Solo 26 (Gli emersi narrativa) (Italian Edition)

The EU will continue to make this call expressing its serious concerns with the very high number of executions in Iran. The EU conducts a policy of sanctions against individuals who have committed grave human rights offences. La nuova legge permetterebbe l'ingresso dei cacciatori nei parchi naturali, senza eliminare i problemi di sovrannumero di alcune specie come i cinghiali, ma favorendo invece il rischio di eliminazione di altre, come dimostrano i recenti massacri di Lupi in Abruzzo.

Verrebbe inoltre introdotto il criterio del silenzio assenso per i nullaosta relativi ai progetti di realizzazione di nuove opere nelle aree interessate, in assenza di risposta da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni entro 60 giorni, il che favorisce la cementificazione visti i tempi biblici delle pubbliche amministrazioni italiane. La creazione dei parchi geologici, categoria non riconosciuta a livello internazionale, non pone limiti alla caccia in suddette aree e favorisce taluni parchi a dispetto di altri.

Anche se la Commissione non ha proceduto a una specifica disamina giuridica della proposta di riforma oggetto dell'interrogazione, non risulta che la normativa italiana quale presentata nella predetta interrogazione violi la legislazione unionale vigente in materia di benessere degli animali. L'articolo 13 del trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea TFUE dispone che l'Unione e gli Stati membri tengano pienamente conto delle esigenze in materia di benessere degli animali nella formulazione e nell'attuazione di determinate politiche dell'Unione.

This would not solve the problems of overpopulation in species such as wild boar, but would tend to heighten the risk of exterminating others, as the recent slaughter of wolves in Abruzzo shows. The reform would also introduce the concept of tacit acceptance: This will encourage unregulated development, as the Italian authorities operate on a Biblical timescale. Furthermore, funding Italian parks by a royalty system would create many opportunities to use them for activities incompatible with their specific environmental quality.

A new category of geology parks, unrecognised at international level, would offer unrestricted hunting in parkland and promote some parks at the expense of others. Finally Federparchi, the federation for the parks sector, which does not represent all the managing bodies of protected natural parks, would act as their sole representative. Does the Commission consider that some of the regulations proposed to the Senate infringe European animal welfare legislation?

Does it see Italy as risking infringement proceedings if the provision for culling wildlife in protected natural areas is passed? Does it consider that making Federparchi the sole representative of park managers is discriminatory and contrary to the principles of fair representation? While the Commission has not proceeded to a specific legal examination of the proposed reform referred to in the question, it does not appear that the Italian law as presented in the question would infringe any current EU animal welfare rule.

EU legislation does not forbid wildlife culling in protected natural areas. If a new regulatory proposal is submitted, the implementation of such a complex text would take at least the whole of , the year in which Italy is required to apply the directive and call for bids for seaside concessions. In light of the above, can the Commission indicate whether the internal market Commissioner Michel Barnier also agrees with the statement made by the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki?

In short, does the Commission intend to submit a new directive proposal or amend the text of the so-called Bolkestein Directive in order to introduce greater flexibility in matters concerning seaside tourism and ensure that the European framework can be adapted to specific cases in each individual Member State? If so, when does it intend to publish this new proposal? The Commission considers that the current level of implementation of the Services Directive must be improved since full implementation could bring important benefit in terms of jobs and growth.

This Commission is therefore currently focusing on improving the implementation of the Services Directive and, without prejudging the next College intentions, does not consider necessary to submit a new directive proposal or amend its text at this point in time. The statements of the Member of the Commission responsible of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries related only to the Commission Communication on marine tourism COM 86 final and the proposed Directive on maritime spatial Planning COM final , both of which intend to promote, amongst others, the European tourism sector.

Fondi erogati all'Albania in quanto paese in fase di preadesione. Il Consiglio europeo non ha ancora concesso all'Albania lo status di paese candidato. Can the Commission indicate how much pre-accession funding has been received by Albania since it was granted candidate status?

As a potential candidate country, during the financial framework , Albania has benefited from two components of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, notably component I — Transition Assistance and Institution Building — and component II — Cross-border Cooperation.

Da alcune segnalazioni pervenute da parte dei cittadini, a proposito della ripopolazione del lupo nella Regione del Veneto, si evince una situazione di disagio degli allevatori locali. Il regolamento CE n. In numerose decisioni in materia di aiuti di Stato la Commissione ha autorizzato misure nazionali di indennizzo dei danni causati da animali selvatici protetti.

Several concerns raised by citizens over the wolf repopulation programme in the Italian region of Veneto have led to unrest amongst the local farming community. These actions will investigate the most appropriate preventive techniques, implement them in collaboration with the livestock holders and verify their effectiveness. A similar provision has been included in the RD regulation for the next programming period In several State Aid decisions, the Commission has authorised national measures which compensate for damages caused by protected wild animals.

The Commission is also considering specific provisions in the future Guidelines for State Aid in the agricultural and forestry sector. The Veneto Region is an Associated Beneficiary of the project and is committed to collaborate in the project's implementation and which will be carried out in close collaboration with all concerned stakeholders including the livestock breeders.

Anno internazionale dell'agricoltura familiare. Le Nazioni Unite hanno dichiarato il Anno internazionale dell'agricoltura familiare allo scopo di porre in risalto il potenziale degli agricoltori a livello familiare nella lotta alla fame e per la preservazione delle risorse naturali in linea con gli Obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio, il dibattito sull'agenda post e la Sfida fame zero. Hence, as the Director-General of the FAO has stated, family farming must become the central focus of national and regional development programmes.

Family farmers also play an important role in driving economic growth. Because they are generally well integrated into local country networks, and reinvest mainly on local and regional markets, they generate employment linked directly or indirectly to agriculture. Hence, they could play a fundamental role in economic and social growth, especially in the poorest areas. What means of promoting smallholdings and family farms exist within the scope of EU development aid policy?

What main measures exist at European level to safeguard and promote family farming in the EU? One of the cornerstones of EU development cooperation in the area of agriculture, food and nutrition security is to support smallholder focused agricultural development with the view to improving livelihoods sustainably and equitably. The EU helps partner countries in designing their agriculture sector policies and promotes smallholder-sensitive investments in sustainable agricultural practices, enhancement of rural livelihoods, value chains, formation of farmer groups, establishment of social safety net mechanisms for the most vulnerable, strengthening the local financial sector, amongst other things.

According to a study carried out by researchers at a UK university, eating large quantities of fast food may be harmful to health. More specifically, it may increase the risk of becoming overweight or obese, which can in turn lead to more serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease. The study points to a vicious circle in which people tend to consume greater quantities of fast food because it is usually very highly flavoured. This also leads to a form of dependency, which ultimately doubles the risk of obesity. The study revealed that people who eat fast food consume on average 5.

This may seem like a small amount at first glance, but over time it can lead to a significant increase in body mass index. Preparing meals at home with good-quality, healthy ingredients is by far the healthier option. In cooperation with the Member States, the Commission works on promoting healthier lifestyles. Additional costs result from loss of productivity due to health problems and premature death 2.

Environmental policies are of crucial importance to all of us as we struggle to address the unavoidable challenges posed by a legacy of environmental irresponsibility. A number of networks and discussion groups have sprung up in response to these challenges, pooling their resources on an international scale to raise awareness and exchange green knowledge, strategies and perspectives.

Ecomondo, an expo to be held in Rimini, Italy, is in keeping with this approach, providing a platform for gathering and building on ideas, strategies and technologies which help to protect the environment and promote reuse and recycling. Can the Commission provide a report on the green strategies which have been implemented in the Member States, detailing the outcomes and specific successes and failures of each?

Can it provide information on transnational groups and networks operating in the EU? The Commission does not keep track of all green strategies in the Member States as there is no EU policy or legal requirement to provide such strategies.

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The Commission's dedicated website includes a selection of best practices in relation to waste prevention: The Commission is considering the possibility to launch a call for proposals on EU-wide research on product life extension strategies and development of sustainable circular business models within the Horizon research and innovation programme. Giornata mondiale della sindrome di Down. In Italia si stima che vivano circa Inoltre ci si ripropone di superare i pregiudizi esistenti e diffondere una nuova cultura, sensibilizzando la coscienza comune.

La Commissione ha l'intenzione di sostenere e integrare gli sforzi degli Stati membri nel settore delle malattie congenite, come la sindrome di Down, nel contesto della sua azione nel campo delle malattie rare. Tale azione comprende una strategia per le malattie rare e il sostegno a progetti integrati nel programma in materia di salute e nei programmi quadro di ricerca. Le limitate risorse disponibili da destinare al tema della salute pubblica non consentono tuttavia alla Commissione di organizzare eventi su tutte le malattie degne di attenzione.

Per questo motivo la Commissione non ha organizzato un evento in occasione della giornata mondiale della sindrome di Down WDSD focuses specifically on these issues as they make a real difference to people living with Down syndrome. For most people, going to school, travelling, finding a job, becoming more independent and, eventually, being able to live independently, are normal parts of life, but these activities can prove to be very difficult for those with Down syndrome because of the prejudice or ignorance they often face.

The aim of initiatives such as WDSD is to raise awareness of Down syndrome and how it affects those who suffer from it, in an effort to combat prejudice towards them. Down Syndrome, or Trisomy 21, identified by the physician John Langdon Down in , is characterised by the presence of an additional chromosome three instead of two in the chromosome pair, attributable to meiotic non-disjunction where the chromosomes fail to divide correctly, resulting in one extra gamete.

According to the World Health Organisation, 1 out of new born babies is at risk of being affected by a chromosomal abnormality, of which Down Syndrome is the most common. The risk to the unborn child depends on the age of the mother, rising from 1 in 1 at the age of 22, to 1 in at the age of 33 to 1 in at the age of 40, with an average risk of 1 in The proposed theme for this year's World Down Syndrome Day is well-being. The aim is also to overcome existing prejudices and promote a new culture by raising public awareness. Undoubtedly diversity exists, but only where we ourselves create it.

What did the Commission do to mark this important date and to raise awareness of this issue? The Commission is keen to support and complement Member States' efforts in the field of congenital diseases, such as Down Syndrome, in the context of its action on rare diseases. This encompasses a strategy on rare diseases and support to projects under the Health Programme and the research framework programmes. In this context, learners with Down syndrome participate in information activities organised by the Agency. However, the European Commission's limited resources on public health do not enable the Commission to convene events to put the spotlight on all important days and diseases.

In addition, this type of packaging is highly effective in conserving food for long periods, thus also having a positive impact in terms of reducing food waste. Can it provide detailed information on the strategies being used in EU countries to rationalise the use of water? Can it provide information on the sustainable use of water resources in the industrial and agrifood sectors? The Commission is working jointly with Member States and stakeholders to implement these, including water reuse, leakage reduction, aiming at integrating water efficiency more fully into the overall policy framework.

The Commission is not in a position to report Union-wide information on sustainable water use connected to the industrial or agrifood sector. A number of individual companies also report on their own water management targets, for instance as part of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. The Commission does not promote specific products.

Un articolo recente riporta della creazione di un marchio di moda da parte di un consorzio di donne senegalesi, in partnership con alcune ONG italiane e soggetti istituzionali. L'Unione favorisce il rafforzamento di diverse organizzazioni: An article was published recently about a fashion label launched by a consortium of Senegalese women, in partnership with several Italian NGOs and other institutions. The project obviously touches on some important issues, such as female entrepreneurship, employment, the development of countries in the southern hemisphere, and historical and anthropological heritage.

In the next few days, this new business will also be taking part in a national exhibition focusing on responsible consumption. Can the Commission provide information on any similar projects — based on positive collaboration among institutions, not-for-profit organisations and consortia in the southern hemisphere — in Europe? The Agenda for Change highlights the role of local private sector for inclusive and sustainable growth, in recognition that having a decent job is the best way out of poverty. Women entrepreneurship is a good example of it.

The Commission supports the development of local enterprises in developing countries, with a special focus on vulnerable population, such as women. Women are under-represented in business community, often as a result of regulatory frameworks undermining opportunities to start a business and access finance and other services. The EU supports the strengthening of organisations such as producer associations, cooperatives and other member-owned self-help organisations.

The Commission works with a wide range of partners to increase women economic opportunities by supporting them in starting, formalizing and expanding their enterprises. A recent awareness campaign launched by a Swiss association drew public attention to the issue of physical disability by confronting it in an innovative, creative and nonconformist way.

The way in which passers-by reacted to the sight of the new, fully-clothed mannequins in shop windows was especially interesting. The Commission also promotes diversity and non-discrimination through awareness-raising campaigns at EU and national level by supporting the work of NGOs. Gli enti territoriali, quali Comuni e Province, sono tra i primi possibili beneficiari dei fondi diretti programmati ed erogati da parte delle direzioni generali della Commissione europea. In caso affermativo, quali sono i progetti che hanno avuto accesso a fondi europei e con quali risultati i suddetti programmi sono stati portati a termine?

With regard to this and to other programmes under which funds are available, can the Commission answer the following questions:. Has the town of San Marco in Lamis applied for funds under any of these programmes? If so, which projects have been given access to European funds and what end results have these programmes achieved?

The Commission cannot undertake, for the purposes of answering a written question, the lengthy and costly research that would be required to provide the Honourable Member with the information requested. Sistema di hub climatici per la raccolta e l'analisi di dati sul settore agricolo. La politica agricola dell'UE sostiene un'ampia gamma di misure agroambientali per aiutare gli agricoltori ad adeguarsi ai cambiamenti climatici e per ridurre le emissioni derivanti dalla produzione agricola. Mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici sono un obiettivo trasversale per la politica di sviluppo rurale per il periodo Il servizio Copernicus per il cambiamento climatico della Commissione sta costruendo l'infrastruttura centrale per consentire l'accesso alle informazioni per il monitoraggio e la previsione dei cambiamenti climatici.

Gli Stati membri impiegano le loro competenze nazionali per informare e sostenere le parti interessate del settore agricolo e per aiutare gli agricoltori ad adeguarsi ai cambiamenti climatici. These regional centres will help farmers adapt their crops to climate change, the purpose being essentially to prevent some of the effects of climate change on the farming sector, especially in economic terms.

The hubs will collect scientific information and share it with farmers and ranchers to help rural communities respond effectively to changing weather patterns. The main problems that the hubs should address are declining crop yields and meat production, soil degradation due to increasingly heavy rainfall, and changing harvest seasons. Can the Commission say whether there is a similar data collection and analysis system in the EU? Does the Commission believe that the model can be exported to Europe and other countries where the agricultural sector is particularly badly affected by climate change?

The EU agricultural policy supports a wide range of agro-environmental measures to help farmers to adapt to changing climatic conditions and to mitigate emissions stemming from agricultural production. Climate change mitigation and adaptation is a cross cutting objective for the rural development policy for the period Measures that contribute to help farmers adapt to climate change, knowledge transfer and information actions as well as advisory services play a prominent role.

Through implementation of these measures, Members States and regions will receive support to conduct trainings, demonstration activities and farm visits allowing farmers and other beneficiaries to improve their knowledge for coping with climate change. The Commission's Copernicus Climate Change service is constructing the core infrastructure to give access to information for monitoring and predicting climate change.

The development of additional downstream services, are further supported under Horizon Member States use their national competences to inform and support agricultural stakeholders to help farmers adapt climate change. The Commission needs to study the American model to assess its usefulness for the European Union, adding to the already existing range of measures and initiatives. Smantellamento delle forze armate ucraine in Crimea. In risposta a questa decisione il parlamento ucraino ha autorizzato la mobilitazione di 40mila riservisti, che saranno inquadrati nelle forze armate e nella neonata Guardia Nazionale.

Several specialist Italian sites have this morning announced that Ukrainian military units in Crimea are to be dissolved by the local government. Is it maintaining constant contact with the Ukrainian political and military authorities in order to assess the risk of a military escalation and to try to prevent direct conflict between Ukraine and Russia?

The de facto authorities of Crimea do not have decision powers over the composition and stationing places of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Tensioni in vista delle elezioni in Algeria. Un noto attivista franco-algerino, che a ottobre aveva rinunciato alla cittadinanza francese per potersi candidare alla guida del paese nordafricano, non ha avuto modo di presentare la propria candidatura, dal momento che i documenti contenenti le 62mila firme necessarie a sostenere la sua candidatura sono stati trafugati pochi giorni prima della data di scadenza per il deposito, per poi essere ritrovati sparpagliati lungo le vie di una stradina secondaria della capitale Algeri.

Le proteste hanno portato a diversi arresti, tra cui anche quelli di alcuni giornalisti. Sia opportuno organizzare, in seno ad altre organizzazioni internazionali, come ad esempio le Nazioni Unite, un team di monitoraggio che garantisca la trasparenza delle votazioni e dello spoglio? In seguito all'invito rivolto dal ministro degli Esteri algerino R. They were later found scattered along a small street in the capital Algiers.

However, the complaint made by staff has not received the necessary support from the government authorities, which have branded the incident as a farce set in play when the activist failed to get the necessary number of signatures. Protests have since intensified against the current president, who is accused by some members of the opposition of arranging the theft to prevent his opponent from hampering his chances of securing a fourth term.

The protests have led to several people being arrested, including journalists. In view of the coming elections, can the Commission answer the following questions:. Does it think it would be appropriate — within other international organisations, such as the UN — to set up a monitoring team to guarantee voting and counting transparency? The Commission follows closely developments in the run up to the forthcoming Presidential elections in Algeria. Following an invitation addressed by Algerian Foreign Minister R. According to standard methodology the deployment of an EOM is preceded by an Exploratory Mission, which takes place several months before the Election Day in order to assess the presence of the necessary conditions in order to undertake effective observation activities.

In the context of the upcoming Presidential elections, the time at our disposal was too short for sending an EOM when the invitation arrived. The EEM has taken contacts with the Algerian authorities entrusted with the organisation and overseeing of the electoral process, with candidates and civil society actors as well as with other international observation teams deployed in the country.

Vantaggi dell'incremento della presenza femminile nel settore agricolo. In Italia sono Di conseguenza la maggiore partecipazione delle donne ha dato anche un certo contributo all'occupazione nel settore agricolo e in quelli connessi. Disporre di dati in merito alla penetrazione della presenza femminile nel settore agricolo, negli altri Stati membri e a livello europeo?

Inoltre, il regolamento UE n. Having more women in Italian agriculture has given a major boost to innovation and has expanded associated activities, such as the health farm industry, educational farms, farm-based pre-schools and pet therapy, amongst others. As a result, the growing number of women has also to some extent improved employment prospects in the farming and associated sectors. According to the Italian organisation representing independent farmers, the main attraction for women in the sector is the ability to combine the demands of the market with respect for and contact with the environment, a better quality of life and the promotion of local specialities.

Does the Commission have data on the number of women in the farming sector in other Member States and in the European Union as a whole?

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What are the main instruments ensuring that gender equality is embraced and encouraged in the farming sector? The situation of women in rural areas is very diverse across the Member States. More than one third of women working in agriculture are farm holders, whereas among the men this share is almost double. It specifically requires Member States and the Commission to ensure that any discrimination is prevented in the preparation and implementation of programmes.

In addition, measures like support to young farmers, diversification of economic activities, development of micro enterprises, the Leader approach or vocational training can help women boost their economic participation in rural life. My office has been receiving reports from pig breeders and producers of cold meat products in the south of Poland complaining about increasing problems with exporting Polish meat and meat products to Russia.

The Russians are trying to use the fact that wild boar infected with African swine fever have been found near the border with Belarus as a pretext for imposing a complete ban on imports of Polish meat. So far only a number of isolated cases of the disease have been recorded in Poland, with only wild boar affected. However, producers in Austria, Denmark, France and the Netherlands are negotiating directly with the Russians in an attempt to have the embargo on their products lifted, in spite of the many outbreaks African swine fever which have been identified in these countries and the fact that the Commission has assumed the role of negotiator on behalf of all the Member States.

Does the Commission have any information on the behind-the-scenes talks between representatives of the Austrian, Danish, French and Dutch governments and Russia aimed at having the Russian embargo on pork from western countries lifted? What view does the Commission take of this? What steps has the Commission taken to have the Russian embargo on meat products lifted? How many farms in Poland are at risk? Have the Polish authorities done all they can to dispose of dead animals and ensure the safety of farms?

Does the Commission intend to give extra financial assistance to Polish farmers who have suffered losses because of the embargo or had to destroy their animals? Are there plans for financial support to help restore pig numbers? If so, which fund will it come from, and how much will be made available? In view of the sudden decline in the purchase price of pigs, can farmers count on financial support from the Commission? The Commission is doing its utmost to ensure that the unjustified ban imposed by Russia is lifted without delay. After months of intense exchanges at all levels, Russia is not being cooperative.

The Commission has repeatedly urged Member States to preserve EU unity and refrain from efforts to achieve resumption of trade for their account only by means of bilateral arrangements. The Polish authorities are implementing all disease control measures required by Union legislation. Prices declined during the second half of February and beginning of March in a period of the year when normally there is a seasonal increase. The regions under sanitary restrictions in Poland and Lithuania are particularly affected.

Under the new legal framework Member States have the possibility to include risk management measures in their rural development programs helping farmers to restore the production capacity affected by serious sanitary problems. The poverty and misery suffered by refugees such as those fleeing from the war in Syria lead thousands of people throughout the world to sell their organs to mafias who then sell them in turn to people in rich countries. Does the Commission have data on the incidence of illegal organ trafficking in transplants carried out within the EU?

This directive lays down rules on the establishment of competent authorities, authorisation schemes for transplantation centres, and the establishment of conditions of procurement and systems of traceability from donor to recipient. Furthermore, it obliges Member States to lay down penalties for infringements of such rules. It establishes minimum rules concerning the definition of trafficking in human beings, including their exploitation for the purposes of organ removal. Due to the war in Syria, thousands of refugees have crossed over into neighbouring countries and are living there in precarious conditions of poverty and misery.

This situation offers an attractive eco-system to the mafias that control the inhuman trade in human organs. In Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries Syrian refugees are selling their organs to these mafias in order to survive. If not, does the Commission consider there is a need to implement such a programme? The Commission is aware of press reports quoted in the question, but it does not have any verified information on the subject.

Among these efforts, the Commission is funding programmes aimed at supporting economic development, income generation and livelihoods opportunity for those most affected by crisis in Syria and in he neighbouring countries so as to help mitigate economic hardship for these communities. However, the situation in Libya is a disaster and is a long way from representing a process of democratic transition. The degree of authority held by the interim government is unknown; many members of parliament have given up attending parliamentary sessions; armed groups move around Tripoli without opposition; broad swathes of the country are not controlled by the government, while rebels have taken over several ports and are trading in the oil.

What strategy does the High Representative have in mind to foment a democratic transition in Libya and bring peace, democracy, social harmony and prosperity to that country? Does the High Representative consider that the Libyan constitutional roadmap should be modified in any way? The EU's objective in Libya is to help to achieve a democratic, stable and prosperous nation.

He begins with an introduction outlining a main topic. Il personale infermieristico, esposto a rischi lavorativi potenzialmente usuranti, come mobilizzazione di pazienti non autosufficienti, turni notturni, elevato coinvolgimento emotivo, va, oggi, per norma, tutelato con interventi strategici. The Subject Area Qualifications Reference Frameworks are the outcomes of elaborations by groups of informed academics and students and of consultations of a wide circle of stakeholders, including employers and graduates. They also offer clear indicators about the potential employability fields, and in particular the roles, responsibilities and tasks which graduates are expected to take up in society. L'evento ha costituito l'occasione per incontrare gli esperti del settore per definire il self-care nelle malattie croniche; diffondere i risultati raggiunti dalla ricerca italiana nello studio, appunto, del self-care nelle malattie croniche ed illustrare i progetti futuri nello studio del self-care stesso. Fordham University Press, The risk to the unborn child depends on the age of the mother, rising from 1 in 1 at the age of 22, to 1 in at the age of 33 to 1 in at the age of 40, with an average risk of 1 in

In the area of security it involves addressing the root causes of conflict, supporting State's security institutions, while tackling illicit trafficking. The EU is also promoting the integration of Libya within the region and the world at large. The EU will continue to seek a comprehensive agreement with Libya drawing on the Association Agreements concluded with neighbouring countries in order to formalise and normalise relations in a mutually beneficial legal framework. This will create the basis for increased dialogue and cooperation on many areas of common interest.

The Libyan constitutional roadmap has already undergone several amendments in order to reflect different political compromises reached throughout the ongoing transition. The EU has assisted different Libyan institutions, mainly the High National Electoral Commission and the General National Congress, with the objective to increase their capacity to manage the very challenging tasks they have been entrusted with.

The EU has also deployed different kinds of missions to accompany the two main electoral milestones so far: In the absence of a request from the Libyan authorities the possibility mentioned by the Honourable Member of the European Parliament is not under consideration. The situation in Libya is a disaster and is far from representing a process of democratic transition.

The degree of authority held by the interim government is unknown; many members of parliament have given up attending parliamentary sessions; armed groups move around Tripoli without opposition; broad swathes of the country are not controlled by the government, while rebels have taken over several ports and are trading in the oil; and the country has turned into an arms-trafficking paradise.

Does the High Representative consider that the military intervention has been successful in the sense of creating the conditions for a democratic Libya to be established? The combination of different factors, such as the weak institutional capacity inherited from the previous regime, the lack of a culture of political dialogue or the military strength acquired by some groups after the Revolution, has a negative impact on the stability of the country.

EU support in Libya has focused on developing the institutions of democratic governance whose roles will be defined under the constitution. This includes support to core government functions; elections and democratisation; capacities for sub-national governance; human rights and rule of law; transitional justice and reconciliation.

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The strategic objective of EUBAM Libya is to support the Libyan authorities to develop capacity for enhancing the security of their land, sea and air borders in the short term, and to develop a broader Integrated Border Management strategy in the long term. La UE fomenta activamente los derechos humanos mediante varios proyectos financiados al amparo del programa del Instrumento Europeo para la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos.

More than 40 demonstrators have been arrested by the police and fined by the courts. Another activist who criticised the government on Facebook was held by the authorities and had his computer confiscated. Is the Commission aware of the degradation of the right to demonstrate and freedom of speech in Kazakhstan? Does the Commission intend to take any steps to encourage the Kazakh authorities to guarantee the fundamental rights of expression and demonstration, as well as other rights, for all its citizens?

Does the Commission consider that these incidents, along with the broader repression of civil liberties and human rights in Kazakhstan, are acceptable in the context of the discussions on the extension of the partnership and cooperation agreement and the upcoming EXPO ? The EEAS is closely following developments in Kazakhstan with regard to respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, and maintains close contacts with the civil society organisations in the country.

The EU is actively involved in promoting human rights through a number of projects funded under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights programme. These projects address a broad range of issues, such as access to public information, the capacity of civil society to advocate for human rights, the promotion of human rights education, assistance to victims of human trafficking, the elimination of violence against children in closed institutions, access to justice for vulnerable groups and the abolition of the death penalty.

The EU has also encouraged Kazakhstan to implement all outstanding recommendations made during the Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council, including those relating to the freedom of peaceful assembly. The United Nations has recently published a report on the arms embargo decreed in Libya, which, given the reality of the situation there, is rather more theoretical than practical. The report says that there is non-stop trafficking of arms to and from Libya and that the country has become one of the main sources of illegal weaponry. It also says that most of the weapons are still under the control of non-state actors.

Does the Commission intend to take any effective steps to try to put an end to or limit the trade in illegal arms in Libya? The EU is most worried about the enormous weapon stockpiles in Libya which often find their way to neigboring countries and beyond. Dealing with this situation is complex as indeed the Libyan authorities are often not in control of these weapons. The UN, the United Kingdom, Fance and Germany are among the other key international actors providing support in this area. The specific objectives are to a build national capacities to map, assess and analyse interventions by government authorities in the security sector, and b to provide support to develop strategies and operational plans to address community safety, including on the issue of Small Arms and Light Weapons.

According to UK research findings published in The Lancet , statins, normally used for lowering cholesterol, may be useful in effectively treating patients diagnosed with advanced multiple sclerosis. The study was conducted by researchers at University College London UCL , who found that the pills slow brain shrinkage. In this context, can the Commission detail what steps it has taken — and will take — to combat this awful disease, including what, if any, EU funding streams will be present in the new programming period with specific actions to focus on prevention and treatment of multiple sclerosis?

Research supported in the field aimed at modelling and better understanding risk factors and processes underlying disease, developing new diagnostics methods, delivering new, safer and more effective medicines for patients, analysing psychosocial difficulties associated with neurological diseases and providing new tools for clinical decision-making. EU research funding is granted on the basis of competitive calls for proposals, following an independent peer-review evaluation.

In addition, the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform received between and operating grants from the Health Programme. Football is enjoyed by a huge number of fans across the globe, bringing many their happiest memories, and, despite intense rivalries, it has been used as a tool to encourage respect and good relations between nations and communities.

BRIAN MAY presenta "QUEEN IN 3-D" versione italiana (Unboxing) sub ITA

Sport is something that inspires many of our children and is where they look to find heroes and role models to whom they can aspire. It is important, therefore, in many respects that FIFA and its associated bodies do all they can to end the odour of corruption that has unfortunately been present at times within the increasingly business-led and money-driven world of football. What is the Commission doing at European level to put pressure on FIFA and other relevant bodies to genuinely combat corruption in the sport, whether on the field or in the corridors of power?

The Commission is aware of the developments mentioned in the question raised by the Honourable Member by way of reports and articles that have appeared in the media. The Commission respects the autonomy of sport's governing bodies. These resulted in enhanced measures and structures, notably in relation to ethics and integrity, as well as on compliance and control.

The Commission will continue to raise the issues of good governance, the fight against corruption, and the promotion of fairness and openness in sporting competitions in its bilateral meetings with FIFA and in its structured dialogue with other sports stakeholders. Unregulated gold mining in northern Nigeria is causing blindness, brain damage and paralysis among children, as well as making adults infertile and even causing death through what Human Rights Watch has called the worst incident of lead poisoning in modern history.

The Commission is aware of the issues surrounding unregulated gold mining in northern Nigeria and is very concerned by the health problems that have been registered due to lead poisoning, particularly among children. The EU's development cooperation with Nigeria has a special focus on social development nationwide and particularly in the North, with ongoing programmes focusing on health and sanitation, notably for women and children and the primary healthcare system.

These activities, amongst others, have a long-term focus on expanding social equity, access to basic services and creating jobs, serving to offer other options to the most vulnerable populations. EU Member State Denmark also published a handbook jointly with the government of Nigeria to help improve the performance of artisanal and small scale mining operators. The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, launched by the G8 in , is an initiative aimed at transforming the way in which agriculture and food production are carried out in Africa, attempting to use reforms to boost the agri-food sector on the continent and in doing so to relieve poverty in some of the poorest corners of Africa.

As part of the initiative, African governments have said that they will make their countries more attractive to private investors. What contribution can Europe make to the cultivation and reform of the agricultural sector in Africa to make it more efficient and effective as a means to alleviate poverty? The Commission believes that investment in agriculture plays an important role in reforming the agricultural sector in Africa. Since farming largely is a private sector activity, this private sector, in particular small-scale farmers as economic actors, have a major role to play.

The EU supports smallholders according to their specific situation: Secure access to land is key prerequisite for investment. The UK Government has announced that a new one pound coin will be introduced in What assessment has the Commission made of the scale of counterfeit of euro coins and what steps are being taken to tackle fake coins and notes across the EU?

Inter alia , the directive will introduce efficient investigative tools and improve prevention by allowing the analysis of counterfeits by the competent authorities even whilst they are held as evidence in proceedings by judicial authorities. However, HMRC has so far refused to name those responsible for perpetrating this illegal trade. It may constitute a processing of personal data subject to data protection law. All Member states have transposed this directive into national law. Discrimination against religious minorities represents a widespread and substantial problem in Pakistan at all levels.

What is the Commission doing to ensure that Europe does not stand idly by as the Russian Federation violates the sovereignty of another state by not only staging an unlawful invasion but annexing that state in a land grab? The European Council and the Foreign Affairs Council have repeatedly condemned the illegal annexation of Crimea, and made it very clear that the European Union will not recognise it.

Moreover, an increasing number of persons and entities responsible for or associated with the annexation and the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity have been subjected to visa bans and asset freezes. Moreover, the relevant Council conclusions have made it very clear that further restrictive measures including in economic areas are to be prepared in case of further escalation. The Commission is implementing these decisions.

Se condividiamo quel che pensa John Oliver dell’Italia, non abbiamo capito nulla dei nostri guai

The legal consequences of our non-recognition policy are being determined. In light of the recent crisis in the Crimea region of Ukraine, along with a number of previous instances involving Russia using its gas supply to intimidate and bully neighbouring countries who dared to show dissent to Moscow, what steps are being taken at European level to open new fuel sources so that Member States will be less dependent on Gazprom?

This work is currently on-going. The Winter Paralympic Games have just finished in Sochi and we have witnessed a great showcase and celebration of Paralympic sport — a fantastic source of inspiration for all those with disabilities, and indeed for all of us, providing role models who have had similar experiences in overcoming obstacles and demonstrating the great heights of excellence that can be achieved. What is being done at a European level by the Commission to support and encourage disability sport within the Member States?

In the context of this Strategy, the Commission develops and disseminates accessibility standards for sport, leisure and recreational organisations, activities, events and venues; and promotes the participation of people with disabilities in European sport events as well as the organisation of disability-specific events. In light of the recent events in south-east Asia involving missing airliner MH, is anything being done at a European level to ensure that aircraft can be adequately tracked within European airspace?

The European airspace is well covered by both civilian and military Air Traffic Control surveillance systems. PSR information enables the detection of non-cooperative aircraft for safety and security reasons. Therefore, aircraft can be adequately tracked within the European airspace. This will focus upon how that sector deals with debt collection and those who are struggling to repay. What more is being and can be done by the Commission on a European level to regulate payday lending firms and protect those who have fallen into trouble with debt?

The Commission pays close attention to the issue of payday loans and its particular risks for consumers which have indeed risen during the recent economic developments. It obliges creditors to provide to borrowers all necessary information before taking the credit, in particular the Annual Percentage Rate of charge which gives a real figure of the total cost of the credit.

Thus the consumer can take an informed decision whether to enter or not in the credit contract. Some Member States have adopted additional measures to tackle the problem of payday loans by capping the Annual Percentage Rate of charge. As all charges and fees are included in it, this limits boosting any credit costs by creditors and protect consumers, in particular vulnerable ones. The Commission follows the implementation and enforcement of the directive and facilitates the exchange of best practices between the national authorities responsible for the area of consumer credit.

Proposals to address the issue include banning pre-ticked boxes to ensure consumers actively choose to buy add-ons and forcing firms to publish claims ratios to highlight which products are low value. What is being done at European level to improve the way in which competition operates in the insurance add-on market and to pressure providers to deliver better value to their customers? There is no specific legislation to regulate insurance add-ons.

This legislation requires traders to operate in accordance with professional diligence and to provide in a clear, intelligible and timely manner material information that consumers need in order to take an informed purchase decision, such as the main characteristics and the price of a product. The new Directive requires enhanced price transparency, bans on pre-ticked boxes on the Internet, introduces better refund rights, and bans online traps, amongst others.

It is also an opportunity to consider the plight of girls and women less fortunate than ourselves. Promoting the employment of women is an integral part of the EU's strategy for economic growth Europe In , thirteen Member States received country-specific recommendations on gender equality, the bulk of recommendations being on childcare facilities, which is a key determinant of female employment. To support Member States, significant funding is offered. Since , the proportion of young children cared for in formal childcare facilities increased: The performance and participation of women in education shows significant positive trends: However, other trends show less encouraging results: Oxfam has been working on long-term development and emergency relief in the region covered by South Sudan since In response to the conflict, Oxfam has been providing food, water, sanitation and hygiene to around displaced people in three locations across the country: Juba, Mingkaman and Malakal.

The EU is deeply concerned about the continued violence in South Sudan and is alarmed by the current humanitarian situation and reports of human rights violations against civilians. The EU has had a continuous presence on the ground since the conflict broke out. The protection of the South Sudanese people is at the heart of the EU's efforts in the country. The EU is also providing support to IGAD for the negotiation process and has offered support to the ceasefire monitoring mechanism. The terrorist attacks target both Christians and Muslims.

They are perpetrated by an amalgam of variously motivated terrorist groups seeking to destabilise the State of Nigeria by all means, especially by seeking to widen all differences, including religious which in recent years have not been a problem in Nigeria. The EU is working with the government and people of Nigeria to help bring an end to the cycle of violence. It does so through dialogue and targeted aid interventions focusing on the underlying root causes of violence. The Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace is supporting several peace and mediation programmes in the Niger Delta and the Middle Belt and projects to reform the criminal justice system and to strengthen the Office of the National Security Advisor.

Gesundheit, Verkehr oder Bildung zu liberalisieren oder zu privatisieren. This is an abuse of democracy that allows the rumour mill to run wild and alienates citizens. Can the Commission prove all of this with official documents that are part of the negotiations with the United States? The Commission will ensure that the levels of EU protection, including for food standards, are not lowered. This AMT does not replace EU hygiene requirements but must be considered as an additional tool to increase food safety. None of EU's bilateral trade agreements obliges to liberalise or privatise water distribution or any other public services, such as health, transport or education.

Likewise, under the multilateral General Agreement on Trade in Services, members of the WTO are free to keep their public or private monopolies and to regulate. As for public procurement, negotiations on bilateral trade agreements, such as the TTIP, do not concern privatisation of public services. Is it aware of this specific incident and does it intend to seek further information from the Turkish authorities?

If the accusations are confirmed, does it intend to impose penalties, including on Turkish Airlines, for the illegal exporting arms to a third country in a state of war? The EU remains in close contact with Turkey on foreign policy issues of common interest in particular in the framework of the enhanced EU-Turkey foreign policy dialogue.

As indicated in the Communication on EU Regulatory Fitness, the Commission is committed to meeting EU policy goals in a cost-effective way, avoiding all unnecessary regulatory burdens. The Commission is now examining if those savings were realised in practice. The Commission does not make quantitative estimates of the total cost, or indeed benefits, of every new proposed legislation.

Impacts are assessed quantitatively only if this is possible, given data availability, and proportionate in view of their expected size and their relevance for decision making. Moreover, simply adding up the cost and benefit figures in each impact assessment would not give a full or accurate picture. Often the Commission's proposal is changed during the legislative procedure, following which Member States make implementation choices. Therefore the costs and benefits of the final legislation can differ from the estimates in the Commission's impact assessments.

The issue of animal welfare is at the heart of the European Treaties: As part of the implementation of its Strategy on Animal Welfare, the Commission intends to propose a new directive on the subject.

Will it adopt a position on the issue of granting legal status to animals when it tables its proposal for a directive on animal welfare in ? Zastupnici Europskog parlamenta Biodiversity should have precedence over commercial interests, because a standard that is purely industrial is unacceptable, given that it implies exclusively technical and legal definitions that seeds — as a part of nature — cannot fulfil.

The proposal for a regulation on the production and making available on the market of plant reproductive material would not have led to new or further restrictions of consumers and not reduce the number of farmers, gardeners or growers of traditional varieties. The provisions of the proposal would have ensured a broad choice for any farmer or gardener and would have supported the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources.

U razdoblju od Candidate countries and potential candidate countries for EU membership face threats to the freedom of their media, with the greatest of these threats being the strong influence of politics, economic pressure and violence against journalists. These are a direct threat to unbiased reporting and go against the EU's democratic principles. What measures can the Commission adopt and implement in the area of media freedoms, with a view to strengthening journalistic freedoms and media pluralism in candidate countries and potential candidate countries for EU membership?

The Commission is committed to ensuring further progress is made in this area. The Commission continues to promote freedom of expression and media and to stress its importance for EU membership through its regular political dialogues with the enlargement countries and is ensuring these issues are consistently addressed as a priority in the accession negotiations.

Creating an environment favourable to freedom of expression through new legislation e. Gli stessi operatori dell'ONU hanno riportato violazioni dei diritti umani da ambo le parti, tanto che l'esercito sud-sudanese ha rinviato 20 militari per uccisione di civili. Hard cover A dictionary is more than a list of words accompanied by definitions: This is clearly the case of a bilingual dictionary compiled by a sin- gle author, such as this one under review. The contents of this volume can be divided into 3 main parts: Part one forms Hermann W. Professor Haller, an eminent scholar in Italian linguistics and author of numerous crucial publications in the history of Italian language, is to be com- mended on making John Florio come alive through a convincingly-written biog- raphy and bibliography of this fascinating trailblazer.

Although apparently never setting foot on Italian soil, John Florio, son of Italian immigrants his father was a converted Jew to England, was not simply passionate about Italian and other languages. His love resulted in a number of concrete efforts, such as his didactic works in the form of dialogues intended for students with previous knowledge of Italian Firste Fruites , and Second Fruites which are dialogues based on daily activities of an English gentleman, accompanied by a collection of some Italian proverbs.

But it is the dictionaries which set Florio apart both by for the era astounding number of entries and the sources used. The edition of Worlde of Wordes contains some 74, entries drawn from sources. It is these sources which are striking: Florio chose to lemmatize not only words from limit- ed literary sources but also works of practical nature falconry, etc.

Furthermore, oral sources allow him to include words which form a part of regional varieties. His is a semi-diplomatic edition based on the original printed version and the anastatic edition of The corrections introduced in this volume are listed separately. These are not just pages of dedi- catory nature, or simple notes to the reader: At the end of his note to the reader, he hints at a possible addition to the dictionary, that of English-Italian equivalents.

Then follow four poetic compositions to the patrons, and a list of his sources. Part three, the dictionary itself , is arranged alphabetically. Capitals indicate the Italian entry, and, as Florio says in his Note to the Reader, grammar is also present: Irregular verbs are shown in forms of the first person present indicative, passato remoto and past participle, for ex. The definitions are rich, creative and will keep researchers busy for a long time.

Entries include, among others, collocations, idioms, frequently used phrases, classical anthroponyms, Latinate spellings, exclamations. There is no doubt that this volume offers a close and fascinating look at one of the fundamental sources for our knowledge of English-Italian relations during the Elizabethan era which saw Italian culture and language as quintessential ele- ments of sophistication.

This is, after all, the main aim of the publications from the Lorenzo da Ponte Italian Library Series. It is a real pity that the general editors did not consider using the most up-to-date on-line technology for making this work available to a much wider public, since it has been digitized. In conclusion, this volume, a fascinating source of evidence not only about English-Italian relations, but also about English, learning and teaching vocabulary, individual linguistic creativity, encyclopedic and lexicographic interest.

Con leggerezza ed esattezza. Biblioteca delle Lettere, 2. Il titolo rappresenta anche il filo conduttore del volume, come chiarito nel saggio introduttivo: Quasi unico punto di riferimento, anche materiale, fu la casa del suo editore, Stella, che pure ebbe il merito, fino ad approfittarsene a proprio vantaggio, almeno in prin- cipio, di scoprire nel giovane Giacomo non solo un autore promettente ma anche un consulente affidabile. Modern Philosophy in Italy Edited and translated with an introduction by Brian Copenhaver and Rebecca Copenhaver. This comprehensive, and yet compact study collects, collates and concentrates in a single volume excerpts by the most eminent thinkers of modern-time Italy.

Compiled with the intent to acquaint the anglophone readership with a selective and systema- tic panorama of Italian philosophers less known outside of their national confines, this conspicuous anthology presents an idiosyncratic corpus of text sorts and genres which, in their diversity, reproduce a complete picture of the era with its historical, cultural and ideological premises and prospects, its climaxes and conclusions. The first part opens with a suc- cint afterthought on the late figure of Norberto Bobbio, in which the Copenhavers articulate the rationale behind their study, and outline the route along which their survey will unfold.

With Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile, the Nineteenhundreds feature the two by far most compelling and charismatic representatives of Italian idealism. As the scholars expound the development of their thoughts, they elicit their increasing disagreements which culminated in the irreconcilable discord that fol- lowed the rise of Fascism, and contributed to their ultimate schism. From their prolific oeuvre, the scholars excerpted those writings that most strikingly exempli- fy their divergency of perspectives on the liberal and conservative front.

This preliminary section of the book thus closes as it had com- menced: Upon initiating the reader into the theories that the Italian philosophers ela- borate at length in their writings, the subsequent segment gathers the primary lite- rature thus far addressed and analyzed, whose exceptional translations are com- plemented by a rich apparatus of notes and explanatory remarks. The anthology ends with a detailed bibliography, and two separate indices of names and subjects that facilitate the consultation of this voluminous and valuable collection which constitutes an indispensible reference and an imperative reading both within and beyond the anglophone world.

The Marquis of Roccaverdina. Translated by Santi V. Dante University Press, The Marquis of Roccaverdina, a translation by Santi V. As such, choosing a language that, while being accessible to the Italian reader, would not in any way interfere with the verisimilitude of the characters in their novels, was of key importance.

While the language of choice in the settings depicted in the majority of their works would most certainly have been Sicilian dialect, in no way did their deci- sion to use standard Italian interfere with the realistic essence of their characters, as they were able to retain some key syntactical elements of the Sicilian dialect. Making the language intelligible to non dialect speakers and at the same time maintaining the semblance of a true spoken language, Capuana and the other Verist writers were able to safeguard the verisimilitude of their characters.

Translating a novel like Il marchese di Roccaverdina is a much greater endeavor than just transposing a text from one language to another: Buscemi seems to overcome this obstacle by maintaining certain key words in Sicilian dialect or Italian. For a similar reason, cavaliere, which translates to knight, has been retained in its anglicized form: In the same introduction Buscemi summarizes the con- tribution of Giovanni Verga and Federico De Roberto to the movement and con- cludes with some essential biographical notes on Capuana complete with a description of his literary career and the fortune of Il marchese di Roccaverdina.

The end of the volume features the Notes.

Kenneth Bartlett's second edition titled The Civilization of the Italian Italy” (26), he does not mention Petrarch's greatest contribu- tion to the Italian .. loro organicità, contributi leopardiani solo in parte già pubblicati e comunque .. Il critico letterario e lo scrittore di narrativa e teatro convivono e dialogano in Paolo Di Paolo. eSpecial from Berkley Sensation, Un giorno come tanti Italian Edition, Ebbe e racconti per tanti scolaretti Gli emersi narrativa Italian Edition and like Tanti affetti No on Prediction of Interannual Climate Variations Held at July 22 26 Nato for Piano and like Complete Variations for Solo Piano Dover Music for Piano.

These include a description of some of the historical figures mentioned in the novel, such as Ferdinand II, that might not be as familiar to a North American reader, as well as the translation of some Italian or Latin words that Buscemi decided not to translate in the text such as onze, tarocco, maluomini, etc. In conclusion Santi V. La fine di qualcosa. Scrittori italiani tra due secoli. Giulio Perrone Editore, Il critico letterario e lo scrittore di narrativa e teatro convivono e dialogano in Paolo Di Paolo. La vicenda di Dove eravate tutti parte da un ricordo del luglio , quando il giudice Borsellino e gli agenti della sua scorta furono barbaramente uccisi dalla mafia, e si spinge fino al , attraversando un arco di tempo pubblico e politi- co che lo scrittore senza esitazione definisce decadente, citando le parole di Francesco De Sanctis nella Storia della letteratura italiana Nel romanzo Mandami tanta vita lo scrittore si sbarazza del presente e si rin- tana in un luogo lontano del passato.

I due protagonisti, Piero Gobetti e Moraldo, si muovono tra Torino e Parigi in pieno fascismo, durante i giorni di carnevale del Moraldo vive una giovinezza pacata, crede di poter sottomettere tutto al controllo della ragione, si nutre di sogni, di utopie e nulla ai suo occhi, ancora ingenui, sembra impossibile. I due coetanei percorrono strade diverse, parallele, che riusciranno appena a sfiorarsi senza mai congiungersi. Nel presentare il percorso attraverso la narrativa italiana, Di Paolo offre una preziosa chiave di lettura: Partendo da questa lettura, Di Paolo si muove con grande intelligenza critica a segnalare la complessa rete di rimandi e intrecci tra i testi, con anticipazioni e ritorni, riprese e variazioni.

The Diary of Elio Schmitz. Scenes from the World of Italo Svevo. One Viennese doctor recommended Schmitz go to Cairo, where he wrote his last entry: Like Sir Richard F. Burton, the translator of The Arabian Nights who spent his last years in Trieste, Schmitz reveals the rich historical connections between Trieste and the broader Mediterranean.

Scenes from the World of Italo Svevo offers elegant and clear solutions to both problems: The images include photos of the people Schmitz mentions, of his manuscripts, and of his gravestone, whose Italian and Hebrew inscription are both translated. Di Biase has returned to the original manu- scripts and fixes several small transcription errors that remain in the Italian edi- tions, edited by Bruno Maier and, later, Luca De Angelis.

Figures and Themes in Modern European Literature Schmitz also motivated his brother, having him sign promissory notes that would require him to finish his plays. The diary follows the thoughts of a reflective and restless young man who was particularly sensitive to his now famous brother, to his complex Triestine milieu, and to his historical times more general- ly. What did it matter to me to see anything at all?

These lines, along with the entire work, are well worth pondering. A cura di Simone Magherini. Ben 40 sono state scritte da Palazzeschi e 15 da Soffici. Inoltre 42 lettere sono concentrate tra il e il , negli anni della breve stagione del futurismo fiorentino. Come doccia, ben inteso, non come pane quoti- diano, sono troppo fiorentino purtroppo.

Sono diciotto anni circa che desidero un mese o due di lazzaronismo completo senza essermelo mai potuto pagare. Seconda serie dei 24 cervelli Vorrei esser con te. Io non avevo mai goduto questo. Tutto questo esattamente un secolo fa Dopo il disastro della Grande Guerra, la Santa Sede voleva iniziare in Italia e riallacciare in Europa relazioni con gli stati emersi dopo i sei anni di carneficina.

Scriveva, infatti, il Duce: Questa specie di sigillo originario non deve ingannare. Oltre al comune anti-socialismo che legava il Vaticano a Mussolini, un nodo importante fu il salvataggio dal fallimento del Banco di Roma, la banca del vaticano. A proposito scriveva Mussolini: Il Vaticano guardava con interesse e convenienza a Mussolini, il quale scaltra- mente concedeva alla Curia romana agevolazioni: Qui basta menzionare che Pio XI era pronto, in reazione a un discorso di Mussolini inneg- giante agli eroi del Risorgimento, a rinnegare la Conciliazione.

Nel paese, invece, molti cattolici la pensavano diver- samente. E a proposito della confusione di lingue, Lisa ne Gli indifferenti cerca di sedurre Michele fingendosi materna con lui, men- tre Davico ne Le ambizioni sbagliate scambia un sorriso della quattordicenne Andreina per un invito a un rapporto sessuale.

Il giornalismo, la storia, la narrativa, Florence: Il giornalismo, la storia, la narrativa contains papers originally delivered in at three scholarly meetings held in Florence, Milan and Rome in honor of the late Indro Montanelli The meetings were devoted, respectively, to Montanelli the narrator, Montanelli the journalist, and Montanelli the historian; the volume of collected papers is similarly divided. The first section of the book contains six essays. The essay stresses that this service to the regime and nascent empire was a formative experience for the young writer.

He also quotes a telling passage from these writings in which the young man describes switching his intellectual and literary allegiance from Proust to Mussolini, in a turn to activism typical also of others in his generation. Pian delle stelle of , and Tombolo, paradiso nero of In the succeeding article, Roberto Chiarini moves from Montanelli the reporter to consider his role as an editorialist who was often at odds with the own- ership of the papers for which he wrote. Sergio Romano then reflects on the various factors that led Montanelli to turn to the writing books of popularized history, an endeavor at which he was once again hugely successful.

Paolo Occhipinti and Mario Cervi conclude this section with affectionate accounts of their friendship and personal relations with the writer. He was also— and this is a comparison he would certainly resent—a gadfly—in this way not unlike his contemporary Pasolini, though in his case from the Right rather than the Left. Nonetheless—or perhaps for just this reason—over his long life he not only witnessed many of the most dramatic political events of our times, he was also able to articulate what was happening to millions of readers and to sug- gest how these readers might best interpret the events he was reporting.

Terms of the Political: Fordham University Press, Roberto Esposito is one the most incisive and thought-provoking political theorist in Italy today. He has produced a compelling body of work that revolves around the fundamental notions upon which the political, social, and ethical Western systems have been built. In many respects, he shares with thinkers such as Michel Foucault a method that is both archeological and deconstructive at the same time. Political discourses and social practices are scrutinized in all their micro elements and are subjected to an histori- cal and critical investigation that exposes inconsistencies and antinomies.

The present volume is a collection of eleven essays skillfully translated by Rhiannon Noel Welch and preceded by a valuable introduction by Vanessa Lemm. The first group of essays centres on the notions of community and democracy that Esposito examines through the filter of the immunitary paradigm. Immunization is the recurrent logic that lies beneath the aspiration of a community, inasmuch as the other is perceived as a threat, a virus from which one requires protection. Esposito weaves a series of captivating arguments that combine etymological roots of the terms, philosophical investigations and historical considerations.

Sifting through an array of thinkers, from Kant to Hannah Arendt, Esposito theorizes that the definition of community is a paradoxical one: These antinomies have irreparable con- sequences on the realization of a universal system of ethics and on our conceptions of freedom and democracy. The immunity towards the external is constitutive of all social bodies, he argues, from the juridical systems of nation-states to the orga- nizations that regulate cultural, religious, or territorial manifestations.

Indeed, the aporias that he identifies in most basic terms that form the fabric of the political discourse are interpreted as expressions of a tragic thought or, more remarkably, as manifestation of social melancholy. The melancholic state of individual psychology connected to guilt, traumas and lacerations, acquires the status of a political category that reveals an existential condition that goes beyond acedia. Indeed, they embody the demon- stration of our human finitude. Democracy as well, a conception that resides at the core of Western civiliza- tion, cannot escape the immunitary logic.

Esposito contends that the individual power-drives result in a process of immunization of every citizen that inevitably involves the entire community. And should we consider globalization as a collapse of the outside, he stresses that the condition of the fortress a defense from the other is now transformed into that of the desert, a world divested of an inside Perhaps the most abused of all terms, one whose repertoire belongs defini- tively to the superficiality of common places, is that of freedom.

Indeed, Esposito attempts to free freedom from the weight of historical trivialities. However, he avoids a number of questions: When do my freedoms stop so that someone else can have his or hers? How do we deal with secular or religious fundamen- talisms that advocate as cultural differences expressions of violence and repression? Does the breakdown of consensus create a dystopic community? The rest of the essays rotate around the issues of immunity and violence, the body and violence, biopolitics and totalitarism—the latter radically questioned as a political category.

Esposito does not see that the disappearance of the other within a globalized con- text excluding the conflicts of terrorism and ethnic cleansing devalues the immu- nity factor by directing the violence towards the self—increment of depression, attention deficit, and other psychic disorders. All the essays are linked by a recurrent critical operation: Esposito exposes the emptiness of a plurality of beliefs, principles, and representations.

This tendency is adopted as a lens through which he looks at the vacuum in which our political language dwells at its most molecular level. For the English speaker, this translation represents a magnificent introduction to an inspirational political thinker. La tesi centrale del saggio di Antonello, veramente affascinante quanto forse trop- po? Dal modernismo al postmodernismo. Riflessioni teoriche e pratiche della scrittura. The author is to be commended for providing a comprehensive introduction to two complex and vigorously debated terms, namely, modernism and postmodernism, since they engage not only literary and artistic practices, but culture as a whole, in the form of the historical categories of modernity and postmodernity.

Picchione is masterful in articulating the parameters of his study, all the while being aware of potential pitfalls — an awareness communicated in such remarks as: Also identified clearly are the addressees to whom the book is directed: Picchione achieves his objectives brilliantly offering the reader important insights expressed in limpid prose. In the first three chapters of the book, the author examines the various aspects of the intricate, sometimes conflicting, relationships between modernism and modernity, between postmodernism and postmodernity, and between modernism and postmodernism.

In the process, he synthesizes very effectively the main posi- tions of theoreticians, philosophers, and historians who have attempted to define these movements. What is more, he reflects on the import of such figures as Guglielmi, Sanguineti, Barilli, Eco, Balestrini, and Porta in the con- text of the Neoavanguardia. The author is always mindful of the need to qualify his observations, given the complexities of the subject matter; for instance, he writes: He nonetheless presents to his reader the primary features of the movements studied.

The most striking and appreciable aspect of the monograph is the fact that Picchione does not limit himself to summarizing the ideas of the relevant critics; he also engages with the theories and the poetics considered. In some cases, he questions the premises directly, as when he states: In other cases, he poses a series penetrating questions that expose the limits or inadequacies of some of the premises in which the movements are grounded.

Picchione subjects all the movements studied to this kind of rigorous scrutiny. With this assump- tion, he considers the ways in which the avant-gardes offered resistance to the dominant cultural paradigms of various historical periods. In the final analysis Dal modernismo al postmodernismo is an indispensable new research tool for understanding the interdisciplinary forces that have shaped and continue to shape literature and the arts. A cura di Federica Colleoni e Francesca Parmeggiani. Lonato del Garda Brescia: Nel saggio di apertura Stefano Ciammaroni prende in esame la retorica della violenza nel documentario di guerra Giorni di gloria , risultato della colla- borazione tra Visconti, De Santis, Marcello Pagliero e Mario Serandrei.

Agli anni Sessanta appartengono i tre film analizzati da Chiara Borroni nel saggio successivo: Secondo il regista, la violenza rappresenta il tentativo degli esseri umani di godere illimitatamente e il desiderio si tramuta inesorabilmente in pulsione verso la morte. Con il saggio di Francesca Parmeggiani, una delle curatrici del volume, si lasciano gli anni Sessanta e Settanta per approdare al cinema di inizio millennio.

Parmeggiani esplora lucidamente ed efficacemente la funzione dello sguardo in Primo amore di Matteo Garrone. Irena e Teodoro, protagonisti principali dei due film, sono prima vittime e ogget- to della violenza invisibile del sistema e poi si trasformano in carnefici visibili, ovvero in soggetti viventi.

Il saggio di Federica Colleoni fornisce una chiara inter- pretazione di due film recenti: Il suo studio prende in disamina due romanzi che rivisita- no il periodo oscuro degli anni di piombo: In entrambi i romanzi, sostiene Vitello, il terrorismo viene ridotto a puro ingrediente di dramma senti- mentale e ne viene censurata la dimensione storico-politica in nome di un proces- so di pacificazione psicologica. Standen analizza la narrativa di Dacia Maraini sot- tolineandone il forte impegno a favore di una politica contro la violenza. A conclusione del volume appare il saggio di Andrea Gallo sul romanzo La masseria delle allodole di Antonia Arsal in cui si narra lo sterminio di oltre un milione e mezzo di Armeni.