Antique Code Show - The 1990s

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Antique Code Show Back in the early- to mids, the Mac wasn't considered much cop as a games platform. Sure, it had a sexier GUI than. Antique Code Show Bullfrog's innovative titles gave me some of my best s gaming memories. Who could forget Populous and Dungeon.

Somethings Wild Bismarck, Hour 3 Appraisal Mexican Charro Saddle, ca. Celebrating Latino Heritage Tucson, Hour 1 Appraisal Puerto Rican Posters, ca. Appraisal Giants Baseball Uniforms, ca. Celebrating Latino Heritage Spokane, Hour 3 Celebrating Latino Heritage Junk in the Trunk 5.

Appraisal Mexican Woven-gold Bracelet, ca. Celebrating Latino Heritage Charleston, Hour 2 Celebrating Latino Heritage Birmingham, Hour 1 Appraisal Peruvian Retablo with Frame, ca. Celebrating Latino Heritage Vintage Tucson Tucson, Hour 3 Appraisal Latin American Sampler Value: Celebrating Latino Heritage Biloxi, Hour 3 Celebrating Latino Heritage Richmond, Hour 1 Appraisal Roberto Clemente-signed Poster Value: This craze also brought about revivals of The Transformers , G.

Joe , Speed Racer , and Voltron.

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The post-punk revival coincided with this, as the genre was originally popular albeit underground in the s. There also was That '80s Show and Freaks and Geeks , but both shows were short-lived despite the latter's critical acclaim.

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I Love the '80s , a part of a series of decade retrospectives, became the most popular of the series and spawned two sequel series. The s have seen a revival of both the s and s. The film Everybody Wants Some was released. A trend for s second wave synthpop is growing along with s-style future house and nu-disco songs by such artists as Katy Perry , Justin Timberlake , and Bruno Mars.

Numerous s television shows and movies have been revived, along with some films from the s such as Footloose , Ghostbusters , Adventures in Babysitting , Dirty Dancing , and The Smurfs. There was also an I Love the '90s series that was released in the mids. The Teen Titans Go!

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Also, new jack swing came back in style in early with " Finesse " by Bruno Mars featuring Cardi B. The s have also seen a revival of the mid-late s and early s, overlapping somewhat with the s revivals. Sequels to s films, such as Anchorman 2 , Finding Dory , and Monsters University have been released ten years after the original films. Some believe this a case of the "nostalgia cycle" becoming shorter, as the generation that grew up with this media in their childhoods is now in their early-to-mid 20s.

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Retrogaming is a pastime which is becoming increasingly popular where individuals play video games on vintage computers or vintage game consoles. Emulation often plays a part in retrogaming if the original hardware is unavailable. Retro erotica is usually photography in the style of pinups or pornography typically dating from the s or earlier.

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It ranges from hardcore to non-nude pinup style photography, often featuring lingerie such as girdles , bullet bras and garter belts and hosiery with hairstyles, makeup, and props fashioned after those periods. Some aficionados distinguish retro modern photography in an older style from vintage actual period photos or film while others conflate the two as either retro or vintage. There are a number of websites dedicated to both types. A handful of airlines have chosen to paint a historical livery on a single selected aircraft in their modern fleet, typically as a marketing device or to commemorate an anniversary.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Retro disambiguation. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. July Learn how and when to remove this template message.

The Culture of Revival , pp.