Love and Magic

Lately her dialogues with canvas focus on women and cats. Her artworks are full of light and sensitivity that makes part her own soul. Her paintings are a language that allows to express emotions, thoughts and written endearments in a memory book, as the artist says: Painting is like navigating in the pages of an imaginary book. Love and Magic Creator: Silvana Violante Date Created: Oil on canvas Painter: The spells were not used by women to achieve sexual pleasure, but rather as a form of therapy or medicine. Women commonly used the philia spells in attempt to preserve their beauty and youth, which in effect would keep their beau faithful.

Parallels can be drawn between philia spells and common medical practice by women. A facelift will make a woman feel desirable and inject her with youth, at least in her mind. Many women in ancient Greece used the spells as a form of therapy. Regardless if the spells actually worked or not, they made the women feel more comfortable with their situation and feel as if they have some control over what is going on.

In that sense, magic functions the same way religions do. Spells and prayer share many of the same characteristics; both are used to bring peace of mind and they both invoke something spiritual to control something that is ultimately out of their hands. Eros spells were mainly practiced by men and prostitutes served a completely different function in Ancient Greece.

Eros spells were used to instill lust and passion into women, leading them to fulfill the man who invoked the spells sexual desires. Without freedom, women could only hope to make their situation better, which is why they aimed at affection producing spells.

Men, on the other hand, had the freedom to do what they want. They were financially free, could live where they chose, and were not expected to serve just one man and home. These were the only noted women to use eros magic to fulfill their sexual needs. During the later medieval period 14th to 17th century , marriage developed into a central institution for public life. This is reflected in their love magic: Magic was expensive and could cause severe damage to the caster; therefore it was not taken lightly.

Men and women of status and favor were more often the targets of love magic. Economic or social class restrictions would often inhibit a marriage , and love magic was seen as a way to break those barriers, leading to social advancement. While the spells were supposed to be kept secret, very rarely were they successful in this. However, if the victim realized that a spell was being cast upon them, believing in magic themselves, they would behave differently adding effectiveness to love magic. With the dominance of Christianity and Catholicism in Europe during the Renaissance , elements of Christianity seeped its way into the magic rituals themselves.

Meditate and practice daily introspection! Be curious, why do you have certain preferences? What are your life priorities and why? Why do you attract such partner? Why are you as you are? If you know deeper answers to such questions, it is very difficult to influence you through magic! In such cases, arguments and persuasion don't help. It makes the situation even worse. If this is your case, you can try some ritual, which will reveal the truth and the real motives of the wrongdoer.

Such rituals are performed during the full moon, so that the deeds of the wrongdoer can be seen in full. Be aware, that unwanted love magic can create the attraction, but manipulation is never the way, how to attract somebody for a long time. According to the universal laws, it cannot last long and cannot bring happiness to wrongdoer and love from the one, he deceived. Magical amulets are also very useful for magical protection. But only if they are charged by a skilled mage have they a real power. Good amulet is being charged for 28 days - from a new moon to a new moon.

Protection amulet serves not just against unwanted love but it also protects against all magic attacks. Do you have problems with your love life? Inconsistencies, conflict, a lack of harmony? Have you or your partner thought about ending the relationship or have you already done this? Often you can fix these problems by entrusting someone who knows how to handle such situations. We can help you get your relationship back on track!

Successful Love Magic Things are interconnected and they depend on each other! The most people come to us because of Love Magic. In general, people believe, that it is sufficient to do certain love spell and then, everything will be all right. If things are so easy, magicians would not be needed! The title of this article says: It is because one very important condition hasn't been fulfilled! And this condition is: One cannot repeat the old mistakes, which caused that the relationship ended!

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This is why, in order to bring partner back in love and harmony, skilled magician is needed. A man drunk too much alcohol and his wife left him. Man visited a magician and he did love magic. Wife returned back and man promised her he will stop drinking. After one month, he started again, so woman left him, but this time, forever, no second chance and way back! Another example is a woman with low self-esteem. Because of this, she controls every movement of her husband. She makes dramas, when he is on Facebook or chatting with friends.

Why is she writing you an email?

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Do you know her well? She asks magician for help, and after successful ritual, man comes back again to give it a second chance. But this woman still carries her problem within and creates dramas. This convince the man, that his decision to leave her was right and this time, he leaves forever! Love Magic can create a second chance, but if we won't dissolve the reasons, why our partner left us, we won't be able to use this chance and everything will fail.

There isn't just one reason, why people get together and then break up. There is always a combination of factors.

Some tips for your magic practice

As we said before, positive energy and good communication are important. But another very important factor of balance in relationship are money. According to statistics, the most relationships end because of financial issues and fights because of money. We are speaking about situations, when people lost job or their business bankrupted.

These situation are very dangerous for relationship and only strong and balanced relationship can survive this. We would like to emphasise, that: Money and health have to be taken into consideration, even when the objective is Love Magic. Speaking about health, we have to take into consideration the way of life, health care, physical activity.

Speaking about finance, we have to include also education, skills and job positions of partners. Another level is also how partners see themselves and each other. What are their interests, hobbies, what they prefer to do in their spare time? How we perceive our own value and what we think about ourselves, reflects also in may small things in our ordinary lives. For example, the way we dress ourselves. If we don't care about this, we cannot be surprised, that in many areas like applying for a job, meeting a potential partner, applying for a loan , people will refuse us.

Or the way, we treat ourselves and speak about ourselves. If we are not kind to ourselves, we cannot expect, that other will be! If someone, who doesn't think well about himself expects, that his partner will support him and tell him, that he is handsome, smart or interesting, he is wrong.

People with low self-esteem, who maybe are on the surface seen as nice and successful, but inside, they feel not worthy, they will be sooner or later refused by their partners and perceived as not smart, or not successful. And their partners will think, they can find someone better. The scientific research proved, that people, who smile a lot and think positive are healthier and more successful than people, who don't do that.

For deeper understanding of this observation, we recommend to read the book from Mirzakarim Norbekov: The experience of a fool who had an epiphany about how to get rid of his glasses. The author proved, that a simple exercises like deep breathing, smile and basic exercises for back, have an enormous influence on our health and state of mind. We cannot see our problems as something isolated. So, problems in love life has to be solved in a complex way, not just by finding some suitable partner asap. Problems in our life come from combination of our thinking habits, way of life, way we see the world.

And in the most cases, we can solve them, if we are able to admit, that we do something wrong. There is no such a ritual you just perform and your partner is back, or you get a perfect job, or after doing such and such spell, you will be immediately healthy. Magic can make a movement in desired direction, create a chance, get new possibilities, make the healing faster.

But Magic is not enough! In order to succeed, magic has to be always supported by your own change and transformation! You have to search for deeper understanding of your life. Why this situation happened? How did I get into this situation?

Voodoo Love Spells

What in me allowed this to happen? If you get a clarity about your life, why it is in certain point and where you want to move it, then you can change it and get success and satisfaction. Venus Spell for bringing partner back Important notice: This ritual can be done only in situation, when two people are not in a contact!

The room, where the ritual is performed, should be lighted during 8 days with green light. No one should see the things connected with the ritual, so, after the magic work, hide things to a safe place.

Rituals & Spells

Perform this ritual for 8 days, from one Friday to the next Friday by waxing moon, in the hour of Venus see Venus hours chart. The moon has to be waxing during the whole 8 days of the ritual. The ritual itself lasts 7 days, 8th day is a day of finishing of the ritual. If you cannot buy it on Monday, you can do it also on Tuesday, but in the hour of Venus , copper coins 49 cents , 7 green stones, green, silver and red ribbons, green bulb.

The ritual will begin exactly on Friday, in the Venus hour, at Prepare the candles and stones for the ritual look at the picture above. Meditation about what you want is a part of the ritual. Before the first meditation, place candles and stones in a way, that they are in one line and they do not touch each other. So, leave a small gap there. After the first meditation, you will move the first candle on the right side to the second candle, so that they touch each other.

Do the same with stones. That means, before the first day meditation, they will be placed in one line and they do not touch each other. After the first day meditation, the first stone on the right will be moved to the second stone and they are connected together. You will proceed this way every day, all days of the ritual. At the sixth day, all candles and stoner are connected together in one line.

Before the meditation, light the candles from left to the right. When you finish your magical work, start to go out the candles from left to the right. On the first day, make on green, red and silver ribbon seven knots, together there will be 21 knots. Then, bind together 7 cinnamon sticks with green, red and silver ribbon. Place on the altar 7 nice and tasteful green apples. They will stay there during all seven days. Place on the altar into a small bowl copper coins with value of 49 cents. It can be also coins of another currency, but they have to be from copper, or it can be some jewel or thing from copper.

On the fourth day of the ritual, buy 7 roses. Before you place them on the altar, bind them together with silver ribbon ribbon will have also 7 knots. Roses have to be fresh and nice, so that they stay beautiful till the end of the ritual! Construct a regular heptagon and cut it out look at the example on the photograph. Draw the outline of the heptagon with green marker, then, draw to the right side the green square and draw inside the sigil of Hagiel.

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To the left side, draw with your own blood your first name and the first name of your dream partner in a way, that they cross each other use if possible the letters, which are the same. Draw under your and partner's names with green marker names Venus , Hagiel , Jahwe , and with red marker names of four archangels Raphael , Gabriel , Michael and Uriel.

All names are written on the left side in a way you like. Lit the candles from left to right , sit down, relax and visualise yourself and your dream partner to be happy together. Focus on this image for at least 20 seconds maximum 7 minutes. I accept the will of God. Divine light, thank you for the balance and peace, which is within me. I accept everything, what I cannot change. Thank you for the courage and power to change, what can be changed. Thank you for wisdom to distinguish what is right for me. You can download here the empty preimage! Visualise and focus in a way, that it will be like this as if this is a fact, which will happen , and relax yourself, so that energy can flow.

If the energy cannot flow because of our fear or doubts, you will create unbalance. You, mighty snake, coiling around the earth, universal fluidum, admired by everyone, you are the mercury's club, the fifth essence, salt of every being, the potency of everything. Living for aeons, you, companion of God, moving there and here, you are the pliant mediator, the yliastric principle.

You are the astral light, hinduistic akasha, the tree of knowledge, azoth of alchemy. Animo mundi, the spirit of earth, I am calling you to come! Face the east direction and draw in front of you a pentagram see the Small Pentagram Ritual. Draw the pentagram in front of you. After saying this, repeat the visualisation from the first day and say: Then, you will name all entities, which you have called, you will thank them for their coming and you say them goodbye. For example "Hagiel, thank you for your help. This way, you will greet and say farewell to all beings.

When you finish the ritual, go out the candles from right to left. It is not important, if candles are lit or not. Put the heptagon under your pillow or next you your bed.