Decameron (novelle scelte) (Audio-eBook) (Italian Edition)

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The vernacular Italian works are limited for the most part to Italy. Indeed, Florence exhibits a paucity of Tresor manuscripts only one, Laurentian, Ashburnham , which came later to Florence, out of 88 elsewhere , but a multiplicity 55 out of of Tesoro MSS in Italian. Dante in Inferno XV. A discussion of the illuminations of the two languages and nations result in different styles and conventions.

However, it appears that BL had access to Italian scribes in Arras in northern France where the Lombard community was vigorous during this period, so that there are manuscripts in Picardan French with French illuminations but in the Bolognan libraria script of MS Bb. Many of the earliest and best Italian manuscripts of Rettorica , Ethica , Tesoretto and Tesoro are likewise in this script. The Rettorica translates Cicero, De inventione , and its medieval commentaries, while Tresor gives a more practical version, partly from Ad Herennium.

Thus BL twice wrote on the subject of rhetoric. The manuscripts usually include diagrams. This coulde be Ugo Spina. Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II. See De Robertis LbI , p. Paper MS, C. Maggini, De Robertis, Bolton Holloway. Rajna, Maggini, base text; Bolton Holloway, S. Miniature of Cicero, BL. Magnificent manuscript, base text for C. Commentary in smaller script than Cicero text; this hierarchy of script is copied in B5 edition.

Previously owned by Servi di Maria della Santissima Annunziata. Maggini, Bolton Holloway, S. Also Fiore di Rettorica. Firenze, Biblioteca Laurenziana, With Fioretto della Rettorica. Rev , Bertoni BhII. Confusion exists concerning the siglum. Tommaso Casini had written to Wiese telling him of it. But it is not in that MS nor does Mazzatinti list it. I therefore exclude these two fugitive MSS. BL lyrics are found in Vaticano, lat.

A fragment of the Tesoretto and some fugitive BL lyrics are copied out in the C. I ordered microfilms of all these Tesoretto manuscripts, working from these as well as from the originals, but Princeton University Library retained the microfilms. In most manuscripts the text of Il tesoretto is followed by that of Il favolello , a poem on friendship, much influenced by Cicero, Ailred of Rievaulx, Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. In one manuscript Favolello alone is given Bb. Only one manuscript is illuminated Bb.

There are 18 manuscripts which contain Il tesoretto in whole or in part, perhaps more, and the one with Il favolello only. Three Tesoretto manuscripts, interestingly, are bound with the Commedia Bb. Brunetto dedicates the Tesoretto to King Alfonso X el Sabio of Spain, to whom he had gone on embassy to seek help for Florence at the time of the Montaperti disaster. The Strozzi manuscript Bb. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Strozziano Written on vellum in the late 13 C, according to Bandini, in the 14 C according to later editors.

The gatherings are in three quires with signatures, one of 8 plus 2, one of 8, one of 12 folios. Beginnings of sections of the poem use large alternating red and blue capitals, typical of many Tesoretto manuscripts. Each line begins with a small capital that has a yellow wash applied to it, and each line ends with a period. Illuminations occur, in delicate sanguine and grisaille and in Italian style, at the foot of many of the pages.

Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Laur. Early 14 C Florentine manuscript, similar to S, with alternating red and blue capitals and a yellow wash applied to smaller ones. The quires are in 8s with 27 folios, Favolello beginning at c. The text is in two columns. Pages have been cut from original size. The text has more errors than S, is copied from it by a different scribe.

Early 14 C Florentine. This lengthy manuscript contains first an entire Commedia of leaves. Il tesoretto , written in three columns to the page, takes up folios Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, Palatino Fine 14 C Emilian manuscript of 46 leaves in Bolognan libraria. Its words are carefully spaced and capitals given to proper nouns, which is not the usual practice with Florentine Tesoretto manuscripts.

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It lacks Il favolello. Dated by Wiese C. This manuscript was owned by the Bishop of Acerno and was used by Ubaldini C. Is it the MS Rezzi C. In three columns, incomplete. Evidence of prison copying and Averroist material. See Petrucci, Catalogo BhI. It has 39 leaves. Corrections have been made to the text from Strozziano manuscript, probably by Ubaldini in readiness for his edition C. Very similar to Riccardiano siglum R; Bb. These manuscripts are both written in a crude cursive Gothic upon parchment that exhibits a similar disparity between their hair and flesh sides.

Like C1 in being an omnium gatherum. It is a fragment in Bolognan libraria from a good early MS. Irene Maffia Scariati finds it corresponds to Strozziano , fols 2vv, lines Paper, 15 C MS. P is descended from M. The manuscript also contains part of the Epistolarium and astronomical material and is a Florentine common-place book. Il tesoretto fragment is at cc. Prose Troy tale follows. Five-pointed stars on fly leaves. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Zanetti 49 Beautiful Humanist script, frontispiece illuminated with gold borders, decoration.

Attests to 16 C popularity of the poem. MS also contains Petrarchan material. Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Riccardiano Contains Il tesoretto and the poem once thought to be by BL, Il mare amoroso, as well as a sonnet. Teresa De Robertis identified script as 13 C. Its text speaks of the writing of the French Li Livres dou Tresor in the past; the others speak of that task in the future tense. On Mare amoroso , see N. Base text for Wiese C. Written in Florence, early 15 C. De Ricci, Supplement , p. Contains only Il favolello which begins at c.

Colophon dates MS Red and black rubrication. The dedications became increasingly sarcastic when it became clear that Charles had no intention of following these teachings. Carmody, published C. To their description should be added the observations by art historians M. His siglum E, Paris B. Thus Carmody listed one MS twice. His R6, Vatican lat. It is extremely fragmentary and of no validity. His T4 had likewise been destroyed in a fire in Torino, in Carmody placed S2 Bc.

Oen instead of St. Chabaille was more exact. The stemma Carmody C. Italian, Spanish and German libraries may not have been sufficiently searched. Besides the Plimpton manuscript which Carmody thought was at Yale but which is at Columbia with a second manuscript, there was also a manuscript in the collection at Warwick Castle which was probably sold off in the Edwardian period and has vanished without a trace, unless it became the one destroyed in the fire at Dunkerque.

In addition to these, Fauriel E.

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Miniatures, including BL teaching. Related to Y BbI. Unknown to Chabaille, Carmody. Magnificently illuminated late manuscript, Cicero text is illuminated with scene of Parliament, c. Very like fr Z2, BbI. Chabaille, Carmody, Gathercole Ib.

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Miniatures, Brunetto Latino teaching, c. Best exemplar of many similar early MSS. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami. Magnificent Arras-like miniatures, c. Grotesques mocking letter to Charles of Anjou, opening illumination, p. I gave this, , the sigla, IA.

London, British Library, Additional Miniature of Phyllis astride Aristotle. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton Holloway. Charles Samaran et Robert Marichal, Paris, , p. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce Lucy Sandler dates Mappamundi in Arabic position, astronomical figures.

Italian School , Oxford , p. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmolean Lucy Sandler notes is not a copy of D2, as it is made for a member of the Norfolk Gurney Gourney, Gournay family, since there is an angel with their coat of arms on the first page. Is like Ellesmere Chaucer. Could it have been the now-lost Warwick Castle MS?

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Then destroyed by fire, Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale I. Fine early, 1st redaction, manuscript. Was unknown to Chabaille, Carmody. Listed, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton Holloway. Etude des manuscrits latins et en langue vernaculaire. Written by Michel, Ends with Jerusalem pilgrimage: Unknown to Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard. Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbiblothek St Petersburg, National Library.

London, British Library, Royal II, London, , p.

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London, British Library, Yates Thompson Magnificently illuminated, especially bestiary section, cc. Unknown to Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard. Owned, Duke de Berry. See Farinelli M , p. Fragment of four detached leaves. Garcia de la Fuente, Madrid, , pp. Pierpont Morgan Library, M. Later grisaille marginal drawings to Bestiary. French miniatures, Italian script. Includes Roman de Fauvel. Chabaille, Carmody, Sorio, Gaiter C. Vielliard further cites Ronald N. A Critical Edition, Supplement , Berkeley, , pp. Firenze, Biblioteca Laurenziana, Ashburnham Miniatures, Caesar crowned, given book, repeated with crowned king given book for Tresor , Brunetto teaching four students.

Fine miniatures, by three artists, one Franco-Flemish, two Italian, annotated in French and Italian, mixture of French and Florentine styles throughout many illuminations of BL teaching. Only second part of Tresor , c. Excellent Arras-like miniatures, cc. Owned Cardinal Bembo, who bought it in Gascony. Similar to A6, B3, S, T.

French miniatures, teaching scenes, Bolognan libraria , Arras connection, c. From Pavian library of Giangaleazzo Visconti.

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Facsimile published MLA, C. Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, L. Damaged in fire, but an excellent manuscript, Italian capitals, French illuminations.

Had contained end of Tresor , III. Diplomatic presentation volume involving a relative of the Doge of Venice, Giovanni Dandolo , and presentation letter. Italian style illuminations to French MS of Brunetto in red robe teaching from lectern to three students, Emperor in red, blue, ermine, on throne. Bound with Dandolo arms and winged lion of St Mark with Book. I earlier gave it siglum of EE. Muddled Tresor , followed by Jean de Meun, Testament.

Related to A BbI. Same scribe as A4 BbI. Owned, Humphrey of Gloucester or Henry V. Jehan du Quesne ascription. Illuminations of author presenting book to king, of popes and cardinals, of building a city, of cannons being fired. Jehan du Quesne of Lille ascription. London, British Library, Addit. Copied from C2, British Library, Addit. Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton Holloway. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library Miniatures of Brunetto writing and bestiary material.

Vielliard further cites The Pierpont Morgan Library. Bond, New York, , p. Text is southern French, Italian-like dialect. Contains account of exile. Bought by George Plimpton. Not seen by Carmody. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana S79 sup. Fine discussion of diplomacy, embassies, function of secretary to popes and kings.

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Mentioned, not seen, Carmody. Modena, Biblioteca Estense E. Speaks of goverment as not by comune but by a king. I earlier gave this siglum of OO.

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Udine, Archivio di Stato. Written in Italian hand. French notes in margin. Fragment of 31 cc. In possession of notaries. Perhaps related to F2 BbI. London, Christopher de Hamel.