In Gods Hands: Overcoming Miscarriage in a Broken World

In God's Hands: Overcoming Miscarriage in a Broken World

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I have read all the post and found much encouragement as I am currently still in the midst of a miscarriage. Found out at 7am this morning. What do you so then? I want to trust God and understand, I want to feel hope for the future, I want to have faith to believe something good could come out of this…not clear On how to get from here to there even with all my knowledge of God and his word.

Please say a prayer for me and any words of encouragement that may bring a glimmer of peace in my heart are welcomed. Sweet Renee… I have been praying for you, remembering you often. How are you now? You are an inspiration and a beautiful sister!! God truly can and does work all things together for our good and His glory. Hang in there beautiful one! These days seem dark, but your God is the light shining above those clouds. You will His light in due time. With my love and big hugs to you… Tehila xoxo. This past friday I lost my baby at 16 weeks. It has been the hardest thing. But you are right we still have to glorify God.

He has given me so much strength peace of mind and much more. Reading your blog helped me so much. I was going through the web wanting to read something uplifting and I truly did. Dearest Priscilla, how are you doing, beloved one? I have had you on my heart much. I love your outlook and your strength of faith. God has clearly been upholding you through this most difficult of trials. I praise Him that He has you and your baby, too in the palm of His beautiful hand… May our Lord continue to minister to you daily, and lift your eyes to your Creator moment by moment.

God bless you, sweet one… xoxo. I am going through a miscarriage, thank you for writing this. How difficult and painful that is. One thing I know, and that is that whatever God does in our lives is for His glory, and ultimately our good. There are certain things that we will never know on this earth. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never understand here on worth why that had to happen. I just have to accept that the God of all the Universe is supremely sovereign, and that for reasons that only He knows, He allows tragedies into our lives.

Somehow, eventually, God is glorified through them. And our faith and love for God grow as we learn to trust that He knows best. That should be our response, even in the midst of pain and hardship. I know you are in deep distress, but keep looking to the Lord.

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Many thanks for your reply, I am so thankful I came across your post. I am already implementing your ABCs and finding them so helpful. Thank you for sharing with me your tragedy, I draw courage from knowing you got through that, God will bring me through this. I am learning that trusting in God is a world away from trusting in a life that makes sense and is free from struggle and pain.

10 Ways to Glorify God in Your Miscarriage. A Personal Letter.

I am going to do a study on Job, I have found a good book on Amazon which I believe is a commentary. We praise God because He is worthy of praise. Thank you again for your reply, it was a soothing balm in this sea of tears. Joanna, you are most welcome. Your faith is praiseworthy, my sister. With my love… xoxo. God bless you Tehila and may He continue using you greatly. Im having a hard time with my parents concerning the miscarriage i had on saturday 15th at 15weeks of my pregnancy, prior to still born a boy i had October at 36weeks.

My mothers are helping with everything but there is tension because of this issue of miscarriage and traditional doctors since w refused to consult them in and now we lost a baby again. I will serve no foreign gods and my decision is to seek and know what God says. We have our first child a girl outside our marriage and the two incidents in our marriage. I prayed and read my bible while in labour believing God will reverse the situation and all that time my baby was playing and that gave me hope even though the pains intensified , my verses were Ps Through all that my baby passed on and i delivered him.

I just loved that little thing the nurse had in her hands and wished i could hold it. It was a sad experience but God gave me the strength to endure and it, and more scriptures came into my spirit lik Ps23, Is43, 1Cor I thank God who gave me my mothers in the Lord , my work mates, family and friends who visited and prayed for me through that difficult time. I dont want to deny that i have these thoghts that if i could have gone to the hospital immedidiately i could be having my baby boy, again i say how do i know maybe the worst was going to happen.

Thanx for your blog as may be i was not going to share this with any one because people never give someone going through a hard time chance to share with them how God held them through the blazing fire and give glory to God over the situation. Sorry my long comment with grammatic errors.

Dearest Onah, I do thank you so much for sharing your heart with me. I only know that He knows, and He cares, and that He is with you through it all.

Underneath are his everlasting arms, holding you and loving you. God is so perfectly sovereign, over every tiny second, over every heartbeat… for some reason which you may never understand, He spared your little boy the hardships of this life, and decided to take Him straight to the glories of Heaven. I know you long for and yearn for your babies… I feel your pain… Keep looking to the Lord, Onah! I love how you mentioned several scriptures and Biblical examples. This shows me that you are in the Word — the holy, perfect, life-giving Word of the Living God! He will comfort, sustain, and lift you through His eternal words… you are doing the very best thing you can do.

His answers for peace and faithfulness and joy are all in there… You live out his Word, and your family will see something so different in you. The Lord will give you wisdom in dealing lovingly with your family members. I trust in the only great God, and I know trust that He is with you in this storm. God bless you, sweet friend, and thank you again for sharing these intimate thoughts with me. With my love to you… Tehila xoox. My husband and I have been married for two years now and this was our first child, having a baby brings such joy to a couple and also families….

Losing a baby is devastating and Im just trusting my God for another miracle. We leave our lives in his hands, may his will be done. As long as I live and in every situation I will my praise my God because he is an amazing God. I pray Gods riches blessings on everyone of you. Hello lovely Trisha… how are you doing now?

Lynne Burgess

In God's Hands: Overcoming Miscarriage in a Broken World [Lisa Limbrick] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The women in these stories. In God's Hands: Overcoming Miscarriage in a Broken World - Kindle edition by Lisa Limbrick, Lisa Limbrick. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, .

But my daughter and son-in-law have keep a good attitude and are holding on to God for their pain. Thanks for sharing your heart touching story and may God surround you with His love. The grief and pain truly does affect so many around us. My heart goes to all those moms. Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things! Dear Tehila, I am glad that your post is still helping those who have miscarried.

I, too, have miscarried and read many stories of those who have dealt with infertility issues for years. It is a difficult path to walk, and a difficult trial to accept. Being able to conceive and bear a child seems like it should be a natural happening. I am old enough now to be a grandmother. I have seen his blessing through the miscarriage. But the longing to have felt my child growing in me will always leave an emptiness.

I think it is important to understand that this issues impact lives on various levels. While we need to encourage them in the Lord, we must also tend to the realities of their loss. I so much appreciate your tenderhearted words. I am sure many will read them and be touched. God bless you, dear one! As I read through the many comments and replies it was encouraging to see that through your time of grief you were able to not only make others feel better, but give them comfort in your response.

God gave you a gift through this post and I believe that was to help other woman in the same circumstance. Stand strong and keep sharing your gifts with this broken world. Thank you so much, Michelle, for your beautiful encouragement. My prayer for this post has indeed been answered fold, to touch others! You are a blessing! Thank you and God bless you for sharing a message that I am convinced hurting moms need to hear. Oh what great faith you got. Also went through one, we lost our first baby at 3 weeks. I was angry, scared but Thank God for Jesus, it brought us closer as a couple.

It made me realise he is still God in all situations. He makes everything beautiful in his time Eccl 3. They is hope in Chist. Hope to write my story one day God willing. We named him Tadisa meaning We have loved gift from God …. Praise the Lord, Mimi. God has blessed you, and even though what you went through with losing your first baby was so difficult, I love the way you see the good that the Lord brought out of it.

You are clearly an amazing lady… Keep following Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength! Love to you xoxo. So, so sorry for your loss. I too was a miscarriage survivor — 6 of them. Watching as one child walks through infertility and another with one child and now 3 miscarriages. Some years back God showed me that had I not walked through that I would never have had the two beautiful children I have today — grown and married and wonderful kids. I would walk through it again to experience the joy I have today.

I love your beautiful perspective, Debbie. Thank you so much for sharing how thankful you are now for your children and how you learned so much for your hardships. I know that your comment will be a great encouragement to those going through this trial right now. Thank you for sharing your incredible story, and yes, God uses different things and people in our lives to bring about His will. With love to you, Tehila xoxo. I am so thankful to have come across this post. My husband and I thought we were finished with our family.

I had an iud for 4 years…. The doctor was shocked, as were we, but we had embraced the idea of adding on a third child to our family. Then, just a few days after my last ultrasound and on Christmas day, nonetheless , my miscarriage started. Such a traumatic experience…to awake on Christmas morning, the day we are celebrating the birth of our Savior, to such a tragedy.

Trying to make it through, what is normally such a joyous morning, for our two children that we already have. I am so broken…. And now we are faced with more choices. We were finished before this. Then, we thought God had decided that he wanted to miraculously bless us with one more…. Where do we go from here? Do we try for another child? Everything is so confusing right now…so raw, so hard. But — God is still here. I am trying to lean on him, but it is so hard to praise Him in this storm.

This post has helped tremendously, and I so appreciate your kind words in your time of grief. Thank you so much! Darling Beth, how my heart broke as I read through your note. I so much regret that nothing I say or pray could bring your beautiful little one back. I am in awe of your faith, your strength, and your perspective during this most difficult trial. You are asking good questions, and I have no doubt that as you seek the Lord, He will guide you perfectly in these matters.

In fact, you will not be able to imagine your life without your little one — as you well know from having been blessed with two other precious children. With my love, care and heart, Tehila xoxoxo. Hi Tahila, thank you for your encouraging words it really confirm my thoughts when I went through a miscarriage just few hours ago, 31st March I was thankful to God for my 3kids. I knew in my heart that his thoughts towards me are good and I recognized his sovereignty.

But it did not happened as I thought and dreamt of…. Well I believe all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose. Thank you God bless you. I will be praying for you, dearest sister! God bless you and keep you and comfort you moment by moment… With love and care, Tehila xoxo. I am Nigerian too and those names are beautiful so you should not lose hope.

We were certain that God was bringing us laughter as its less than 6 months that my father in law passed away in a car accident that involved my husband. This month end we were planning on doing a thanks giving offering for the blessing that is growing in me. Oh my darling Amy!!! I have cried tears of sorrow and mourning for you today… My heart truly breaks at the disappointment, discouragement and heartache that this loss has caused you and your husband… I know that God is the God of all comfort, and that His grace is sufficient for you. But I also know how you are hurting right now, and even though you have so many understandable questions, this same God is holding you and sustaining your hearts!

You may be looking around you and wondering where He is, but Deuteronomy And when you feel as though your Lord is not near, think on Psalm In the thick of your grief and your pain and your searing loss. I have prayed for you since the moment I read your comment, and will continue to do so.

With my love, sympathy, and friendship — — Tehila xoxoxoxoxo. Yesterday marks the 3rd miscarriage for my husband and I this year alone. I am 30 years old and have been married for 10 years. We would like a 4th child. However I feel as if it is not going to happen and have lost hope of any chances of having a successful pregnancy. I feel as if iys my fault. Like I am doing something wrong and have no idea what it is. I came across this article and want to thank you for the encouraging words, they are helping me even now. I can feel so much peace from the words you write.

Precious Angela… What pain you have gone through in the space of even one year! Thank you so much for these encouraging words.

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I have just suffered my second late-term miscarriage, and there are few words to express the grief and heartbreak that occurred with each one. I am just beginning my final year of med-school residency, where I am studying to become an obstetrician. I have been struggling with the irony of delivering babies day-in and day-out, when I have been unable to carry my own to term.

With each pregnancy, we have carried to six months before losing them. As a doctor, I understand what little medical backing there is for miscarriage. What did I do wrong? When will it be my turn? My husband and I have been working very hard to remain faithful to God through each loss. We understand and trust that God is sovereign and faithful — and will continue to be so. Hope based on Christ, not in circumstance. Thank you for sharing your wise words with us!

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If God did not want her to have a baby he should not have allowed her to become pregnant! After some time I was aware that all was not as it should be as baby was not developing and I worried that there was something very wrong. But my daughter and son-in-law have keep a good attitude and are holding on to God for their pain. Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things! Like you, this was my first after being blessed with four beautiful children. I will be praying for you.

I read your story and cried. It is so hard when He allows hardship into our lives, with no explanation — where all we can do is choose to trust Him, and acknowledge Him in all our ways Proverbs 3: How are you doing now? Even though you wrote this comment a couple of months ago, I have thought of and prayed for you often. Your faith is absolutely inspiring and I know that God has equipped you with the eternal perspective that you so desperately need to help you and to be a light even in the midst of such despair. I would love to hear how you are…. God bless you, beautiful sister!!!

Thank you for your kind words! I am doing well, all things considered. It has — and continues to be — a long, hard process, but we are still focused on glorifying God through all of it. I have joined a group called Mommies with Hope, and it is such an inspiring group that teaches you how to not be angry with the Lord in the moments of loss.

My husband is working toward his phD in clinical psychology with a lean toward spiritually integrated therapy and is establishing the parameters of the study for his dissertation. I am so thankful and lucky to have a husband who shares and celebrated my love for God. We continue to grieve, but are working hard to stay uplifted and inspired through His love. If you would like to continue to converse, please feel free to email me!

I would love to hear from you! What a huge blessing to hear of this update, Heather! I literally have tears in my eyes! I would loooooove to keep in touch by email!!! Big hugs, my beautiful friend xoxoxo. Thank you so much for this! God bless you for sharing!

I lost my baby at 4 weeks. I was overjoyed when I found out that I was expecting. I wanted this baby so much, but the creator of my life has a purpose and I am trusting him! Thank you so much for sharing your pain with me. My heart goes out to you, as do my prayers. I know that as you learn to trust in the Lord, leaning not on your own understanding, acknowledging His paths — He will make your paths straight, comforting you and sustaining you Proverbs 3: With my love and care and compassion xoxoxo.

I am currently going through a miscarriage. We told my parents along with my paster and his wife because we knew that we would need prayer. I immediately thought there was a problem when I started spotting. I had an ultrasound around 8 weeks along and they only found an empty sac. They did blood tests but my HCG levels were not rising like they should.

I wanted it to happen naturally. Last night I tossed and turned with period-like cramps and woke up to moderate bleeding. I started praying and then I went on the computer and found this site. I praise God for you sharing your experiences including your recent loss. I believe they have been praying alongside me as I go through this.

I will be praying for you.

Here are 10 ways to glorify God through your miscarriage (ABC’s):

Precious Candace, I am wondering how you are doing? He knew all along that He would promote our sweet little ones to glory and hold them safely for us, before we do. My love to you today xoxoxo. My husband and I have had 6 miscarriages, with no children in our home. It was a struggle to remember these thruths through the first few losses. God has been faithful and allowed me to reach out and encourage others who are hurting because of miscarriages and infertility. In all things, God has a plan and purpose.

Myra, thank you so much for sharing your story. You are an inspiration!!! With much love and care xoxo. Tehila is an Israeli, God-loving, husband-serving, child-nurturing mom of five sweet little ones whom she homeschools. About womenabiding Tehila is an Israeli, God-loving, husband-serving, child-nurturing mom of five sweet little ones whom she homeschools. This entry was posted in Grief and tagged death , glorify god , grief , hope , miscarriage , Motherhood , mourning. Claire A Little Claireification says: April 29, at January 9, at 5: October 20, at 9: June 19, at 8: April 29, at 1: April 29, at 2: April 29, at 9: Thank you beloved Michelle.

To God be all glory! I love your work for His Kingdom! April 29, at 5: April 29, at 7: Thank you my Tani-friend! Thank you for going through so much with me… I love you! May 1, at 9: Blessings and much love always Jean. April 30, at 9: April 30, at Fawn Happy Wives Club says: Amen to your kind words, Hazel! Thank you for being such a faithful blogging friend! April 30, at 1: Thank you, dear Jen! Truly appreciate your beautiful words… God bless you!

Lisa Grandma's Briefs says: April 30, at 2: April 30, at 3: April 30, at 5: Kate Teaching What is Good says: April 30, at 6: Ena van den Berg says: May 1, at 2: May 1, at 6: May 1, at 8: May 2, at May 9, at 7: May 2, at 1: May 2, at 4: Like many women who find out they're pregnant, I wanted to wait until the magic 12 weeks had passed before I shared my news.

Because the miscarriages occurred earlier than that, though, few people knew that I was expecting. As a result, I did not feel that I was able to share my loss. For me, miscarriage was silently endured, and ultimately became a very isolating experience.

Each miscarriage also left me doubting my faith. I couldn't help but ask, 'Why, God? The women in these stories share their difficult emotions honestly from their times of miscarriage. Grand Eagle Retail is the ideal place for all your shopping needs! With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and over 1,, in stock items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! Please view eBay estimated delivery times at the top of the listing.