A Womans Life-Work — Labors and Experiences of Laura S. Haviland

A Woman's Life-Work — Labors and Experiences of Laura S. Haviland by Haviland

The drivers rolled in barrel after barrel from each of the sleighs, and said they would bring more before this was gone. One little boy of eleven years said:. Smith, don't you think God sent all this 'cause we prayed so hard the other night? Haviland know this; for I have been afraid she has been worse since she learned we were so nearly out.

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Structured data from the Bibframe namespace is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4. She surprised and delighted him. The Battle of the Strong: Published June 1st by Kessinger Publishing first published Licensing for more information. Citations are based on reference standards.

Soon she came into my room with the glad tidings: We had more supplies come to us to-day than we have had for two months-two heavy sleigh-loads. This news revived the spirits of those whose hands were hanging down, and gave them courage to reappoint officers. Asa Mahan's wife served as president, with other officers, duly elected.

A petition to the Legislature was drafted and industriously circulated, and printed copies were sent to a number of the superintendents of counties who had favored our project. Though the Legislature was in session, and there was not time to circulate it as extensively as desirable, yet Dr. Mahan and others thought it might succeed, although there were heavy drafts upon our Legislature of Edward made it clear to Daisy that she was nothing to him. They were both victims of family greed -- the marriage was arranged for them.

She remained quiet, gaining a reputation in the army as a tough-as-nails colonel. When she walked into his life again, Edward fell in love with this woman, unlike any he had known. She surprised and delighted him. But will Daisy take him back? The State Prison was to be enlarged, the Insane Asylum to be improved, and additions to Ann Arbor University made, while there were still other calls for appropriations. All these made the success of our scheme look doubtful to many.

All I could do was to continue in prayer that senators and representatives might feel the importance of looking after the pressing wants of our future men and women, soon to fill our vacated places.

Clark Gable

I found many children in the county poor-house through the debauchery of their fathers, and occasionally mothers. The improvement, both in conduct and in morals, of the neglected little waifs whom we had gathered into our asylum, urged us on in our work; for we realized that our experiment was a success. Our friends were thus encouraged to press forward with the petition.

A woman's life-work- labors and experiences of Laura S. Haviland (1882) (14738280116)

Mahan and his wife, our president, went before the Legislature with the view of pressing our claims. Members of the Senate and House proposed to grant Dr. Mahan one evening in representing the project, and left it in the hands of the Committee on Petitions. Senator Randall, of Coldwater, put it in the form of a bill that covered the spirit and requests of the petition.

Being chairman of the Committee on Bills, he presented it in the Senate. It was passed in that body, to our great joy, and soon after was passed in the House, and received the governor's signature, making it a law. Though only thirty thousand dollars were appropriated by the Legislature with which to commence operations, yet I knew the State would carry on the work hereafter. The site for the new asylum was to be selected at whatever desirable locality offered the most liberal donations. As Coldwater offered thirty thousand dollars toward the new enterprise, it was located in that city.

While the buildings for the State school were being erected, our asylum was moved into the city of Adrian, as at that point it was more convenient for the sisters composing the board of managers to care for it. When the "State Public School" should be opened, all in our asylum not provided with homes were to be transferred to it. My health improved sufficiently to enable me to make a few appeals to bring up arrears in our work.

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The matron and myself had received but very little, as all went to the support of the children. I cared but little for myself; but for sister Smith, who had been such a faithful, mother to these poor children, I was more anxious.

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  • A Woman's Life-Work — Labors and Experiences by Haviland-Laura S. - Kadaxis.
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  • A woman's life-work : labors and experiences of Laura S. Haviland. (Microform, ) [www.farmersmarketmusic.com];
  • Any Other Night.

At length I secured permission of my tender care-takers-my two daughters-to go among my friends in Detroit. To most of them I appealed by letter, and made but one personal call.

A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches

Canadian-born Laura Haviland () was an evangelically-minded Quaker and later (for a time) a Wesleyan Methodist, active in education and social. A Woman's Life-Work — Labors and Experiences of Laura S. Haviland by Haviland. No cover available. Download; Bibrec.

That was more particularly in the interest of a prisoner for whom I solicited a pardon. This was at length granted. Governor Baldwin had known of my asylum work, and inquired after its interests. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. Finding libraries that hold this item You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway.

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A woman's life-work: Labors and experiences of Laura S. Haviland 1882

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