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Most of their videos were deleted but can be found with a simple search as fans reupload them. After their breakup, Titanic began seeing Poppy. This look was strikingly similar to Mars'. Recently they achieved moderate fame for her strange youtube videos and Japanese-inspired pop music. Disney actress who was friends with Poppy, and then Titanic Max Landis: Friend of Mars, tweeted in defence of her in Tony Katai: Rachel bitched about how long it was taking and so her fanbase once again descended upon another company and spammed their customer service email and social media accounts demanding the return of said handbag.

Prada serviced Rachel's mother's order even though others were ahead of her in the queue and issued a public apology to the great and powerful vlogger while Rachel just threw up victory signs and thanked her fans for "their support". Rachel has also oddly retconned many things about her life, such as a dead boyfriend she used to speak of and sleeping with her hairdryer on in the bed. This coincides with the drastic change she made when she stopped doing paranormal vlogging and opted for pandering to prepubescents by screaming into the camera for hours about shit nobody cares about.

Another notable and hilarious incident is when Rachel's fans asked her to purchase from Aliexpress. Rachel then made a video saying that her stuff didn't arrive, that she wasn't refunded quickly enough, and accused her fans of being scammers who weren't genuinely part of the swamp family.

What porn category/fetish do you find strange and are not sure why it exists?

Again, most of her audience is underage. Old one was full and she's been milky lately. Notorious for dating men who completely and utterly degrade her on social media. An aspiring Vegas rapper who fails miserably and causes second hand embarrassment. A week after their breakup, she got with some tattoo dude named David that treats her with disrespect. Although she states "Finally someone who treats me like an absolute queen" Just like with every other guy.

Nose and teeth are still fucked up. Has shitty breast implants and even shittier lip fillers, making her look like Ronald McDonald in drag. Keeps hinting she is going back to camming, with her most recent tweet saying "thotty Jessie is back" along with a half naked picture. Has been back with Shotty ever since her and David broke up. Shotty still hasn't "taken over" shit and decided to get a real job so he became a real estate agent. He is supporting Jessie and her daughter while Jessie does nothing. Seems like every other day her and Shotty are broken up again and she can't stop posting about this fake life she's been living for social media.

Recent claims entail he was cheating on her the whole time. Not a surprise as Shotty kept hinting on his Snapchat that she is an unappreciative little brat. Frequently appears in shottys Snapchat posts naked or yelling and being a cunt his snap user is: No picture posts of her kid off instagram. He has called out Kiwifarms in one of his videos despite having a mere 9 page thread. She has been publicly melting down since October Heather Sparkles is a year-old vintage toy collector on Instagram and YouTube. She has 21k subscribers on YouTube and had 9k followers on Instagram, before she deleted it Instagram is now back up.

That is, until these past few months, as she's decided she's been living a lie and now is "dropping the act. She has responded to the negativity by removing individual comments, turning off comments on certain videos, removing videos after hours of being online, declaring she's taking a break from social media for her mental health and then returning less than a week later , venting on snapchat, and deleting her social media accounts. She has also radically changed her style in a matter of weeks, going from frumpy pastel "fairy-kei" to even frumpier black and gray normie clothes, and back again.

This meltdown seems to stem from her divorce from her husband Adam, which she announced first on snapchat and then deleted within a few hours. She has stated in many videos that she has no friends in real life despite evidence to the contrary and that she treats online interactions as friendships. Her desperate pleas for attention across her social media platforms attest to her social ineptitude and her dire need for face-to-face human interaction, rather than the shallow conversations and compliments she seeks on the internet to shield herself from the reality of her divorce.

Here's a list of things she's done that were either cringey, funny, or related to her meltdown. Deletes snaps within an hour. With some digging, I found out mystery guy is youtuber Ryan Snefsky. Just another girl obsessed with the 50's to the point that she's playing a character, especially with her ever-changing, exaggerated southern accent. Also shames women for wearing makeup that "ruins their skin", yet wears it in every video and bleaches her hair and claims she's naturally blonde.

Twitter is barbiexedge and her Facebook account is Delandra Barbie Johnson. If she asks to sleep at your place or offers to buy something from you do NOT trust her. She has been scamming for at least five years now. Kind of resembles some kind of camelid though I can't place my finger on which one. Gets especially pissed an blocks anyone pointing out her stupid photoshop fails IMO I think it's gross that people are saying it's her fault that men get into trouble for sleeping with younger girls because it's extremely pro-rape and medieval.

She doesn't deserve it but she's fairly lulzy and won't admit her real age or her shoop. Has an army of supporters, but I know there's a good amount of others out there that don't like her. Hypocritical about feminism, body shaming, and general sjw ranting. She's gone through a handful of boyfriends who chronicle their relationships publicly on tumblr. Just broke up with her most recent boyfriend and he's freaking out. Went from a preppy blonde cheerleader with a fitness blog to a pastel-atheism-as-aesthetic cam girl who admits she eats like crap and doesn't work out so her body is just genetics and responds to anyone who disagrees with her with just "bye".

Does she annoy anyone else? On the surface, she seems like an annoying girl who keeps posting about cats and animu shit. She's also known for her NSFW art, but she posted and sold porn on her patreon while underage. Another factor to consider is that she's in a circle of similar porn artists who are definitely in their 20s. Amusingly, she deletes a lot of tweets, but the incriminating posts are still up. Her actual identity is a mystery. Despite telling followers that she would post a selfie multiple times, she had never done so.

Nobody knows what this girl looks like, and the only evidence that she's real is through her exes on twitter, who have all deactivated or has been inactive for a few years. Her "introvert" and "shy" identity might as well be fake, as she admits to drinking underage and possibly goes to clubs. Savannah has made multiple meet the artist pages stating that her age was 19 since She has deleted them on deviantart sometime this week, but simply googling "rasbii meet" can show her other meet the artist pages.

Here is an example that was done in march where she was definitely She fully acknowledges it and just doesn't care. They usually involve vomit, radiation poisoning, and scat, all of which she very vocally fetishizes. They are extremely aware of Christy's actions and are just as bad as her, if not worse. Many of them have stuck by her side since the beginning of her creating her first Tumblr.

One thing to point out, Christy has trash talked many of her orbiters multiple times, thus confirming they're delusional. She can be summarized with a sentence from an anon in her first thread: Her MO includes grooming teens for example urging a 14yo to get her nipples pierced , encroaching on children's spaces like the Fairy Oddparents wikia, where she linked her fetish deviantART page, and calling herself a "nice lady!! As if that wasn't bad enough, she also used to be a substitute teacher. Despite desperately wanting children, she has decided not to have them because she knows what she would inevitably do to them.

At some point, she decided that she had a sex addiction and renounced porn altogether, harassing others for drawing or enjoying porn while she kept fulfilling her weird-ass fetishes. She's known to excuse her degeneracy paraphilia with tales of child sexual abuse at the hands of her father and being groomed by 4chan, though former friends have spoken out in the last thread and it was implied that she admitted to lying about it.

She has an obsession with fucking "fat and ugly" her words incels which includes her boyfriend, David, whom she cheated on with the help of a GoFundMe campaign under the guise of getting away from their abusive relationship. In reality, she flew across the country eat a virgin's ass.

Her boyfriend David Hoernlen himself has come into the last thread to speak at length about their tumultuous life and has all but confirmed that she's a manipulative psycho and compulsive liar and he also doxed her while sperging about her age. Known usernames used across multiple websies: Malfunction54 changed to http: Jontron has been mentioned in some other threads,but recently he seems to be getting into some milk-tier territory, so it might be time for him to have his own thread.

He kept dodging questions and said he was afraid of saying something that might come off as racist. Selection of quotes from the stream: If you don't think we've gotten rid of discrimination, you're living in a fantasy land" "Why is it when the chinese were trying to colonise tibet, why was that a save tibet situation but when it's white people… I'm using an analogy to try to give a parallel situation so you can see the hypocrisy" "They're [whites] are not being killed, they're being displaced.

You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it's okay because fuck white people. The disappearance of Nozmo. A huge weeb and fanartist as well, Nozmo has dabbled in many fandoms most notoriously Free!

Around September , Nozmo dropped off the face of earth… along with the money of all those who several months prior had preordered her Free! She did not try to contact any of the people waiting on their purchases, nor did she resurface on any of her social media. She simply uploaded the comic without any kind of notice and disappeared again. Eventually, things started to move, people started to investigate. Some came forward claiming that it's not the first time Nozmo has done this, that there are fans who haven't even received their rewards for backing the TAPV kickstarter In December, someone was able to find Nozmo's sister on Twitter, who explained that Nozmo was overwhelmed and scared by the situation she herself created by procrastinating.

In February, only after being prodded again, Nozmo's sister stated that the fanbooks and everything are there, they just need to be sent out, that Nozmo has refused help with that from her and the rest of their family. Caps of the exchange here: Earlier this month, a different tumblr user was able to come in contact with an RL friend of Nozmo's, however, this person stated that Nozmo won't reply to their emails, nor did she pick up when they called her.

The friend has however confirmed that refusing help is a weakness of Nozmo and that they're sure she'll come back, eventually. She's known to have her sister come in to defend the "bullies" on her Tellonym page that are trying to tell her that she can't dance and that she should maybe listen to the advice given to her, even to the point of threatening to murder them https: She's completely delusional about becoming a successful idol in Japan and runs her own fan page.

Her dancing and cosplays are beyond terrible; a good example is her performance at MechaCon https: She uses her Turkish heritage as a catch-all excuse for her ignorance towards other cultures and religions, and is heavily influenced by Avatar: Other special snowflake attributes include: He's best known for being an insufferable cunt who makes videos about beauty gurus and harasses them with his fan base. Recently he's been in charity fraud scandle where he made a ring tone of an instagram make up thot shouting hysterically and said he'd donate the profits of it to charity.

As a result the British national media describe her as a fantasist and various child abuse inquiries keep rejecting her. Has a cringeworthy Twitter. He wrote an article about her being under police investigation. She's also being sued by a real child abuse victim who says she made it all up and harassed him when he refused to help: The abuser was allegedly her father, assisted by members of their church. This is her main outlet these days as she has been booted by the child abuse inquiry. Where Are They Now? Tumblr Self Proclaimed Nymphets Edition. One of the most famous was spoiledsiren pic related , she was a sheltered girl who tried to be a sugar beby at age 14 and was dating a something man at age Since then she changed to pitybaby, last time i checked, and was demonizing age gap relationships.

Someone took over her oldest url and attempted to troll, probably the same person who outed her. Isibella, however, constantly continued to post pictures of herself. It is essentially a standard example of the magical girl genre, with young girls donning colorful outfits to battle villains with magic, and otherwise engaging in silly schoolgirl antics in their free time. This makes the series quite popular with young girls. Brendan has been obsessed with monopolizing English language PreCure content for the last decade. He devotes so much of his time to this community for two main reasons: His financial prospects are dire due to him living on an Indian reservation and his stubbornness to leave the reservation for greener pastures.

For his survival, he has been desperately trying to monopolize and monetize this fanbase. He is so desperate to keep his grip over this community, that he is willing to employ black-hat methods to stifle his competition. Brendan has an army of sock accounts on Google, Reddit and Discord to manipulate discussion towards his vested interests.

These forums all specialized in illegal activities, and they were all a part of separate data breaches. While Brendan has done a decent job at trying to scrub the past of his previous illicit antics, his introduction thread at Nulled. So, he had to migrate his forum members to Discord. Brendan is the owner of the only active PreCure fan community on Discord.

He then actively raids them with his sock-puppet army, and basically make it impossible for people to use these other PreCure Discord servers. Hence, forcing PreCure fans to flock to him as their only choice. Anyone he suspects of knowing or leaking the truth of his antics is immediately banned. Members are prohibited to discuss or link to any other Discord communities. They are also prohibited to talk about any PreCure community that is not owned by Brendan.

She believes she is a real-life succubus and that she, in fact, invented the concept herself. She has a facebook page and a cringey pornhub where she post her succubus porn. She pretends to be this dominant demon while blocking you immediately if you speak against her. The Active Life Edition. Cant use direct, so sorry girls! Aly continues daily with her usual food, Aly, food, Aly, regimine after disappering from instagram for a day, claiming shes going to change up her feed. She is aware of lolcow and sent an email saying we will be "found and hacked".

No whiteknights show up to defend her. Meanwhile, she continues to posts half nude body checks from her parents bed with the virgin Mary looking over her shoulder saying "as long as haters make publicity they serve my ends. Shes starting her new job as a "commercial assistant by the boss of a no-trading society" It starts on Monday, no, next week, NO! Our revovery queer is currently depressed because her thong photo was deleted by instagram, supposedly.

C' Brown, bad porn can save my career, right? Also known for giving shitty advice to impressionable beginners. Looks like she's been rolling with a new crew and burning bridges. Still currently active on the MAL community.

Listen to the professional. I like to joke around about my interests at times, to ensure others don't become uneasy. You may be having an identity crisis. I have been the same for years. I do not change. I do not feel remorse. What am I alluding to? If I act seemingly off, do not question. Sorry if you find me disgusting, it's just how I appear to be.

  • .
  • International Perspectives on Mental Health.
  • Doodle Loves Daddy (Bundle #1) (DDlg DD/lg Dom-Daddy Taboo Age Play Series).
  • Grave Deception?
  • Entangled (Evolve Series novella).

I am indeed a disgusting person. I live up to it, and I do not deny what is true. Depending on who you are, I am either seen as disgusting or fascinating. I shall accept what comes to me. C" BRown - can't spell her own name. Profits being split ways. C' Brown - Disney and Pixar suck, pls hire me. Will she ever stop deleting negative comments? Soren Hayes, an edgelord pedophile Indian fakeboi who gained notoriety for writing a graphic "trauma narrative" about their time as part of a child sex trafficking victim, every part of which was laughably fabricated.

Dated Tyler Online personality Zalvid super weird dramatic breakup along with more deleting. Dated Connor Probablyconnorward for about 2 weeks right after Tyler and broke up with him, more drama.. Changes her hair once a week, smokes cigarettes and is super rude to anyone who says anything about it. Also posts controversial statements about killing herself and depression only to delete it all again. Va cosplay twerk video links: School started Jill takes Ativan during first class Jill missed a day during the first week due to muh anxiety Is a bigger mess than usual because school is just so hard.

Jill gets roasted on a live stream by the community. She uploads a shitty vlog about the trip, which barely promotes the game Jill has gained a lot of weight very quickly. She looks like she has gained at least 10 pounds in a matter of weeks. Jarrod Westerfeld aka Mr. When she isn't posting inconsistently photoshopped pics on her Instagram or making seriously narcissistic posts on her Facebook in some of the worst English grammar anyone has ever read, she works illegally at a kyaba called N-morning. There is also recent evidence that she is teaching English on the side. Despite having lived in Japan for nearly 10 years, her Japanese is awful.

It is only matched by her middle-school level English despite English being her first language. Some of the Japanese on her instagram posts is so horribly conceited, it is obvious she is just copying how celebrities talk though most celebrities would be more humble than she is. She started in Japan on a working holiday visa, switched to a student visa to attend the fashion school Vantan , got herself a proper work visa to work at the English school Pictop where Katie was able to get a job and as manager for the gal cafe 10sion.

She also worked as manager for one of Sere's failed bars though, Shiena kept telling everyone it was her own bar. Now she has no clear visa and has begun working kyaba in Kabukicho. She was working both morning and night but one of the clubs shut down and another changed its name. None of her previous nor her current club list her on their websites. No one has any idea what happened. This is the longest break from social media she has ever taken. She stopped advertising for her club's work events, stopped posting on instagram, stopped posting on Facebook, and has not appeared out with anyone of her friends even missing one of her friend's birthday parties.

Not quite our usual snowflake, he's a 26 year old pedophile who enjoys doxxing people who speak out against him. When he's not vacationing in Massachusetts he can't, he has a restraining order he's manipulating boys and girls for nudes. Trying to lurk in then shadows for the rest of his life while dodging all legal implications has lead Micheal Sosa to ditch all of his social media except for his beloved discord tag Mantras and https: Her last period was light spotting, so she's basically a full blown anorexic again!

But don't worry, she beats anorexia by eating the first carbs in forever -She's getting ready for her new munchie identity and becoming a hypotensive ambassador -if she can squeeze herself into a small bathing suit, she's still BMI Titanic Sinclair Corey Michael Mixter. Was arrested on 4 seperate charges in Anyone remember Gutterface or elfgutz?

Videos will usually include: This girl has claimed she slept with "50" japanese men in the year she's been there. Also reinforcing harmful and hateful sterotypes about them. Hangs with Geheichou but is amazingly two-faced about Instagram: I haven't been following her that much but here's what I already know.

Feel free to add more info or correct me if I'm wrong. However, the current milk is borderline torrential so I couldn't resist. Lola 19 is currently engaged in a very public vendetta against her 54 year old ex boyfriend Brer RuthVen, who is a Scottish Viscount.

She claims that he abused her and has set up a petition to have him punished and removed from all social media. She's now changed the wording of the petition to call for jail sentences for all first time domestic violence offenders. She has also set up a gofundme to support her recovery and pay her rent. Filmed herself on a balcony taking about jumping and walking towards the edge then ended the stream no receipts, unfortunately - Posted cringy 'art' film of her crying followed by shots of buildings and trees.

Said that film was initially intended to be a suicide note. Mary Rosenberger the Art Bum. Part time model, but now does less mainstream mediums. Uses money that should be for rent, car, food, or a plane ticket on her "fashion" and marijuana. Is an insecure, vapid person that wishes she could paint on the same level as her Latino lover; so she literally paints her shitty caricatures on every piece of clothing she wears in an attempt to become a fashion icon. Can be seen cat-walking around NY while her Latino Lover films her posing and twirling around like an unaware lunatic.

MtF rapist who blackmailed a pedo for a USB and has kept it for 10 years. I knew him in highschool and was surprised he transitioned. I saw a blog with a victim that posted their story. Melonpan crazy Swiss otaku. New Personal Lolcow Thread. Discuss people in your life that have lolcow potential. She's a youtuber and last year she deleted all her sites because she had a breakdown cause someone was talking shit about her. She dyes her hair every 5 weeks,she used to be a scene kid: She changes her personality and the way she looks depending on who she hangs out with and who she's dating.

People found her old yahoo answer page that she made when she was 13,she starved herself to get skinny,she got pregnant at She's 21 and when she's not living with her boyfriend she lives with her parents. All she's done in life is make Youtube videos and take selfies and gets attention for it. She edits pics of her face so much even though fans have posted pics of her unedited face.

I used to be a fan of hers but now the only good thing I can say about her is that she's absolutely gorgeous. What do you guys think? Before his claim to internet fame he was streaming his sexual antics to his friends and small circle of loyal viewers. He secretly recorded and streamed girls he had sex with to his small circle. Now that he is popular, I believe the backlash from his creepy past will be interesting.

The problem is, his fanbase are living their sex-pat dreams through him and will try to silence anyone who speaks about it. This is a video of him skyping another sex-pat creep and broadcasting it without her even knowing. Spechie - edgelords can relate. She seems like she would be interesting to discuss. In no way am I saying the Sonic fan base is right, they are cancer as well. This means they have little to no intellect, can't walk, talk, or even move their limbs in any useful way. The sisters are semi-notable due to their mother Gwen. She dresses them up in goofy outfits and costumes, discusses their every facial movement, sound, and bodily function as if they were geniuses.

She even had the Lola despite knowing that the girl would be staggeringly messed up. Their state spends millions of dollars on a parade of therapists and special equipment that have had no noticeable impact on their lives. The mom posts pictures claiming that the girls are thriving though she never presents hard evidence for this. There is strong reason to believe that he has done similar things to more animals. Alongside zoosadism, Pernas is also a prolific zoophilliac and dog-sodomiser.

Pernas has photographed and filmed himself fondling, fellating, and engaging in vaginal and anal sex with his own dogs on the zoophile discussion board, BeastForum. Pernas has also written detailed written accounts of detailed sexual encounters he has had with animals, including animals that do not belong to him and animal carcasses. There, Pernas shared with Simmons photographic and video zoosadist content. After the recent Zoosadism Leaks, 'woof' found himself as the most notorious member of the exposed ring owing to the almost unique levels of depravity of the content he shared with Simmons.

Erik Schultz Joytard 01 aka Erik Jackson. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible. People who identify as 'Spoonies' are referencing 'The Spoon Theory,' written by a woman with lupus to explain the chronic illness experience to a healthy friend who asked her what it really feels like to live with her medical problems. In recent years, however, it has become polluted with SJW types and has attracted a new breed of attention-seeking catfish: Marc Feldman, an expert in factitious disorders including Munchausen Syndrome, first described Munchausen By Internet in Communities often formed on those forums, with the goal of sharing information to help other members.

Medical websites also became common, giving lay users access to literature in a way that was accessible to those without specific medical training. As Internet communication grew in popularity, users began to forgo the doctors and hospitals often consulted for medical advice. Frequenting virtual communities that have experience with a medical problem, Feldman notes, is easier than going through the physical pain or illness that would be necessary before visiting a doctor to get the attention sought. By pretending to be gravely ill, Internet users can gain sympathy from a group whose sole reason for existence is support.

Health care professionals, with their limited time, greater medical knowledge, and tendency to be more skeptical in their diagnoses, may be less likely to provide that support. They have an apartment in Orange County and she just got a job at Ulta but like I'm shook by the age gap idk His youtube: She also just seems to be a man hater in general.

Cheyenne seems to love to use her mental illness as an excuse to be a bitch to people. Her behaviour almost drove Ziegs to suicide. Thought she should have her own. Emzotic has been outed for bizarre selfposting. See this post for a full explanation and Emzotic's post history. In this thread we will be able to talk about another Petubers flaws. We will started with the basic kit of narcissistic self involved characters such as: Emzotic - Mentioned now and again on the TND thread. All Emzotic posts on Lolcow can be found here: Doesn't seem to know much about rat genetics but claims to have worked with breeders.

Holly 'Can't take critique on her rape fetish' C Brown. Her room is very filthy. Has terrible grammar anything she writes is confusing. The "SoundClout" umbrella encompasses: The usual cows are: Runs superrradical and leeches off his friends success. His most recent ticket is prodbyparis. Tyler is melodramatic, self obsessed, and delusional.

Loves to subtweet other artists and deleting and soon as he catches heat. Bad lip injections and highly questionable taste in men. Shady groupie who hops from musician to musician. Also has really bad lip fillers. Holds two world Records: Cass is known for terrible anatomically impossible shoops, bad makeup and painfully cringey coke fueled twitter rants. TPs ex has cheated on Cass multiple times. Posts cringey Brit raps and is just generally weird af. Speculated to be on the spectrum. A Peep obsessed artist, constantly regurgitating new age garbage.

Cannot stop getting Gus memorial face tatts and referring to him as her "twin flame" despite spending limited time together. Always in the comments section of all of SoundClouts social media posts. In her early 30s, aka Way too old for this shit. Pepper was arrested and is once again spurging about how shitty his life is on social media Layla's musical debut has been delayed, perhaps forever.

However will the world go on? Columbia Records released a Peep XXX collab, drawing a line in the sand and forcing most of the major SoundClout players to choose a side. Smokeasac and Fat Nick pimped the song out hard, despite Peep's mom and brother being very vocal about not supporting it.

Cass, forever the Layla skinwalker, is getting her life together via rehab… allegedly. Milk surrounding the investigation and SoundClout fallout is still allowed. Ginger Bronson aka Kayla Day pt3. Let's continue the milking! Kayla is a near 30 year old tumblr has-been. She peaked in for her online persona of broken fragile wolf gurl poetry meth addict lonely heart warrior. Then she greedily tried to abuse her online game by switching into rapping, only to lose all her popularity.

Pretends to be a thicc rapper from da hood who loves gangstas even though she's confirmed to live with rich mummy and daddy in a mansion. Don't worry, he has published this name and all of the below information openly. This is his blog.

  1. Women in the South African Parliament: From Resistance to Governance.
  2. !
  3. .

He's making what looks like a bad flash game, and his dream is to sell it. DoorMatt allows himself to get cucked on the regular. Ember Emily Luna Megan Kristen. I don't want to lead you on". Used her for clickbait and continued to talk about exes all the time in front of her gf and her family. Here's a new one for the few gaijin gyaru left in Japan, their alleged friends, and all the girls who frequently make their way to Tokyo like Dania pictured. She is either in the process of being deported to begin a 3 year suspended sentence or in a Japanese prison serving a 1.

She is working at Miss Universe Ikebukuro and visa hopping to Korea. She got a new boobjob to try to fix her other one, had lipo, and finally turned They had already moved on by the time the news broke that she was arrested. Shani was the only one who ever publicly expressed feelings about the arrest. They've moved from Osaka to Nara. She lives in a cottage by herself that her parents pay for, has no job, is receiving a disability pension for her "mental health issues" and posts online about how sad and depressed she is all of the time.

Requesting pics of fat Suzie Bernhow. Jill had a stranger pay for her order at the drive thru, but then failed to then pay forward herself. Claims this was the gay agenda. Jill goes to pride with a bi flag, despite saying she is gay. She then deletes her coming out video. Jill moves into her town house.

She immediately posts a full photo of her keys, which can be copied. She paints it a rainbow pastel vomit mess. He's a creep who doesn't understand boundaries and hits on women in a uncomfortable fashion. As well if you are friends with him or are on his Facebook friends list and you unfriend him, he flips out publicly attacks you and tries to destroy your reputation. I probably know 5 people who he's had a problem with this year by name, i'm aware that he's been banned from Derpycon and two other cons.

Anyone have any more info? I've heard shit about him dating back to , so he does have a long history. His blog seems pretty funny and delusional, I enjoy reading it. Furry uses real puppy as reference to furry porn. As of right now he's back in Japan, ostensibly to meet his latest online girlfriend except he immediately dumped her the day they met because he didn't find her attractive enough.

They still had sex though. He also makes costumes for adults, and while hit-or-miss, are usually extremely tacky and overpriced for their quality. Despite this, he has made dresses for popular Disney cosplayers such as Traci Hines who has her own thread as well and Amber Arden. His dressmaking "skills" include but are not limited to: When he was confronted by multiple people about this, he quickly began purging comments and blocking people.

He's still making daily videos on Onision 2. Joy Sparkle BS best friend and supporter 3. Onision-Obsessed but he's either mentally unstable or has nothing else to say Makes a video about it. Rep makes an epic video response saying "he doesn't really give a fuck about him, nor Joy. Eva Hazen aka Yeva aka acidburnbaby. I see a milky future for this cow.. Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as transmen or biological males usually the former. These girls are not really transgender because they experience little or no gender dysphoria and usually don't transition, although some of them take male hormones made possible by informed consent transgender clinics which require no diagnosis and later regret it.

From fake eating disorders to delusions, she's got you covered. There's too much to say about her without also posting screenshots, so allow me to summarize. Takes pride in and brags about it. Had seizures on top of nerve damage from diabetes, disabled. Her diabetes Type II from her atrocious diet is probably real, the death of her parents was real. The rest of it isn't. She changes names and social media so often that most people wont realise that shes still active so heres the only active link I have right now that isnt private.

Kati and the Joytards attempted to start an obvious vendetta thread and it was soundly mocked till farmers locked it as the obvious spergery that it is. Do you realize that actual retards master image boards and you and your band of spergs failed hard! Kati is desperate to keep her 6k twitter followers. She can even speak in the ebonics accent! This included a howling performance by two cats in a bag being smashed against the wall… oh, wait…that was her attempting to sing. She then posted her signing at her peak in and proved that two cats in a bag being smashed against a wall are more melodic her at her peak.

She claimed a sudden deep clean on her apartment that nearly killed her was because of spreading DE a fine powder through the apartment and not because the complex told her to clean her fucking pig sty up or get out. Spends his days disappointing his dad as if it was his job since he doesn't have one and hangs out with way too young for him girls with self-esteem issues. Nice milky hot mess who displays such attention seeking behavior as pretending to drink Windex, briefly dating plastic ogre, Frenchy, from Rock of Love, and paying again, D-list porn stars to show up in his terrible excuses for music videos.

She initially got attention by dating some lonely older guy who helped make Day-Z, and has been making similar connections since and growing for that reason People eat up that cutesy voice and her British accent and assume she's pretty because she doesn't use a camera. In person all she does is humblebrag about being a known by some people.

She told straight up lies about an autistic girl at our uni so that no one would talk to that girl for the whole three years. And everything she says is an obvious humblebrag to put people down. First time being with a woman in over a year! Even made a petition to include herself in KH3 as Sora's love interest. He is an alleged rapist and has been known to take recordings from here and The Blargh.

He is known to lurk and post on his thread. Rag mentions an addiction to heroin and CJ denies ever being on drugs.

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RSN falls for bait about Rag being a rapist. Pig" because he's a fucking Sir! Destiny Debates YouTubers That is the allege pedo. Still no shame in sight. One of those instagram whores that shoop their bodies to impossible proportions and of course lies about everything. I just recently found out about this girl but wanted to make a thread here to get help squeezing milk, this looks promising as shit pic related is the closest thing to what she really looks like.

Bitched for ages that she lost because of racism and blamed white girls who ''can't even speak Japanese''. Got mad when she realized he was talking to there girls. Tried to make herself the victim and posted a 'callout' of him to Reddit. Got dragged by users and had her account banned. Didn't follow through with it. Social Media links https: Brand new Recordings leaked that favor Brittany's side in the drama about her breakup. I bet this article has an interesting edit history. She also credits herself as writing Harry Potter fanfiction, fucking lmfao. Credit to Farms user Oasys for the description because it's too good: They got made into a really unpopular flop of a movie in , and then became an ABC Family show called Shadowhunters in However, Clare is best known as a plagiarist, cyberbully, predator, and ogre.

This part is why I'd say she's a Lolcow rather than just a regular shitty person. Although most of her drama is in the past, Casserole still chimps out all the time. And now that season 2 of the Shadowhunters show is about to begin, more is to be expected. First off, she is a huge bully. Here is one account of her bullying there are numerous. Some of the behaviors mentioned: Using lawyers to threaten people into deleting stuff. Sending fans to attack the Shadowhunters writers and try to get them fired. After having called the show shite again and again.

Filling Doodle Up (DDlg Bondage, Group Sex, Ageplay Erotica) - Kindle edition by Alotta Dixon. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones . What if I get an attack while giving Daddy a blow job and throw up on Him? If your little is curious about bondage/shibari but has anxiety, work your way up A lot of people who identify as CG/l seem to be more into kinky sex, ageplay, DDLG Doodles: This tumblr page is filled with all sorts of awesome.

Clare in , pre-TV series: They are not a fetish. And monetizing it… For charity? Profited off her plagiarism, i. Has a nasty incest fetish. Oh shit, did I not mention that those two main characters are siblings? Tumblr loved that one. Wants Aragorn and Legolas to fuck. The way she writes female characters indicates clear spitefulness towards attractive and sexually confident women. Poetry is literature, you dumb cunt. This quote is so delectable considering her affinity for stealing sentences, jokes, names, and ideas from successful books, shows, and movies.

Her favorites seem to be lifting jokes from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Blackadder. It wouldn't surprise me if she changed the punchlines but kept the format in her officially published books. Sad, considering some liked her fanfiction so much because of the laugh-out-loud jokes. She's finally being sued for plagirism: Also producing will be Sarem and Chris Kenner, who has served as a longtime executive producer to iconic magician David Copperfield.

The list is curated. Mall Cop 2 credited as Hotel Guest. She's been acting since at least , and she's never had a name credit, only shit like Girlfriend 3, Audience Member, Show Patron. There's definitely some shady shit going on with Sarem and the crew behind the book. Looks like a labor of love of some Hollywood has-beens who thought they could make a comeback by owning a bestselling YA book, and making a franchise out of it. Here's a video of Sarem and TI Nicholas at a convention, talking about the book.

It has 87 views and it's three months old: He's a failed musician, did some fraudulent shit with funding a movie, also claimed Maradonia was getting turned into a blockbuster and theme park. Might be some other music video, I can't be arsed to comb through this Guantanamo Bay audio torture. No activity since Who is Robert Stanek? He is an award-winning, internationally bestselling author of over books for young children and adults. Or so he would have you believe.

Actually, Robert Stanek is a self-published author. As far as I can tell, his books have never appeared on any bestseller lists, he has never won any kind of literary award, and almost all of his business comes from him creating hundreds of sockpuppet accounts on Amazon. His third books, Reaper's Creek, is currently being written and published chapter-by-chapter on his Patreon. Onision's narcissistic rage as he reads bad reviews of Stones To Abbigale, whilst wearing a particularly fugly shirt: Gines is a trooper.

An outspoken Onision critic for almost a decade, and a small youtuber, she went through every Onision's book chapter by chapter, and she's a pleasure to listen as she tears him to shreds. Gines Reads Stones to Abbigale playlist: These are just some folks to tickle your fancy. Hopefully we can have a strong thread going, finally. She streams h, 5 days every week, she still lives at her partents place and don't pay a single cent for anything.

Her car, gas, food and everything? She tells people that she needs the money to survive the week, collects money for streaming equip, cosplays and other things but she didn't buy that stuff. The only cosplay she owns is an old Jinx cosplay, way too small and ripped because she got some weight since she bought it she made a video on a con, where she painted her ass to cover the hole in the trousers. Most of the people sub her stream for the emotes. She was on the german community spotlight page and her badly photoshopped pic was on the LoL Launcher for weeks https: Her personality, her stream, everything is fake.

Even her ill-gotten bachelor's degree. It was like lolcow but only about gyarus. Do you miss gyaru secrets? What were your highlights? The most wtf moment? Wouldn't be that bad. So how bad could the dysphoria be? Am I overreacting, farmers, or is it logical to be bothered by this? I've been playing since S1 and while I don't and don't have the skill to want to go pro, it's so shitty that this person is trying to represent "girl eSports players" verbatim.

I breathe, I offend people. I've come to the conclusion that I am the living form of offense. Or people need to stop being huge bleeding twats. Never will I find a unicorn though" Please no race baiting. Some black people are offended by them some aren't. But the bottom line is, white people's hair aren't designed for locs and always looks embarrassing. If you must post commentary, sage goes in the email field.

She has done this a lot and as her popularity is rising she's getting worse. She also has a shitty art book coming out. See someone completely insane on fetlife? Want to make fun of Domly Doms? Or maybe you have just found some crazy adult babies or foot fetishists. If someone is acting like an attention seeking idiot with their fetish, post them here. She is constantly spamming her discount codes from many of the circle lens and knock off j-fashion websites she has sponsorships from.

If you post anything about her being too skinny it will be deleted and her fans will flock to defend her shrinking body. Currently in Japan floating around as a ghostly apparition. Richie Giese aka Social Repose. He's been mentioned in Onision threads for their ongoing feud. Dated Ayalla the best friend of Onision's failed polyamory girlfriend, Billie and cheated on her repeatedly, causing Onision to go on plenty of spergout rants about how monstrous cheaters are to get Ayalla on his good side.

When Richie started dating youtuber Jaclyn Glenn, Onision warned her multiple times she'd be cheated on as well. It has recently come out that Richie has indeed cheated on Jaclyn for the entire duration of their relationship, citing a fear of commitment and the relationship moving too fast even though he previously had a commitment ceremony with her in Las Vegas, then gave her a real ring and started calling her wife instead of girlfriend.

Dakota kicked off semi-strong, managing to book 3 runway shows using fake measurements and 6 year old viral shoops through her agency Platinum Productions after grabbing some sponsored cosmetic procedures from friends, like a weight loss procedure she claimed was a posture correction and getting her teeth professionally whitened twice in a month. Kota says she "can't do anything risky for her health" like plastic surgery or liposuction because she allegedly had acute leukemia a serious and severe form of blood cancer two years ago.

This epic lie could be an attempt to explain not only her lack of work other than Fitt's since , but also why she came back after such a long absence looking so much bigger and older. Japanese Twitter users didn't buy it, even with legitimate websites like ModelPress shilling her cancer story for sympathy points. Many great candids from this show, plus a press event she did for the suitcases. Each new show also features either Hirari, Yula, Rola, or an assortment of AKB members to keep her company so she doesn't have to face the scary world of Japanese modeling alone.

In her spare time, Kota has yet again changed her shoop style, this time to one more mature and true to her real face shape, but is considerably less kawaii and foetal than before. She employs this new shoop style to make it seems like she has a social life, posting shots of her at shop events and out to restaurants with the same friends she always ends up working with under the guise of a girls' day out. It looks like she's continuing to lay low, as she has been since mid , doing and posting the same things on repeat on her social media while pretending to be a super important high fashion model in her own time.

In she was caught plagiarizing multiple times from other YouTubers and from her own comment section, and was shamed and ridiculed by other YouTube "skeptics", made a non-apology where she basically said her plagiarism was an accident, and went under the radar for a while. More recently she got attention again for plagiarism - this time accusing Buzzfeed of plagiarizing her - and didn't accept their excuse of not knowing who the fuck she even is.

She also believes some stupid shit about gender and thinks of herself as a true progressive. Basically, she's high off the smell of her own highly intellectual farts. Mewch being the most active one he is on. Is a known pedophile, often posting pictures of skimpy teens. Lives in his mother's house as a home aid or something just ask and he will tell. Loves mlp and jerks off onto the figures, not even kidding.

Shady relationship and lying about financial status. Emzotic -She is mention now and then on TND thread, however it wasnt until recent events she make a Tweet about Lolcow and how Anons dont have anything better to do than criticizes her when she showed she spent a reasonable amount of time lurking on TND thread's. A list of health and personal safety in BDSM. Posted by Daddys-Doll at 9: Sunday, August 3, How to make your own tails and tail plugs. Saturday, August 2, Looking back on the past 3 years. The anniversary of my training is approaching. I was extremely sexually repressed and ignorant.

I had just left an abusive relationship and started dating Daddy only a few weeks after that. So before that, I was romanticizing a concept that I had only seen in hentai all the education and done in roleplay. Before my training had started, we did talk about our perversions and sexual interests; all that fun stuff. And then it happened: I've been intentionally refraining from treating you as my pet up till now, but it seems you are more than eager to be one What do you say?

Shall we give this collar its proper meaning? Despite the fact I had called Him "Master" a few times in the past, I wasn't very comfortable with it. It sounded to formal and unloving. I remember I followed this girl on my normal Tumblr, I think her name was kittyrot, and she called her Dom "Daddy". As I read what it meant to be a babygirl, I found that it fit me to a T. I shared the link with Daddy and asked Him if I could call Him that. He was hesitant at first but eventually agreed to it and it grew on Him.

It's kind of funny when I look back because I was the type of person that current-me would be throwing links at and go on about safety, precautions, etc. But I have to say, I'm glad that we took it slow. Daddy has told me that He saw potential in me from the beginning and wanted to start training me sooner, but He was worried about His well being and mine. It goes to show that He was patient enough to make sure that I was okay before taking this new step, because let's be honest, power exchanges are nothing to take lightly. Monday, July 28, A Guide to Tailplugs. Posted by Daddys-Doll at 7: Different Types of Collars and Their Meanings.

Posture Collar - You've probably seen these collars in pictures, they tend to be fairly large and cover up most of the neck. They are worn to for fun, as a fashion statement, or a way to restrict neck movement and enhance posture. This is the truth:. Posted by Daddys-Doll at 4: Forgiveness is a hard concept for me. I understand it but I'm rarely capable of it during extreme situations. Perhaps it's because I have a hard time forgetting things and I tie the two things together, despite the fact that Daddy insists that they're two different things. Daddy and I are not a perfect couple, but then again no couple is.

Daddy has hurt me in the past with words and actions, often times letting his anger get the best of him. Both of us are rage machines. Have I forgiven him? I'd like to say yes, I mean I don't think about these offenses on a daily basis and hate Him But when I do remember it during an argument, I have a bad case of bringing up the past and holding it over His head. Daddy is nothing like that though. When kitten was still around, I had a really hard time forgiving her after she cheated on Daddy. What bothered me the most about it was her pathetic excuses for cheating, that made no sense.

And while I didn't personally know the other Master that she was involved with, when approaching him to get the full story, I was told that she told him that she wasn't owned and had never been owned. I saw it as a slap in His face, their relationship, and their power dynamic. So when she came back, I had a very hard time trusting her and forgiving her.

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As a matter of fact, I never trusted her again and it's a good thing I didn't. My point is, while Daddy was able to forgive her and give her another chance, I was extremely wary. I just couldn't find it in myself to forgive her and let my guard down anytime I remembered what happened. I can recall a past friendship where I was stabbed in the back by my best friend and it took me a year or two to stop hating her and talk things out.

I hold grudges and I hate it. So now I find myself in a situation where I need to forgive myself and I can't. I realize that beating myself up over what happened is not healthy, and like my friend said, it creates an endless cycle. I just can't find it in myself to forgive myself. Why should I pretend what I did was okay and move on? Because I know that it was not okay, I saw how it hurt Daddy, our relationship, and even me.

How am I to let go over guilt and live with my mistakes? Posted by Daddys-Doll at 2: My sex drive is not what it used to be but it's getting better slowly. When you go from wanting sex every day and sometimes multiple times a day to suddenly not wanting it, it's foreign.

As I explained to my friend yesterday, I'm at a point where I could go the rest of my life without sex and be fine with it. I very rarely feel horny these days and there have been a few times when I mentally want sex, but my body says no. It's frustrating when you're rubbing your clit and it's not as sensitive as it used to be and you don't get wet. Thankfully I see my psychiatrist on Friday it's been 2 or 3 months and I can bring this up to her and see what can be done.

I'm currently at very low doses of both of my medications so I'm puzzled as to why this is happening. Not only that but I've been on one since and the other since October of last year. I've never had problems with my sex drive with either but it's completely possible. Daddy insists that it's fine but I worry about Him. Our relationship has never been solely based on sex but it was very important to both of us. Sex has always been more than "I'm horny, help get me off," it was our way of expressing our love and lust towards each other and becoming one, so to speak.

So when I see that He's horny and I have no interest in playing, I feel bad about it. It's in my nature to want to care for him and please him. I'm sure if we were living together I'd have no problem giving Him blowjobs and handjobs, or hell, even letting him have vaginal sex with me. It's just that there are times when I try and I can't get wet enough or I'm not feeling pleasure from it, and Daddy insists that it's not fun if I'm not enjoying it.

There have been days when I've been extremely frustrated and just said, "Fuck it. Might as well just accept the fact I'm practically asexual now. Wednesday, July 9, Punishment Writing Prompt. I'll just get it out of the way, I cheated on Daddy last month. I guess I should start with some back story about me and my relationship. Before Daddy came along, I had been in a lot of relationships in the past, most of them being completely non-sexual but I always found myself having a hard time staying faithful.

The issue was typically that I fell for another person while dating someone and then had to choose. Daddy and I have been together for 3 and a half years. From the start it was stated that He is polyamorous and that he had a girlfriend already. I worked with this though and we became a triad.

Other than that, I had no real interest in other guys. I found that polyamory could help me though; I mean, now I had the opportunity to be honest about falling for someone else if it happened and to discuss it with Daddy. And there were a couple times that I fell for someone else and I was always honest about it and brought it up, and I was never scorned for it. Our rule was to be honest and open about our feelings. I rarely saw Him feel jealousy towards another person unless He felt threatened. A few weeks ago my best friends and girlfriend all came to visit.

There were 5 of us. Before the week when everyone arrived, Daddy had been teasing me about ordering me with my consent to tease my friends or to have me passed around and be fucked by them. The thought really excited me but also made me a bit shy. Because Little Miss is my girlfriend, I already had permission to play with her but eventually I asked permission to tease her Daddy, after Little Miss brought up the idea.

I was given the okay: Would it be okay if I join Misty in teasing Cliff?


If you want to. I just wanted to check with you first. However, I fucked up at this point; there was a serious issue with communication and assumptions. I went past teasing and fucked her Daddy. Despite the fact that the idea had been discussed prior to all this, I never specifically asked permission to do anything more than tease him. Daddy was not pleased, but I was left confused. It made no sense to me to have to be like "Hold on, need to ask permission" every time I want to move on to another base. The result of my actions was this: Am I still released? Is that what you want?

You cannot be trusted. So do whatever you want, I won't stress over it anymore. The next day my other friend arrived, we'll call him A. We are extremely close and long distance cuddle buddies. I've always thought A was pretty good looking but was never sexually attracted to Him or felt anything past platonic feelings toward him. However, when I picked him up from the airport for the firs time, things completely changed.

As I later explained to Daddy: I've never thought about doing anything with him up until the being passed around fantasy. I asked for permission one night about teasing him and got the okay. It went further though, a lot further to be more specific. I fucked A, not once but 6 times throughout the week he stayed over. I can't even recall why I did it at first. I mean, I do remember Daddy saying "Do whatever you want," and considering I had been told I was released, I guess nothing was holding me back. What's weird though is that normally I haven't been too keen on casual sex but I guess that changed over time as I started to get more comfortable with my sexuality and urges.

After that it just became addicting and I started to fall for him. I had a really hard time controlling myself, hell I even played with myself next to Little Miss on a ride at Disney. Daddy tried to write off the issue as a hypersexuality phase because I wasn't on my meds during that time I had run out and was having issues with insurance covering the costs.

He passed me some links and I read up on it but I really didn't want to add excuses to my behavior, even more so, I really didn't think I matched the criteria because in my mind, a nymphomaniac is someone who feels uncontrollable sexual urges almost constantly and can't control their self. While I did have a hard time with impulse control, I definitely wasn't at the point of fucking all of my friends or random strangers.

Reading over the rest of the logs, I realize just how much of a bitch cunt I was to Daddy. This is awful, I definitely didn't remember being this disrespectful. I was pretty vindictive because a couple times I was called names and disrespected, and then I was holding that against Him, as well as things from the past. I don't want to let that excuse my behavior or actions though because I still had the choice to calm down. From what I've read, and completely forgot about up til now, there were a lot of times where he begged me to stop and I didn't.

All I cared about was having a good time with my friends and making sure they were having a good time too, since we had other issues going on on the side. As of now, Daddy has forgiven me for the most part but the entire week still sits in the back of his head. He remembers well what happens and it still bothers him. The more I think back to how I treated him during that week, the worse I feel about myself. I really don't know what pushed me over the edge.

So for anyone reading this especially guys from Reddit thinking that I am the perfect girlfriend and sub. I'm far from it but I want to make sure that this never happens again. Tuesday, July 8, Question on Aftercare for littles. So I have a new daddy and at first he didn't do after care and i asked him yo and tried to explain why and he agreed to do it.

But niether of us really know what to do during aftercare..? How does he bring me out of subspace? Remember that aftercare should revolve around you and making sure that your needs are being met. You and your Daddy can also create an aftercare kit. Here's how you can help. Bake cookies together and decorate them. Put on their favorite movie and watch it with them. Play a game together.

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Cook their favorite food for dinner. Take a bubble bath together. Write a little note. It can funny, cute, or lovey-dovey. Increase the amount of hugs and kisses that day. Help your little play dress up and take pictures of them in their outfits. Look over them together at the end and keep your favorites. Look at funny things online together. Remember to ask first and respect their disinterest at that time. Not everyone is in the mood to play while under stress. Be supportive and empathetic. Take your little out to an empty playground.

Meditate together and listen to calming music. Give your little a make over. You both can laugh at the results at the end. Draw, color, or paint something together. Give them space if needed. Remember that Daddies and Mommies are people too and that means they can have bad days at work or just feel relatively down. On these days you will need to to be a big girl or boy and be less demanding as a little. For Daddies and Mommies: Remember that your little is much more sensitive and requires more attention and love than other women or men. This goes without saying but spoil them a bit more with affection and attention; you need to heal both the inner child and the big.

Do more things together, especially things that interest your little. You want to make them feel happier than their current state. They can carry on with chores tomorrow. Lately it seems that my taste for humiliation has increase. In the past week, Daddy and I have had two playdates that have pushed me further than before. Two Days ago I asked if I could watch Daddy getting off to porn. I called Him up on Monday and we started playing like usual, I strip down at His command and tease Him a bit, and then He pushes down His pants.

After two pornos, He decided that it was time to check up on me and pamper me. He asked how I was feeling and I said that I felt turned on but conflicted. I also told Him that some of the things He said had struck a nerve, but I reminded myself that it was just part of the scene. He admitted that He was playing along with my fantasy but also seeing how far he could go with it, which I had no problem with.

After discussing this, He teased me and called me a slut for liking such things. I won't go too in depth in this because I've already covered it in this post. It is a lifestyle. Mommy, little girl, little boy, babygirl, babyboy, etc. This means that there is a Dominant figure and a submissive and there is a power exchange between the two. Ageplay is a fetish that involves some amount of roleplaying, it's very similar to pet play in the sense that you're acting out specific roles.

This means that a person has an interest in regressing or roleplaying a younger age and this can be achieved through dressing up or taking part in younger hobbies and interests. Ageplay divides into three parts: The age range tends to cover baby to toddler age.

The "little" division tends to refer to ages , give or take.