La fièvre du désir (Harlequin Azur) (French Edition)

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Setting aside the account of a former U. How would that even be possible for a bunch of inch, 3-pound fish? The History of the Teddy Bear. Today we can hardly imagine a world without that eager listener, confidante, and loyal friend, the teddy bear. But the teddy bear has not always been with us. In fact, the teddy bear did not make its entrance until late in Germany and the United States. Drawing the Line in Mississippi by Clifford Berryman: This cartoon is believed to have triggered the teddy bear craze in the U.

In America, the teddy bear, according to tradition, got its start with a cartoon. According to this often told tale, Roosevelt had traveled to Mississippi to help settle a border dispute between that state and Louisiana, and his hosts, wanting to please this avid hunter, took him bear hunting. The hunting was so poor that someone finally captured a bear and invited Roosevelt to shoot. It caused an immediate sensation and was reprinted widely. In fact, the demand was so strong that the Michtoms, with the help of a wholesale firm called Butler Brothers, founded the first teddy bear manufacturer in the United States, the Ideal Novelty and Toy Company.

Made in the early days of teddy bear history, this Steiff hugs an early Steiff polar bear. Meanwhile, across the ocean in Germany, Richard Steiff was working for his aunt, Margarete Steiff, in her stuffed toy business. Richard, a former art student, often visited the Stuttgart Zoo to sketch animals, particularly the bear cubs.

In America, people were beginning to get teddy bear fever, and Steiff was in the right place at the right time. This inch Steiff was made about and comes from the collection of teddy bear artist Audie Sison. By , the teddy bear craze was in full swing in the United States. The excitement probably compared to the frenzy for Cabbage Patch dolls in the s and Beanie Babies in the s. Society ladies carried their teddies everywhere, and children had their pictures taken with their teddy bears. President Roosevelt, after using a bear as a mascot in his re-election bid, was serving his second term.

Meanwhile, American manufacturers were turning out bears in all colors and all kinds, from teddy bears on roller skates to teddy bears with electric eyes. Even Steiff, a German company, adopted the name for its bears. Steiff and Ideal were no longer the only players in the teddy bear business. In America, dozens of competitors sprang up. Gund made its first bears in and is still making bears today.

American teddy bear companies faced stiff competition from all the teddy bears imported from Germany, and many of the U. In Germany, toymaking was an old and established industry, and many German firms, such as Bing, Schuco, and Hermann, joined with Steiff in making fine teddy bears.

In England, The J. Five years later, his father, A. Made around , this 9-inch mechanical duck by the German company of Bing was wound by a key. With the exception of the four years when World War I raged in Europe, the next 25 years were kind to the teddy bear. Mass production had not yet taken over the teddy bear world, and people still preferred to buy high quality, hand-finished teddy bears.

Because World War I interrupted the flow of teddy bears from Germany, new teddy bear industries developed outside Germany. The bears themselves changed, too. Boot-button eyes were replaced by glass, and excelsior stuffing was replaced by a softer alternative, kapok. The United States was relatively untouched by the war, and its teddy bear industry continued to grow. For example, the Knickerbocker Toy Company got its start in and continues to make teddy bears today.

Nine years later, though, the U. After , many American companies either found cheaper ways to produce bears, or they closed. In the s and 30s, musical bears and mechanical bears were very popular, and they were produced all over the world. Perhaps the most noteworthy manufacturers of these novelty bears were Schuco and Bing. These two German companies made bears that walked, danced, played ball, and even turned somersaults. But the outbreak of World War II in stopped the fun.

Some companies closed and never reopened. Made about , this inch bear from the German company of Fechter wears its orignal ribbon. While traditional teddy bear companies had always prided themselves on quality hand-finishing and had always used natural fibers to make their bears, all that changed after World War II. Fueled by a desire for washable toys, synthetic fibers were all the rage in the post-War years. Buyers liked the idea of washable toys, so bears were made from nylon or acrylic plush, and had plastic eyes and foam rubber stuffing.

While traditional teddy bear companies could adapt to this change in materials, they were not prepared to compete against the flood of much cheaper, mass-produced teddy bears coming from eastern Asia. Even the old, well-established companies were hurt by the onslaught of inexpensive teddy bears from the Far East. Strangely enough, the comeback of the teddy after years of mass-production was triggered, not by a bear maker, but by an actor.

In , inspired by this response, he wrote a book about his lifelong affection for teddy bears, Bear with Me, later called The Teddy Bear Book. His book struck an emotional chord in thousands who also believed in the importance of teddy bears. Jenni, an inch bear, was made by British teddy artist Elizabeth Lloyd.

In , Beverly Port, an American dollmaker who also loved making teddy bears, dared to take a teddy bear she made to a doll show. At the show, she presented Theodore B. Bear holding the hand of one of her dolls. The next year, Beverly presented a slide show she had created about teddy bears for the United Federation of Doll Clubs.

That show quickly became a sensation. They, too, began applying their talents to designing and making teddy bears. Today thousands of teddy bears artists, often working from their homes all over the world, create soft sculpture teddy bear art for eager collectors. Artist bears also set the stage for a new kind of manufactured bear, the artist-designed manufactured bear. This increased appreciation for the teddy bear as an adult collectible has also increased the value of antique teddy bears, the hand-finished, high-quality teddy bears manufactured in the first decades of the 20th century.

In the s and s, these old, manufactured teddy bears began showing up in antique doll and toy auctions, and they began winning higher and higher bids. Certainly our love affair with the teddy bear shows no signs of abating. History of the Teddy Bear. Theodore Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, is the person responsible for giving the teddy bear his name.

On November 14, , Roosevelt was helping settle a border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana. During his spare time he attended a bear hunt in Mississippi. During the hunt, Roosevelt came upon a wounded young bear and ordered the mercy killing of the animal. The Washington Post ran a editorial cartoon created by the political cartoonist Clifford K. Berryman that illustrated the event.

At first Berryman drew the bear as a fierce animal, the bear had just killed a hunting dog. Later, Berryman redrew the bear to make it a cuddly cub. The cartoon and the story it told became popular and within a year, the cartoon bear became a toy for children called the teddy bear. Morris Michtom made the first official toy bear called the teddy bear. Michtom owned a small novelty and candy store in Brooklyn, New York. His wife Rose was making toy bears for sale in their store. Michtom sent Roosevelt a bear and asked permission to use the teddy bear name. Michtom and a company called Butler Brothers, began to mass-produce the teddy bear.

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Property crimes like burglary and theft are much more common than violent crimes such as rape and robbery as shown by the larger numbers on the left axis relative to the right axis. The History of the Teddy Bear. Fatigue became the norm. Perhaps the most noteworthy manufacturers of these novelty bears were Schuco and Bing. Get to Know Us.

However, the truth is that no one is sure who made the first teddy bear, please read the resources to the right and below for more information on other origins. When Holt Collier was chosen to guide President Theodore Roosevelt on the now famous bear hunt of , he was a legend in Mississippi. He had cut roads into the wilderness and was known to have killed in excess of 3, bear. One trophy that eluded him was the Louisiana Black Bear. He desperately wanted to experience the thrill of the mounted bear chase. Though Roosevelt and his company had immeasurable finances and manpower, almost every aspect of the hunt was the responsibility of the uneducated year-old Collier.

He found a site on the banks of the Little Sunflower River in Sharkey County, about 15 miles west of the Smedes Station, a small farming platform. At Smedes Station, several hundred spectators greeted the President. Almost all were children and grandchildren of slaves. Holt was immediately impressed by the man and his manner. Roosevelt was short but seemed palpably massive being a full pounds of muscle. According to Collier, the President introduced himself by walking straight to him with his hand extended. The party set out immediately on a field road that took them four miles through the plantation.

A second four-mile stretch took them under an open forest carpeted with a knee-high briar tangle. The towering forest of virgin oak, ash and cypress was majestic. Then came the long stretch of Coon Bayou, a mud gully which attracted all types of wild game. On the other side of the bayou, lay the primal Delta swamp with briars and thickets 30 feet high and knit so tightly that the passage had been cut through like a tunnel.

The camp was pitched on the west bank of the Little Sunflower River, described then a fast- flowing, mud-banked stream of clear water. Between the tents, in the center of an open space, was a great cypress log, against which the camp fire was built. The President was an imposing figure in it. Roosevelt wanted to participate in the chase, but his demands for a shot on the first day and the timidity of his hosts condemned him to a stationary blind. Roosevelt and companion Huger Foote waited on the stand all morning. After mid- afternoon the hunters broke for camp to have a late lunch.

Collier was annoyed that the stand had been abandoned. I could have killed him a thousand times. I sweated myself to death in that canebrake. So did the bear. At the very spot Holt had planned for the kill, the bear went to bay on the Holt Collier dogs. Collier was in a dilemma. He had been given specific orders to save the bear for Roosevelt, who was not to be found, and he had to protect the dogs from the deadly beast.

Holt dismounted, shouting at the bear. He quickly approached the bear with his rifle in his left hand and the lariat in his right. A rider rushed to camp for the President. The dogs and the bear fought in a ferocious chorus. He clubbed the rifle and leaped into the battle. The bear was shaken, but he rose up, released the lifeless dog and stood a head higher than Holt. With the barrel of his rifle bent and useless, Collier had only one option.

The injured bear was soon tied to a nearby willow tree. Minutes later Roosevelt and Foote arrived. Roosevelt dismounted, ran into the water, and though everybody urged him to kill the bear, he declared that he would not shoot an animal tied to a tree. Roosevelt was in awe of the feat he was witness to. For the entire hunt, Holt Collier was the center of attention. Sitting apart, he spoke simply and fearlessly, unmindful of any difference in social status from the powerful men about him.

He told the story of his life, how he had killed white men and had gone unscathed, how he had met Union soldiers in hand-to-hand conflict, and how he fought off a band of vigilantes. The press had a field day with the story. Headlines and cartoons depicted the President as having been unprepared by satisfying his appetite. The story about the President being out-played by a lowly guide invited ridicule. Clifford Kennedy Berryman ran two editorial cartoons of the incident on the front page of The Washington Post. The cute bear cub he drew immediately became a popular Roosevelt mascot.

Morris Michtom saw the Berryman cartoon and designed a toy bear. When Michtom died in July , the company was selling more than , bears each year. This article is a condensed version of excerpts from the biography of Holt Collier by Minor Ferris Buchannan. But the departure date from Tampa Bay for Cuba kept changing. Just a month earlier, the year-old Teddy had quit his job as assistant secretary of the Navy, taken command of the 1,man 1st Volunteer Cavalry Regiment along with Leonard Wood, and began a mobilization to dislodge the Spanish from Cuba.

The first day was incredibly humid, with a hot, glassy atmosphere and scant wind. Anxious for war, Teddy was unperturbed by the omnipresent swarms of chiggers and sandflies. The very word wild had a smelling-salt-like effect on Theodore Roosevelt. As a Harvard undergraduate he had studied nature from a scientific perspective, full of rigor and objectivity. To Roosevelt wilderness hunting and bird-watching were the ideal bootcamps for a military career. By studying how grizzly bears tracked their prey, he developed warrior skills.

First-rate soldiers were best made in America, he believed, by learning to live in the wild. If a soldier understood how to read a meadowlark call or crow squawk, then his chances of battlefield survival were enhanced. Success would fall upon the individual who could outfox a blizzard or survive a heat wave. Roosevelt possessed in spades the qualities that Harvard naturalist Edward 0. Wilson suggests that, at heart, humans want to be touched by nature in their daily lives. His hypothesis offers a key to understanding why Roosevelt as president would add over million acres to the public domain between and He responded both scientifically and emotively to wilderness.

The shopworn academic debate over whether Roosevelt was a preservationist or a conservationist is really moot. He was both, and a passionate hunter to boot, too many sided and paradoxical to be pigeonholed. While waiting to ship out, he studied the waterfowl along the wharf front and marshy inlets: Beneath his cavalry boots on the Tampa beaches were sunrise tellin, wide-mouthed purpura, ground coral, bay mud, and tiny pebbles mixed with barnacles and periwinkles. The Gulf of Mexico, the ninth-largest body of water in the world, interested Roosevelt to no end. The previous year, his friend the New York-based ornithologist Frank M.

Chapman had warned him that tricolor herons and snowy egrets were being slaughtered for their feathers. Now huge mounds were heaped around the Tampa harbor, bird carcasses piled 20 or 30 yards high to rot in the sun. Even as he shaped his regiment for combat, Roosevelt retained his fascination with animals, an aspect that distinguishes his war memoir The Rough Riders from all other accounts of the Cuban campaign. And in his autobiography Roosevelt presented his theory about the role of pets in sustaining morale.

Compared with his accounts of military tactics and the toll of yellow fever, such passages can seem frivolous, but they do offer a valuable perspective on Roosevelt as a war leader and as a person. Largely due to Roosevelt, the 1st Volunteer Cavalry Regiment took three animal mascots with them, all the way from basic training in San Antonio through their port stay in Tampa Bay. For starters, there was a young mountain lion, Josephine, given by trooper Charles Green of Arizona.

Roosevelt spent as much time around the cougar cub as he could. Eventually Josephine would weigh at least 90 pounds and be able to pull down a pound elk with her powerful jaws. But one time she got loose, climbed into bed with a soldier, and began playfully chewing on his toes. Roosevelt loved to watch these raptors swooping down to pluck a snake or other prey, and he even learned the art of falconry, wearing leather gloves and calling his namesake back to camp after it had gone hunting.

Having dirty gray, poodle-like fur and the personality of a Yorkie, the little dog could be easily scooped up with the swipe of a hand. One story, in fact, claims that Jackson had stolen Cuba just so from a railcar. Perhaps because Roosevelt was so comfortable with the trio of animals—knowing how to feed the eagle mice and to scratch Josephine behind the ears—the mascots added a compelling dimension to the press coverage of the Rough Riders.

But even if TR did use the mascots to play to the cameras, they were part and parcel of his lifelong need to be associated with animals. When the Yucatan finally set sail on June 13, Roosevelt was nearly giddy with joy at escaping Tampa. We are well within the tropics, and at night the Southern Cross shows low above the Horizon; it seems strange to see it in the same sky with the Dipper. With Vitagraph motion picture technicians filming the Rough Riders wading ashore, a trooper was ordered to bring his steeds safely onto the beach.

Alas, a huge wave broke over Rain-in-the-Face. Unable to burst free from his harness, he inhaled seawater and drowned. On June 23 the Rough Riders debarked at the fishing village of Siboney about seven miles west of Daiquiri, behind Gen. The soldiers took ashore blanket rolls, pup tents, mess kits, and weaponry, but no one thought to give them any insect repellent. There was no wind, and they felt on fire. The tangled jungles and chaparral of Cuba, particularly in early summer, were breeding grounds for flies that now swarmed the camps.

Cuba also boasted varieties of ants, including strange stinging ones that seemed to come from a different world. Unafraid of the soldiers, little crouching chameleons with coffin-shaped heads changed color from bright green to dark brown, depending on the foliage they rested on. Carcinologists had noted that the local species, Gecarcinus lateralis, commonly known as the blackback, Bermuda, or red land crab, leaves the tropical forests each spring to mate in the sea.

Swollen with eggs, the female red land crabs nevertheless made their journey to incubate in the Caribbean Sea, traveling five to six miles a day over every obstacle imaginable. While basically land creatures, these burrowing red crabs—their abalone-like shells thick with gaudy dark rainbow swirls—still had gills, so they needed to stay cool and moist. For the first time as an adult, Roosevelt was in the tropics. The very density of vegetation he encountered was daunting, the white herons often standing out against the greenery like tombstones.

He now knew how Charles Darwin must have felt in the Galapagos and Tahiti. And they were persistent—a buddy would shake them scurrying away from the bedroll, only to find them back a short while later. In The Rough Riders, Roosevelt vividly described the timeworn, brush-covered flats in the island village of Daiquiri on which the regiment camped one evening, on one side the jungle, on the other a stagnant malarial pool fringed with palm trees.

After they stormed Santiago, many of his troops, a third of whom had served in the Civil War, lay wounded in ditches while flies buzzed around them. Sometimes after an American died, villagers would strip the corpse of all its equipment. Humans could be scavengers, too. Roosevelt turned to avian and crustacean imagery to convey the horrors of death. He not only thwarted the Spanish sharks but managed to make detailed diary notes regarding vultures and crabs, which he planned to use in his memoir of the war.

Once the escarpment was captured, Roosevelt, now on foot, killed a Spaniard with a pistol that had been recovered from the sunken Maine. Roosevelt later said that the charge surpassed all the other highlights of his life. Somewhat creepily, it was reported, Roosevelt had beamed through the blood, mutilation, horror, and death, always flashing a wide grin as he blazed into the enemy.

Whether he was ordering up artillery support, helping men cope with the prostrating heat, finding canned tomatoes to fuel the troops, encouraging Cuban insurgentes , or miraculously procuring a huge bag of beans, he was always on top of the situation, doing whatever was humanly possible to help his men avoid both yellow fever and unnecessary enemy fire.

There was no arguing about it: Colonel Roosevelt had distinguished himself at Las Guasimas, San Juan, and Santiago although the journalists did inflate his heroics to make better copy. The war was practically over. The stirring exploits of Colonel Roosevelt were published all over the United States, turning him overnight into the kind of epic leader he had always dreamed of being.

But the hardships Roosevelt had suffered were real. Supplies like eggs, meat, sugar, and jerky were nonexistent. Just to stay alive, the Rough Riders began frying mangoes. Then there was the ghastly toll from tropical diseases. Diarrhea and dysentery struck the outfit. Fatigue became the norm. So many Rough Riders were dying from yellow fever and malaria that Roosevelt eventually asked the War Department to bring the regiment home to the Maine coast. On August 14 the Rough Riders, following a brief stopover in Miami, arrived at Montauk Point at the tip of Long Island not Maine and were placed in quarantine for six weeks.

In hard, good health, taut and fit, his face tanned, and his hair crew-cut, Roosevelt was living out his boyhood fantasy of being a war hero. He had endured the vicissitudes of combat with commendable grit, and now it was all glory.

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Something in the American wilderness experience, Roosevelt believed, including his long stints of hunting in the Badlands and Bighorns in the s, had given him an edge over the Spaniards. Not a single Rough Rider got cold feet or shrank back. As he contemplated his political future, everybody clamoring to shake his hand, he found respite watching the pervasive raccoons and white-tailed deer of Montauk.

There was even Nantucket juneberry along the sandplains to study. But his wife, Edith, put a stop to that plan, and Josephine was carted off to tour the West as a circus attraction. Unfortunately, she got loose or was stolen in Chicago and was never seen again. The eventual fate of Teddy the golden eagle was just as disappointing. Quite sensibly, Roosevelt had given him to the Central Park Zoo, where he became a popular tourist attraction, but he was killed by two bald eagles put into his cage to keep him company.

Discharged from quarantine, Corporal Jackson headed back to his home in Flagstaff and gave the celebrity terrier to Sam Black, a former Arizona Territory Ranger, with whose family he lived for 16 years in the lap of luxury. When Cuba died of natural causes, he was given a proper military funeral. By the time he got there, a groundswell of support had arisen for his gubernatorial candidacy. Cleverly, Roosevelt had kept diaries in Cuba, jotting down exact dialogue and stream-of-consciousness impressions. Once back at Camp Wikoff, Roosevelt wandered Montauk Point, care taking his golden eagle and taking little Cuba on walks.

Roosevelt seemed like a changed man, disconcertingly calm, studying the undercarriage of wigeon ducks as they flew overhead. Sometimes, particularly when reporters were around, he rode his horse up and down the beach.

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With nothing more to prove, he could excel as a powerful politician, soapbox expansionist, true-blue reformer, naturalist, and conservationist. On September 13 a bugle called, and the surviving Rough Riders dutifully fell into formation. In front of them was a card table with a blanket draped over a bulky object. The 1st Volunteer Cavalry had a parting gift for their humane and courageous colonel.

Eventually the blanket was lifted to reveal an bronze sculpture by Frederic Remington, Bronco Buster. A cowboy was the western term for a cattle driver, while a bronco buster broke wild horses to the saddle. The Rough Riders had found the best gift possible. It summed up Theodore Roosevelt well: The year-old Roosevelt took more than just a Remington bronze to the White House in September ; his wilderness values and philosophy came with him, along with his saddle bag.

He also initiated many innovative protocols for range management, wildfire control, land planning, recreation, hydrology, and soil science throughout the American West. It was exactly a decade since his moment of military glory. Adding to the conservationist theme, TR hired as forest rangers men who had served with him in combat. These ex-Rough Riders now protected wild America from ruin under the banner of Rooseveltian conservationism. What particularly worried President Roosevelt at the dawn of the 20th century was that citizens of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston could not understand the splendor of the American West.

Adapted by the author from The Wilderness Warrior: The truth about piranha attacks. Humans are much more likely to be bitten when piranhas are removed from the water when fishing than they are while bathing in the water, the study claims. Other studies have come to similar conclusions, but Mol suggests that under some situations the risk of piranha attack is very real. Serrasalmus rhombeusMol studied Serrasalmus rhombeus attacks at three locations in Suriname; the villages of Donderkamp and Corneiskondre on the Wayombo River and a recreation park at Overbridge on the Suriname River.

Dozens of people had been attacked at each location, with most injuries resulting in bites to the heel, soles of the feet and toes. More serious deeper wounds were also inflicted to the legs, arms and body. Some bites were so severe that the fish completely removed the toes, including the phalange bone. Reader Mike Rizzo suffered this bite from his rhombeus last year. The recovery of toe phalanges, complete with human flesh and bits of toenail, identified the culprits as Serrasalmus rhombeus, one of the largest and most aggressive piranhas.

Furthermore, no Surinamese freshwater fish other than a piranha could be responsible for the injuries reported here. None of the three locations surveyed had reported any human deaths due to piranha attacks. Two epileptic bathers whose badly mutilated bodies were retrieved from the water are believed to have suffered seizures and then been scavenged by the fish.

Villagers interviewed by Mol claimed that piranha attacks in the small villages were unheard of until the population of the village began to rise in When the human population peaked, the number of piranha attacks increased. Feeding, not defenceWhile piranha attacks in other areas have been attributed to attacks by breeding piranhas defending their eggs and fry, Mol believes this is not the case in Suriname.

The sites not only lacked stereotypical spawning sites for the species, but the surveys revealed only sexually immature juvenile piranhas, so Mol believes that the attacks stem from feeding behaviour, not the defence of offspring. How to avoid being eaten1. Piranhas are only found in certain rivers in the Amazon basin.

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Avoid swimming in South America, unless you have to. If you must bathe there, fill a bucket and wash on land. But look out for Centromochus! Shoaling behaviour of the Amazonian red-bellied piranha. Red-bellied piranha Pygocentrus nattereri shoals have a fearsome reputation. However, the variety and abundance of piranha predators in the flooded forests of the Amazon in which they live indicate that an important reason for shoal formation may be predator defence.

Experiments using wild-caught piranhas supported the hypothesis that individual perception of risk, as revealed by elevated ventilatory frequency opercular rate , is greater in small shoals. Moreover, exposure to a simulated predator attack by a model cormorant demonstrated that resting opercular rates are regained more quickly by piranhas in shoals of eight than they are in shoals of two. Together, these results show that shoaling has a cover-seeking function in this species. The prerequisite for cover-seeking behaviour is a heightened perception of risk by singletons or members of small groups.

Few species have attracted greater notoriety than the red-bellied piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri Schulte The species is popularly believed to be a dangerous pack-hunting fish. This assertion is supported by the observation that, in the flooded forests of the Brazilian Amazon in which we work, piranhas are regularly predated by river dolphins, caiman, aquatic birds and large piscivorous fishes Bannerman Here, we test the hypothesis that piranha shoaling is a form of cover seeking.

We make two predictions: We use ventilatory frequency opercular beat rate as our measure of fearfulness. Previous work has demonstrated that opercular rate increases in fishes under predation risk; for example, in the presence of alarm substance Pfeiffer or in response to a predator model Metcalfe et al. Ventilatory frequency is thought to rise in anticipation of predator evasion Barreto et al. We tested the prediction that piranhas perceive larger shoals as safer by measuring the opercular rate of fish as singletons and in shoals of two, four and eight individuals.

Piranhas are abundant in the flooded forest that comprises the reserve. Fish were collected between 12 and 24 h before testing and held in an underwater cage in their natural habitat so that stress levels were minimized. Trials were conducted in sets of four to ensure comparability of handling, time of day and so on. The order in which the four shoal sizes were tested within a set was varied across the 12 replicates in the experiment.

Water was changed regularly. Oxygen levels, which were frequently monitored, did not fall below natural levels. At the beginning of a trial, a shoal of fish was gently placed in the test tank and allowed to settle for 10 min. A focal individual was then selected and its opercular rate measured for 5 successive minutes. Focal individuals, which could be identified by small variations in fin morphology, were chosen haphazardly.

Using a single focal individual per group size ensured that the same number of observations was collected in each treatment. The tank was screened to avoid disturbance and all fish were observed from above. We selected the median of the five records of opercular rate per minute for our analysis. Afterwards, all fish were removed and measured, before being returned to the wild. We exposed piranhas in shoals of two and eight to a simulated attack from a realistic model cormorant, to test the prediction that larger groups regain their previous ventilatory rate faster than smaller groups.

The model was then immediately removed. We recorded the opercular rate of a focal individual for five successive minutes after the attack. These values were contrasted with baseline opercular rate for the same focal individual, which had been measured for 1 min before the presentation of the model. There were 10 replicates per shoal size. No piranhas were tested more than once and different individuals were used in experiments 1 and 2. Our first experiment revealed a marked reduction in opercular rate with increasing group size figure 1. The second experiment took advantage of the observation that focal individuals in shoals of eight have a lower opercular rate than do individuals in shoals of two.

Piranhas in both shoal sizes reacted vigorously to the predator model. Experiment 1 had shown that there was no trend in opercular rate over 5 min for groups of two and eight in the absence of direct threat: By contrast, opercular rates in was experiment, 2 increased dramatically following the presentation of the model figure 2. Opercular rates returned to the baseline levels more rapidly in the larger shoals.

Diamond symbols represent …. The popular image of red-bellied piranhas portrays them as more feared than fearful. However, the results of our investigation are consistent with an anti-predator function for shoaling in the species. We found that opercular rate, which typically increases under risk Metcalfe et al. Furthermore, after a simulated attack, opercular rate remained elevated for longer in the smaller shoals. Magurran, personal observation , the grouping advantages detected in this experiment are applicable to fishes in the wild. In addition to increased vigilance, there are benefits related to dilution and predator confusion.

For these reasons fishes seek cover by placing themselves next to other individuals Williams ; Hamilton ; Williams The present study strengthens the conclusion that individual piranhas join shoals to reduce their risk of capture. In our study, we examined fish that had no cover from the simulated predation attack. It would be interesting to determine whether the benefits of shoaling as a cover-seeking device reduce in the presence of physical cover to shelter in. Time devoted to predator avoidance is time lost from other activities such as foraging.

For this reason, membership of a larger shoal provides advantages over and above the differences in baseline ventilation frequency. Because higher opercular rate is associated with higher metabolic rate Shelton ; Olson , piranhas in smaller shoals probably also experience greater oxygen requirements. Physiological costs could be particularly significant in this habitat as the flooded forest is seasonally affected by low levels of dissolved oxygen, a result of high rates of decomposition Henderson et al.

Periodic mass fish kills are a natural phenomenon here Henderson et al. Individual mysids Euphasia superba consume less oxygen in larger swarms than in small groups Ritz , even when performing escape responses Ritz et al. Our results point towards a similar benefit in piranhas. Dalvino and Jonas Costa collected fishes, Divina and Luzia dos Santos maintained the field laboratory and Danielle Cavalcante and Carlos Maciel helped in the pilot study.

Two referees made insightful comments on the paper. Ventilatory frequency indicates visual recognition of an allopatric predator in naive Nile tilapia. Flocking is an effective anti-predation strategy in red-shanks, Tringa totanus. Predator vigilance and group size in mammals and birds: Geometry for the selfish herd. Evolution and diversity in Amazonian floodplain communities. Dynamics of tropical communities. Krause J, Ruxton G. Oxford University Press; The adaptive significance of schooling as an antipredator defence in fish. Partner choice in piranha shoals. The influence of predation risk on the feeding motivation and foraging strategy of juvenile Atlantic salmon.

Experiments on whether schooling by their prey affects the hunting behaviour of cephalopod and fish predators. The physiology of fishes. The fright reaction of fish. Functions of shoaling behaviour in teleosts. Behaviour of teleost fishes. Is social aggregation in aquatic crustaceans a strategy to conserve energy? Piranhas in the aquarium. The regulation of breathing. Dynamics of fish shoals: Measurement of consociation among fishes and comments on the evolution of schooling. Piranha attacks are greatest during the dry season when water levels are lowest and the fish breed, resulting in thousands of hungry young piranhas in the water.

Human attacks are most common in areas where human densities are highest in the water, such as popular swimming spots. Piranha most commonly attack children for this reason. In Amerindian villages, women in menstruation are not allowed to bathe for this reason, says Mol. Piranhas are not strictly carnivorous, so any food in the water might attract them into the area. Piranha attacks are not isolated incidents. For more information see the paper: Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, December ; 41 3: This article originally appeared in Piranha meat: There is something found around these parts that a lot of people say can help.

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Men in their retirement years eat it, start new families and swear by it. So do childless women, who drink it and give birth. Found in the Peruvian rain forests, the demand for it is phenomenal. In fact, an Amazonian witch doctor here must be consulted for a prescription. The bitter-tasting flesh of the fish that have devoured so many villains in jungle B-movies is hailed here as the cure for problems dealing with fertility, virility, even baldness. It is said to be the ultimate aphrodisiac.

The meat, they say, is acidic, sometimes toxic and utterly without medicinal powers. Piranha fisherman Miguel Socorro, for example, said his father had been sterile before eating piranha and fathering Socorro and his two siblings. Maria Luisa Quepo, a childless woman near Pulcallpa, gave birth to twins when she was in her 40s after drinking a piranha-based brew. And the mayor of a nearby village, a widower in his 60s, started a second family with the help of the fish.

The best fishermen start early in the morning by pouring buckets of blood around their boats to attract the fish, which gather with such ferocity that the water near the boat seems to be boiling. The fishermen slap the waters with their fishing poles to mimic the splashing sounds of an animal in distress — something that excites the piranha even more.

Then they they drop in multipronged hooks baited with chunks of red meat. The piranha just nibble at the meat, but a slight tug at the hook-lines tells the fisherman to jerk the hooks upward, something as likely to snag the fish in the gills or tails as in the mouths, since the piranha do not allow hooks past their razor-sharp teeth. Large black-bellied fish are generally worth a little less and are in highest demand by artisans, who make necklaces from the larger- than-normal jaws and teeth to sell to tourists.

The meat from a red-bellied piranha, by contrast, is considered potent and is snapped up by healers. Meat from a baby piranha is thought to start working quicker; pregnant piranhas are used to solve fertility-related problems. Whoever is right, the witch doctor or the pharmacist, it makes no difference to people like Quepo, the formerly childless woman who gave birth to twins when she was 43 — a miracle she attributes to piranha.

Now, thank God, we have two little children. Flor boasts cures for maladies ranging from infertility to baldness, from alcoholism to poor night vision. During a recent visit, Flor told me he could cure me of whatever ailed me. Do your feet sweat when you sleep? In fact, he was virtually indistinguishable from the 60 or so people in the nearby village of Nuevo Destino — Spanish for New Destiny — with his earth-tone clothes and high, Indian cheekbones. The Shapibo Indian language is spoken by most people in the area.

The route to his hut included a maze of minor river tributaries — some of which had to be blazed by breaking off or slipping under branches from fast-growing Amazon trees — and then a muddy, hourlong walk along an overgrown path. Weeds sprouted between the unevenly spaced floor and the wooden-and-palm-thatched roof seemed to absorb the tube of smoke rising up from the flame Flor used to heat the potion he was making for me.

The brew he concocted for me included an ounce or two of piranha meat along with a ground-up mixture twigs, herbs, powders and some drops from an odd assortment of bottles that Flor kept on a shelf with the skull of a huge Caiman. The gritty potion tasted bitter, but Flor and my guide urged me to drink it down as they chatted in Shapibo.

After I took a few hesitant sips, Flor took the clay pot back and smiled a toothless smile. He declared me almost cured. I asked Flor and my guide. They looked at me as if I should have perhaps asked for a cure for being dimwitted. A few seconds passed, and Flor spoke slowly. Lyman July 17, — Page C Cf Esther de Viveiros, Rondon …. A la fin des …. Pacificador, bandeirante, amansador de Indios, civil …. Roosevelt se retrouve en terrain connu. Ce sera chose faite en A conquista do deserto brasileiro , Rondon. Um grande cerco de paz. Kermit and I were of the old revolutionary stock, and in our veins ran about every strain of blood that there was on this side of the water during colonial times.

Protestation des artistes contre la tour. Fundraising, criticism, and construction in the United States. The committees in the United States faced great difficulties in obtaining funds for the construction of the pedestal. The Panic of had led to an economic depression that persisted through much of the decade. The Liberty statue project was not the only such undertaking that had difficulty raising money: Since , it had rarely been used, though during the Civil War, it had served as a recruiting station.

Within months, Hunt submitted a detailed plan, indicating that he expected construction to take about nine months. The four sides are identical in appearance. Above the door on each side, there are ten disks upon which Bartholdi proposed to place the coats of arms of the states between and , there were 40 U.

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Above that, a balcony was placed on each side, framed by pillars. Bartholdi placed an observation platform near the top of the pedestal, above which the statue itself rises. Financial concerns again forced him to revise his plans; the final design called for poured concrete walls, up to 20 feet 6. Fundraising for the statue had begun in The committee organized a large number of money-raising events. As part of one such effort, an auction of art and manuscripts, poet Emma Lazarus was asked to donate an original work.

She initially declined, stating she could not write a poem about a statue. At the time, she was also involved in aiding refugees to New York who had fled anti-Semitic pogroms in eastern Europe. These refugees were forced to live in conditions that the wealthy Lazarus had never experienced. She saw a way to express her empathy for these refugees in terms of the statue. Even with these efforts, fundraising lagged. With the project in jeopardy, groups from other American cities, including Boston and Philadelphia, offered to pay the full cost of erecting the statue in return for relocating it.

Pulitzer pledged to print the name of every contributor, no matter how small the amount given. The drive captured the imagination of New Yorkers, especially when Pulitzer began publishing the notes he received from contributors. As the donations flooded in, the committee resumed work on the pedestal. New Yorkers displayed their new-found enthusiasm for the statue, as the French vessel arrived with the crates holding the disassembled statue on board. Even with the success of the fund drive, the pedestal was not completed until April Immediately thereafter, reassembly of the statue began.

Nevertheless, no one died during the construction work. Instead, Bartholdi cut portholes in the torch which was covered with gold leaf and placed the lights inside them. A power plant was installed on the island to light the torch and for other electrical needs. No members of the general public were permitted on the island during the ceremonies, which were reserved entirely for dignitaries. The restriction offended area suffragists, who chartered a boat and got as close as they could to the island. A scheduled fireworks display was postponed until November 1 because of poor weather.

The expression makes us sick. This government is a howling farce. It can not or rather does not protect its citizens within its own borders. Pour qui me prend-on? Quand viendra le Messie? Nahmanide est seul pour ainsi dire, seul en lice. La dispute de Barcelone est toujours nouvelle. Public debates on religious subjects between Jews and non-Jews.

Religious differences have at all times induced serious-minded men to exchange their views in order to win opponents over to their own side by appeals to reason. Abraham is represented in the Midrash as holding a religious debate with Nimrod see Jew.

In Alexandria disputations between Jews and pagans were probably quite frequent. The first actual disputation before a worldly ruler took place at Alexandria about B. In the time of the emperor Caligula the first disputation between Jews and pagans before a ruling monarch took place at Rome, the erection of statues of Caligula in the synagogues of Alexandria having caused the Jews to send a deputation under Philo to the emperor, while the anti-Jewish party sent a deputation under Apion.