Elections 2012: Abstention ou complicité ? (French Edition)


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Read "Elections Abstention ou complicité?" by Camille Case with Rakuten Kobo. Quand voter fait de nous des électeurs complices. A presidential election was held in France on 22 April with a second round run-off held on Abstentions, 9,,, , 9,,, Registered voters, 46,,, 46,, Official results published by the Constitutional Council – 1st round.

I first heard the rumours soon after moving to Paris in July A couple of years later, the alleged charade of le couple Royal-Hollande was blurted out by one of my journalism students in an English conversation class. Parti Socialiste insiders hinted that the resulting photographs had been orchestrated to silence wagging tongues at a crucial stage of Royal's bid for the presidential nomination; she insisted that the pictures, though nice, were paparazzi snatches.

Now, she expresses dismay that news about the separation leaked out to overshadow events of a night that gave the socialists renewed hope for the future, a future in which she, of course, wishes to play a pivotal role. The interview in which she spoke of having asked Hollande to get out of their Parisian flat reportedly took place only a week or so ago and was rushed at impressive speed into the book. What is even stranger is that Royal should have talked so openly about her private life, and by inference Hollande's long-rumoured affair with a journalist, only a couple of weeks or so after they jointly launched defamation and breach-of-privacy proceedings against two other authors.

That book also referred to Hollande's relationship and further stated, rather more damagingly, that Royal had warned him he would never see their four children again if he carried out a threat to call in the old socialist warhorse Lionel Jospin to frustrate her presidential aspirations. It is all rather messy, though some would say no more so - save for the added dimension of both parties being household names - than for many couples coping with painful break-ups.

Hollande and Royal will presumably appeal now for some privacy and respect concerning their domestic arrangements, and unrealistic as this may be, they are plainly entitled to some. But what is difficult to deny is that tension between them has been discernible for many months.

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We now know, as was widely assumed, that this was not caused solely by differences on party strategy and policy. The French may not read newspapers much, but love their books about politicians; perhaps the next one will tell us what effect those differences had on the elections. He finished in the first round of balloting with A former French teacher, he was noted for his eloquent style and oratory, but also for his argumentative relationship with journalists, and occasional insults; he notably described Marine Le Pen as "half-demented".

Healthcare costs would be fully reimbursed by the state, and the right to die would be recognised. The right to abortion would be secured through inclusion in the Constitution. Naturalisation of foreign residents would be facilitated, and foreign residents would have the right to vote in local elections.

A constitutional convention would be assembled, with an aim in particular to increase the prerogatives of Parliament and diminish the powers of the President; all elections would be based on proportional representation , with gender parity. He is one of only two candidates to stand in both the and elections the other being Nicolas Sarkozy ; he obtained In the election he received 9.

|OT| French Presidential election - 2012 edition

Describing France as being "in a critical state", he has focused on reducing the country's national debt, through a public spending freeze, cuts to tax exemptions , and a raise in taxes Value added tax and taxes on the wealthy. On education, he has proposed that half the time in primary school should be dedicated to the mastering of reading and writing.

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She is also the first foreign-born person to stand for the French presidency; born in Norway, she is a naturalized French citizen. She focused her campaign not only on the environment but also on social issues, describing herself as the representative of the "reasonable" or "realistic" left, and on denouncing discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities.

Homosexual couples would be given the right to marry and adopt, and foreign residents would have the right to vote in all elections. She suggested that the " ecological transformation of the economy " would create jobs over the next five years. She also drew attention by accusing Nicolas Sarkozy of having obtained illicit funding for his previous campaign; critics accused her of ignoring the presumption of innocence , and Sarkozy himself replied that he "despised" her accusations.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan , described as an "anti-euro souverainist ", is the candidate of Arise the Republic , a party he founded in He has advocated leaving the euro on grounds of economic well-being, and the European Union "in its current form", which he describes as "already dead" and leading to "economic ruin and social regression". He has called for an "intelligent protectionism", with tariffs on imports that result from "human slavery"; and tax cuts for businesses that reinvest their profits in France.

|OT| French Presidential election - edition | Page 24 | NeoGAF

He has described himself as a Gaullist. Philippe Poutou , a worker in a car factory, is the candidate of the New Anticapitalist Party , succeeding Olivier Besancenot. For much of the campaign, he remained little known to the general public; he was described as lacking Besancenot's popularity, charisma and ease with words. Freely admitting that he did not particularly want to be a candidate, and that he did not aim to be elected particularly as one of his policies was to abolish the function of president, in favour of a fully parliamentary system , he saw his profile and popularity increase somewhat in the late stages of the campaign, when all candidates obtained equal airtime in the media.

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We now know, as was widely assumed, that this was not caused solely by differences on party strategy and policy. I don't think this debate will move many opinions. Sarko actually destroyed Hollande who had very little to show on diplomacy: He definitely dominated Hollande on the hot subjects economy, Europe and foreign policy. Hollande promised to be a president for social justice, economic recovery and national unity. Le Monde in French. It's quite funny, but also shows that the debates are mostly pointless.

In particular, his unconventional behaviour drew attention during the television programme Des paroles et des actes fr , along with his unusual campaign clips — such as one based on the film The Artist. Nathalie Arthaud , a teacher of economics and management in a secondary school, is the candidate of Workers' Struggle. She succeeds famous perennial candidate Arlette Laguiller , who represented the party in six consecutive presidential elections, from to A Trotskyist , she has described herself as the "only communist candidate" in the election.

She has stated that she does not aim to be elected, describing elections as "inessential", and considering that workers will obtain new rights only through their struggles rather than through the ballot box. Jacques Cheminade is the candidate of his Solidarity and Progress movement, the French branch of the LaRouche movement. Since the first round there has been a drive to woo far-right voters [35] with Sarkozy making immigration a major issue of his campaign and Hollande focusing on the euro-zone crisis and the state of the economy.

We are not superior to others but we are different. I want to win over the men and women who are angry, a hundred times yes, but compromise myself? A thousand times no. He also said that there would be a presumption of self-defense when police are involved in the killing of suspects and criticised the EU's lack of mention of Europe's Christian roots in its constitution.

Many of the issues were similar to that of the National Front, from which Sarkozy's UMP gained votes between the and election. Le Pen stated she would submit a blank ballot in the run-off, calling on her supporters to make their own choices. In the last government bond sale before the election, the previously rising yields fell slightly, while the amount sold was marginally lower than expected.

In the days before the election, editorials in the main newspapers expressed opinions about the two candidates. Le Monde did not explicitly support one or the other, but wrote that Hollande "has confirmed, between the two rounds, his consistency, albeit without addressing the vagueness of some of his own proposals", while Sarkozy "has demonstrated his inconsistency, first running after the National Front, crossing the red line which had been set at the turn of the s, and respected since then in the ranks of the republican right, before moving back towards the centre to avoid a breakdown with his own side".

On the right, Nicolas Sarkozy has kept up a strategy of tension, leading his side into a transgression of its founding values.

Whatever the outcome of the vote, the political landscape will remain, as a consequence, marked by a lasting and dangerous change. And that, to finish, justice must be the cardinal virtue of societies such as ours, marked by a deep crisis and anger. Le Figaro published an editorial in support of Sarkozy.

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There was one televised debate between Hollande and Sarkozy, although Sarkozy said he would prefer three, [50] an idea Hollande rejected. This took place on 2 May. Hollande promised to be a president for social justice, economic recovery and national unity.

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This is also the case for French residents in foreign countries west of metropolitan France. Some of these communities are remote; Amerindians in French Guiana , who are French citizens, "sometimes live more than three hours away by canoe from their ballot box", particularly in the large remote commune of Maripasoula.

The electoral campaign papers sent to these voters, however, reportedly indicated 22 April as the day of the election, instead of 21 April. French law sets a blackout of the release of exit polls until the last polling station is closed at However, the result was leaked on Twitter , circumventing the law with code names: Sarkozy called for UMP to "stay together. We must win the battle of the legislatives" and said that "in this new era, I will remain one of you, but my place will no longer be the same. My engagement with the life of my country will now be different, but time will never strain the bonds between us.

He then travelled to Paris, where supporters of the Socialist Party gathered outside the headquarters. My mission now is to give European construction a growth dimension.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. French Socialist Party presidential primary, Marine Le Pen presidential campaign, Eva Joly presidential campaign, This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. Opinion polling for the French presidential election, Retrieved 6 May