Prayers for all Occasions

I reap the harvest and share the bounty. Divine Order carries this beginning to completion as surly as a river flows to the sea. Having begun, I make the committment to see it through to the completion. Through the Christ within, all things are possible incuding this. I surrender the past and start fresh with new beginnings and Divine Potential! Taking a deep breath to ground in the here and now; we set aside all else and become fully present to one another and the One Power and Presence that flows through All.

May all that needs to be said be said. May all that needs to be heard be heard.

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Divine Order and Love come together for an effective, productive and concise gathering. Top of page Peace Peace comes not from the circumstances around me, but from the Stillness within me. Peace is the response I can bring to any situation.

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I Am the calm in the storm. Grounded in Spirit I stand my ground as immovable and peaceful as a mountain. I affirm WAY and know that one will appear. A peaceful river always choosing the same path will eventually wear a canyon. I need not wait so long for my intention is clear and strong. True peace requires addressing the needs of all concerned. I listen High Self to High Self trusting resolution is possible and revealed here now. Cool, refreshing blue energy of peace pours through me to quench the fires of my soul.

It continues to pour gently and persistently while my resistance steams and boils in anger and frustration. It continues to pour gently and persistently until at last I rest and feel refreshed. There is a peace that passes understanding. I surrender to it now. I trust the process, as my friend withdraws from physical form and returns home.

I envision for her all things coming together with grace, ease and Divine Order as her affairs are wrapped up and she says her good-byes. Loose ends tie up easily and a sense of completion abounds. The atmosphere is alive with love and anticipation. I acknowledge my grief and trust the healing process that is available to all of those left behind; a process that will surly see me through the challenge of the days to come.

Ephesians: Praying in All Occasions (3 of 4)

My friend, as you return to the realm of formless, you are lovingly guided and supported through the end of this journey as surly as you were through its beginning and middle. Love is not bound by time and space, we are always together in the eternal now. Let us celebrate your lifea life well lived full of acievement and challenge. Thank you for all we have shared. May your journey be all that you hope. Mother Divine, midwife my friend on his birth into eternity. Ease the transition for all of us. Each draws forth the comfort and support they need to heal and grow.

Homeward bound, the best is yet to come. Let the great adventure begin. Fear is f orgetting e verything is a ll r ight. As weak as the body is, the Spirit is strong. I turn within for the courage and williness to let go. Peace and acceptance grow as the body dies. I look forward to freedom from limitation and pain.

General Christian Prayers

I love life and don't feel ready to go. I AM healed whole and healthy! Perhaps this will take the form of miraculous healing--I'd love to be "the one". There have been many such miracles; there will be many more, and I am open to being one of them. Or perhaps it will take the form of peace and surrender. Either way, I AM healed, whole and healthy!!! In deepest love, I hold for you my child, a comfortable and nurturing term within me. I trust my inner guidance as I care for us both and feel you grow.

I surrender my fears and trust the process that has led to the safe arrival of billions before you. I envision for you a healthy, strong body and mind ready to face all the joys and challenges you will create. I envision for myself loving patience and wisdom to guide and support your growth and prosperity. Top of page Prosperity God is my instant, constant, limitless supply Prosperity is my true nature: God is my one and only source and it is unlimited in scope.

When there seems to be no way, God opens a way for there are infinite channels through which I may receive my good. My heart opens to divine ideas — ideas about how to give and how to receive. Thank you God that my needs are lovingly and abundantly met physically, emotionally and spiritually. I feel the comfort of walking through the front door and feeling deeply at home.

I imagine looking around and appreciating all the features I love about this house. Wow, so perfect and so well within my budget!! Gratitude floods my being at the thought! God is my strength in every need. Whatever dark place I imagine for myself: God is there as me, God goes before me, and God awaits me. Divine Love is the Truth of any situation, and through the eyes of Love Lions become kittens. Nothing has power but the power I give it. I reclaim my power from appearance and give it to Love.

Top of page Success Through Universal Power, my success is assured. I AM the radiating presence of God. I AM doing this. By Divine Law, what I want wants me. Committed, dertermined, and grounded in Spirit, success is inevitable. Gratitude percolates up from the bottom of my heart to gush forth in spectacular celebration.

Prayers for all Occasions: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and more.

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. THE Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us.

2. A Prayer to Open an Event

The Lord lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace, this night and evermore. Bless, I pray you, the means used for my recovery, and those who administer them. I know O Lord, that I justly deserve any punishment you may inflict upon me for, I have so often offended and sinned against you, in thought, word and deed.

Therefore, I humbly pray to you to look upon my weakness, and deal with me not according to my sins, but according to the multitude of your mercies. Have compassion on me, and let mercy and justice meet; and deliver me from this sickness and suffering I am undergoing. Grant that my sickness may be the means of my true repentance and amendment of my life according to your will, that I may spend the rest of my days in your love and fear: Lord Jesus, you came into the world to heal our infirmities and to endure our sufferings.

You went about healing all and bringing comfort to those in pain and need. We come before you now in this time of illness asking that you may be the source of our strength in body, courage in spirit and patience in pain. May we join ourselves more closely to you on the cross and in your suffering that through them we may draw our patience and hope. Assist us and restore us to health so that united more closely to your family, the Church, we may give praise and honour to your name.

Fill [his] heart with confidence, that even though [he] is sometimes afraid, [he] yet may put his trust in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, source of life and fountain of all good things, I bless your Holy Name, and give you the most hearty thanks for having delivered me from my sickness and restored me to health. Grant me your continuing grace, that I may keep my good resolutions and correct the errors of my past life, and improve in virtue, and live a new life in dutiful fear of you, doing your will in all things, and devoting this new life which you have given me to your service: All honor, praise, glory, and thanksgiving to you, heavenly Father, together with your blessed son Jesus and the Holy Comforter, now and forever.

Thank you for the joy she has brought and continues to bring to my life and the lives of so many others, and especially those who love her. Thank you also for the people who give her joy, those who love her, past and present.

Strength to find whatever healing there is in this time and place, strength as she waits to come home to you when she is ready and You call her to be with You for eternity. I pray for courage for her family as they support her and love her and surround her in care. Mostly, dear Lord, I pray for peace. As in all places, help us know that you are here with us, granting your peace. In the name of Christ, who taught us not to fear death and showed us beyond doubt that God will grant us victory over mortality through Him, I pray.

Thank you for the joy he has brought and continues to bring to my life and the lives of so many others, and especially those who love him. Thank you also for the people who give him joy, those who love him, past and present. Strength to find whatever healing there is in this time and place, strength as he waits to come home to you when he is ready and You call him to be with You for eternity. I pray for courage for his family as they support him and love him and surround him in care. WATCH over your child, O Lord, as his days increase; bless and guide him wherever he may be, keeping him unspotted from the world.

Prayers for All Occasions

Strengthen him when he stands; comfort him when discouraged or sorrowful; raise him up if he fall; and in his heart may your peace, which passes human understanding, abide all the days of his life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Restore them to strength of mind and cheerfulness of spirit, and give them health and peace; and if, because of their clouded minds, they are unable to pray for forgiveness of their sins, I pray that you will keep their souls pure and blameless, through the miraculous love of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Put far from them, I beseech you, every root of bitterness, the desire of boastful vanity, and the pride of life. Fill them with faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness.

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If you're interested in cultivating prayer as a way of life and growing in your relationship with God, here are Holidays and Special Occasions. “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians

Knit together in constant affection those who, in holy wedlock, have been made one flesh; turn the heart of the parents to the children, and the heart of the children to the parents; and fill us all with true love and charity, so that we put aside petty differences and act with kind affection and the sympathy of brotherly love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Blessed are You, loving Father, For all your gifts to us. Blessed are You for giving us family and friends To be with us in times of joy and sorrow, To help us in days of need, And to rejoice with us in moments of celebration.

Blessed are you for ever and ever. Oh God, who ordained marriage for the comfort of humanity and the continuation of life on earth, I give you thanks for the love you have implanted in my heart for my spouse. I pray that your love will inspire me to be gentle kindness in my words, consideration for the feelings of my spouse, and continual concern for [his][her] earthly needs and desires. I pray for your Holy Spirit to guide me and help me in understanding of my spouse's shortcomings and fill me with forgiveness when [he][she] may fall short of your glory.

Let me see more clearly my own human quirks and faults, so that, in the enjoyment of your forgiveness given to me freely, I may also forgive. May our faith in you always grow stronger and serve to guide us in our lives together. Bless my marriage, I pray, oh loving God, fill it with your peace and joy, and help us in times of difficulty to remember your glory and call upon the powers of your Holy Spirit. We pray that those in authority may turn away from the demons of prejudice, fear and scarcity, that they will set their hearts on acts of mercy.

We pray that you will give us vision and inspire our concrete actions as we seek to realize our goal of liberty and justice for all. Gracious God, in your loving heart there is room for everyone — without exception. Give us courage to be so at home in you that we dare make room for others. Let your world be a place of delight and homecoming for all creation. In the words of Mother Julian of Norwich: I am he; that is to say: Holy Mother God, We give you thanks for all those in our lives who have shown us your love.

For those who have nurtured and inspired us, For those who have taught and mentored us, For those who have respected and befriended us. Holy Mother God, We pray for all those parts of the world where families are separated by war and persecution. We pray for all families whose lives are damaged by addiction and abuse.

1. An Opening Prayer for a Meeting

Thank you for the joy he has brought and continues to bring to my life and the lives of so many others, and especially those who love him. I feel the comfort of walking through the front door and feeling deeply at home. Your comments are published here instantly. This is my opportunity to reflect on lessons learned, blessings received and memories stored. Beauty was here today to lift my heart. Having begun, I make the committment to see it through to the completion. Fill them with faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness.

Help us to have open eyes to see the needs of the world, open hearts to respond with love and open arms to welcome others in. Holy Mother God, We pray for all those women throughout the ages who have been vilified by your church. For those whose vocations have been denied.

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