In Sunshine Or In Shadow (The Claddagh Series Book 1)

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Scrivi la tua recensione. Inglese Opzioni di download: Puoi leggerlo utilizzando uno qualsiasi dei seguenti dispositivi o una app Kobo: Oh, and most of the book takes place in Ireland. It's like a mini vacay. Only annoyance is that I've had Danny Boy stuck in my head for days. The lyrics of which were written by an Englishman in and became popular in the year before the Easter Rebellion so I'd imagine the Irish aren't super fond of it.

Why yes, I did take my Irish ancestry really seriously when I was a mopey teenager. But when I think of the song along with this story I get all gooshy inside. But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,Oh, Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy, I love you so!

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All in all it put me in a better mood. One of my lesser favorite Lanyon's, but I still enjoyed it. This was like a short, condensed version of a lot of other cop novels I've read. The age-old story of "I don't want you until you don't want me either, then I want you.

Some shorts can work, but this one felt like I was missing the rest of the story. Sadly this was just an OK read for me. This was really, really short and really, really sweet and romantic too. As an Irish girl I love to read books that are somewhat set in my country. This was no exception. I loved this short story.

In Sunshine or in Shadow: Cynthia Owens: Books

Keir and Rick made me smile, I thought they were a sweet couple. The cops theme is a favourite of mine and when you have two MC's that are best friends, I fall in love immediately. I could not wait for Rick to come to his senses. I was giddy by the end. Which by the way was incredibly sweet. Must read short story! I am dashing to Lanyon's bookshelf as we speak.

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Ohhhh, I can tell you one thing- this may be the first bit of work I've read by JL, but it certainly won't be the last. This is one of those stories that contains Lanyon's strengths and his flaws in about equal measure. The chemistry between the characters is immediate and engrossing in that particular romance novel way where you want to cheer for them and bash their heads together in about equal measure. But, with such a short story, Lanyon still managed to rush the ending.

The thing about romance is that the ending is really never in question and so what becomes important is the how.

Cynthia, Owens

How are these two or more people going to resolve their conflicts? We see the outcome, of course; Rick showing up at the pub, and that moment is for me, at least all a reader could wish for more or less; there's still never really a moment where the boys address their communication failures, but the imagination can also fill in that part but the sweetness for me was at least slightly soured by not having or being able to see the moment Rick makes the decision to act.

There are different ways to lose people and sometimes your fear is exactly what causes the loss. I'm glad this was seen. Rick and Keir are partners and best friends and they should be more. But after a very short time of being lovers, Rick breaks it off. Rick desperately tries to adjust to the idea that Keir will be gone. This is a story of realizing what your fear will make you lose.

My heart was in my throat the entire read.

I teared up at the end. Such a bittersweet story. Good thing there is a happy ending. Didn't expect that at all. Only 20 pages, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

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An artist who lost the will to paint after the brutality of the American Civil War, he meets a blind woman whose dream is to escape her sheltered existence. How do you get inspired to write? Cynthia Owens I'm inspired by many things--a walk in the winter snow, or standing on a beach and breathing in that wonderful aroma of mud and lake water.

But to me, …more I'm inspired by many things--a walk in the winter snow, or standing on a beach and breathing in that wonderful aroma of mud and lake water.

But to me, the most inspiring thing is music, particularly Irish music. In fact, the song "The Fields of Athenry" inspired the backstory for my very first heroine, Siobhan Desmond. Irish songs have inspired many of my plot points. Anyone walking into my office while I'm writing can expect to hear Paddy Reilly, Celtic Woman, or any of a dozen other Irish singers and musicians.

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In Sunshine Or In Shadow (The Claddagh Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Cynthia Owens. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser . Start reading In Sunshine Or In Shadow (The Claddagh Series Book 1) on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have.

See all 3 answers from Cynthia Owens…. Cynthia Owens Average rating: Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Kate Cruise O'Brien Editor ,. Cynthia Owens rated a book it was amazing. Oct 05,