The Pilgrimage of Amos

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Amos Travel

Sabeel-Kairos Taking Action for Palestine. Latest Tweets Latest Tweets. Indeed, Christian sanctification of space serves as a model both for the constructivist view of collective memory Halbwachs, , as well as for a key analysis of modern tourism MacCannell, While Protestants took exception to 'holy sites', as mediating objects whose sanctity was transferred to them through physical contact with the divine, they have increasingly been drawn to the land as the physical illustration of significant loci of their faith.

For Protestants, sacred scripture provides the basic repertoire of potential sites Bowman, The landscape calls forth words, not as heard but as seen, as if lettered across the view. Their outward sight should call forth in inward vision the words of remembered prayers and scriptural passages Greenberg, The plainness of the landscape is itself held up as evidence of the truth of Protestantism" Lock, Thus, for Protestants, a holy place 'covered over' with Orthodox or Catholic churches is, in effect, a site which commemorates institutional domination rather than the 'truth' that, in their view, the ecclesiastical institution has usurped and distorted the unimpeded relationship between the individual and Christ.

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Topography, uncluttered nature, simplicity, rather than traditional basilica, become the scriptural signs inscribed on the Protestant Holy Land. Furthermore, Protestants presented Jesus as "a fellow-seeker after the unmediated Divine, as if He were not the object of the pilgrimage, the Divine person 1 In his classical study, McCannell [], speaks of tourism sites as undergoing processes of site sacralization: They seek the 'original' stones where Jesus might have walked on, in order to 'walk with Jesus'.

American Protestantism and Zion Zion has a long history as a charged term in American Protestantism, and the American nation often depicted itself as a chosen people, its land as promised, its historical trajectory as a wandering through the wilderness, and its enemies — the Indians — as Canaanites to be vanquished by God's people Obenzinger, This resulted in greater familiarity with Old Testament passages relating to the Land, as well as many of its place names which were superimposed on the American continent Bethlehem, New Canaan, Efrata, Hebron, Nazareth.

Unquestionably, this 'Holy Land craze' was fueled by common 19th century ideologies of millenarism Greenberg, , orientalism and colonialism, no less than by the advancement of modern archeology, cartography, and scientific expeditions such as the P. Hence, Protestant tours of the period, particularly British and American ones, promoted effective isolation of pilgrims from both the locals and Russian pilgrims, through accommodation in tents, imported Western food and beer and bathing huts at the Jordan.

Where limited contact was made with natives, it was usually to see how biblical customs were preserved in indigenous villages; even then, such visits often took place where English mission schools were built, thus confirming the progressive and civilizing nature of Western Christianity.

Thus, Protestant pilgrimage shared in the romantic Orientalist gaze in which the natives became artifacts, markers of an unchanging past, and stand-ins for the Western visitors' spiritual ancestors.

Amos Trust Alternative Pilgrimage | Sabeel-Kairos

The removal of the natives from the present to the past is, of course, a powerful expression of Western domination Fabian, Additional factors, which I shall treat later, are the shift from a theology of dwelling to one of experiencing, blurring of the locational realms of sacred and profane as well as the media employed to convey them, commodification of the church and religious experience, as well as the increased prominence of bodily experiences in lateth century American religion. I will illustrate these processes in the case of two relatively new sites, Yardenit and Nazareth Village.

It has been designated as a restricted military area since , with limited and difficult access for pilgrims. The Yardenit site is complete with concrete ramps and guardrails leading into the water, several amphitheaters for baptismal services, toilets, a changeroom and showers, video filming services, and a snack bar. The adjoining restaurant serves St. Peter's Fish lunches and the Jewish-run Christian gift shop sells a wide variety of Christian literature, music and souvenirs; rents robes and towels for pilgrims; provides plastic bottles for Jordan Water for pilgrims to take home and sells baptismal certificates in several languages and in two textual versions2.

This well-equipped site is not linked with any church or mentioned specifically in any scriptural or traditional source.

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Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? Man this guy just oozes talent! The website announces that it offers baptismal facilities for "small groups as well as up to people at a time". Judith, Alternative Pilgrimage. However, most foreign currencies are accepted. Latest Tweets Latest Tweets. Next time he's in town check them out, they will not disappoint.

Yet 2 The first reads "X was baptized in the Jordan". The second, for denominations that see baptism as a one-time experience speaks of "renewal of baptismal vows". We suggest that the layout of the site, in which hundreds may witness the baptism simultaneously, is felt as appropriate by a public that seeks a natural, uncluttered, open-air setting, yet is accustomed to worship in theater-shaped mega-churches in which over 25 per cent of American Christians worship ; far more appropriate than the muddy banks of the river adjoining a Greek Orthodox monastery.

The baptismal certificate pilgrims may purchase at the site to be signed by the pastor as well as the photographs taken there, contribute to making this the authoritative place of baptism. The website, available only in English, makes the American Protestant orientations explicit.

Amos Trust Alternative Pilgrimage 2018

Its home page combines a picture of the baptism with a bottle of holy water on sale at a discount through the site superimposed on it; further offerings include holy land books, olive oil and other souvenirs all available to be added to the electronic shopping cart. The souvenir shop is, according to the website, "designed in the form of a bazaar in a Galilean style typical of the time of Jesus actually, more like IKEA. It sells numerous holy items and rents robes and towels to the visitors, who take home a Baptism or a Rededication certificate For your convenience all prices quoted in the gift shop are both in American dollars and Israeli shekels.

However, most foreign currencies are accepted. The website announces that it offers baptismal facilities for "small groups as well as up to people at a time". It has "one of the most modern rest-rooms in Israel, consisting of toilets, showers and dressing room facilities' as well as "an impressively spacious free parking lot" http: An additional webpage links the development of the site with progress and the Zionist endeavor: Pilgrims and adventurous travelers described the descent to the Jordan, baptism and sailing as one of the most exciting events of their journey in the Holy Land.

Jack White, Chris Stapleton to headline Pilgrimage Festival

The character of the region changed dramatically only in , when the Naharayim hydraulic plant was built to utilize the water of the Jordan and the Yarmukh rivers to produce electricity. In American Protestantism, the differences between sacred and profane spaces have become blurred. If, in the past, places of worship were distinct buildings that drew people to leave the everyday world and enter a sacred space, now they are often nondescript, functional buildings that look like shopping malls and offices and that remind people of everyday life Wuthnow, The Temple hall is being replaced by the megachurch theatre.

As the neighbourhood church is being increasingly replaced by the 'Christian community center', where the place of worship is surrounded by franchised food courts, Christian book and music stores, and financial counselling services, commodification of education and spiritual life is no longer anathema. Nazareth Village Nazareth, was the site of the Annunciation and the childhood home of Jesus.

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The Pilgrimage of Amos - Kindle edition by Soma Bmuht. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. If you buy a new print edition of this book (or purchased one in the past), you can buy the Kindle Edition for FREE. Print edition purchase must be sold by.

In Jesus' day, Nazareth was a small village, inhabited by a traditional, mainly agricultural Jewish population. Nazareth's population are Palestinian Israelis, and the religious sites in Nazareth, mainly Catholic and Orthodox, repulse many Protestant visitors who seek to spend their time in more natural and 'biblical'-looking environments Shoval, Established in by a local Protestant Arab, Dr.

Nakhle Beshara, and supported by the Mennonite Mission Network based in the USA and manned almost exclusively by Americans , Nazareth Village was designed to bring "to life a farm and Galilean village, recreating Nazareth as it was 2, years ago. In return for an admission fee, visitors encounter actors, costumes, staged buildings and streets and traditional 'biblical' artifacts like a threshing floor, newly built 'traditional' homes, streets, and an 'ancient' synagogue.

Mat Kearney to play at Pilgrimage along star studded line up

Tourists encounter local men, women and children dressed in traditional gear, performing traditional jobs like plowing, picking and crushing of olives, the production and repair of tools, weaving, winnowing, and more. Long's description of the artistic depictions in a recent volume, Crossan and Read, Excavating Jesus applies equally well to Nazareth village: Little plots of green and brown suggest orderly cultivation of the earth; in the foreground, vineyeard workers labor near cutaway bedrock used for crushing grapes.

The scene suggests appealing industry and evokes a nostalgic kinship with these agrarian people living close to the soil… There is no sign of dirt, thirst, ill health, or tattered clothing.