. People are carried away in the hubris and novelty of the racial breakthrough. But wait until the honeymoon is over. We will wake up next to our new ultra-liberal, overly-idealistic, socialist president and his cronies, as unprepared and ill-equipped to handle today's challenges as Bush. These are beautiful pictures, this is the hope the USA needs at this hard times. America has a second change to become respected again in the world for the right reasons as it was a long time ago. Congratulations for the right choice from Malaysia.

Four years ago, when Americans re-elected Bush as President, I sincerely questioned their sanities!! But understood that their "other" choice would also be disaster. Yesterday, whether you all were a McCain or Obama supporters, you cannot ignore one simple reality. Americans were able to see beyond skin colour and elect an African American President. The most memorable, the most beautiful part of it all that will forever live within my heart was watching, whites hugging blacks, old hugging young To all you americans thank you so very much!

Peace starts within the country itself before you try to preach about it to other countries Last night thats what the United States of America Stood for I have no doubts youwill go down in history as one of the best Presidents. One person alone does not change the country or make it better. The two of you working together would make the Great USA Wow, there are a lot of bitter and obsessed people here. The tone here is akin to a kindergarten playground. Since this is a photoblog I'll restrict my comments to the images, which are great as usually.

I have to say though, Callie Shell's images are amazing and will surely now go down in history as a record of the early days of Obama's story. The comments from some McCain supporters are sad. Do I hear sore losers. Remember it 's the Republican Party who brought down the whole country. Some Republicans have the gall to say good luck messing up the country. No one can take the Republicans place of defilement, greed and lust for money; special interest groups and CEO friends, who cut pay; allowed cheap labor; jobs shipped over seas.

Shall I go on. Who made the country a disdain of all nations. No one can duplicate all the historical blunders and mishaps, corruption and blatent run away partisionship. They need to redo their brand. They have become like country clubs with exclusive membership only. Thank God a new day has dawned because after 8 years of hell and living in the valley of the shadow of death we can see light at the end of the tunnel. I was happy to hear the unsuprising news on Obama being crowned as president of United State. Some where in the bottom of every individual hearts present in the entire world wanted Obama to become "The One".

He truly deserves not only to be the leader of US but to the entire world. I salute completely to this wonderful human being and wish him the best experiences and may god bless him and US and the world with Showers of millions of richness,love,strength and peace. On this great day i have taken an oath to be part in reviving US economy and world economy thereby.

An India by birth but World Citizen by nature. I am sure days will be close by for me to work in US and there by serve US the nation under this legend. I'm not sorry your 8 years of the criminal administration you vote for is coming to and end. Do you lay awake at night and giggle as you think about the parents that are weeping for the sons and daughters they lost in the war your administration lied about and is still profiting from?

I have been a republican my entire life but after Bush this last 4 years my 56 year old butt decided never again. I have never seen a party so bent on destroying poor people while enriching the rich. As a disabled Vietnam vet I'm tired of being told no on health care because of cut backs but watch Iraq with millions of dollars in the bank get our money to improve their lives. I pray even more with the nut jobs we have in this country the secret service knows they have a tough job ahead of them.

Well I'm very proud to be a black american. I am very proud of our president elect. It is a very historical event. Now is the time to really pray for him and his family. That he is guided to do what is best for our county.

James E. Michalik (Author of Superhero Surtain)

People there is no time to fight and fuss. Our president has a job to do and we need to be supportive in what ever he is trying to do for our country. There has been so much division amongst us. Lets pull together and get our country back on it's feet. We thank you and we hope you make new and good name in the world political. God Bless You my Brother. To everyone who had the vision and courage to vote for Obama, "thank you".

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I don't think I - or much of the rest of the world - could stomach another few years of Bush-era policies that McCain clearly intended to continue. Obama appears to be a very intelligent, sincere, and thoughtful President-elect, and I think he represents the change that the US needs. There's hope for our southern neighbours, after all For the last eight years we felt so distant and misunderstood. That time has come to an end now. When you come to visit our little country you don't have to pretend being Canadian anymore! I just came across this terrific photo-mosaic that features over front-pages from newspapers around the world celebrating Obama's victory:.

I voted for the first time in my life. I turned 50 on Election Day.

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Never have I been so moved to have my voice heard. Barack Obama is brilliant, kind, charming and motivating He may not be able to fix everything in 4 years but he will be a breath of fresh air. Positive energy will bring this country back together if we all unite and give a damn. He's the perfect one to lead us. We judge character based ones actions not their words. I am willing to give him a chance. When the rubber meets the road, we will see if all the effusive hype and gratuitous praise will still stand. I really hope he can make a difference for all of our sakes.

But I will not hold my breath. Le monde ne se construira pas "les uns contre les autre" mais "les uns avec les autres"! Nous sommes heureux pour vous, nous sommes heureux pour le monde. When all us said and done, neither candidate would be able to produce all promised during the campain. We have a genuine need for change. I voted for Obama, but with realistic expectations.

President elect Obama has a tough row to hoe as they say. It won't be peaches and cream and he will make some mistakes. Reguardless of who you wanted to win or whom you voted for, we have a new president and united we should support him Wow 21st century and yet we still act like its , I live in tx please dont insult my inteligence I have a degree two of them actually , America has spoken and we chose who we thought would do the best job and reunite america with the rest of the world instead of alienating it from the rest of the world like G.

No doubt this is a historical moment in black history ,but this ain't no color thing be proud regardlessof your ethnic background, now you know you can do anything its all about what you put into it. Let me be honest I didnt't have the best opinion about the US in the last few years. This is a huge step forward for America and the world. We hope and are almost sure that he won't have the same stupid ideas about our issues like the previous president.. We are in the other half of the planet but America influenses us a lot. We "envy" you for the inspirating president..

It's been a loooong time since we had a man like him standing up for our country Greece is maybe having the most corrupted goverment in Europe.. Every time I see these pictures I get emotional and proud of this man.. Not because he is younger or has different colour than the previous presidents But because of that clear look in his eyes that makes you feel safe.. I have only once before witnessed a speech that sent shivers of joy, disbelief, hope and amazement through me.

I wish you good luck with everything that comes on your path and of course the people in America. Never in my life have I experienced such a euphoric election, right from Obama and Hillary He was the right choice for the Democrat.. Then he was the great choice for the President and the White house.. The turn out for the voting was much more than my expectation.. Only shows how frustrated all were for a Change.. Good Wishes for a strong body Photo 20 was utilized on Ebony Magazine's Cover you can purchase the cover in a frame, or on a T-shirt!

And though it is a new day in America with the election of Senator Obama, the first undeniably African American President, I hope that President-elect Obama will work to demonstrate that he is more than just an eloquent speaker. The losing candidates within the primary and general elections have worked for their constituents longer than Obama. Remember, Obama was the 99th ranked Senator in Congress; now all the members must "kiss his ring". If President-elect Obama selects a good cabinet, it will keep him from looking as if he's receiving "on the job training" anyway ;.

Unfortunately, most of America didn't read it ;! I can only say that as great a moment this is This is a popularity contest based on personallities in a true Hollywood fashion. They are treated like movie stars and models, and I doubt that what they say is actually what they stand for. Some are a 'lil bit country and some are a 'lil bit Rock 'n Roll!

Brilliant pictures , simple awsome I began reading a good majority of the comments left on this page, starting with number two-hundred and twenty. What I have noticed is that many seem to think Obama is going to change things that have gotten worse over the past several years. What I don't understand is how with a congress that did not see much change, how these people think anything will appreciably change in the near future.

The President has little power to change laws that have caused the problems in America. Secondly, I notice that many of you, some of which have been putting down others comments, need some lessons in grammar and writing. Please, if you are going to make a post which many are going to read, try not to look like a buffoon. Something I had written for myself after the Texas and Ohio primaries.

Now America has grown up and is having her graduation celebration. This was some time ago. At this point in time, after the Texas and Ohio primaries, and after what can be considered a Presidential speech by Barack Obama about troubled America, media has quoted, analyzed, given much opinion, and judged where these two Democratic candidates have arrived. Certain results are apparent.

These concern strategy and motivation. These two words themselves define how each campaign has been run. On the one side, the feeling is that every possible difference in voter base, such as apparent animosity between Hispanics and African Americans is to be exploited. The strategy is of calculation and manipulation, the motivation is the desired outcome no matter what. On the other it is that all groups no matter what their differences are, should be united.

The strategy is forward-looking motivation. Our democratic process allows a vote cast by someone who has given much thought based upon his perception of a candidate, to be canceled by the vote of someone else who may not like the color of his tie. Here is an unspoken reality: These levels transcend all ethnic groups, are hopefully dynamic, and movement from one level to a next higher is mostly generational. On this cultural curve we find those who have judged and accepted ideals that have gone beyond issues, however important they are, to embrace the positive credo of Barack Obama.

Polls have shown that these people tend to be the more affluent and educated voters. This group will applaud the recent speech on Race as being a truly wonderful and courageous event. Obama has tried to appeal to integrity and basic human values. At an opposite end of voter awareness will be those that may not yet be able to judge valid parameters, and are easily influenced and persuaded by persistent targeted negative media coverage involving Jeremiah Wright Jr.

The Clinton campaign think the 3am telephone TV bit is addressing and expecting a response from a negative mindset. This is democracy of the lowest common denominator. Here is a strange paradox. Those who would benefit the most by the ideals of Barack Obama are the least able to perceive the answer to their need. If there is a question about experience, another question should be asked. How could Obama, who little more than a year ago was almost unknown to many Americans, be able to create a campaign structure that is so effective and self-sufficient?

No man or woman can be all things to all situations. But he can take the lead and promote the environment that nurtures the most studious response possible. This should be seen as an indication of how he would affront the many issues facing him as President. His campaign is not run on influence and favoritism. It is run on passion. People want to be led by someone who believes in himself and his ideals. One word may describe the aura of Barack Obama.

Elegance in the sense of clean and clear guiding standards. People respond to this. It is an internal human realization in the same way that one responds to something obviously beautiful that people create, whether it is music or art, or the resonance of compelling thought. Barack Obama creates excitement. His purity and eloquence are a beacon that attracts the young and the hopeful, that will attract the competent experience of like-minded political co-workers to his side, and that will shine to a hopeful world proclaiming that America has regained her former ideological place.

A God of a place of worship, surely, but also a God of self-determination. This God is evident in what people create and what they transmit to others. This God is evident in what people hold important and try to preserve. This God is not some being outside of us to be worshiped, but resides within ourselves. God bless us all Let us Hope that America will allow herself to be blessed. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible.

These are better times for ALL of us. We are filled with HOPE and the speculation that life will be be better for the masses I am proud that he made it.. I'm British and very excited by the American choice of Presidency, trends in Britain be they economic, social or political often follow the American trend; and in this mess we call the 21st century this choice has given people around the world something we lacked.

Nice picture maybe this will be the time to change between the black american and the white one.. GOD is really so Good Obama has been compared to Keneedy and he is comparable everyone loves him and he is not even President yet. He has a very human side, he is willing to come down off the hill and get his hands wet with mister and misses everybody. I do hope he does not change and keeps that side we already love. I am a Singaporean living in Switzerland. Your country will certainly rise up again as a united and strong nation under the leadership of President Obama and Co. You can do it. This man will change the history.

Best thing that the american people did in the last 8 years. The best birthday I could ever have, to see the world change on a day I will never forget, the world coming together guided by a man of light who is changing the fabric of reality forever! We are all one!

Obama you are love, thank you! President Elect Obama represents a new chapter in the evolution of our country. May The Lord guide his steps most gracious and wisely. You gave the world a great lesson today. I just hope we could learn about it. Congratulations to all of you, it's the proof we can do something together. If he proves all his words defenetly the whole world never forget this man ever I am an Indian and never ever had this much intrest in US election and inspired too but this time this man did something.

I can say only one Americans are really lucky fellows. A change is what America needs at this point of the time.