The Fat Man and Other Tales

The Fumigation & The Fat Man

The fat man had just dined in the station and his greasy lips shone like ripe cherries. He smelt of sherry and fleur d'orange.

Tales of Manic Depression

The thin man had just slipped out of the train and was laden with portmanteaus, bundles, and bandboxes. He smelt of ham and coffee grounds. A thin woman with a long chin, his wife, and a tall schoolboy with one eye screwed up came into view behind his back. How many summers, how many winters!

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The friend of my childhood! Where have you dropped from? The friends kissed each other three times, and gazed at each other with eyes full of tears. Both were agreeably astounded. This is a surprise! Come have a good look at me! Just as handsome as I used to be! Just as great a darling and a dandy! Well, and how are you? I am married as you see. This is my wife Luise, her maiden name was Vantsenbach. And this is my son Nafanail, a schoolboy in the third class.

This is the friend of my childhood, Nafanya. In the city, the workers have gotten hold of guns and are rioting, throwing all fat people into the river. Tibul is organizing the people, and many guardsmen have gone over to his side. As usual whenever they are alarmed, the Fat Men start to get even fatter, their stomachs growing and their collar buttons bursting. The State Council immediately took up two questions: On the first question the Council decided that dance was the answer and the dance teacher was to be summoned immediately.

It was then that they heard the commotion in the menagerie. A big crowd rushes to the menagerie to see what's the matter, but as soon as they get there, they turn around and flee the other way in terror because of what they see: A gigantic, red-headed man in a torn jacket. In one hand he holds the iron leash of a snarling panther.

On his other arm sits Suok. Prospero then releases the panther. He and Suok pick up pistols which were dropped by fleeing guardsmen. They then climb in through the window of the pastry kitchen--the same window which the Balloon Seller had drifted through. All the cooks and kitchen workers immediately obey, dropping pots of compote and syrup. Prospero then begins a frantic, messy search for the giant escape pot. He tosses bottles and pots of sweets and syrups everywhere, creating a small sweet lake on the floor of the kitchen.

He finds the pot and jumps in. Before Suok can follow, the panther bursts in, followed by guardsmen. The panther leaps down into the pot. Thinking that the panther has killed Prospero, a disheartened Suok surrenders to the guardsmen. Then, however, gunshots ring out inside the pot. The guardsmen look down into it, then pull out the carcass of the panther. The guards start to drag Suok to the Fat Men.

Dance teacher Razdvatris is conducting a class. None of the elegant people there are worried about the uprisings in the city. They fully expect the guardsmen, with the cannons, to put down the rebellion. Guardsmen then arrive summoning Razdvatris to the Palace.

The teacher gladly packs some costumes, musical instruments, wigs, etc. He is placed--facing backwards--on one of the guardsmen's horses, and they set off. As they ride through the city, Razdvatris sees servants chasing after their masters threateningly with sticks. In one instance he sees servants beating their master, dust rising up from him like from an old rug.

Razdvatris and his escort are stopped by a group of rebellious guardsmen. When he comes to, he sees that his box of possessions has been ripped open. All his costumes, etc. At that very moment, a group of rebellious guardsmen are galloping to the Palace. One of them, a blue-eyed one, is clutching to his chest On the previous night, about an hour after Suok had been captured, three mysterious figures crept into the bedroom where Tutti was sleeping.

Tutti's tutor, who was keeping guard in the room, was a coward and hid behind a chair. He watched as the figures put ten drops of a powerful sleeping potion in Tutti's ear. They whisper among themselves saying Tutti will now sleep for three days and not interfere when the doll appears before the court. They fear that if Tutti were present, he would cry and plead for the doll and that the Three Fat Men would relent and spare Suok's life. Meanwhile, Suok, in custody, sat with her tongue sticking out at the guardsmen for a solid hour just to spite them.

The Chancellor then appeared and ordered that Suok be brought for her trial. Suddenly, the guardsmen and the Chancellor are ambushed. Someone grabs Suok and whispers, "Don't be afraid. The Three Fat Men and their entire court are eagerly awaiting Suok's arrival for her trial.

The Fat Men were sweating. Drops of sweat, the size of peas, keep falling on the papers in front of them, so secretaries are constantly changing the papers. Then three guards arrive, carrying the girl.

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The Fat Man and Other Tales - Kindle edition by David Eide. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. WAR BETWEEN THE STATES: A short story (The Fat Man Shop And Other Tales ) - Kindle edition by By Michael Conniff. Download it once and read it on your.

The Fat Men ask where the Chancellor is. One of the guards, a blue-eyed one, says the Chancellor suffered some indigestion on the way. This satisfies the Fat Men. The guardsman puts the girl down on a bench in front of the court.

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She is questioned, but she remains silent, refusing to answer. The Fat Men summon the Zoologist as the only witness. He had been hanging on the tree branch all night and they only just now got him down. When he enters and sees Suok, he trembles in fear. He testifies that as he was climbing in the tree, he saw Suok in the branches.

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Having never before seen a living doll, he fainted. Thus he doesn't know how Suok freed Prospero. He suggests, however, that they call as a witness one of the talking parrots from the menagerie, who probably overheard and can repeat whatever conversations took place there during the night. The parrot is summoned and gives its report. We hear how Suok found Prospero and told him of the man-beast she saw. Prospero said that was Tub. Suok used the key she got from Tutti to free Prospero, who broke his chain and released the panther. Suok is sentenced to be torn apart by tigers.

When this horrible sentence is pronounced, Suok still doesn't bat an eye and says not a word. The Fat Men and their entourage go to the menagerie to watch the punishment.

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They are protected behind bars as Suok is placed in an open area in front of the cages. Three tigers are then released. One sniffs at the girl, one touches her with his paw, and the third tiger completely ignores the girl and growls at the Fat Men. Only then did everyone realize that this wasn't a real live girl, but a doll. Bombs begin exploding in the air over the palace. The people have cannons and are attacking. The Fat Men run out to the park, but are surrounded and arrested by a surging mass of the poor, led by Prospero and Tibul.

Even the guardsmen are all on the side of the people.

Fat Man in History by Peter Carey | Books

The entire town then takes up a song of victory. The rich hurry to the harbor, hoping to flee the country.

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But they are stopped and arrested by sailors. The three arrested Fat Men are displayed to the people in the great hall of the Palace.

Tales of the Fatman - For Honor Breach as Shugoki

Prospero gives a speech announcing the dawn of a new era. He advises everyone to, "Remember this day, remember this hour.

Fat Man in History

The door of the clock suddenly the last "suddenly" in the book opens, revealing that the clock works have been removed and that hiding inside is The crowd cheers and rushes to hug and kiss her. A year later, a festival is held to honor the anniversary of the overthrow of the Fat Men. Suok performs on stage with Tutti, who is in fact her brother.

All is explained in the note Suok received from the wolflike man she saw in the menagerie when searching for Prospero. In the note, the scientist Tub relates how when Suok and Tutti were five years old, they were kidnapped by the Fat Men's guardsmen. Tub was then ordered to make a doll in the exact image of Suok. But not an ordinary doll. A doll that would grow exactly like the real Suok would. Once Tub made the doll, Suok was sold to a traveling circus in exchange for a talking parrot.

The Fat Men also ordered Tub to make an iron heart for Tutti, so that he would be cruel and feel no emotion. This Tub refused to do, saying a real human heart can never be replaced. For this refusal, Tub was locked in a cage in the menagerie, where he grew into his animallike state. Family moved to Odessa in He began to write poetry in the gymnasium. After graduation from the gymnasium, he enrolled in the law faculty at Novorossik University. At the same time, he participated in literary discussion groups in Odessa, along with Ilya Ilf, Valentin Kataev , and Eduard Bagritsky.

In , despite the monarchist attitudes of his parents, Olesha joined the Red Army. Address all correspondence to Comrade Chairman at: I received the notice regarding the fumigation, and I will not be able to miss work Thursday to remove my cat for the extermination. Does The Fat Man have a real vet?

Due to the potential high risk of stress and trauma, it is my recommendation that Ms. Do I fake a surgery and answer the door in my pajamas and say I am bed ridden? What an interesting concept. Or via RSS Feed.