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Political Communication , 34 3 , International Journal of Communication: IJoC , 11 , — The Appeal of Media Populism: A heartland full of insights into populist communication. Routledge Research in Communication Studies; Vol. Linking survey and media content data: Opportunities, considerations, and pitfalls. Communication Methods and Measures , 11 4 , How public service broadcasting mitigates political selective exposure. PLoS One , 11 5 , [e]. Minimal data set underlying results Bos, L.

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It's the frame that matters: Immigrant integration and media framing effects in the Netherlands. International Journal of Intercultural Relations , 55 , Media cues and citizen support for right-wing populist parties. International Journal of Public Opinion Research , 28 3 , Hufterigheid en democratisch debat in online comments op verschillende platforms.

Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap , 44 3 , The mediating role of emotions: News framing effects on opinions about immigration. Populist rhetoric in politics and media: European Journal of Communication , 29 6 , An experimental test of the impact of style and rhetoric on the perception of right-wing populist and mainstream party leaders.

  1. mw. dr. L. (Linda) Bos - Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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Acta Politica , 48 2 , How the media shape perceptions of right-wing populist leaders. Political Communication , 28 2 , Public images of leaders of anti-immigration parties: Party Politics , 16 6 , Media coverage of right-wing populist leaders.


The European Journal of Communication Research , 35 2 , Wilders en de golfslag van het populisme. Dagbladen in de marge van de medialogica. Sociaal-culturele verschillen in mediaconsumptie. Een verkenning van sociaal-culturele tegenstellingen in Nederland pp. Moral appeals in populist times.

Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium. The resonance of populist messages.

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What makes them switch? The impact of the media on vote change. Immigration and media framing effects in the Netherlands. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen,. The impact of media coverage on right-wing populist parties: The role of issue ownership.