Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases

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Child Custody and Relocation Laws in Alabama. Handling custody and visitation when one parent moves.

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Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases offers a firsthand look at how evaluators investigate, predict, and make recommendations; how judges reach. tudes and beliefs in child custody relocation cases. issues, they are particularly challenging because they involve the emotionally charged.

Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases examines how evaluators, mediators, and judges can best facilitate an environment where a child has an ongoing relationship with two parents, regardless of where each parent lives. Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases examines: Fabricius and Sanford L. Braver A Move in the Right Direction? Austin and Jonathan W. Request an e-inspection copy.

Relocating a Child — Custody Issues

The Bookshelf application offers access: Offline Computer — Download Bookshelf software to your desktop so you can view your eBooks with or without Internet access. The country you have selected will result in the following: If you wish to move your child to another region of North Carolina or to a new state entirely, the other parent can agree.

If you have a child custody order in place, you should return to court with this agreement to have the order properly modified to reflect the new situation. This holds both of you accountable to your new parenting plan. It protects your right to move your child out of state, which is something the other parent could dispute down the road if you do not obtain a court order in your favor.

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If the other parent does not agree to the move or you two disagree on how to handle long-distance visitation, then you will have to return to court. Additionally, even if the two of you agree to the relocation, you will likely have to go to court. As the custodial parent, you must file a complaint for initial custody, or motion to modify custody in your local district court asking the judge for approval to relocate your child and to modify the custody order.

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  • Child Custody and Relocation Laws in Alabama.
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If you live in Johnston or Harnett County, then you will take your matter to the civil division of the district court. There is no separate and distinct family court. However, if you live in Wake County, there is a specific family court created to handle domestic disputes, including child custody and relocation matters. However, that does not guarantee the relocation will be approved. When reviewing whether the relocation is in the best interests of your child, the judge will review:.

Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases

When you wish to relocate with your child, much of the dispute may revolve around logistics. Some of the most important questions you and the other parent need to answer during this matter include:. A relocation out of state inherently means a greater amount of long-distance travel. You need to be prepared to drive your child back and forth or paying to have your child fly to visit their other parent.

You have every right to oppose the relocation of your child.

  1. Handling custody and visitation when one parent moves..
  2. Coming Changes to Child Removal and Parental Relocation Laws.
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One of the best ways to do this is to demonstrate how the distance and travel will damage the relationship you share with your child.