Life Changes: From Questions to Answers of Life

50 Questions That Can Change Your Life

We soon realise life is conspiring for us not against us. However, many are quick to evaluate life as unfair with the odds stacked against them in these moments. With respect to the reader: We should embrace this and be less critical of ourselves. I lost my father to a debilitating illness in a short time, and years later I was treated for a life threatening illness myself.

Whilst I am a co-creator of my experience, it is still a game I cannot control — nor do I want that power. Fate is surrender — destiny is opportunity.

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I often daydream of an image etched into my mind regarding a surfer on a wave. I see the wave roll swiftly into the shoreline while other times it is less than optimal. However, the excitement of surfing is that you are exposed to varying waves that help you become a well-rounded surfer in a range of conditions. I believe life functions like rolling waves because it exposes us to various conditions, some are unwelcomed, others exhilarating.

Yet it serves our personal evolution and we evolve instead of staying in our comfort zone. The secret ingredient is your philosophy. The secret is to change the way you think. In an article I wrote titled: Life Is a Series of Beautiful Struggles or Nothing At All , I outline how the decisions we make today have a ripple effect in our lives and the lives of others.

Our choices lay the foundations to create the future of tomorrow. To make better choices, pay attention to your personal growth and upgrade your level of awareness to experience life fully. To draw on a software analogy, you shift from perceiving life from a Windows 98 framework to a Windows 10 version, equipped with better processing capabilities. You begin to act in accordance with your core values and make informed choices based on the truth of your reality.

Therefore, as you abide by the truth and align with your core being you are likely to end up where you need to be having made choices that are self empowering. If you wish to make sense of life in your final hours, relinquish the need for answers while living from your current position. I can, I will and I must. Now coming to the third question: Now is the time, why not now I get up and knock on the door for the door to open?

I have to do it one day or the other, why not now? I have already reached so far, I am so near and more clear, why not now I continue my journey, There is light at the end of the tunnel! Ask Why Not Now? Positive the questions, positive the answers. No questions, no answers. To be a winner, be excited and be inquisitive, ask more questions so that you will have most of the answers for life, and soon you will script your own success story. Your life comes to resemble its environment Ben Hardy calls this the proximity effect.

So choose your surroundings wisely. Is This In My Control? Epictetus says that the chief task of the philosopher is to make the distinction between what is in their control and what is not—what is up to us and what is not up to us? We waste incredible amounts of time on the latter and leave so many opportunities on the table by mislabeling the former.

12 Questions That Will Change Your Life

Our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, these are up to us. Other people, the weather, external events, these are not. Making this distinction will make you happier, make you stronger and make you more successful if only because it concentrates your resources in the places where they matter. What did you do? Why did you like them?

  1. The Spirit of Want.
  2. 12 Questions That Will Change Your Life | Thought Catalog.
  3. The Motivation Hacker.
  4. When You Think You Have All the Answers, Life Changes the Questions.
  5. Ask yourself these LIFE CHANGING QUESTIONS.
  6. 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Strategy Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 1-1.
  7. Life Changing Questions to Ask Yourself During Transition!

I run my company remotely. If you enjoy influence more than material success, then make sure you pick something that allows for that. If you thrive on attention and collaboration, then pick accordingly. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, maybe buy a house.

The 21 Most Important Questions Of Your Life - Darius Foroux

And on and on and on. To Be Or To Do? One of the best strategists of the last century, John Boyd, would ask the promising young acolytes under him: Which way will you go? Will you pick obsessing over your title, number of fans, size of paycheck or on real, tangible accomplishment? He said that in life there is a roll call and it sorts people by their answer to this question, the doers and those who simply pretend.

About Tony Fahkry

“Never stop doubting, never stop questioning, never ever assume you have all the answers. Having all the answers kills the question itself. “We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.” – Carl Sagan. “The question isn't who is.

Which will you be? Which have you been? To want to make it to the top. To provide for yourself and your family.


But if this is all you want it is a problem. There is a balance. President; my wishes have nothing to do with the matter.

The 21 Most Important Questions Of Your Life

Does getting upset provide you with more options? The Greeks had a word for this: And so when you find yourself indulging in those emotions, one way to get yourself back on track is simply by reminding yourself of the cost they incur: Can you afford that?

Am I Doing My Job? Are you doing yours? Do you even know what that job is? All these things keep us working—but not on the job that actually matters.

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Maybe the most important thing to you is family.