Land of the Misty Dawn

Misty dawn countryside panoramic view

Like Liked by 1 person. Reblogged this on Barrow Blogs: Reblogged this on stevetanham and commented: The glory of a misty English morning — some beautiful photos and memories from Sue ….

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I just love autumn mornings, with the mist in the valleys and the chill in the air. Did you get up on the moor? The mist in Wharfedale was glorious for the dawns we saw… seems a lifetime ago already. I went to the spooky old Dob Park Lodge with my Grandson and a walking buddy, had a look for the cup and rings nearby but unable to find them… I am on hols next fortnight so lots ofwalks planned on the moors..

That church looks a bit castle-like. I love those misty mornings. We get a lot of mist here; we are on top of a hill. It rarely enters our garden but hovers on the other side of the trees. On fine days we get a view into the valley where the mist still lurks like a fine wooly blanket with clear blue sky and sunshine above. Sue, I find myself thinking about your photos and the monumental history behind the things you photograph.

They date back so far, much farther than anything we see here. I have thousands of such photos.. The PC groans every time I come near it with a camera and assures me its memory is nearly full… I can only share a few here, and a few in the books, unfortunately. There is such a rich and diverse history in this little island, and so much still preserved.

We are incredibly lucky. Reblogged this on oshriradhekrishnabole and commented: Seeing beautiful views of nature that we have said the same thing,,. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

About Sue Vincent

Of course, we knew none of this at the time… only what we could see and suspect might wait inside the old building. Did you get up on the moor? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! They date back so far, much farther than anything we see here. It was a truly glorious morning. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Turning on impulse off the main road, we found ourselves on a lane running between fields.

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Land of the Misty Dawn. By Natasha Alexander. Also available as: E-Book. Published: September ; Format: Perfect Bound Softcover(Color); Pages: Get the Land of the Misty Dawn at Microsoft Store and compare products with the latest customer reviews and ratings. Download or ship for free.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sue Vincent's Daily Echo. Rooted in the Land: No doubt we would find out… Press a button or two to share This entry was posted in Ancient sites , earth , History , Rooted in the Land , travel and tagged Alveley , dawn , mist , Shropshire , sunrise. Your photos of the early light are gorgeous. The glory of a misty English morning — some beautiful photos and memories from Sue … Like Liked by 1 person.

Absolutely superb Sue…what stunning photos Like Like. It was a truly glorious morning. Thanks Sue — it is all I live for, walking and photographing the moors Like Like. I can understand that, James, I really can. You made me feel that I was right there with you! I love being high enough to look out over the mists in the morning. September 29, at What a marvelous adventure. Thank you for bringing us along. Yes, you are definitely lucky. Hugs back to you. September 28, at Seeing beautiful views of nature that we have said the same thing,, Like Like.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email Address never made public. Even from outside you could see there was good stained glass in there. The walls, a pink sandstone, held odd carvings, randomly placed, recycled from an earlier building perhaps… and this one looked old enough. It still amazes me how much we have learned in such a short time about church architecture.

  1. Rooted in the Land: a misty dawn | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo.
  2. Rooted in the Land: a misty dawn | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo?
  3. Franklin (Then and Now).
  4. Stolperherz (German Edition)!
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We were reading the building as we looked, almost unconsciously, even though we really know very little. Subsequent research brought a wry smile of regret for the locked door. The village of Alveley has a recorded history that goes back two thousand years. This was a Norman church, though, built to replace the earlier Saxon one of which only a cross survives. A Saxon cross… and, just as a bonus, a 14thC mural of the seven deadly sins… and we had found the church by accident? And it was locked! Had we but known, there is also a Buttercross a little way further on, where food was left for the village during its quarantine when the Black Death took over half its population in AD.

There are other historical connections too… the family of the Confederate General Robert E. Of course, we knew none of this at the time… only what we could see and suspect might wait inside the old building. We headed back to the main road and drove for a while.

Misty dawn in the mountains in summer.

As the sun rose, we were stuck behind a tractor and its attendant line of frustrated motorists, so I turned instead down a lane that bore the signposts of both a dead end and a church. The sun gilded a pathway of diamonds across a dew-drenched lawn. This was a far cry from the madness of city roads and motorways.

We might have a long drive ahead, but there was no reason to rush.

Beauty is always worth waiting for. We headed off in the general direction of Telford, or at least that was the plan. It ran in my mind there was something I should know about Telford…or was I thinking of Thomas Telford…? No doubt we would find out…. Press a button or two to share She writes alone and with Stuart France, exploring ancient myths, the mysterious landscape of Albion and the inner journey of the soul.

Find out more at France and Vincent. She is owned by a small dog who also blogs. Follow her at scvincent. Find her books on Goodreads and follow her on Amazon worldwide to find out about new releases and offers.

About Sue Vincent

September 27, at This line stuck me: Like Liked by 1 person. Reblogged this on Barrow Blogs: Reblogged this on stevetanham and commented: The glory of a misty English morning — some beautiful photos and memories from Sue …. I just love autumn mornings, with the mist in the valleys and the chill in the air.

Did you get up on the moor?

Land of the Misty Dawn

The mist in Wharfedale was glorious for the dawns we saw… seems a lifetime ago already. I went to the spooky old Dob Park Lodge with my Grandson and a walking buddy, had a look for the cup and rings nearby but unable to find them… I am on hols next fortnight so lots ofwalks planned on the moors.. That church looks a bit castle-like. I love those misty mornings.

We get a lot of mist here; we are on top of a hill. It rarely enters our garden but hovers on the other side of the trees. On fine days we get a view into the valley where the mist still lurks like a fine wooly blanket with clear blue sky and sunshine above. Sue, I find myself thinking about your photos and the monumental history behind the things you photograph. They date back so far, much farther than anything we see here. I have thousands of such photos.. The PC groans every time I come near it with a camera and assures me its memory is nearly full… I can only share a few here, and a few in the books, unfortunately.

There is such a rich and diverse history in this little island, and so much still preserved. We are incredibly lucky. Reblogged this on oshriradhekrishnabole and commented: Seeing beautiful views of nature that we have said the same thing,,.

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