Instant Manager: Overcoming Information Overload

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Simply put, we're in the midst of a digital decade. And EMC estimates that this digital universe will continue to gain momentum, increasing fold to 35 trillion gigabytes by Video is becoming an important communications medium, as new technologies have made capturing, editing and sharing video much easier, and younger generations rely more heavily on YouTube or Tivo for information. In , an average of million Americans watched videos online each month, with more than In the business world, a vast majority of corporate content is being conveyed verbally - through in-person presentations, seminars, web conferences or conference calls - which makes it difficult to retain, let alone access afterwards to gain additional use of critical information.

If these presentations, webinars or calls are recorded, then enterprises have to contend with the storage demands that result, as well as the complexity of being able to find, manage and share the content when needed. Video has proven to be an excellent method for capturing and sharing this knowledge, but too often it has required a steep investment in specialized hardware, software and IT expertise, or offers limited customization and no search functionality through a YouTube-like, software-as-a-service SaaS option.

Built on a SaaS-based platform, this technology enables enterprises to offer video and rich media content on-demand, and easily scale their content libraries.

The Impact Of Information Overload In The Workplace - Avoid Analysis Paralysis!

By giving users instant access to the information they need, enterprises can foster greater sales effectiveness, enhance training, and deliver critical information to large audiences - such as employees, partners and customers - around the world. What is Information Overload and how do I know if I have it? How can I cope with the stress caused by overload?

How can I avoid overload at work? How can I avoid overload at home? How to manage written information? How do I deal with verbal overload? How can I avoid overloading other people?

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How can I remember what I need to remember? How can I expand my knowledge of the world without feeling overwhelmed by it? I want to live my life - not simply survive day to day. Further references Index show more. About Tina Konstant Tina Konstant is an expert in speed reading and information overload. She is also an experienced author and in addition has produced cable tv programmes on effective learning and thinking.

Morris Taylor is a management consultant.

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Separate different tags with a comma. Carl Linnaeus developed paper slips, often called is botanical paper slips, from to , to record his observations. In , German bookseller and publisher Johann Georg Heinzmann said "no nation printed as much as the Germans"and expresses concern about Germans reading ideas and no longer creating original thoughts and ideas. Facebook users who post and read more than others tend to be able to keep up. Retrieved 17 July

Book ratings by Goodreads. E-mail remains a major source of information overload, as people struggle to keep up with the rate of incoming messages. As well as filtering out unsolicited commercial messages spam , users also have to contend with the growing use of email attachments in the form of lengthy reports, presentations and media files. Quoted in the article, workplace productivity expert Marsha Egan stated that people need to differentiate between working on e-mail and sorting through it.

This meant that rather than responding to every email right away, users should delete unnecessary emails and sort the others into action or reference folders first. Egan then went on to say "We are more wired than ever before, and as a result need to be more mindful of managing email or it will end up managing us. What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains , as saying that email exploits a basic human instinct to search for new information, causing people to become addicted to "mindlessly pressing levers in the hope of receiving a pellet of social or intellectual nourishment".

His concern is shared by Eric Schmidt , chief executive of Google , who stated that "instantaneous devices" and the abundance of information people are exposed to through e-mail and other technology-based sources could be having an impact on the thought process, obstructing deep thinking, understanding, impedes the formation of memories and makes learning more difficult.

This condition of "cognitive overload" results in diminished information retaining ability and failing to connect remembrances to experiences stored in the long-term memory, leaving thoughts "thin and scattered". In addition to e-mail, the World Wide Web has provided access to billions of pages of information. In many offices, workers are given unrestricted access to the Web, allowing them to manage their own research.

The use of search engines helps users to find information quickly. However, information published online may not always be reliable, due to the lack of authority-approval or a compulsory accuracy check before publication. Internet information lacks credibility as the Web's search engines do not have the abilities to filter and manage information and misinformation.

There are "enormous disproportions between the content of Internet sources and the possibility of processing them by the human brain. The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age, argues that everyone can be a "participant" on the Internet, where they are all senders and receivers of information. Information becomes difficult to control on the Internet. BBC reports that "every day, the information we send and receive online - whether that's checking emails or searching the internet - amount to over 2. Social media is defined as different online communities with shared content.

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It adds to the information overload problem because so many individuals have access to it. It presents many different views and outlooks on subject matters so that one may have difficulty taking it all in and drawing a clear conclusion. Instead, information overload can be considered situational. Social media users tend to feel less overloaded by information when using their personal profiles, rather than when their work institutions expect individuals to gather a mass of information.

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Most people see information through social media in their lives as an aid to help manage their day to day activities and not an overload. Facebook users who post and read more than others tend to be able to keep up. On the other hand, Twitter users who post and read a lot of tweets still feel like it is too much information or none of it is interesting enough.

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Recent research suggests that an " attention economy " of sorts will naturally emerge from information overload, [40] allowing Internet users greater control over their online experience with particular regard to communication mediums such as e-mail and instant messaging. This could involve some sort of cost being attached to e-mail messages. For example, managers charging a small fee for every e-mail received — e.

The aim of such charging is to force the sender to consider the necessity of the interruption.

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However, such a suggestion undermines the entire basis of the popularity of e-mail, namely that e-mails are free. Economics often assumes that people are rational in that they have the knowledge of their preferences and an ability to look for the best possible ways to maximize his preferences. People are seen as selfish and focus on what pleases them.

Looking at various parts on their own, results in the negligence of the other parts that work alongside it that create the effect of IO.

Instant Manager: Overcoming Information Overload

Lincoln suggests possible ways to look at IO in a more holistic approach by recognizing the many possible factors that play a role in IO and how they work together to achieve IO. There are various solutions that can be used to mitigate IO. It is difficult to say whether or not there is a solution that can solve the issue altogether, but many methods have been suggested. Based on the definition of information overload, there are two general approaches to deal with it: Johnson advises discipline which helps mitigate interruptions and for the elimination of push or notifications.

He explains that notifications pull people's attentions away from their work and into social networks and e-mails. He also advises that people stop using their iPhones as alarm clocks which means that the phone is the first thing that people will see when they wake up leading to people checking their e-mail right away. The use of Internet applications and add-ons such as the Inbox Pause add-on for Gmail.

Burkeman in his article talks about the feeling of being in control is the way to deal with information overload which might involve self-deception. He advises to fight irrationality with irrationality by using add-ons that allow you to pause your inbox or produce other results. Reducing large amounts of information is key. Dealing with IO from a social network site such as Facebook, a study done by Humboldt University [46] showed some strategies that students take to try and alleviate IO while using Facebook.

Some of these strategies included: Prioritizing updates from friends who were physically farther away in other countries, hiding updates from less-prioritized friends, deleting people from their friends list, narrowing the amount of personal information shared, and deactivating the Facebook account.

Forbes staff writer Laura Shin references Daniel J.

Overcoming Information Overload Issues

Levitin's book, The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload , and lists the 10 tips in overcoming information overload:. Illustration for an article published in Diario Uno es Decision makers performing complex tasks have little if any excess cognitive capacity.

Narrowing one's attention as a result of the interruption is likely to result in the loss of information cues, some of which may be relevant to completing the task. Under these circumstances, performance is likely to deteriorate. Some cognitive scientists and graphic designers have emphasized the distinction between raw information and information in a form we can use in thinking. In this view, information overload may be better viewed as organization underload.

That is, they suggest that the problem is not so much the volume of information but the fact that we can not discern how to use it well in the raw or biased form it is presented to us.

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Overcoming Information Overload (Instant Manager) [Tina Konstant, Morris Taylor ] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Information is. Instant Manager: Overcoming Information Overload - Kindle edition by Tina Konstant. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

Authors who have taken this tack include graphic artist and architect Richard Saul Wurman and statistician and cognitive scientist Edward Tufte. Wurman uses the term "information anxiety" to describe our attitude toward the volume of information in general and our limitations in processing it. Tufte's writing is important in such fields as information design and visual literacy, which deal with the visual communication of information.