Crossing Borders II: Migration and Development from a Gender Perspective

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Inclusive Social Protection in Latin America: Combating Poverty and Inequality. Migration and Development from a Gender Perspective.

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The effects of such approaches, however, are far from neutral in terms of gender and age. Women, girls, boys and older people tend to lose out when strategies are based on a male breadwinner model.

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So what should policymakers be thinking about when developing national and regional approaches to migration that take age and gender equality into account? Below are some suggestions. Of course this is not easy. There are many obstacles faced by those who wish to create, implement and evaluate gender- and age-sensitive migration policies that can have real impacts in practice.

Crossing borders II : migration and development from a gender perspective

These include restricted resources, negative public opinion around migration, fast moving humanitarian situations and weak institutional capacity for mainstreaming equality issues. But we cannot afford not to develop and implement these policies. Decision makers need to be aware of, willing to take action on, and not indifferent to, the plight of vulnerable groups of refugees and migrants. In addition to Goal 10, which has a specific target on safe migration, there are nine other goals particularly relevant to migration.

This is one step in a journey towards protecting the human rights of some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people around the globe. A harrowing journey to Europe for refugee and migrant children , www. Unaccompanied children on the coastline of the English channel and the north sea , http: Regional overview of population of concern , https: Forced Displacement in , http: Unaccompanied Children from Eritrea , https: Settling In , http: A review from an equality and human rights perspective, Equality and Human Rights Commission , https: An extended briefing, http: Children on the move. Age, Gender and Policymaking on Migration: What are the links?

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Age, gender and migration journeys Migration journeys take place within countries, regions and internationally. Age, gender and life as a refugee or migrant Once refugees and migrants reach a destination country, their gender- and aged-based experiences continue — in healthcare, education, employment and integration.

Ensure that migration policies and practices treat children as individual rights holders, whether they are accompanied by adults or not. Create and maintain safe and legal channels for people fleeing conflict and persecution, and develop special measures to ensure that vulnerable groups such as girls, boys, women, older and disabled people can access formal migration channels and do not resort to life threatening sea and land journeys. Discontinue the immigration detention of children, families with children and other vulnerable groups including survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and pregnant women.

Cease the separation of families through detention. Develop family reunification policies that take a rights-based approach and do not discriminate on the grounds of gender or age, or perpetuate existing inequalities.

Crossing Borders Ii : Migration and Development from a Gender Perspective, (electronic resource:)

Implement these policies in a timely way, most especially for refugees and asylum seekers including unaccompanied children, so that family members can join their relatives safely and avoid being stranded in transit. Ensure that migrant and refugee children and women have equal access to education, health and social services, and shelter regardless of residence status. Build the capacity of state, regional and local governments, along with organisations working on the ground with migrants and refugees to collect, analyse and use data disaggregated by migratory status, gender and age and the other characteristics specified in Global Goal Ensure that this takes place in transit as well as destination countries, and in internally displaced populations too.