The Black Monks


Directly below the Black Monks is a group called the Blue Moon. It consists of American, British, Russian and French forces. These groups operate and control the moon bases but they also need divisions on Earth. There are two such organizations, Alpha One and Alpha Two. Collier was unsure about Alpha One but believed it had to do with gathering materials and resources on Earth and keeping the population unsuspecting.

The Andromedan Moraney told Collier that Alpha Two is actually MJ, the infamous organization tasked with recovering and investigating alien craft.

Blac Monks - Secrets Of The Hidden Temple

But Alex Collier is adamant about his disclosure and the information he received from the Andromedans. When the Apollo astronauts landed on the moon, the World Order had been there for some time.


This knowledge and technology was withheld from the lower levels of NASA and our military. NASA has been used as a blind to keep people from truly knowing what was going on there. The astronauts were silenced under threats and remain so today. News All Activism World. Israel, Iran engage in most serious confrontation in Syria. All Cannabis Food Water. Are Magic Mushrooms Next? All Research Space Technology. All Environment The Earth. The Trump Administration just ended the program that monitors carbon emissions. Unlike other religious orders, the Benedictines do not have a superior general or motherhouse with universal jurisdiction.

Instead, the order is represented internationally by the Benedictine Confederation , an organisation that was set up in to represent the order's shared interests. He later founded the Abbey of Monte Cassino. There is no evidence, however, that he intended to found an order and the Rule of Saint Benedict presupposes the autonomy of each community.

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When Monte Cassino was sacked by the Lombards about the year , the monks fled to Rome, and it seems probable that this constituted an important factor in the diffusion of a knowledge of Benedictine monasticism. It was from the monastery of St. Andrew in Rome that Augustine , the prior, and his forty companions set forth in on their mission for the evangelization of England. At various stopping places during the journey, the monks left behind them traditions concerning their rule and form of life, and probably also some copies of the Rule.

Augustine and his companions in Gregory of Tours says that at Ainay Abbey , in the sixth century, the monks "followed the rules of Basil, Cassian, Caesarius, and other fathers, taking and using whatever seemed proper to the conditions of time and place", and doubtless the same liberty was taken with the Benedictine Rule when it reached them.

In many monasteries it eventually entirely displaced the earlier codes. By the ninth century, however, the Benedictine had become the standard form of monastic life throughout the whole of Western Europe, excepting Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, where the Celtic observance still prevailed for another century or two. Monastic scriptoria flourished from the ninth through the twelfth centuries. Sacred Scripture was always at the heart of every monastic scriptorium. As a general rule those of the monks who possessed skill as writers made this their chief, if not their sole active work.

The Benedictines, officially the Order of Saint Benedict are a monastic Catholic religious order of monks and nuns that follow the Rule of Saint Benedict. They are also sometimes called the Black Monks, in reference to the colour. Blac Monks was an American southern hip hop group from Houston, Texas, consisting of , External links[edit]. Black Monks discography at Discogs.

An anonymous writer of the ninth or tenth century speaks of six hours a day as the usual task of a scribe, which would absorb almost all the time available for active work in the day of a medieval monk. In the Middle Ages monasteries were often founded by the nobility.

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Such complex operations on the Moon require an equally complex hierarchy. Be prepared to relax with good selection of drinks as it takes a little time. David Dawson reveals how Lucian Freud painted in private. Basket 0 Checkout Sign in. Conspiracy theories regularly mention the presence of unknown compounds and chemicals on the lunar surface and that their discovery was withheld from the public. Reviewed 6 days ago via mobile.

The abbey was noted for its strict adherence to the Rule of St. The abbot of Cluny was the superior of all the daughter houses, through appointed priors. One of the earliest reforms of Benedictine practice was that initiated in by Romuald , who founded the Camaldolese community.

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The dominance of the Benedictine monastic way of life began to decline towards the end of the twelfth century, which saw the rise of the Franciscans and Dominicans. Not being bound by location, the mendicants were better able to respond to an increasingly "urban" environment. This decline was further exacerbated by the practice of appointing a commendatory abbot, a lay person, appointed by a noble to oversee and to protect the goods of the monastery.

Oftentimes, however, this resulted in the appropriation of the assets of monasteries at the expense of the community which they were intended to support. The English Benedictine Congregation is the oldest of the nineteen Benedictine congregations.

Blac Monks

Augustine of Canterbury and his monks established the first English Benedictine monastery at Canterbury soon after their arrival in Other foundations quickly followed. Through the influence of Wilfrid , Benedict Biscop , and Dunstan , the Benedictine Rule spread with extraordinary rapidity, and in the North it was adopted in most of the monasteries that had been founded by the Celtic missionaries from Iona. Many of the episcopal sees of England were founded and governed by the Benedictines, and no fewer than nine of the old cathedrals were served by the black monks of the priories attached to them.

The monks studied the healing properties of plants and minerals to alleviate the sufferings of the sick. Germany was evangelized by English Benedictines. Willibrord and Boniface preached there in the seventh and eighth centuries and founded several abbeys. In the English Reformation , all monasteries were dissolved and their lands confiscated by the Crown, forcing their Catholic members to flee into exile on the Continent.

During the 19th century they were able to return to England, including to Selby Abbey in Yorkshire , one of the few great monastic churches to survive the Dissolution. Mildred's Priory , on the Isle of Thanet , Kent , was built in on the site of an abbey founded in by the daughter of the first Christian King of Kent.

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Currently the priory is home to a community of Benedictine nuns. During the next few years, so-called Prinknash Park was used as a home until it was returned to the order.

Black Monks, the Moon CONSPIRACY and the Origin of Mankind

Lawrence's Abbey in Ampleforth, Yorkshire was founded in In , Ampleforth set up a daughter house, a priory at St. Louis, Missouri which became independent in and became Saint Louis Abbey in its own right in As of , the English Congregation consists of three abbeys of nuns and ten abbeys of monks. Since the Oxford Movement , there has also been a modest flourishing of Benedictine monasticism in the Anglican Church and Protestant Churches.

The forty-eighth rule of Saint Benedict prescribes extensive and habitual "holy reading" for the brethren. Monks would read privately during their personal time, as well as publicly during services and at meal times. In addition to these three mentioned in the Rule, monks would also read in the infirmary. However, Benedictine monks were disallowed worldly possessions, thus necessitating the preservation and collection of sacred texts in monastic libraries for communal use.

The first record of a monastic library in England is in Canterbury. To assist with Augustine of Canterbury 's English mission , Pope Gregory the Great gave him nine books which included the Gregorian Bible in two volumes, the Psalter of Augustine, two copies of the Gospels , two martyrologies , an Exposition of the Gospels and Epistles, and a Psalter.

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