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A tale of horrific sexual abuse and brutal murder — offset against an incredible love story. Not for the feint hearted. The thematic landscape of the book is dark and sinister, dealing with child abuse, rape, abuse of power and political corruption. A murder investigation, a personal journey of discovery and a dramatic, passionate love story intertwine to produce a powerful work. Child abuse and rape are not exactly common topics for a work of fiction. What prompted von Rudloff to use these controversial areas as a basis for his novel? Whenever I read about it — such as the numerous cases we regularly read about in the local press — my blood boils, and I must confess the idea of violent retribution comes to mind: You know what I mean: This book lays it all on the table There is a strong theme of romantic love, some humour, various Setswana and Afrikaner cultural values and customs are highlighted, and I explore the evolving political landscape of Southern Africa and the changing ways in which people of different races and backgrounds are learning to interact.

My own involvement in the fight against apartheid, my decision to go into exile in Botswana and my subsequent adoption by this beautiful country have obviously played their part in inspiring me to write this book. Rugger, beer and seducing horsy debutantes were his preferred amusements, and he exuded the compelling bouquet of self-assured public school gentry. His breeding, education, financial background and social station were impeccable.

His friends would have called him supremely confident, if a bit loud. The rest of the world would unanimously have thought him arrogant and stuck-up, the epitome of an upper-class prick. He was enjoying life at university; the parties were wild and the girls attractive and generally very willing. None of this mattered to him at the moment, as he stared wide-eyed at the ceiling, waiting for death. He strained futilely against his bonds and the gaffer tape gag. He could still see the horrifying sight of the gloved hand holding up his blood-gushing genitals for him to examine.

The blood had caked across his face where they had smeared his ruptured scrotum, and he could still smell the nauseating odour of his own raw flesh; still taste his own blood. The pain was excruciating. It would no doubt get much worse before it was all over. Apart from the soft rumble of traffic along the Tottenham Court Road, and the faint reverberation of the windows as a tube rattled along the Central Line far below, the only sound he could hear over his own sobbing, snotty nasal breathing was the steady drip-drip of his blood into the bucket they had placed under the table beneath his mutilated groin.

It took a little time, through the hangover and splitting headache for Maurice to comprehend that he was being fingered as the culprit. There had been talk of arrest and charges, frantic thoughts of scandal, of Daddy, and of prison. A miasma of panic and despair had enveloped him. The Pyramid Legacy by CliveEaton http: BYNR "A fabulous page turner! A prominent young Egyptologist is murdered by a colleague, deep within the bowels of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

An image, which suggests the Great Pyramid at Giza was not built by ancient Egyptians. Anderson manages to escape Egypt at the earliest opportunity, together with his astrophysicist girlfriend, Samantha Gibson, but the authorities are quickly on their tail when it becomes evident they have arrested the wrong person. Keen to establish who really built the Pyramids, Anderson seeks to gain additional proof to support his theory. As he and Gibson begin to discover a series of seemingly disparate clues, they soon realise that everything is far from straightforward.

Whilst seeking additional resources, Gibson is unwittingly embroiled in the internal politics of the US military, with the result that she becomes a pawn in a vicious power struggle involving a corrupt senior officer. Her path crosses that of an ex-lover and her relationship with Anderson stretches to breaking point.

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Falco 2 Shadow Sins: Maamar Rekaiba, a former civil servant, was a child when his country became independent. Instead of seeing reality "out there," we must think in terms of a participatory universe. The Vedic rishis were true Einsteins of consciousness, and if mind and cosmos can be linked, these seers are urgently relevant. Creative Couplings Star Trek: A very good option is dietary restriction.

As Anderson begins to see Gibson from a totally different perspective, his focus changes, and he pushes himself well beyond the limits of his comfort zone in an attempt to discover the truth. Gibson is now prepared to do anything to fulfil a lifetime ambition, but as her objective becomes almost within her grasp a virulent virus threatens to stop her.

And so an unprecedented race begins to finally reveal the true legacy of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Pyramid Legacy is a thriller, but also has a story of love and deceit deeply woven in. The Ben Carson Story Amzshtwsh5: Gifted Hands 20th Anniversary Editi Gifted Hands 20th Anniversary Edition: The Ben Carson Story http: The Ben Carson Story Amazon The Ben Carson Story: Benjamin Carson gained worldwide recognition for his part in the first successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head.

Carson pioneered again in a rare procedure known as a hemispherectomy, giving children without hope a second chance at life through a daring operation in which he literally removes one half of their brain. Such breakthroughs aren't unusual for Ben Carson. He's been beating the odds since he was a child. Raised in inner-city Detroit by a mother with a third grade education, Ben lacked motivation. He had terrible grades. And a pathological temper threatened to put him in jail. But Sonya Carson convinced her son he could make something of his life, even though everything around him said otherwise.

Trust in God, a relentless belief in his own capabilities, and sheer determination catapulted Ben from failing grades to the directorship of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Gifted Hands takes you into the operating room to witness surgeries that made headlines around the worldand into the private mind of a compassionate, God-fearing physician who lives to help others. A Elvira la fatalidad la persigue. Executive Tools and Techniques from The Enlightened Organization is concerned with the organization and its responsibility for enabling success by putting in place processes including leadership and communication that will enable it to thrive and grow.

More specifically, it addresses the role the individual leader can play in building an enlightened organization, providing specific tools and techniques that executives can use to see more clearly into the heart of what matters in any given business situation; to learn to use their values, passions and beliefs as a powerful resource in the workplace; and to create authentic dialogue within the organization. Author Catherine Berney is an expert in organizational psychology: You never really get over your first love.

Such is the case for fourteen-year-old Stephanie Barrano, self-proclaimed misfit and death magnet. A freshman in high school, Stephanie is befriended by Jordan Brewer, a hot, in-demand senior, who pulls her from the outer circle of obscurity into the realm of acceptance.

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Two months before her eighteenth birthday, Jordan serves as an impromptu prom date. After sharing a magical evening, Jordan leaves Stephanie with the promise of a future together. Jordan not only shuts Stephanie out, he also blames her for what happened. Feeling broken and beaten, will she try one last time to get through to Jordan or will she lose him forever? D is the author of eighty books, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. If you gathered all the authors of this collection in one room, you wouldn't hear the hum of perfect agreement.

But you'd hear optimism in everyone's voice. It's hard to crack a problem that almost no one believes exists. The most distinguished quantum pioneers speculated brilliantly on the nature of mind in the universe. The general reaction in the field, however, was to whisper about old men going soft and leaving "real science" far behind. Such outright dismissal still exists, so it takes intellectual courage for these authors to swim upstream as they argue for the presence of mind in the cosmos.

Ironing out their differences for the moment, these essays uphold some common propositions: Instead of seeing reality "out there," we must think in terms of a participatory universe. Each writer has staked his own ground on these claims, some being more conservative, others declaring that mind is everywhere in the universe. It's a breathtaking range of speculation.

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The fact that some essays reach out to philosophy and Eastern thought is heartening to me personally. The Vedic rishis were true Einsteins of consciousness, and if mind and cosmos can be linked, these seers are urgently relevant. That's the issue that Vedanta confronts. The eyes can detect physical light. The mind is aware of its own thoughts.

The soul, if it exists, can attest to God. But none of this is good enough. Our eyes are easily fooled—hence the end of classical physics, and the beginning of quantum theory, whose eyes are mathematical, since physicality itself becomes vague and shadowy, unpredictable and non-local, in the quantum domain.

This elusive chimera won't escape. One anticipates an evolutionary leap before it is captured, however. Science must expand to embrace consciousness. Theorists must plunge directly into the participatory universe. The outworn assumptions of materialism must be revised or thrown away. When will all these changes occur?

No one can say. But an evolutionary leap will occur when physicists look around the cosmos and agree with a famous saying from Vedanta: This is knowledge you must become. Let me know if you fancy reviewing either of these crime beauties! Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman presented by Month9Books http: Arabella Holmes is different than other girls her age: She doesn't fit the role of a 's lady. So her father, Sherlock, called in some lingering favors, and landed her a position at the Mutter Museum. The museum was Arabella's dream; she was to become a purveyor of abnormal science, or what her uncle called a "Boneseeker.

An easy task, if he could only get her to speak to him instead of throwing knives in his general direction. But this is no time for child's play. The two teens are assigned to a most secret exploration, when the hand of a Nephilim is unearthed in upstate New York. Soon, Arabella and Henry are caught in a fight for their lives as scientific debate swirls around them. Are the bones from a Neanderthal Sent to recover the skeleton, they discover they are the second team to have been deployed and the entire first team is dead.

And now they must trust their instincts and rely on one another in order to survive and uncover the truth. Lauren McFadden and her husband Bryan have moved on with their physical medicine careers and are enjoying their new resort-style home in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts. Turning a dream into reality, they're providing a home and rehabilitation services for some very deserving young people who have special medical needs and have no place else to go.

Adam is deaf and has a seizure disorder, but it's his lively character and artistic talent that capture a lot of attention. Devon is learning to walk again after the accident that nearly took his life. What he lacks in size, he clearly makes up for with his above average intelligence.

Philip seems to be coming out of his shell in spite of his abusive past, but he never has much to say and that makes it hard to tell what's going on in his mind. College students Noah and Buddy have been hired to work as assistants at the estate. Buddy will spend months recovering from arm and hand injuries sustained when he was attacked in the dorm.

The hate crime may cost him everything he has worked so hard to achieve if the school administration doesn't allow him to return for the fall semester. Noah is hiding more than burn scars from the tragic house fire that happened two summers ago. McFadden and Bryan go to great lengths to try and make things right again for the young man, but pushing too hard could send Noah over the edge.

Meanwhile, an argument between Noah and Buddy opens the door to more than a working relationship. Three new residents join the family. Sixteen year-old Michael arrives at the end of June after sustaining a broken neck from a motorcycle accident that left him quadriplegic. He's angry and doesn't see the point of living, especially if he can't have what he defines as a normal physical relationship with a girl.

He's determined to die rather than try to survive in a world that doesn't readily accommodate individuals with profound disabilities. David Sutherland is a personable young middle school student who makes regular visits to the estate with his horse to visit Devon. He's going to need a new place to live after his father is brutally murdered and his home is destroyed by fire. Cameron Jones slips into the family rather unexpectedly.

He takes a starring role in what could only be described as a Christmas miracle. Each young man needs Dr. McFadden and Bryan's professional skills, but it's going to take more than orthopedic medicine to heal eight shattered lives. The boys all need unconditional love, understanding and patience. Hard work, laughter, tears and compassion are just a few in a long list of particulars that weave the members of the McFadden household into an unforgettable family.

Lexington Detective Jack Dantzler is asked to look into a death that has been ruled a suicide. When he learns how the person died-cyanide poisoning-he immediately suspects that the victim was murdered. Although the death occurred in another county, Dantzler agrees to look into what is a closed case. However, before he can begin his investigation, a medical clinic is bombed and a woman dies in the blast.

Within days, the owner of the clinic is murdered. As Dantzler digs deeper into these cases, he begins to suspect that the murders are somehow linked together. And who is the link? Dantzler's list of potential suspects grows, and so does the body count. Suddenly, Dantzler is scrambling to bring down the killer-or killers-before more blood is spilled. It's a race he cannot afford to lose. The Fire of Heaven features a cast of memorable characters, headed, of course, by Dantzler, the gifted detective critics have compared to Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch.

Critic Natasha Jackson said it best: Jack Scully, a Jersey City "divorce and dog-bite" lawyer, is leading a nice quiet life until his cantankerous Aunt Maude guns down a policeman. When Maude insists that Scully handle her case, he is quickly drawn into the murderous world of organized crime and crooked cops. Is her love for Scully true or is she luring him into the final betrayal?

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He describes the shift in values we need to make to relate differently to money to put it back in its place as our servant, not the other way round. In this Series, he interviews visionary leaders to discover their inspiring, positive and practical visions for the future and challenges them with incisive questions. No te lo pierdas! Las dudas emergen y se ocultan continuamente porque nadie aflora su verdad.

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Friends turn into foes and foes into saviours in this unpredictable crime thriller. We follow Thomas Builds-the-Fire, the longwinded storyteller no one really listens to; his half-hearted nemesis, Victor, the basketball star turned recovering alcoholic; and a wide cast of other vividly drawn characters on a haunting journey filled with humor and sorrow, resilience and resignation, dreams and reality. Some of life's greatest pleasures can be found in the simple things, and there is nothing more basic, yet wonderful, than enjoying a steaming cup of tea on a damp, rainy day.

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He is immediately drawn to her and finds himself unexpectedly falling in love. Julie finds herself just as drawn to him. When Julie becomes the subject of an obsession, it puts both of their lives in extreme danger It began with rice, the zombies rose, Chicago was a mess, and now it has 5-star reviews! After Brandon sees his mother save her water-logged cell phone in a bag of rice, he tries the same when he finds his little brother blue in the bathtub. At first he believes his brother is dead - no breath, bluish skin - but when his mother returns home and he opens his eyes, they rush him to the hospital where he stays overnight for observation.

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Brigitte Schult-Debusmann

This slender book is thick with information, reflexion, and humanity. It is about a man. It is about a country. It is about a very wide panorama of contemporary history. It is about good and evil, and how difficult it is to make a choice. How violence permeates our lives, and how more violence may be needed to stop it, is one way to describe this story. The river of violence that can carry away everything in its flood can only be tamed by patient engineering, consistent investment, and erecting solid dams.

If that effort is not made, the erratic river may rise again after a storm, and destroy the land it should fertilise. Ours are violent times. Arrogant powers and greedy men draw upon the global village a web of conflicting interests, well outside the classical disputes for land or water and of class struggles. The trafficking of lethal weapons and lethal drugs is the greatest source for profit of the unscrupulous, generating corruption of states and administrations. Against such corruption, perverted ideologies feed a faceless terrorism, easily manipulated by the corruptors themselves.

Algeria, abandoned fifty years ago by her former colonial settlers to the dictatorship of one totalitarian party, has known a period of chaos, when many men, despairing to make a decent living for themselves and their family, took to the hills and became agents of terror, under the guidance of men — sometimes outsiders — who used religion as a political ideology.

Syria, Egypt, but also France or the United Kingdom, are very much concerned by this reflexion, which makes the publishing of this book all the more timely. This does not happen without some bloodshed, but the tradition of fiction is kept as Tahar finds a happy end to his story in the arms of beautiful Salima.

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If he offers commitment, Inspector Brodie will help open doors for him. But Harper's prodigious Hannah faces a future framed by inoperable cancer. In desperation he finds a way of saving her from illness. A Ted Maxwell Mystery by Joseph Once the cause of the illness is identified, will Ted and his friend Detective Mark Stone be able to track down the culprit and put a stop to the onslaught?

Laura y el mar Spanish Edition by Oscar Pri Deprimida va camino al suicidio. Sin embargo, el universo conspira a su favor para entregarle un hermoso regalo. A Randomized Clinical Trial http: Having intravenous botox and hair dye at the clinic that Michael Jackson frequented. Assessment of safety, cardiovascular and subjective effects after intravenous cocain http: Patients continue to die at Westbrook Medical Center from mysterious causes, and as clues are gathered they seem to suggest that someone in the hospital is involved with the murders.

Ted Maxwell, Patient Safety Officer, and Detective Mark Stone ignore the request from hospital administration to keep the deaths as discrete as possible and forge a full scale investigation into the murders. While gathering evidence they stumble on a connection which links each patient together. Now they have to use this information to lure the killer into a trap. Intravenous is a medical thriller, part mystery that s full of suspense: This book might just be your wake-up call. A must read for anyone going to the hospital.

And Hasty Resolution is New Release - Hold You Again: While on medical leave seeking help for PTSD he snaps and abducts a woman thinking it will be the remedy plaguing his thoughts. The woman, Liz, witnesses Jake's hallucinations, night terrors and anxieties. She quickly becomes sympathetic to her captor's plight and a relationship flourishes between the two. While staying in a cabin cloistered in the mountains the two find hope with one another and their story unfolds in an unusual, yet beautiful way. This is a new, revised version of the original book, and many of the sections have been divided to make them shorter.

Some of the longer sections have been split in two, with questions from English to French presented first and those from French to English following them in a separate section. The answers now appear at the end of each section, making navigation much easier. The multiple choice questions have been designed for learners of the French language to test their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary topics include travel, leisure, shopping, medical problems, money, school, technology, weather and abbreviations.

The revised version also includes sections on greeting, work and families. The grammar section covers aspects such as adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions, and there is an extensive section on verbs that includes all the main tenses. Students, tourists and expats living in French-speaking countries will all find topics of interest here.

There is also an interactive table of contents to assist in navigation. Sexy doctor next door alert! I picked up Doctor Next Door and plan on writing a review of it on my blog, probably next week. A girl becomes a woman Doctor Next Door Length: Best friends with Kate Aiden, Ella was practically raised at her house. Having always looked up to Dr. Lucas Aiden, Ella worshipped him on the omnipotent scale of firefighters, policemen, and superheroes. Recently back from four years of college, Ella has become a woman.

Shocked by the sight of her curves, Dr. Aiden feels more than neighborly. Even worse, it scares him. Recognizing the spark in their eyes, Kate goes on a mission to set them up. She starts them on a future journey, which leads back to a shared past. Grayson at JDGrayson hotmail. Visit the website to participate. Villains step off the stage in the DarkMusicalsTrilogy. The DarkMusicalsTrilogy brings Broadway musicals to life. She had no idea that her life was about to mirror the play that was her obsession. Rebecca lands the lead role of Christine, the opera diva, and like her character, she is torn between her two co-stars—Tom the surfer and basketball star who plays the lovable hero, and Justyn, the strangely appealing Goth who is more than realistic in the role of the tortured artist.

Almost immediately after casting, strange things start to happen both on and off the stage. People are hurt in true phantom style. They all seem like accidents until Rebecca receives notes and phone calls that hint at something more sinister. Is Justyn bringing to life the twisted character of the phantom? Or in real life are the roles of the hero and the villain reversed?

Only when the mask is stripped away, will the twenty first century phantom finally be revealed. Thriller German Edition VerasWelt: Thomas Behrends verwirklicht seinen Lebenstraum. Toller Thriller mit sehr aktuellem Bezug. Es lohnt sich wirklich.. Im Nachspann ist zu lesen, dass der Beginn dieser Story der Wahrheit entspricht. Jedes Kapitel wirft neue Fragen auf, sodass es mir zwischendurch echt schwer fiel, den Reader aus der Hand zu geben. Er muss Mike aufhalten, bevor er zwischen seinem Bruder und dem Gesetz zerrieben wird. Other than the color of their hair, the victims apparently have nothing in common--one is a returning socialite trailing scandal everywhere she goes, and the other is a child-like teenager just looking for a party.

With suspicion of complicity flowing heavily in his direction, he is forced to partner with the newly-minted detective, Melissa Sanchez, a former drug enforcement officer, who disdains him and the decadent lifestyle he embraces. The lake was flat and calm, with barely a ripple, its dark waters glistening, reflecting the moonlight as though it were a mirror. Fritz Marschall knew that neither he, nor his friend, should really have been there.

They, like many others before them, had been attracted to the lake by the many rumors that had been circulating. He thought of the endless stories there had been, of treasures sunken in, or buried around the lake. He recalled the stories of the lake being used to develop torpedoes and rockets during the war. Looking out across the dark water, he wondered what secrets were hidden beneath the surface.

A story of the search for hidden Nazi Gold, a story of murder, blackmail and revenge. The Savant of Chelsea by Suzanne Jenkins - http: An abusive childhood segues to the operating rooms of the largest medical center in New York as a gifted but unbalanced brain surgeon waits for just the right time to redeem her past. In the end, she takes matters into her own hands. The reader will decide what happens after the climax.

Contains explicit sexual themes. Buy It, Rent It, Profit!: Drawing on his ten years of experience managing and owning hundreds of rental properties, Bryan M. Learn how to buy desirable properties, attract quality tenants, negotiate lease agreements, collect rent, finance a mortgage, and manage the property. Creole Expressions, Phrases, and Sayings mcc: It is mostly podcast-compatible: A truly great thriller - words The Trojan Towers http: Harry Cohen, London desk for Mossad, must retrieve a priceless icon - crucial to the success of a secret Middle Eastern peace deal brokered by America and the Russians - that's been stolen by a ruthless mercenary.

Harry knows who can steal it back. A convict, whose daughter, Natalie, he has mentored. Raithe Ravelle, a professional thief released on appeal and with a score to settle, reluctantly agrees to help Natalie's benefactor. Both men embark on a daring robbery but are soon thrown into a race against time as Natalie is kidnapped.

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They must find a way to stop a Middle East crisis and rescue Natalie. Rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous-and infamous-he has acquired a unique insight into the lives of both criminal and upper classes of central London that give his work a believable realism. Raymond now lives in Malta. Entanglement an International Spy Thriller bookreview http: Shane Somers is a 28 year old physicist and engineer who develops a new form of telecommunications based on Albert Einstein's theory of Quantum Entanglement.

His new invention makes the fastest internet connection look like the Pony Express by comparison and could be worth hundreds of billions of dollars if brought to market. Meanwhile, China's top secret agent is determined to acquire the technology for Mr. Chu, the ruthless owner of Chu Industries, a network of over-sized factories in China known for their disregard of the environment and inhumane treatment of its employees. Magnus Gunnarsson, Shane's long time best friend and former high school rival, pays Shane a visit after not seeing him for several years.

Magnus informs him that he now works for TAG, an organization that doesn't officially exist, but has the mission of countering international corporate espionage while also acquiring new forms of technology for the United States in the name of national security. It is now up to Shane and Magnus, reunited best friends, to track down China's super spy and reclaim the technology before it's too late. But the infamous spy has a few tricks up his sleeve that neither of them see coming.

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Despite the odds stacked against them, they must succeed America's economy and global dominance hangs in the balance. LifeClass When feeling depressed, do some cleaning.