Sur les routes de la faim comment survivre au sahel (French Edition)

Je me demande d'ailleurs ce qu'il peut bien faire dans la vie A vrai dire je m'en contre f Lu sur le site du Parti de l'In-nocence de Renaud Camus. A Canut qui a dit: Or on peut se demander en quoi devrait consister cet Eden, qui reviendra aux temps messianiques: Le Messie venu au contraire, dit aux hommes, l'Eden, c'est tout de suite, par votre comportement individuel. Vous savez aussi bien que moi que le simple contact physique ne serait ce que deux mains qui se serrent peuvent eveiller chez l'homme des desirs. Un simple toucher peut simplement pousser l'homme a penser a une autre femme quand il fait l'amour a la sienne.

Est ce un comportement juste? Quel effet a le toucher sur les femmes, je ne sais pas je suis un homme. Vous savez egalement que le sang peut vehiculer les pires saloperies. Si les deux dormaient dans le meme lit, ils auraient plus de mal a eviter ces rapports. Les Juifs tres pratiquants vivent dans un monde ou il considerent que les anges et les demons se livrent un combat. En suivant les prescriptions de la Torah, il participent a la creation d'anges. C'est leurs choix et je le respecte, de la meme maniere qu'ils repectent mon choix de ne pas suivrent les lois.

Ils en eprouvent simplement beaucoup de tristesse. Les dhimmis au piquet! Je reprends donc votre conclusion: Les horreurs dans ce genre sont innombrables. Voltaire met en avant un texte juif qui interdit aux femmes Juives d'avoir des rapports sexuels avec des boucs et il en conclut que si on leur interdit cela c'est qu'elles le faisaient.

Mais il a dit aussi aux Galates: Il faut avoir l'esprit racorni par la lecture du "Soleil d'allah" qui brillerait sur l'Occident. Et meme si Israel devient une Theocratie, qu'est ce que ca change. Ils ne prechent pas la bonne parole pour convertir les non Juifs. Tu suis les lois, ta vie sera un paradis.

Si tu ne suis pas, ta vie sera un enfer. Suis la loi, ne la suis pas, la vie est ce que tu en fais: Est-il fasciste d'interdire le fascisme? Vous devriez vous faire psychanaliser vous ne valez pas plus cher. Pourquoi les banquiers nous ont mis dans la merde eux qui mangaient bien. Vous faites erreur encore une fois. Que les lois soient religieuses ou republicaines, celui qui les trangresse doit en assumer les consequences.

Aller en prison ne doit pas etre tres paradisiaque. Canut qui a dit: Vous misez sur le manque de temps ou connaissances ou aggacement des bloggers pour leur "enfiler" n'importe quelle ineptie. A tous ceux qui "sautent" les posts de Canut je dirais non, au contraire,par vos connaissances , vos recherches, faites-lui savoir que vous en savez autant sinon plus que lui et qu'il vous bluffle.

Ses affirmations vous font douter? Grace notamment aux religions, nous aurons toujours des hommes et des femmes lucides qui comprendront que l'equilibre des enfants ne peut etre obtenu que par une presence masculine et feminine a la maison. Un garcon a besoin de s'identifier a son pere pas a une eprouvette remplie de sperme. Ce sont des ordres. De ce point de vue,le coran est donc une bombe.

Pernoud sur le sujet des femmes au MA. Quant au racisme, il est de toutes les latitudes et de toutes les longitudes. Ancien et Nouveau testaments sont bien l'expression de la parole divine. Et je ne vous parlerai pas de la tradition protestante! Dans le bilan global qui tire qui? Vers le haut ou vers le bas? That is the question. Surtout les plus nuls. A-t-on le droit moral de nous imposer cela? Si Al Quaida ne vient pas y fourrer son vilain nez. Et encore plus confondante que les autres! Au contraire, des tensions visibles existent entre eux.

Pour l'islam, il n'y a aucune inspiration! Le Coran, c'est la Parole d'Allah, mot par mot, lettre par lettre, virgule par virgule, point par point. Ils ont eu plusieurs enfants. A moins que dans un ultime sursaut les peuples aient envoyer au parlement des patriotes. Mais je crains que le dernier discours de m. Jean "pour Rousseau qui pense que l'Homme qui a ses besoin est bon " Je n'arrive pas bien a saisir cette phrase. Je reviens du bureau de vote, pas terrible, la participation.

Je croise les doigts. Etes vous un homme pour savoir si oui ou non nous pouvons avoir une erection rien qu'en serrant la main d'une femme?

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Laissez-le s'agiter quelque temps encore, il fondra tout seul! Une parmi des dizaines d'autres Il est clair que s'il y a conflit entre l'ancien et le nouveau, c'est le nouveau qui prime. Faites-en un porte manteau! Mais vous savez bien que non: Koha et Jeanne Pour Rousseau l'Homme est bon par essence.

Si ses besoins sont satisfaits il ne fera pas de mal Tandis que l'Homme est insatiable et veut toujours davantage. Ce n'est que l'education marale qui l'ameliore. Jean - Je n'ai pas besoin de me faire psychanalyser. Jeanne nous sommes d'accord sur l'Histoire du complexe d'Oedipe mais comme les histoires bibliques c'est un moyen de montrer le rejet d'une telle faute. Rien de pareil pour le Coran qui est LA parole de Dieu, sans aucun apport humain pour le vicier. Tags pour ce billet: Elle est importante en soi: Un singe ou un porc.

Malgre les accords de paix entre la Jordanie et Israel, il existe la bas une loi toujours en vigueur qui puni de la peine de mort tout citoyen Jordanien qui vendrait des terres a un Juif. Qu'ils soient juifs, qu'ils soient musulmans ou qu'ils soient crypto-marxistes. Et qui, pour faciliter sa mutation nous infectent sournoisement mais massivement de la peste verte.

Nous on ne va pas faire ch. Et encore moins, je crois, sur celui de Haaretz.

Je vais aussi surveiller mon mari!!! Ca fait du bien de rigoler un moment, merci Jeanne Je ne cherche pas a convertir qui que ce soit. Si la discussion ne vous plait pas et bien de ce cas n'intervenez pas. Rien ne vous empeche de partager vos idees sur d'autres sujets qui sont debattus. Il va falloir que je mette mon mari au courant.

Mais ceci dit, les Juifs Orthodoxes me laissent tranquilles et je les respecte. Que tu dis, que tu dis, ah coquine! Et "deux Juifs, trois opinions" Ils t'ont fait quoi, exactement? Je ne dis pas que c'est ce qui se passe automatiquement, mais cela peut arriver.

Pourquoi tenter le diable? Rien ne vous oblige a considerer les Juifs comme les "freres aines". Rentrer ca dans votre tete une fois pour toutes nous ne devons absolument rien au Christianisme. Va peut etre falloir que nous vous remercions d'en avoir laisser quelques uns de vivants. Tous les interdits dont la pedophilie sont decrits dans la Torah parce qu'ils existaient et ils existent encore aujourd'hui meme chez les Rabins qui ne sont que des hommes.

Mais pour l'avenir je fais un voeu J'avais pas bien compris votre message.. Mais je suis d'accord avec vous en fait.. Je vous revoie le compliment Et je maintiens ce que je dis: Je ne suis ni juive ni sioniste. Et je ne cherche pas une guerre des civilisations. Jox, tu plaisantes ou quoi? Grand bien te fasse, et encore plus a ton pauvre entourage. Il y a quoi Mais j'ai pas besoin de ce truc pour me marrer, et me marrer sec!

Mais le joint, c'est d'un conformisme! Des vieux croutons qui se cramponnent a la mode d'antan. ON fume un joint et on refait le monde! Mais pour y accrocher un manteau OU alors un tout petit manteau?.. Les derniers juifs du Yemen s'en vont. Ils font leurs valises et partent vers Israel ou les Etats-Unis. Ou est la consternation internationale? Quand viendront les discours de repentance de la part des musulmans qui exigent que nous nous excusions des "offenses" que nous aurions commises?

Un coup l'un,un coup l'autre T'as raison de te cacher alors. Donc le but,parler des autres,pour cacher ses propres vices? Donc patience,j'aurai envie de te dire non? TA philosophie,c'est la loi du plus fort? Ok,le vent tourne j'aurai envie de te dire. Peut on agir contre les peuples? Pour l'islam je n'aurai que deux remarques, pour te dire que ce j'en pense: Vain est le culte qu'ils me rendent: Italie Ligue du Nord.. Puis je dirais que cette ""chose dont on parle"" c'est comme le sexe..

Ce sont ceux qui ne pratiquent pas qui en disent le plus de mal.. Entre un pochetron de comptoir et un amateur de grands bordeaux.. Il y a tout un monde;.. Y compris et surtout pour ceux avec lesquels on n'est pas d'accord.. Qui ne nous appartiendra jamais.. Tout va continuer exactement comme avant.

Et une bande sonore splendide pour lier la sauce. Ensuite, pourriez vous expliquer un peu mieux? Toutes les populations des pays conquis par les Arabes sont musulmanes et parlent l'arabe.. La barbarie la plus pure. En tant que libertarien, je suis pour la depenalisation de la drogue. Comme ca, plus de dealers, plus de mafia et plus de junkie pour vous tuer pour 10 euros pour avoir sa dose Ceux qui veulent se droguer, qu'ils se droguent et s'ils n'ont pas l'argent pour se soigner quand ils sont malades, qu'ils crevent mais ne vivent pas ou ne recoivent pas de soins sur le dos de la communaute.

Il existe donc une islamisation "raisonnable" et une islamisation qui ne l'est pas? Et pour soutenir l'islamisation "raisonnable", il faut soutenir l'UMP? C'est bien de nous le dire: Ce sont nos enfants.. Elle vous en dirait plus qu'un long discours;. Mon commentaire n'etait pas dirige contre vous J'ai toujours ete pour la depenalisation des drogues qu'elles soient alcooliques, euphorisantes des cellules cerebrales, hallucinogenes, dopantes, hilarantes, etc.

Je n'ai pas pour habitude de toujours rendre responsable la societe et je responsabilise plutot l'individu. Apres tout, la societe n'est rien d'autre qu'un ensembles d'individus. J'ai connu des individus abandonnes a la naissance, eleves par des oncles ou des tantes, maltraites, meprises et qui non seulement n'ont jamais sombre dans la drogue ou l'alcoolisme, mais sont devenus des gens de droite qui ont cree des entreprises florissantes et non pas des gauchos militants paumes.

Responsabiliser toujours la societe, c'est pratique, c'est convenient, c'est arrangeant. Non, pour moi, chaque individu est responsable de la condition dans laquelle il se trouve. C'est en deresponsabilisant l'individu et en rendant responsable la societe de tous les maux qu'on cree les pires criminels, les pires psychopathes qui, diront-ils, sont devenus comme ca a cause de la societe.

C'est la meme le principe de base, l'essence du socialisme!

La drogue, j'ai fait mes experiences entre 16 et 17 ans. Des joints au LSD. Puis, j'ai decide d'arreter. Des amis a moi qui en prenaient aussi a l'epoque et qui n'etaient pourtant pas plus malheureux que moi ni moins bien lotis, n'ont jamais arrete. Et pourtant, tout ca malgre une penalisation tres severe des drogues. Donc je dis qu'il faut depenaliser car il n'y aura pas plus de drogues mais au moins il n'y aura plus de cartels, de mafias, de dealers, etc J'ai des amis de l'epoque, qui eux avaient 13 ou 14 ans et qui ont ete abuses par des pedophiles socialement bien etablis et qui les droguaient a l'heroine en leur fournissant gratuitement les doses.

Et c'etait le chantage. Le gamin etait devenu accro a l'heroine et le pedophile pouvait en abuser a volonte. Si tu parles, tu n'auras plus tes doses! Bien sur, j'ai appris tout ca plus tard, une fois que les jeunes en question se soient suicides a 17, 18 ou 19 ans et que les bruits courraient. Les responsables, mis a part les protagonistes,sont les individus qui savaient et n'ont jamais rien dit! Jeanne Rien ne vous oblige a considerer les Juifs comme les "freres aines". Merci, merci infiniment pour ces mots, Koah. Vous ne voulez rien devoir au christianisme, et pourtant Vous en pratiquez couramment?

Et je ne vous demande pas de me remercier pour quoi que ce soit. Et votre petit discours signifie en clair que les femmes ne doivent pas serrer la main des hommes ou inversement Les cyniques qui abusent des jeunes ont les mains encore plus libres Toi tu passes ton temps a cracher sur leur religion.

Ce forum c'est un peu contre 1 non? Donc permet moi au moins de citer tout ce que tu diffames. Et puis de la propagande pour convertir quoi au juste? Ceux qui viennent ici savent parfaitement que la religion c'est du pipo. En plus tu remarquera que celui qui a les mots de haine dans sa bouche ,c'est toi,pas moi. Faut faire la guerre pour la paix Orwell le sait bien Pour les autres qui me disent d'ouvrir ,les yeux de l'islamo-fascisme. Vous avez pas compris qu'on se fout de vous?

De plus un autre principe fondamental existe: Il sait aussi que la peine de mort est abolie de facto. Car enfin, que veut-elle? Ce qui n'est malheureusement pas votre cas, et cela m'attriste. Je vais ici reprendre tous vos arguments sur cette page, et vous faire part de mes quelques remarques qui pourraient vous aider. Les mots ont un sens.

Le Likoud n'est en rien fasciste. L'hindouisme a permis de lutter contre la domination culturelle et religieuse arabo-persane. C 'est dommage pour les juifs. Encore un abus de votre part. C'est un raisonnement raciste. Seul Dieu est juge si vous tuez en son nom. C'est ce que pensent ceux qui le font. Comme quoi l'ignorance conduit a la violence Prenez soin avec les formulations "comme quoi": Assumez vos propres tropismes. C'est une grave erreur. Aujourd'hui, les musulmans d'Asie du Sud-Est ont remis le moteur en route.

Si je me soumets, Allah ne punira pas le musulman qui m'est amical. Les versets les plus abjects? Ou vous les comprenez de travers, ou vous les ignorez. Plaisir d'autant plus grands que comme pour Platon, les horreurs qu'ils justifient Averroes et la guerre juste en droit islamique: A remarquer qu'au Danemark il y a plus de musulmans partageant toutes nos valeurs qu'en France, mais qu'il y a aussi plus de musulmans ne partageant pas du tout nos valeurs qu'en France. Vous voulez pas ouvrir vos deux yeux, vous?

L'un n'efface pas l'autre. Cela nous change de Canut Reprenons point par point,meme si cela ne sert strictement a rien vous concernant. Cela te fera le plus grand bien. C'est pas grave,je post pour le plaisir,et pour les autres. Votre propagande ressemble comme 2 goutes d'eau a la propagande nazi occidental il y a ans. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources.

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The expectations are an increase in production of about 30 percent in the coming three years. Since the marine resources justify this, an expansion of the artisanal fishing fleet will be effected, bringing the total fish production of the artisanal fleet to about 9 tonnes. Infrastructural facilities in the three landing areas, as well as fish processing facilities, will bring my country to the position of being self-sufficient in both fresh and processed fish.

The investment costs for implementation of these programmes and projects are estimated at about 17 million U. The utilization of the shrimp bycatch was a subject for the FAO technical consultations, held in Georgetown, Guyana, late last month. Although there is no clear insight regarding the catch rates and the species composition of the bycatch in the economic zone of my country, measures will be implemented on short notice to force the shrimp fleet operating off Suriname to land all the bycatch,aiming at the manufacturing of products for human consumption and animal feed.

Bloc-notes: l'Europe bonasse ne peut faire rêver

Mention has been made time and again about the need for a regional approach to cope with the problem of food production in developing countries. In this view my country is extremely unhappy to learn that the Western Atlantic Fisheries Development Project is forced to terminate on 31 December , due to lack of funds. I may urgently request you to convey my country's great concern to the Director-General and request his willingness to look after ways to prevent the termination of WECAF.

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File Size: KB; Print Length: 93 pages; Publisher: Editions L'Harmattan ( December 1, ); Publication Date: December 1, ; Sold by: De Marque. - Buy Sur les routes de la faim comment survivre au sahel book online at best prices in india on Read Sur les routes de la faim comment.

Against the background of fast-vanishing forest resources elsewhere in the humid tropics, the vast forest estate of my country seems unthreatened. This is a very exceptional circumstance, since the forests of Suriname belong to the extremely vast complex and species-rich forest ecosystems of the Amazon basin, one of the last - until recently virtually untouched - tropical forest reserves of the world. As my fellow delegate of Japan stated so correctly on this same floor: I could add to this ''And this is particularly true for tropical forest resources.

As my country has a low population density, there is, especially in the more remote areas, virtually no pressure on the forest on the part of the agricultural occupiers. This circumstance, as well as pedological considerations,makes it obvious that large areas of land can be set aside for forestry purposes - partly to accomplish the tangible productive perspectives, partly also to fulfill its necessary ecological and social functions.

This is a very unique situation, giving my country potentially the opportunity to play an important role in the international trade in tropical wood, a raw material that is becoming increasingly scarcer. Suriname recognizes the forest's important role for soil conservation and water supply, as well as the unique possibilities which the tropical rain forests offer for scientific research in many fields and tourism.

My country has underlined this with the establishing of reserves, national parks and specially protected areas over a substantial part of its territory. We hope also that from our forest-estate a constant source of bio-energy can be developed. Favorable results have been achieved with charcoal-production especially in the preparation of cleared land preceding the converting of forests to agriculture. Furthermore attention will be given to the possibility of producing fossil-fuel substituting substances from biomass, which for Suriname, as a country with only small proven oil-reserves, is a matter of paramount intereest.

The achievement of the production targets in my country requires an expansion of 7 hectares of land for crops and pastures and a rehabilitation of an existing area of 35 hectares. When productive, this will reduce the import bill for foodstuffs and feed quite substantially in to about 40 percent of the present level. For rice in an export of tons is envisaged. These actions will require immense inputs from our people, and I am convinced that all are prepared to fully contribute to the realization of this development.

Let us bear in mind an old saying that "each development of a nation is a constant battle between its own history and its future". Let us hope there will be no losers in the battle, but only winners: Chairman, in view of what I have stated, the FAO programme for and is fully supported by my delegation. I have no doubt that all that has already been stated and as yet will be stated by the delegates attending this Conference will receive serious attention for further elaboration by FAO. Au-dessus de ce prix minimum, toutes les transactions sont totalement libres entre l'offre et la demande.

Je suis convaincu qu'il lui permettra d'atteindre, au cours de son nouveau mandat, de nouvelles performances. Hay que tener en cuenta que, a nivel mundial, apenas si se trabaja efectivamente menos del 50 por ciento de la tierra cultivable. Producir nuevamente en forma barata un insumo para satisfacer las necesidades de las clases medias y altas de la sociedad de consumo. La estrategia internacional del desarrollo, formulada por las Naciones Unidas, para el tercer decenio.

Sierra Leone is classified amongst the most seriously affected countries of the world. Like most Third World Countries, we have been confronted over the years with problems of agricultural development and food production to the extent that we have had to import our staple food, rice, to make up for the deficit in local production. Before , our food production averaged between five and ten percent of our consumption needs. Over the last three years, this figure has increased to the startling level of twenty percent, with the possibility of a further increase unless an all-out war is waged against the trend.

The irony is that this deterioration in our food situation has coincided with an increased government investment in agriculture and agro-based industries. While it has been necessary to take a critical look at our agricultural development strategy, it is obvious that the negative trend in the food situation, necessitating greater food imports, began with abnormal weather fluctuations in Considering the fact that nearly 65 percent of Sierra Leone's total rice production is carried out in the rainfed upland areas in subsistence farming patterns, the consequences of an early or a more prolonged rainfall have proved disastrous.

As a matter of policy, my government emphasizes swamp rice farming; nothwithstanding its social and economic setbacks. The main thrust of our agricultural development programme has continued to be the integrated rural development approach, with swamp rice farming as the focal point. For us to evaluate the socio-economic impact of projects on the local community, we have established the need for baseline studies which inadvertently were omitted in earlier projects.

We have found an urgent need to introduce an appropriate form of irrigation and drainage programme in addition to establishing a division of Land and Water Resources Development within the Ministry if our agriculture is to be less susceptible to weather fluctuations. By this strategy, we hope to reduce the dependence of rice production on the rainfed pattern of farming.

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  • Bloc-notes: l'Europe bonasse ne peut faire rêver - Liberté d'expression.
  • Molecular Genetics of Liver Neoplasia (Cancer Genetics).
  • Hardknock MBA.
  • Star Frontier: Beyond the Veil.

Notwithstanding the significant local efforts to improve food production in the country within severe limitations in terms of finance and manpower, substantial bilateral and multilateral assistance will continue to be necessary if meaningful results are to be realized. I wish to add with gratitude, that the FAO in particular, has played and continues to play a prominent role in project identification and preparation for the agricultural sector of my country.

My delegation at this point appeals to all donor countries to continue to courageously and generously support the programme of the FAO. With the rapid decline in the earnings from mineral resources, mainly diamonds, we have no alternative but to give topmost priority to agriculture and rural development which receives about 25 percent of our development budget. Also, in order to make maximum use of our scare resources, a comprehensive institutional and structural reorganization is underway, part of which has been the convening of a donor conference by the Government early this year to study the modalities of coordination of assistance programmes in the agricultural sector in the country.

While we recognize price incentives to induce increased food production, the lack of sustainable social security systems comparable to those of developed countries will certainly pose serious economic and social if not political problems with regard to policies on subsidies especially for most staple food commodities in developing countries.

We believe that a closer study of the concept of price incentives and subsidies as a strategy to increased food production should be more closely studied. The present upward trend in pre- and post-harvest losses of basic food crops has highlighted the need for effective crop protection and storage programmes. Aware particularly of the rapid increase in the prices of petrol, and petrol-based fuels, my Government has intensified its forestry programme by assisting local communities to grow their own forests for fuel wood. As part of the drive to achieve self-sufficiency in food, studies have been carried out with the aim of rationalizing and developing the livestock and fisheries sector of agriculture.

Accordingly, an FAO assisted fisheries development project in exclusive economic zones is already in progress. Under the scheme, the artisanal fisheries sector has been given a boost through a bilateral project with an integrated approach geared to the needs of the community. Similarly, livestock development projects with emphasis on the multiplication and improved status of the indigenous trypano-tolerant N'dama cattle breed and small ruminants have been identified and prepared for funding either as entity projects or as components of the integrated development approach.

One major limiting factor in the implementation of the on-going projects, as well as those already prepared, is the local financial contribution, which as a matter of criterion averages around 15 percent of total project costs. In the light of the I. F imposed limitations on borrowing and expenditure, our rural development and food production targets have reached a crisis point that calls for a more sympathetic and realistic appraisal from the point of view of external assistance.

General cost over-runs resulting from global inflation, high importations of expensive farm inputs, including the escalating cost of fuel, have exceeded the annual local budgetary allocations to agriculture. While considering that each case must be viewed in the light of the prevailing economic social and political circumstances in the respective affected countries, there certainly is a need to re-examine the socio-economic conditions in African countries as the priccj for export raw-materials and finished industrialized products are not determined by these countries, and in any case are seldom to their advantage.

Global food shortage, hunger and malnutrition should remind industrialized nations that there is no moral justification to protect the well-fed against the hungry. However, the world economic situation has made developing countries increasingly aware of the need to be self-reliant at national regional and sub-regional levels. The political will already exists; all that is needed, is a good start with adequate bilateral and multilateral support so that we can introduce positive co-efficients into our production targets.

In view of this, my delegation fully supports the programme of work and budget proposed by the Director-General for the biennium. Finally, my delegation wishes to reaffirm its faith in the role of the FAO and the courageous leadership of Dr. Edouard Saouma, the Director-General. It is fitting therefore that on his re-election for another term, I should take this opportunity to convey the compliments and congratulations of President Dr. Chairman, before I take my seat I would like in my capacity as Chairman of the Governing Council of the Centre for Integrated Development in Africa to appeal to fellow ministers and Heads of African Delegations to expedite the ratification of the agreement establishing a centre in Arusha, Tanzania.

We are now in the process of appointing a director of the Centre, a process that will be completed before the end of this biennium. May I also congratulate the Chairman and members of the group on their able leadership during this Conference. My Minister had planned to be here today but political difficulties in Parliament have unfortunately kept him in Copenhagen and he has asked me to read his statement. First of all, Mr. Chairman, I would like to congratulate you and the whole bureau on your election. Secondly I would like to congratulate the Director-General on his re-election.

May I also wish the new members of the Organization welcome. Our deliberations during this conference are based on the very comprehensive and thought-provoking set of documentation presented by the Director-General. I would like to express my appreciation of this, and of the inspiring presentation of the complicated problems we are facing, contained in the Director-General's opening statement.

The problems are indeed complicated. It is undertstandable that a pessimistic undertone is prevalent in the state of food and agriculture situation of today. I am not going to repeat what is in the documentation. The purpose of a conference like this - where people responsible for the world's food and agricultural policies are meeting - cannot be to describe the situation.

We must, as responsible politicians, establish a policy which can improve the situation. In my opinion two aspects are needed to be borne in mind when attempting to arrive at political solutions:. Firstly, the alarming food situation in the world has been brought about by different causes in individual countries and regions. In some cases the difficulties are of a temporary nature, due to either sudden bad weather situations or due to natural or man-made emergency situations.

In other cases the alarming situation is of a more permanent nature, caused by an inbalance between increasing demand for food together with stagnating or even decreasing food production. Denmark is, of course, prepared to assist in emergency situations. In this connection it is, however, important to underline that the prime aim of this Organization and its member countries should be to prevent hunger and malnutrition becoming permanent features anywhere in the world. The second aspect, which must be born in mind, is that the global recession has had serious consequences on the economy.

Both generally and in the agricultural sector - also in the industrialized countries with increasing numbers of jobless persons and an alarming number of economic catastrophies in the agricultural sector.

C'est pas sorcier - Sur la route de Ouagadougou

The result is that during the economic recession there are unfortunately fewer resources available than would be the case in economically good periods. It is therefore today even more important that only tasks of high priority will be tackled. It is also necessary that tasks are undertaken by such organizations which are best equipped to do so. This takes me to the role of FAO. FAO is the United Nations' Organization for Food and Agriculture and as such the organization with the best possibilities to assist in planning and implementation of agricultural development projects.

The FAO Investment Centre plays a central role in the planning of development projects in this sector. There is a constant need for capital to invest in such projects. I would like to see, however, that more available resources for development of agriculture bechannelled through FAO, both from other international organizations and from member countries or from groups of member countries.

I appreciate that the Director-General has taken the initiative to discuss the co-operation with his colleague in UNDP and that the two organizations have sent a joint letter to their field representatives concerning this co-operation. We are looking forward to results from this initiative.

It would be an important result if the two organizations could bring about an increased priority to agricultural development in national development plans. The question of world food security has been discussed at many meetings since the last FAO conference. However, the many words have not resulted in sufficient practical improvements. In my opinion FAO has carried out good work in this field and I would like to see that FAO continues to play a very active role in achieving world food security.

As a practical example of the improved utilization of available resources I would like to point to the World Food Programme. The Danish government finds the work carried out by the World Food Programme excellent, and I am convinced that it would lead to a better utilization of food aid if this to a greater extent was channeled through the World Food Programme. It would also be of importance to the programme if increasing quantities of grain from the Food Aid Convention would be made available to the World Food Programme. In this connection it is worth underlining that in addition to food the programme also is in need of cash.

In this way it is also possible for member nations not in a position to offer food, to contribute to the World Food Programme with cash. I am pleased to confirm that my government is supporting the Secretariats proposal to establish the World Food Programme's pledging target for at 1 million dollars. Denmark is among the major donors to the World Food Programme. We are prepared to increase our contribution still further. However, the new pledging target can only be reached, if new donors will join. I therefore appeal to countries with a possibility of contributing in one form or another to join as donors to the World Food Programme.

In connection with the World Food Programme I must revert to my previous mention of the relations between emergency situations and food deficit situations of a more lasting nature. We have experienced unfortunate,man-made emergency situations in Asia and Africa. It has been necessary that also the World Food Programme has assisted in such situations. However, in my opinion an undesirable trend has developed, and the Programme is utilizing resources for emergency situations which should have been made available for development projects.

Emergency assistance should have come in the form of extra-budgetary resources through the International Emergency Food Reserve. However, I note with satisfaction that this year the target for the reserve of tons of grain annually will be reached. In this connection I am pleased to inform you that my government is supporting the proposal for pledging conferences every two years in order to assure an increasing and more stabilized contribution to the International Emergency Food Reserve.

The agricultural sector should produce food enough to satisfy a growing world population. The main aim of FAO is to assist in achieving this goal. This is fully supported by my government. At the same time increased employment must be brought about, both in the agricultural and in other economic sectors, in order to improve the purchasing power, since this would enable people to buy food rather than receiving aid.

FAO is assisting this development through development projects and also through the World Food Programme. The follow-up to the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development is another activity in FAO's programme of work to which my government is attaching high priority. We are placing importance on the aspects included in the conference document concerning national strategies, people's participation, and integration of women in the development process. Some years have now passed since the conference, and we would have liked to see even greater progress and more concrete proposals in this field.

I ask myself, if the conclusions reached at the conference have had enough influence on the work carried out in FAO's different departments. The problem of scarce resources becomes very evident, also when talking about energy. The problems concerning energy were recently the subject of a separate conference in Nairobi. FAO will in cooperation with other specialized agencies and financial institutions have an important role to play in the energy sector during the follow-up to this conference.

The document prepared for this conference analyses the situation in the agricultural sector and proposes different possibilities for a better utilization of resources. I take it that the action programme and the report from the Nairobi conference are being studied by all departments in FAO and will be taken into consideration in FAO's programmes.

I would, however, be concerned if proposals for new activities in the form of energy programmes would require new financing; if necessary, it should be at the expense of other activities. The need for improved utilization of available resources is a point which I would also like to repeat in respect of FAO's budget in general. FAO has a large number of on-going activities, and it will be necessary to exercise caution in order that activities will not be spread over too many areas. In the present resource situation it will increasingly be necessary to place priority on some programmes and to concentrate on the most important.

I have earlier pointed to some areas which we think should have the highest priority, and others which necessarily will have to receive a lower priority. Denmark would like to give credit to the Director-General's efforts in concentrating priorities on some programmes and in utilizing available resources in a manner so as to avoid a large increase in administration. In one area, however, it has been proposed to bring about a considerable expansion of personnel, that is in the area of FAO Representatives.

This we could accept, if at the same time a decentralization of responsibility to the field level would take place,I note, however, with concern that this attempt has not been accompanied by a reduction in the allocation to Regional Offices. It is also a question whether it is not necessary to scale down or to stop work on some technical or economic programmes which are not directly concerned with development work. FAO should concentrate even more towards becoming an action-oriented organization. As examples of this I can mention FAO's seed development programme, which in my opinion should have a high priority together.

On the other hand I as a representative of a European country would like to raise the question whether activities in Europe could not be further scaled down for the benefit of inputs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America? The Danish delegation will take up these aspects during the work in the Commissions. Chairman, the problems concerning available resources is re-appearing when each individual member nation considers how best to contribute to the improvement of the food and agricultural situation in the world.

In some cases I think that the international organizations are better suited to administer development support than individual donor countries. This is for example the case with food aid where the World Food Programme is carrying out excellent work. In other cases the individual donor countries could have a better background to work on a bilateral basis. Obviously governments in developing countries have a particular responsibility. It is important that the development is taking place in such areas where specific natural advantages are present. If this principle is not followed, the risk of disturbing traditional currents of trade may result, and the optimal utilization of resources is therefore not achieved.

With respect to Denmark I ask myself how we can best contribute on the basis of our experience. Denmark is now an industrialized country. However, we have an important agricultural sector, which has gone through a far-reaching adjustment process;this has continued also in the last few years. We are producing far more food than we need. It is natural for Denmark to contribute substantially to the World Food Programme.

I can add that we have continuously been increasing this contribution. Together with Danish industry and the World Food Programme we have in this connection been working on the development of a new meat product of high nutritional value, which will enable us to increase our deliveries to the programme within the same amount of funds. The adjustment process which the Danish agricultural sector has been through has given us an experience and a technological knowledge, which we believe developing countries could benefit from.

Also Danish commercial firms have increasingly made use of this know-how in developing countries. I hope that this experience can be further utilized. We are ready to continue our participation in international development work in connection with well-defined development projects. With this promise, Mr. Chairman, I conclude in wishing the Director-General and his staff all the best in their future work. Au Cap-Vert, il est urgent de transformer les modes de faire valoir qui dominent actuellement dans l'agriculture.

Je voudrais citer ici un exemple: Occupa la presidencia, Claude Batault, Vicepresidente de la Plenaria. I should also like to congratulate the Director General on his re-election for a further period of six years. I should also like to thank my brother ministers from the Asian block who nominated me for the post of Vice Chairman.

Jayawardene, came into power with an overwhelming majority. Our of an electorate of , the United National Party won I repeat this incident for one reason: The weekly ration, that was originally two measures of rice, was reduced by the former government to half a measure. They introduced very stringent restrictions. Two measures of rice could not be transported from one village to another.

The queues to purchase bread were miles long. Because it was uncontrollable, the government of the day issued bread cards for people to come and buy a loaf of bread. A week before May Day of , my President, the leader of my party, announced that he was going to get 10 people to carry two measures of rice from all parts of the island to Colombo, the capital city, where the May Day celebrations were held, to defy the ban. The government immediately published a gazette notice revoking the limitation they had imposed. It is against this background that the general elections of were held.

I do not think that in any democratic country so many electorates have been won by one party: In his campaign the leader of my party, the present President gave a promise that he would feed the nation and that he would abolish queues. He promised the people 8 lbs. To keep his word, when he entrusted the portfolio of Agriculture to me, he told me: You must, within the lifetime of this Parliament, that goes on until , make Sri Lanka self-sufficient in her staple food, which is rice. In the total crop in the whole island was 55 million bushels of paddy.

In we were able to increase it to million bushels, almost doubling the crop of This could not have been done unless we had had a new approach to agriculture. We found that the bureaucracy that worked the Agricultural Department and Agriculture Ministry were satisfied with collecting statistics. There was no push in their work. Therefore I went before the Cabinet and obtained permission to appoint 4 cultivation officers to look after the 4 headmen's divisions into which our island is divided.

The cultivation officer meets the farmer at the grassroots level. He helps the farmer to get all his inputs. To enable us to give the farmer all his requirements under one umbrella, I built agrarian service centres, about 3 centres per electorate. Under this one roof the farmer can obtain his bank loan, his seed material, his fertilizer, his agricultural crop insurance and his tractor power.

This enabled our farmers to keep to a cultivation programme. This helped us to properly distribute our water. Today, under the new agrarian reform law, we control the issue of water in the irrigated area.

Buy for others

In the mountains in the centre of our country, we have plentiful rainfall. In a certain area the annual rainfall is over inches. All this rain that falls in the mountains flows down to the lowland areas where, thanks to our ancient kings, hundreds of thousands of tanks have been built to store this water that flows down from the mountains. This water is carried through channels onto the lowlands where the rainfall is not so much as in the higher lands. These cultivation officers who are attached to the agrarian service centres look after farm families.

This limiting of the number of farm families that they have to service has enabled us to give the farmers a very efficient service,, which has made possible the doubling of the paddy crop in a short period of three years. In to over a thousand million bushels of rice was imported into the country. When we took over the country in , the previous government had ordered tonnes of rice.

In we ordered only 80 tonnes of rice. I hope that in we shall not have to order a single tonne of rice because we shall be self-sufficient. To enable us to help the farmer my government subsidizes fertilizers up to an amount of 1 rupees. We also give a guaranteed price to the farmer so that he will not be exploited by the middle man, the trader, by an institution known as the Paddy Marketing Board that pays 57 rupees and 50 cents guaranteed price for a bushel of paddy.

We also have rice distribution centres. Of course this does not prevent the trader paying a bigger price and buying it. We will not interfere with the price of paddy rice. During the last season some of our farmers got 80 rupees for a bushel of rice. As Minister of Agriculture I was very happy. At the same time as a politician we have to think of the consumer. If we have 3 farmers we have. To enable the consumer to have a kilogram of rice at a reasonable price we have several mills controlled by the Paddy Marketing Board that mills the paddy and sells it to the consumer at 5 rupees and 65 cents per kilogram.

The other constraint that we have is sugar.