The struggle of society and individuals to carry the weight of their moral choices and how they cope with it. Discover what Olivia Newton John really meant when she said in her smash-hit Physical "Let me hear your body talk," and take a trip into the deep recesses of, well, your deep recesses with the exploratory short 'Toilet Bowl Confessions. A tough as nails s street cop deals with his pain through beat poetry. And most flying saucers are actually instances of spontaneous atmospheric combustion. Chances are the name Larry Wessel doesn't ring a bell. Created for and rejected from the Late Night Work Club Incredible performances by my 8 year old cousin Michelle Langston and her father my uncle Mike.
Zarine wiggled her fingers, smiling at. Thus in order truly to understand and rightly appreciate the poem the reader must follow its course with a double intelligence.
He had grabbed for the brass ring and come up short.