A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven: One Woman’s Trip to Africa – My Story

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To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Love, that is the key, regardless of how we get there. May 05, Jalynn Patterson rated it it was amazing. I traveled with fourteen other missionaries to Kenya as part of the About the Book: Chris Kincaid has been writing since she was in the third grade, and though she has worked in the medical field for over 20 years, she has never lost the desire to put words to paper.

She lives in northern Wisconsin with her husband, four cats and one dog.

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Her two children, Nick and Val, are grown and living on their own. Many receive the call by honoring God in a special way, but few take Him up on it. Missionary life has it's rewards but most of the time those rewards are not collected upon until we reach our Heavenly destination. The author gives us a unique look into missionary life from her point of view. With the help and persistence of her 15 year old daughter, Val, she embarked on a journey of a lifetime. God is always at work on our behalf, and so it was shown to Chris Loehmer on several different occasions.

But as we all know, who have accepted that call, just as the author and her family now know, that God's word will NEVER return voidher faith was reaffirmed over and over again in simple Godlike fashion sometimes in missing letters never found or maybe with 2 cent stamps added in at the last minute--His timing is always perfect. If you would like a first hand look into missions and what it took for one woman to began her service in that way, this is the perfect book to share with you or others interested in that opportunity.

The author will leave you with an inspiring story place in your heart for God's purpose in all things. What an amazing journey?! If you would like to purchase this book, you can do so at this link. Jun 29, Lisa Johnson rated it really liked it. Chris Loehmer Kincaid Pages: I was amazed at how Chris shares very transparently her heart, emotions and experiences.

It is an honest look at how some areas in Africa live in such poverty yet seem rich in their souls Title: It is an honest look at how some areas in Africa live in such poverty yet seem rich in their souls and belief in God. Part of the testimony included how some women are treated by their husbands once they become infected with the HIV virus. The astounding, deeply ingrained practices of various tribes at times made my jaw drop.

Where some of these particular men and women of the team went lacked even the basic of necessities for living was eye-opening. Chris just wanted to know why He called her to go, when it seemed other team members knew exactly why they were in Africa. My rating is 4 stars. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog.

Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Also follow me on Twitter lcjohnson, FaceBook at https: Mar 20, Faith rated it really liked it. A Time for every Purpose Under Heaven. One woman's trip to Africa: This is the story of Chris Kincaid's trip to Africa, as a missionary. She encounters poverty- but joy and gratitude springs from the hearts of the people. And yet she meets lovely young girls who have hope that their lives can be different. She encounters children in a an orphanage with a small library, children who soak up e A Time for every Purpose Under Heaven.

She encounters children in a an orphanage with a small library, children who soak up education and grab the missionaries by the hands insisting on reading to them! All Christian books should leave us with a desire for the Gospel to go out. I recommend this book to one with a heart for missions, and a love for Africa. Listen to this quote from Chris about what she found in Africa. Every line from that chapter of the Bible reminded me of something we had witnessed so far on our trip.

For every thing there is a season, A time for every purpose under Heaven.

From the back cover:

We had witnessed birth and death, healing and killing, even sowing and the gathering of stones. We had laughed and cried, mourned and danced. And just the day before, we watched a young Kenyan harvesting crops in the garden, pulling up what had been planted months before, gathering food for himself and his family. Why again had I doubted myself? God sent me to Africa during this season of my life for a very good reason, for His reason. And in time, I would discover that reason. I serve an amazing God. I received this book from Bookcrash and the author to review.

As I read this book, I kept thinking how selfless and courageous the author was to go on this mission trip to Africa. It was interesting that she herself is asking what she is accomplishing and seems to think others on the mission trip were doing more than she was. We cannot really compare our Christian walk and service with that of someone else because God calls us each to different things. While Chris was called to make this trip to Africa, our own callings may seem less noble and less importa As I read this book, I kept thinking how selfless and courageous the author was to go on this mission trip to Africa.

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While Chris was called to make this trip to Africa, our own callings may seem less noble and less important, yet we are to be faithful to what are called to do. As Paul said, we are all parts of the body of Christ, and every part is important.

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If our duties within the body seem less significant to those of someone else, we have to remember that whatever the Lord has called us to do is significant. The descriptions of the conditions in the slums of Kenya were heartbreaking. I wonder how anyone could survive in those conditions, yet Chris often described the people living in joy in spite of their poverty and lack of even such basic necessities as clean water. The people who ministered and those who received ministry were all inspiring. Jan 21, LAWonder10 rated it really liked it. Chris Kincaid accompanied her daughter on this very special short mission to Africa.

She records a touching memoir of some of her activities and heartfelt memories of the time she spent in various parts of Kenya. This experience "opened her eyes" to a whole different world and life than the one she had always known An experience she will never forget. The author added a few photos depicting parts of her journey.

Chris Loehmer Kincaid

Other parts of her journey are portrayed through words. The title is fitting and the Chris Kincaid accompanied her daughter on this very special short mission to Africa.

The title is fitting and the book cover is perfect in the depiction of her story. Chris asks one question throughout her book which she never really answers. I think the reader can surmise the answer but her answer "hung in the air" leaving the reader a feeing that lacked in completeness. My review of this book offers a Four Stars rating. This book was graciously sent to me by the author for an honest review, of which I have given.

Dec 02, Victoria rated it liked it Shelves: Chris is a mom who never thought she'd be going on a missions trip ever. Her daughter had the opportunity to do one in Kenya, so she decided to join her on the adventure. This book explains their time away from home for only about two weeks, I believe it was.

The whole time she felt as if she was not going to amount for much on it, but it taught her a lot and helped her grow. She felt sorry for herself most of the trip but had beautiful things to share about the people they encountered. Sep 01, Toni Nelson rated it it was amazing. I love this story!