The Holocaust Diaries: Book II: The Righteous and the Just

The Holocaust Diaries: Book I: Souls of the Just

It is beyond my comprehension and is absolutely shameful. I am horrified at what I continue to learn from authors such as Israel Stein. I thank people like him for sharing the truth of these dark times and opening the eyes of readers to the reality countless millions experienced. It I continue to be amazed and haunted by the atrocities and the horrors that took place during World War II. It is something that should never be forgotten, and as more time passes, the events become less "horrific" to people because it is not something they heard news of, knew people touched by, or experienced personally.

It is through the retelling of personal stories, of eye witnesses and firsthand accounts, that we remember and continue to learn. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it was to write.

Architecture of Survival: Holocaust Diaries (WW2 Memoirs Book 1)

The Holocaust Diaries: Book II: The Righteous and the Just [Leo V. Kanawada Jr] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Book Two THE. Book Two THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE JUST The Holocaust in the Italian occupied zone in southern France during World War II Before an Allied military.

How can you live through something, then later revisit it and share it with others without it opening old wounds? And to read the words of your parents as they tried to be strong, tried to keep you safe, yet lived every minute of every day and night in constant fear It breaks my heart to think of the pain involved.

Yet, Stein does just that, and does it with amazing grace and artistic writing that grips your heart and leaves you with a new, deeper, more meaningful understanding of the events that took place. His writing style is excellent. He writes in a style that is easy to read and draws you in, emotionally connecting you to the people and events he shares. I was not distracted by grammatical or mechanics errors and found each sentence written with a cadence and timbre that read smoothly and moved from one thought to the next without leaving you with questions or jumping around.

It flowed and engaged me, though it was not an easy read due to the context and subject matter. If you are a fan of World War II history, this is a must read.

The Holocaust Diaries: Book Ii

If you have read other books on the Holocaust and survivors, this is a must read. If you question whether the Holocaust really happened which amazes me that people even have that thought given all of the evidence , you have to read this to see it from primary sources. It is a great way to teach youth about the horrors of the Holocaust, though it is definitely hard to read and you may want to have more mature youth read it, saving Diary of Anne Franke for the younger ones.

This is an excellent historical account of a horrible time in our history and something that should NEVER be forgotten. Mar 07, Romuald Dzemo rated it it was amazing. From the day I first read Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, I have developed a keen interest in holocaust literature and memoirs. Read about a family's struggle to avoid extermination and ultimate extinction in the concentration camp. Read about their survival, hidden in a ghetto for five weeks, and the role of From the day I first read Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, I have developed a keen interest in holocaust literature and memoirs.

Read about their survival, hidden in a ghetto for five weeks, and the role of a German official in helping them survive, away from the prying eyes of the enemy. To ask other readers questions about Architecture of Survival , please sign up.

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  • The Holocaust Diaries - Book II: The Righteous and the Just (Paperback).

It just took me to a place I didn't want to be, but that we need to understand. Escaping to Bialystok, Israel and his family experienced a paradise of sorts, until he was intentionally separated from his family and hiding in a small space of a Polish family. The story of the Steins family is a heart wrenching one, a quintessential example of what Jewish families went through.

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What is very striking is to discover their lingering hope, their determination, and their resourcefulness. One reads about what it means to face suffering as a family and there is more bonds are strengthened, life has a new meaning as each member of this family survives each new day, and the power of friendship comes through very eloquently in this beautiful narrative. Sep 02, Jill rated it really liked it. Stein begins his remembrances with stories from Warsaw, Vilius Vilna and Bialystok.

He talked about beatings, narrow escapes from death, and the desperation he and others felt from deportations to death camps.

I'm Still Here Holocaust Survivor Diaries

His memories really illustrate how the Nazis controlled people and methodically decimated the Jewish population in Europe. LibraryThing Member Giveaway randomly chose me to receive this book. Although encouraged, I was under no obligation to write a review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Jun 12, Wendyann Boston rated it it was amazing. Of Late books of memoirs of this time period have been finding me. Genocide happens to humanity. Aug 18, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing. Read and always remember I loved the writing in this desperately sad and authentic book about one family's fight to survive atrocities of the Holocaust.

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I recommend this book to everyone so we always honor those souls who have suffered fascism and that we continue to fight for freedom. Aug 21, Kim rated it really liked it Shelves: Heart wrenching Difficult to read about such horrific happenings! We are of one race Jul 15, Mags rated it liked it. An Infinity of Mirrors. Army of the Night.

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The Holocaust Diaries: Book I: Souls of the Just

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The Holocaust Diaries

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