The Yod Book: Including a Complete Discussion of Unaspected Planets

Yod (astrology)

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The Yod Book: Including a Complete Discussion of Unaspected Planets [Karen Hamaker-Zondag] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A yod. Editorial Reviews. Language Notes. Text: English (translation) Original Language: Dutch The Yod Book: Including a Complete Discussion of Unaspected Planets - Kindle edition by Karen Hamaker-Zondag. Download it once and read it on.

For example person with unaspected Mars in Sagittarius may be fond of sport and all kind of competitions. But in a crazy way. Not just exercising 2 times per week but 7 times per week, better 9 times per week. Often the sign of the unaspected planet matters less. Originally Posted by anny. Originally Posted by Cascada. I've never heard of a semi-aspected planet, but then I wonder about "my christian psychic" as a source for astrology info. Either a planet has aspects or more rarely it doesn't. These days, modern astrologers often use the major Ptolemaic aspects conjunction, opposition, square, sextile, trine for purposes of defining an 'unaspected' planet, meaning that minor aspects don't count.

Yod (astrology)

I'm not sure I buy into that. I believe that planets in our natal charts want to make connections, to integrate with the rest of the chart, and if a planet makes no major aspect connections, then I suspect it will seize the opportunity to connect through minor aspects, in order to make us feel 'whole'. For instance, my Saturn is in the same sign as my Sun but about 15 degrees away; Saturn's only planet aspect is a quintile to Uranus, but it also squares Chiron. So, is this Saturn 'unaspected'? Noel Tyl says that an unaspected planet can "run away with the chart", meaning that it dominates maybe by way of overcompensating?

I think that Tyl sometimes uses the word 'peregrine' when he means an unaspected planet. The two are different. A peregrine planet used to be defined as a sort of 'dumb note' in the chart, very weak, as opposed to Tyl's definition of an unaspected planet. Besides the idea that it can dominate the chart, I've also read that an unaspected planet is an "off" and "on" phenomenon, very strong at times and relatively weak at other times. I see this with my Saturn. My Mercury makes just one aspect, a quincunx to Jupiter.

Some astrologers these days might include the quincunx in a list of major aspects, but it is not a Ptolemaic aspect. My Mercury is always "on", unless I'm having a senior moment. But I'm not sure I would define it as 'unaspected'. Including a Complete Discussion of Unaspected Planets is another good source. Here's a link to a portion of Bil Tierney's book on unaspected planets: In any event, it's an interesting discussion. The term "feral planet" that tsmall uses is an interesting one, with a long history.

I've seen a few references among modern astrologers to "wild horses" to describe unaspected planets, which I suppose has some of the same idea of a strong, untamed force. My mother has an unaspected Sun in Sag. I have a Leo Sun in the 5th! I don't really feel the Leo energy I felt it as a child but I've lost it along the way.

Yod (astrology) - Wikipedia

I also have the NN in Leo in the 5th. I didn't realise that maybe the Sun doesn't manifest strongly because it's not aspected. Still, it seems surprising to have lost so much in its own sign and in its own house! Tags planets , significance , unaspected , unaspected or virtually Thread Tools. All times are GMT.

The time now is Contact Us - AstrologyWeekly. Michel Gauquelin all have one thing in common: All three have a rare and powerful astrological configuration called a Yod. For those of you who are not familiar with the Yod configuration, it is an isosceles triangle formed by two planets sextile each other and both quincunx a third, fulcrum planet. Like the Grand Cross, the Yod can be said to be one of the most challenging configurations that can occur in a horoscope. Are you driven by forces that seem beyond your control?

Do you feel that you have a great reservoir of talent that is just within reach? Do you feel certain that you have a special purpose in life?

The Yod Book: Including a Complete Discussion of Unaspected Planets

I think it means that those planets are more likely to 'operate' independently from each other. See all titles by this author. Martha Stewart is trapped in a vicious cycle of endless conquest and overachievement. Last edited by Cascada; at Will it be an old, outmoded behavior or belief? A Yod is a name for an aspect which forms a triangle shape. November 13, ,

You may be experiencing the power of the Yod. If you have one, it will likely be the dominating factor in your chart because the Yod takes on a life of its own.

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Yod Bearers are driven people, haunted by the Finger of Fate to find the special purpose in life for which they have been chosen. How does the Yod work?

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There is a four-way exchange of energy involved in the Yod configuration: The sextile from planet 1 to planet 2 forms the base of the Yod, trying to stabilize the configuration. The point directly opposite the Yod Fulcrum called the Activation Point, i. The Yod energy in the Fulcrum or Foot planet is bound up in the world of form and personality until the Activation Point triggers it into action.

Analyzing the Yod involves: The quincunx also called the inconjunction is the main component of the Yod and one of the keys to understanding it, but the quincunx aspect is a trickster defying analysis by its very nature. The disruptive, capricious quincunx creates a great deal of nervous energy that is focused on the Yod Fulcrum.

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There is also an esoteric component to the Yod because it is by its very nature a highly spiritual configuration with karmic connotations. Each sign of the zodiac has a symbolic theme when considered in the Yod context, as follows: SUN — Symbol of the life force and character. MOON — Symbol of the mother, nurturing principles and emotions. You are chosen to utilize the nurturing principle.

Your purpose is to bring people together in a spirit of love and cooperation. MARS — Symbol of war, combat, action, military impulses. You have been chosen to take up the sword, whether literally or symbolically and fight for a cause. Your purpose is to expand horizons and bring abundance to the lives of those around you. SATURN — Symbol of structure, limitation, time, repression, responsibility, lessons, burdens, requirements, karmic adjustment. You are a revolutionary. You have been chosen to turn your world upside down, challenging the status quo and disrupting complacency.

Your special purpose involves the higher mysteries and the heights of consciousness. Your special purpose in life is to transform, you are the phoenix, chosen to resurrect. There are certain patterns that occur in the lives of Yod Bearers. Instability is common in the lives of Yod Bearers who have not found their special purpose. If you have a Yod, you are a talented person, but your talent may be hidden or blocked in some way, especially during the first half of your life.

Yod Bearers can be abrasive and difficult to get along with, whether they mean to be or not. This is because they are under constant stress, driven by the need to find their special purpose in life. This all-consuming configuration has a tractor effect involving not only the Yod Bearer, but also the people with whom she or he is closely associated. In other words, the intense energy of the Yod acts like a magnet, drawing others into its orb of influence.

When Prince Charles married Lady Diana in the wedding of the century on July 29, , it activated both of their Yods like a time bomb. The Queen adapted to this situation, confronting her detractors and facing them with courage and dignity. Her strength of character and commitment to duty serve her well in conquering her Collateral Yod challenges, and experiencing the fulfillment of her own special purpose. Yod Bearers can be difficult people and if you have a close personal relationship with a Yod Bearer, you may also experience the effects of this rare and powerful configuration.

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To see how the Yod works, it is useful to study some famous Yod Bearers. Two of the most famous Yod Bearers in modern astrological history whose extraordinary case deserves honorary mention are Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana. It is hard to think of a better example of astrological incompatibility than Charles and Diana with their crossed Yods and a plethora of other psychological problems. Here we see the destructive power of the Yod at work.

It is as though they were both chosen to destroy each other, and they did, Diana literally, and Charles, socially and symbolically. The complexities of the Charles and Diana Yod interactions and its tragic consequences are astrological legend, and will be discussed and analyzed for years to come.

Martha Stewart — Chosen to Nurture.

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She was born to nurture and in many ways she has done a superlative job. With the Sun quintile the Saturn-Uranus leg of her Moon Yod, she is intensely creative, aggressively marketing herself Sun into a one-woman business empire Moon, Mother, the feminine archetype in the second house of money trine Mars in Aries in the fifth house of creativity. Queen of Homemaking, she resurrected the lost art of housekeeping. A driven overachiever with Scorpio rising, this super-ambitious Yod Bearer began racking up accomplishments at an early age.

After working her way through college as a model, she became a Wall Street stock broker. In , Martha discovered her talent for decorating when she and her husband, Andy, bought an old Connecticut farmhouse and renovated it with their bare hands. She combined her culinary and decorating skills and opened up a catering service, which eventually led to book contracts through her husband.

Immensely successful in the publishing business, she has more than a dozen books to her name. She is an expert at hiding the secret turmoil behind her serene public persona. With the Moon in Sagittarius opposite its ruler Jupiter in Gemini applying to her Yod Activation Point, there is a compulsion to engage in excessive behavior. Herein may lie the key to her suffering -- she is never satisfied. Hers is a restless soul. No matter how many accomplishments she racks up, there is still something missing, a Mt.

Everest to climb in her psyche. She will always be the poor girl from Nutley, New Jersey who will never have enough. The Yod that hijacks her chart also wreaks havoc in her personal life. The Moon Yod Fulcrum is in the second house of money. Martha is particularly vulnerable here, because she is intently focused on making money, lots of it, to the point of obsession.

The Moon in Sagittarius is opposite its ruler, Jupiter, planet of excess and abundance. It is afflicted with only a trine to Mars to provide positive reinforcement. Headstrong to a fault, Martha, the ultimate control freak, seems out of control when it comes to money, as was painfully evident in her court case. Martha Stewart is trapped in a vicious cycle of endless conquest and overachievement.