Join Date Dec Location sunderland "north east" Posts 4, I have been using the hollow point in. Im thinking of getting one tin to try with a bit of luck they will be from a different batch and they might be OK, I have 2 tins and they are both the same. Quick Navigation General Airgun.
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Shoot results, club chat and banter Forthcoming events: All times are GMT. The time now is Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of the AirgunBBS or any individuals directly or indirectly involved in this website or the companies and individuals associated with it. What can you do?
Create or find existing tickets in https: I'll invest some time before the sprint to triage tickets fit for the tag "sprint": Organisation Each day we'll have two remote standups via Jutsi Meet, one at Here is the url: MrTango Maik Derstappen Sure thing, we can use gitter and Jitsi for chat and video-calls. Thanks for the suggestions. Kim Nguyen See you at the board meeting, Kim. Tomorrow the sprint begins! I'll start work on the upgrade-guide.
The morning standup was not really packed timezones and holidays. Philip started work on the upgrade-guide Maik is working on a new release of bobtemplates. Others joined on https: Here are the tickets being worked on so far: