A Random Act of Kindness


Gift an Inspirational Book Have you ever read a book that changed the way you see the world?

Give someone you care about the inspiration to see things differently. Praise a Local Business Online Positive reinforcement should be shared.

This isn't just any old calendar...

Pay Bills Online Save paper, water, gasoline while reducing greenhouse gases! A boy won a massive contest scavenger hunt. Plant A Tree Make a difference in your environment and life! The phrase is commonly expressed as the suggestion to "Practice random acts of kindness. When he noticed a baby dolphin was beached…. A brave police officer handcuffed himself to a woman who was trying to commit suicide and threw away the key. Even snapping turtles need help sometimes to make it across the road safely.

Paint Positive Messages on Pumpkins What better way to combine the spirit of Halloween and kindness than the power of positivity? Ship a Care Package Spread happiness and kindness via post! Reuse or Personalize Gift Wrap Make a present extra special with your personal touch! Pay Bills Online Save paper, water, gasoline while reducing greenhouse gases! Bring Reusable Bags to the Grocery Store Somewhere between billion and 1 trillion plastic bags are used each year. Write a Handwritten Letter When was the last time you received a handwritten note?

Start a Piggy Bank for a Cause Pick a cause, get a piggy bank, and start saving.

Random Acts of Kindness | Kindness Printables

This will save you some money and reduce the packaging materials used to sell something. Choose Matches Over a Lighter Because most lighters are disposable, 1. Complain Less Being positive in a negative situation makes you a leader. Leave a Generous Tip Paying it forward never goes out of style. Be a Welcoming Neighbor Howdy neighbor!

Start a Community Garden Learn more about your neighbors and having a green thumb by sharing vegetables, herbs and the beauty of a garden with those around you!

Bring Someone A Souvenir Bringing someone a souvenir could be one of the most thoughtful kindness ideas! Use Cloth Diapers Use cloth diapers. Conserve Energy Be kind to our planet by being conscious about the amount of energy you are consuming. Cheer On A Teammate Cheering on a fellow teammate can have a bigger impact than you might expect Clean Your Room A great way to show yourself kindness is by cleaning your personal space!

Thank Someone Every Week Write 52 thank you notes each year, one every week to a different person.

20 Random Acts of Kindness.

Give Away Your Parking Spot! Giving up a closer parking stop to someone else can truly make someone's day! Bake Someone A Cake Mmmmm..

  • Father On The Brink (Mills & Boon Vintage Desire).
  • Random Acts of Kindness.
  • A Poem from the Heart;
  • The Cockade City Collection.
  • Jubel, Trubel, Österreich: Neue Geschichten aus dem Süden (German Edition).

Eat Local Eating locally can be a kind way of impacting local farmers and business! Assist a friend with the hunt by leaving your mark. Make A Scrapbook Create a home for your memories - then gift it to someone or keep it for yourself. Respect Wildlife When you are out in nature, you are imposing on the natural habitat of many species.

Be sure to be respectful of all the wild animals you see by observing at a distance, not feeding them, and leaving no trace. Create Bookmarks You could give them to the library, place them in books or hand them to readers. Reduce your carbon footprint by saving energy when you can! Hold A Teddy Bear Drive Then donate the bears to hospitals, police stations or fire departments for children in need. Sometimes, random acts of kindness just come to you in the moment!

Tutor Someone Helping someone learn can be beneficial to both teacher and student! Befriend The New Kid We all know what it feels like to be in an unfamiliar place. Give A Gift Card A generous and personalized way of showing kindness is by giving gift cards Set Goals For Yourself Whether its for today or the next five years, we all have goals we want to reach. As I got ready, I realized I had forgotten to go to the market the day before.

After rummaging through the cabinets, I scrounged up a packet of waffle cookies, a tortilla, and a lone banana and then I headed out to my car.


I started it up, already late, and noticed the gas tank light immediately switch on. I made my way over to the nearest gas station, paid the attendant, and put the nozzle into my gas tank. Click, click, click, the nozzle refused to pump the gas. It was a small favor from a complete stranger but in that moment, it felt like so much more. What had started out as a really off day, turned around in an instant all because one person decided to commit a random act of kindness. I felt comforted, I felt happy. And so I went along through my day with a different attitude than I had started out with.

Random act of kindness

On any other day, I might have just walked on by, silently feeling sympathetic and wishing him luck but on this particular day, I remembered the woman from the gas station, and I stopped. One of the quotes from this movie is as follows:. I think this is so important and so often overlooked. It can get really easy to isolate and get stuck in a daily routine—get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep and in the process…ignore everyone around us.

But what happens when we disconnect? So what if we do the opposite?

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