Create your Website with 30 Minutes of Work - The Easy Way - No Design or Coding Skills Required

10 Best Steps Guide on How to Become a Web Designer

Nicholas Ford 1 year ago. Ujjwal Singh 1 year ago. Hey,thank you for writing this cool article. TomN 1 year ago. So I upload the different layouts examples that they can choose from? Jeremy 1 year ago. Hi TomN, Thanks for reading and joining the discussion. What you are looking to build is beyond the scope of our discussions here. It is possible but you'll either need to be very proficient with coding or have a healthy budget to hire a capable developer to assist you with your efforts. The reason is that the project you have seems like a very customized project.

Esther epelle 2 years ago. Good day, my name is Esther. Jeremy 2 years ago. Hi Esther, Check out the list of drag and drop website builders on this page. You don't need to know how to write or edit any codes and you can still build a good looking and functional website. JP 2 years ago. Superb article, which I would also use to describe the other articles and reviews you have created for building a web site. I've understand that Shopify is your primary recommendation for an ECommerce site. I'd like to see the capability of various vendors availing of our site's services to post and sell their products.

Can Shopify handle this as well? Thanks for helping a lot of people! Wishing you more success. Hey JP, I don't think Shopify has the capability for third party users to post products and sell them like a marketplace such as eBay. I believe there are marketplace builders out there that enable you to create a marketplace. Try Googling for it and I'm sure a few will pop up? Sri 2 years ago. Hi Jeremy, It's a fantastic article. I admire you the way you articulated this. I am planning to build a website.

It would be more like, subscribers can post a question and the reply to this question feed will comprise an attachment that needs to send to a specific mail id. Could you please suggest me which website builder suits most for this use case? Hey Sri, It sounds to me that you're looking to build a forum of some sort. Wix's app market offers a forum function free where you can build an online community. Take a look at our guide on Wix's app market. Search for "Forum" when you get to Wix's app market page.

Scribner 2 years ago. Hi, I love your writting. Your post is very much helpful and informative. Keep up the good work and present us your best. Hi Chris, We actually used WordPress to build this website. Our website is focused on blogging and so we used the best, most flexible platform for this purchase.

Building Websites

Having said that, we've heavily customized this websites since we're now proficient with coding. If it was 6 years ago, we wouldn't be able to do what we are doing now. We started making websites in 6 - 7 years ago and didn't know anything about coding. It took us a few years to become more proficient with coding, with a lot of practice. So during the first few years, we relied on code-free, drag and drop website builders for all of our projects. They were great since we didn't need to be technical at all, and we were able to build businesses. So if you want to build something similar to our website, I'd suggest you learn how to code and practice a lot.

Eventually you'll get there! Hope this explains things a bit! A S 2 years ago. Hi Jeremy, Great article. From your experience, how do most small businesses that are looking to build their online presence? Do they purchase a domain name or start with a website builder? Hi A S, Picking and purchasing a domain name and start building your website go hand in hand. What usually happens is that you test out a few different website builders to see which one you enjoy working with and has the tools that you are looking for.

During that time, you can also start your search for your domain name. This is usually your business' name or brand name. We have a domain name guide here. Once you settle with a website builder and decide to upgrade to a paid plan, you can then connect your domain name to the website. Each website builder will have tutorials on how to do that.

Stu Buckingham 2 years ago. I agree with Jeremy. The purchase of the website should really go hand-in-hand with the business startup or company formation. Many startups think it doesn't really matter to get that best domain name, whether it is an exact match keyword, or a brandable name keyword, until after they've started up the business. This is so backwards thinking. Your domain name should be an integral part of your business and development plan, if any significant part of your business is going to come from your online presence.

Taken to the extreme, if you are an online marketer, you don't want you domain name to be AppleTurnover. It needs careful planning. Of course depending on the size of your business. Richard Newcomb 2 years ago. Hey Jeremy, Awesome article. I especially like the flow and the logical approach that you took to educate people. This is the article I point clients to, to get them up to speed before starting projects. I think it's important for them to know how their products work. While they aren't making their own sites, it definitely still fits the bill. Also, I'm curious as to what you think about WooCommerce these days.

I didn't seem them on the list in the other article you wrote "Best Ecommerce Software". Anyways, I've been sending my clients here for a while now and just want to give you a shout out at a job well done! If you are able to send me an email, I do have a question I'd like to ask if you have the time. Hello Richard, Thanks for your comment and for your support! WooCommerce is a solid ecommerce tool they were purchased by WordPress last year, I believe. They're flexible and you can bolt on a lot of different tools, but the downside for a "typical" business person is that to use WooCommerce and WordPress well, they'll need to invest more time into learning and managing the tools, or hire someone knowledgeable for help.

A lot of new small businesses just don't have the mental bandwidth and time to learn the in's and out's of operating a WordPress site efficiently and effectively. The article you mentioned focuses more on hosted ecommerce builders, versus platform where you need to get your own hosting services and there more technically and administratively challenging for users. We did highlight WooCommerce briefly in this guide where we dig into the differences between hosted and non-hosted ecommerce platforms.

Ah, now it makes sense. Totally understand how that doesn't fit now. I also like how you phrased "mental bandwidth".


That definitely seems to be the case with most businesses that I work with, especially startups. The other thing you mentioned that I really like is "typical" businesses. I think that all too often when people think businesses corporate America comes to mind. Most businesses are normal people running shops and trying to stay afloat in a digital sea. So, I wrote something on a similar topic, and I don't want to spam you with a link or anything like that. I was actually looking for feedback on it.

If you're interested at all, shoot me an email. GREAT job on this site. It's obvious that you all dropped a lot of time and effort into your site and articles. Farroq Hossain,MBA 2 years ago. Theo 2 years ago. Thanks you for this. I want to start but don't know great things. Do you think weebly can provide all the support I need? Hey Theo, Generally speaking, Weebly is a solid website building platform. You don't need how to code, their probably one of the most user-friendly web builders, and their support is good.

Best way to decide is to sign up for a free account and start testing their tools. You're not obligated to subscribe to a premium paid plan at all. You can upgrade whenever you want to, and only if you find them being to provide the tools and services that you need. Good article - but to make my choice easier, i must say this web site is awesome. What website builder did you build this site on Jeremy? Because all other website templates from the builders that i see operate nowhere near as good as this site.

This site looks great in all devices, it runs quick - looks really professional and has so many features that i see. It just works well. The others look good on the surface but when you realy start to see how they look changing browser window and how they run and load this web site is light years ahead.

So which website builder did you use for this site? This would be my choice for sure.

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  • 10 Best Steps Guide on How to Become a Web Designer.

Noah 2 years ago. Hi Jeremy, nice info Noah, If you are trying to create a site that has matching functions, sort of like a dating site, I suspect those types of functions are proprietary so they custom coded those features from scratch. I'm not aware of any website builders that can cater to that. Hi Richard, Thanks for your comment. Making websites is just like any new skill - it always "feel" more difficult than it really is! With the right tools, it's really not as challenging as most people think.

Good luck with building your website! Richard 2 years ago. Getting started just feels a whole lot easier now! Elaine 2 years ago. I am still a little confused but this was helpful and has given me some ideas to look into before I get started.

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Hello Elaine, Also take a look at our website building checklist to get a deeper dive into what you need to build your first website. That might be helpful to you as well. Kakkoiikun 2 years ago. Hello Kakkoiikun, Yup, they are. Weebly is very user-friendly and is suitable for users of all skill levels! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Fabiola 2 years ago. Magnus 2 years ago. I was searching for instructions and even just information on how to divert from old fashioned career paths into using the internet as a business thus having unconventional income sources and making a living that way. If you're looking for more specific, step-by-step type of guide, take a look at this guide on how to build a business website.

Miguelle Manalo 2 years ago. I was just wondering if you have any idea on how to make my own Email address on my own website without using Gmail. My webhost provided me 5 email services and I don't have any idea how to make it work. I'm also just a student and willing to learn more about these things. Miguelle, Depending on which hosting service you are using, they should have full tutorials to show you how to get it setup. I think you probably need to verify that you own the domain name first, then the rest should be pretty procedural?

Check their tutorials or contact their support team for exact steps. Thank you very much for the article and the reply. It was really a great help to help me proceed with my next step. I hope you can help many people like me who are willing to learn. Shannin 2 years ago. I'm working on making a job-board type of site.

Where users can post jobs and and possible create profiles to frequently post job vacancies. The applicants should be able to filter through and search for jobs, so some sort of filteration system would be useful. If possible, I'd like for the job posters and the people searching for jobs to be able to create a profile on the website. What web-builder would you suggest? So far word press with cetains plug-ins seems to be the best bet but I'd appreciate your advice on this. Hi there Shannin, What you're looking to create is a bit too advanced for the website builders we suggested above.

You'll probably need a more specialized website builder perhaps search for a "marketplace website builder"? If you decide on the latter, take a look at our guide on how to hire a website developer. Damien H 2 years ago. These website builders manage all the hosting and technical aspects of operating a website for you. And, their platform allow you to drag and drop your content when making your pages so you don't have to know how to code.

I'd suggest testing out Wix and Weebly to start. Both are code free and have free plans for you to test. They don't have a time limit on their free plans so don't worry about upgrading until you are satisfied with them. But if you really want to use a hosting company for instance, you want to use WordPress. Vivy 2 years ago. Thanks for your informative reply. Yes, I would like to try a hosting company, since WordPress is kinda what I'm aiming for.

Yet, did some research and wish to start from a free hosting site. Found some options online, such as webhost, googiehost, freehostia, hostinger, etc. Any tips for choosing the best one? Hey Vivy, I haven't used any of those hosting services before so I can't quite comment. I've used Bluehost and WP Engine. WP Engine is more expensive, but they're good. They're a hosting service that is dedicated to WordPress users, so their support people are quite knowledgeable about WP in general.

I've had excellent experiences with them. MissPolla 2 years ago. Hello Vivy, I was in the same situation some time ago, so I tested the free hosting providers, the ones you mentioned above and even a few more. Took some time, yet saved me money. If you want to start from free plan, my favorite was Hostinger.


The purpose of this tutorial was to get you from zero to having a working website as easily as possible. This page can be really easy to create if all you want to do is link to your social media profiles. One "hack" you might want to consider is to use the website builder's search bar tool. Explore and find something you like! Make sure you leave the directory field blank — that way, your homepage will be set to your domain i. Getting your head around hosting and security is definitely one of the trickier aspects of setting up a website, I agree! Log in Sign up.

I believe it will match your requests: Since you're a beginner, having customer support is a great bonus and theirs will definitely help if you have any issues sure helped me , don't be shy to contact them. Good luck with your blog! Hope I could help. Hey, Jeremy, thanks for an informative article. I'm planing to start my own blog but choosing the right hosting provider gets me a bit confused I'm still a beginner at this, so would prefer something that would offer a free plan, at least for testing purposes.

Could you please share some hosting companies that match my requests or at least point me in the right direction where to find them? Amanda May 2 years ago. Hi Jeremy, just one more question Many thanks in advance. Squarespace has partnered up with Google Apps to offer you the ability to create custom email addresses.

The interface is the same as Gmail, which we like as it's user-friendly, reliable and secure. If you sign up to annual Business or higher plans, you get a custom email address for free for your first year. In our view it's a pretty reasonable price so you can brand your email and business or whatever you are building properly. Looks so much more professional than just using a generic Gmail address. Hi Jeremy, I've done so much "research" into making my own website and have to be honest, feel rather overwhelmed!

I'm wanting to create a website that will allow regular blogs, resources and ultimately to sell consulting services. I'm mindful of good seo but also safe storage of customers personal details. Longer term, if I wanted to move my website, and all its info, can I transfer this information to another host? Many thanks for any help. Hello Amanda, I'd suggest you take a look at Squarespace. They also allow you to export most of your content into WordPress a very powerful and popular website builder later if you want that option.

The benefit of using Squarespace now is that you can build a website without knowing how to edit codes.

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You can literally have your site up in quite a short period of time. With WordPress, it's much more advanced and technical so it's not as user-friendly compared to Squarespace. You can see our comparison between them here. So Squarespace is much easier to get setup and will give you what you need. Once you're established and want a much more advanced platform down the road, WordPress is worth considering. Jenny 2 years ago. Creating a website is like making a coffee now. With the help of awesome online website building sites like wix, it is very convenient to just drag and drop elements For a bloggers, wordpress is the best option, but they have to learn a bit about wordpress first.

After creating website, especially a blogging one, there are some necessaries like a good hosting like godaddy. Thanks for sharing your opinion, Jenny. It's helpful to our readers! Sujoy 2 years ago.

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To manage my work I've used calendar templates to schedule my activities in a much better way. It is recommeded to use a Weebly and visit getcalendartemplates. Jonian 2 years ago. Weebly is not the best website builder. Compare them with free templates from Wix or with paid ones from Squarespace — they are really worthy and beautiful web templates.

You could better try to work with another platform. I have to agree with Jonian here. Weebly is a wonderful website builder as it is so easy and intuitive to use. However, their template designs are not as good as those offered by Wix or Squarespace. Rob 2 years ago. Thank you for giving me a very straightforward and transparent approach to making your own website. My daughter is a visual artist, and she will be applying to art schools in the next year.

A website is necessary for her to show her work all still paintings to prospective art school admissions councilors and staff. What would be a good builder to use to "bring to life" her paintings and present them in a simple, tasteful and uncluttered way? And at this time, she is not going to use this site to sell her work, just present it to schools. Hey Rob, Definitely check out Squarespace see our review here. A lot of artists use their website building platform as their templates and user-interface are geared towards design.

You can also see some example websites built with Squarespace here. Yo Paulie 2 years ago. I own a cosmetics company, pre start up and I am looking at a web presence. I want to keep costs down but quality very high due to the nature of my business, lipbalm. Can I run my own video ad on a homepage of any of the drag and drop site s? I will be creating one for initial social media marketing campaigns I want it to start playing as soon as someone lands on the homepage.

Hello Paul, We have a guide on how to create a website with a video background here. We've included some suggested templates and website builders, so you might find the guide insightful. Kayla 2 years ago. Thank you so much for posting this! I found this to be very helpful!! So I do have a few questions though First off, I am wanting to build a website that advertises a service I offer, displays images in two separate galleries, can be involved with a separate calander that can be accessed from my phone and be up to date on available times to schedule an appointment, and, most importantly, can have a payment option to prepay for my service to secure a time slot with a possible escrow type function to be able to add payments onto the set appointments.

Does this make any sense? If it does, does this sound possible? Which website builder would you recommend to have access to these functions? I am just starting out so cost is also a factor, although I am willing to pay a reasonable amount of money to get this set up and to maintain it. Thank you in advance!! Hey Kayla, Have a look at Wix. They have a booking system that allows your customers to book and prepay for appointments.

Joe 2 years ago. Thanks for the article Jermey. I was looking into making a site that serves dual functions. I wanted to create an entertainment news site that also functions as an online business. I purchased a subscription with godaddy for an online shop, but the templates are pretty bland and the customization is dreadful. Is there a site you could recommend for something like that? Hey Joe, If you want an ecommerce store, I'd definitely suggest you check out Shopify.

I'm not entirely sure you want to layout your news articles, but if it's in a form of blog posts, then Shopify will work. Kevin, With website builders like Wix or Weebly, you can use them for free and there isn't a time limit. However, with the free plans, you won't be able to connect your own domain name to the website, and you will be limited to certain functions. But you can definitely publish a website.

Further, all hosting services are provided by the website builders listed above. So you don't have to get your own hosting services. Vincent Walter 2 years ago. I mean a website for making calls. Can someone throw a little light on this please? Hey Vincent, Could you elaborate a bit more by what you mean by "calls"? You mean you want to be able to use a website to make phone calls? Or maybe something like Skype where you can log into the app and make phone calls?

Mutua 2 years ago. Mart 2 years ago. Hi Jeremy, This is the most informative article on web design that I have come across. And I have read quite a number! I had a question though. Thank you very much. I "think" I've seen an external widget that you can use and plug it into a website. Have you tried searching for one? If there isn't any, I'd imagine you'd have to have one custom built to work the way you want it to. One "hack" you might want to consider is to use the website builder's search bar tool. So you would insert all your data into your website as pages, and let people use the sitewide search bar to find what they're looking for.

Step 1: Get a Domain Name and Hosting

Strikingly is the best free website builder for anyone to create a gorgeous, mobile -friendly website easily. Quick Zero code or design skills required. Making a website has never been easier. Build a beautiful website in under 30 minutes. yet customizable – and at no point was I "stuck"; everything just seems to work. There's no question about it: website builders like Wix, Squarespace . A great deal of our users want the easiest way to make a website possible. consulting design experts and testing how well templates work on .. Customization on WordPress requires much more technical skill . Date: Oct 30,

It's not an elegant solution, but worth considering or testing. Sara 2 years ago. Joe 3 years ago. Hi Jeremy, What do you recommend for someone who sells Domain Names? I am looking for a site builder that can sell Intellectual Property like domain names. Jeremy 3 years ago. Hi Joe, I'm not entirely sure to be perfectly honest. I'd imagine you would have to have the ability to host the domain name, help your customers connect the domain names to their websites, etc.

The website builders mentioned above are probably not equipped for the unique requirements that a domain name registrar need in order to run its business properly. I'd imagine a lot of the functions will be pretty customized. Hi Jeremy, I'm looking to build a site that my paying subscribers can log in and post pics and embed links to other site. Do any drAG and drop sites offer such a template or or am I looking at a whole different animal. If you have or know of a possible option it would be much appreciated.

Hello Pete, It sounds to me that you are looking to build a community type website? Unfortunately the drag and drop web builders above won't be able to do this. Take a look at Ning. I heard that it's pretty good and easy to use, though I don't have any experiences with them. Lewis Martin 3 years ago.

Hello, I used BigCommerce to build the website, tenbrookeleanne. I do not know any code and before making this website, I knew nothing about ecommerce. The customer service for BigCommerce is awesome! They changed the background for my chosen free template and added an instagram social button even though it wasn't in the template. When making the website I had a ton of questions and they were always happy to help, now I very rarely have to call support.

The BigCommerce University and question forums are very resourceful at well. I would highly recommend BigCommerce to anyone who is looking to make an ecommerce site. I have to use an expensive and less than satisfactory third party software for the two platforms to communicate with each other. Thanks for sharing your experiences with BigCommerce with us! That's awesome and I'm glad you're having a great time and getting great support from their team! I also heard that they are working on their own native Point of Sale system. I'm not entirely sure when it will be released, but hopefully soon.

Shopify has their own POS system , which integrates smoothly with an online store built with their software. For those who are curious about BigCommerce, take a look at this discussion here. Thanks again for sharing and adding to this discussion! I am very happy to find out this post regarding making build a website. You have given deep information about 'domain name, hosting, security. I really appreciate your efforts. I'm excited to see where you go with this new project. It's a great, cleanly designed, user-friendly, non-bloated web design program. So easy and a pleasure to use.

I'm with you all the way with this wonderful project. Keep up the great work on this easy website builder. I personally would much rather make a site from scratch than use a template. The app is quite cool though as it provides a drag and drop interface that can create decent looking and original websites that has a mobile website design as well. I will use this to build a basic AMP site for a customer. I would really like for Mobirise team to add more widgets to your free website design software.

I am confident that you will be at the top of the market if you add more functionality without loosing intuitiveness! What makes products like this great is many features but so easy to use Thanks! We needed to quickly and easily get an attractive web site. This tool is the holy grail, a flying unicorn… the loch ness monster… rare and amazing, and something nobody has ever actually seen. Excellent free website maker - testing under an hour and hooked me. While it is a great alternative for designers who are with short time and produce things for small customers.

I especially liked the way you could change the view from mobile through tablet and then desktop. Coding dumdums like me all over the world will flock to Mobirise Free Website Builder by the thousands and thousands for such a drag and drop platform for producing gorgeous, responsive, static sites with truly ZERO coding. But I know having a responsive option would be a good thing to be able to offer if I get clients that want it. Your Mobirise is the first responsive web builder I have seen that is actually easy so importantly - intuitive!!

I love the ease with which Websites can be built in a few minutes using this awesome product. I like the intuitive drag and drop process and the mobile-first approach. I love this product, but it seems incapable of creating corporate Websites, because of the simple designs. Generally, I want to commend you for your work. The product is awesome. With more block options, increased flexibility, Mobirise would favorably compete with the top free website builders - wix, weebly, squarespace. I'll be standing by.

Your product has great potential. Stupid easy and brilliant website builder software. How did it take so long for this to be created. I will pass on your name to all I know. Best of luck to you and I can not wait to see what is next.

How to Build a Website: the Step-by-Step Guide to Easy Setup

It is absolutely awesome and easy to use. You guys are making it toooo easy to make good looking web sites!!! Keep up the good work. I've looked at all the online website builders and they are mostly monthly subscription or a bit complicated to use and will take me quite some time. Your program Mobirise looks like it will so easy to use. Great work everyone involved in the development of Mobirise page creator, and perfect timing with the new Google Responsive rules in mobile search.

Despite that graphic design and web design are two separate fields, web designers often need to dive into graphic design to solve a particular design issue. Here an excellent tutorial for Photoshop by Tutorials. Prototyping is a cornerstone of web design. Check Mockplus , a powerful tool for prototyping. Using Mockplus its possible to create a fully-interactive prototype in minutes. Get yourself a good code editor such as Sublime or Atom. Web designers also need to become familiar with popular CMS Content Management System — software that is used to create and manage digital web content.

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Having hands-on experience with one or all system is essential. Part of being an in-demand web designer is being able to do more than just design. Websites have to be structured in a way that makes them friendly not only for users but also for search engine bots. The process of web design requires evaluation and analysis of finished work. Designers have to test a website to be sure that pages load quickly and a site is accessible both for desktop and mobile users responsive design. Today it's much easier to check that.

You can use tools like Google Pagespeed Insights. Web designing is rarely a one-man show. No matter whether you work in a big design department or in a small design studio, teamwork is inevitable. Web designers have to communicate with clients, developers or other designers on a regular basis. Inspiration is vital for all creative people, and web designers are no exception. Web designers should be familiar with the latest web design trends to understand the ever-changing demands of web visitors.

Awwwards is a well-known website for web professionals. Dribbble help designers to be familiar with the latest visual trends. Behance is an excellent resource for in-depth web design case studies. The best way to learn is to learn from the best. Join popular online communities such as Sitepoint or Uxmastery. Focus on gaining offline contacts. Remember that many great positions are available only for reference.

Thus, join local meetups and conferences and start collecting valuable contacts.