Railway Nostalgia Seen in the Picture Postcard Joshinetsu and Chuo Line Edition (Japanese Edition)

It is one of the best passes to train hill climb around Nagoya. The best rap recorded by Mr. Makoto Morimoto the champion of Norikura Hill Climb for 3 consecutive years is about 17 minutes! Yabitsu-pass is very famous as a holy place or holy pass among the cyclists living around Tokyo. To reach to the top, it takes about 12km and approx. Dassai is one of the most famous brand name of high quality Sake.

It smells agreeably like sweet fruits and tastes very clear with some flaver of rice. It was brewed by small brewing maker located in the mountain at Yamaguchi pref West Japan. It is possible to visit brew chamber and learn brewing process!

Sadao Sirato

This is a extremely rare bridge-shape of discontinued railroad in Hokkaido. It is across over Lake Shuparo,and The most characteristic feature is that "Three chord truss" frame in order to harmonize with nature and cost reduction. It is hard to find such a bridge using this kind of frame structure even all over the world.

The Sado Gold mine was founded in Akaigawa village is a famus as the village located in caldera floor made by ancient volcanic activity. Akaigawa village is one of a members of "the most beautiful villages in Japan" union. Nakagawa village is not very popular for sightseeing even for Japanese. On the other hand, the view from the Jinba-gata-yama where is the symbol of the village is really great as attached picture! Nakagawa village is one of a members of "the most beautiful villages in Japan" union.

Biei is well known as the town with beautiful hills. Biei town is one of a members of "the most beautiful villages in Japan" union. Nageire-doh means "thow in". It is said that it founded in by En no Ozume. This temple, literally threw in the cliff. The building called as Gate Tower Building "Beehive" and it has 16 floors. Since it stands near Osaka Stn. Hanshin expressway company "rents" from 5th floor to 7th floor of this building for passing through this building! When you drive this "Okutadami-Silver Line", you cannot see the scene around there. Because most of this road is covered with 19 tunnels, and that total length of these tunnels is about Tour de Okinawa includes a one of the longest 1day road race in Japan for top amature racers.

The longest category requires to go km and climb more than 3,m! It will be held on Nov, It will be available to apply to join it on 1 Aug, Taushubetsu-River Bridge is a discontinued railroad line. For a long stretch of time made the bridge like a Roman aqueduct. The shape of roof called as "Gassho-Dukuri" has very characteristic!

The village is one of a members of "the most beautiful villages in Japan" union. Iide-machi or Iide town is proud of their beautiful view of ricefields and old farm houses. We can say that it is typical old traditional view for every Japanese! The town is one of a members of "the most beautiful villages in Japan" union. Tempura is one of the most famous Japanese foods.

Tsugarubino-Tama Ishi Tsugaru fireball stone is said that "heavy-light stones". Your wish will come true only if you can lift these stones. Before lifting, you might want to think your wish in your mind.

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The rice paddy field art. This marvelous art is composed of five colours of rice. People say that, to complete the Nabetachiyama-Tunnel was more difficult than any other tunnels in the world such as the Euro-Tunnel or the Seikan-Tunnel under sea tunnel. It took for 21 years to complete it!

Donated sake casks in a festival day to Shinto shrines. Aizu-Wakamatsu castle is famous for its elegant apperance, called Tsuru-ga-jo by local people. Tsujunkyo is the name of bridge 20m high and 75m long and is founded in Edo era for the pourpose of using as an irrigation canal. Though there is no handrail because it is an irrigation canal , you can cross this bridge.

Hashima, what is called "Gunkan-jima" because of its shape Gunkan means a warship. Nowdays Hashima remains as an industrial ruins ex-submarine mine. In the heyday of Gunkan-jima,there were at least 5, people engaged in the mining industry and dwelled in this tiny island about 1. Japanese beer company's building in Asakusa. It represents a schooner of beer topped with froth. Naruto channel's whirling tides, called " Uzushio". You can watch Uzushio four times in a day. Spring has come near at hand.

Before long his season will be over. Yakitori is the typical and the most popular dishes in izakayas. Sunomata Castle is famaous for the legend that it was built by Hideyoshi Toyotomi during just one night. It is also well known for a long and beautiful tunnel of cherry bloosomes! Suki-yaki is one of the most famous Japanese hot pot foods. One can go through like this type of room in Ryokan or Minshuku.

So-called "snow monkey", they might be the most famous monkey in the world. In winter, they come to take a bath every day. They looked very happy! Usuzumi-zakura is one of the three largest trees of cherry blossoms in Japan. It is over 1, years old! According to legend, it was planted an ancient Emperor named Keita-Tennoh a long long time ago. It is getting weaker and weaker because of its age, so the Doctor of trees take care it cordially. Furano is well known to its lavender fields.

The best season of its flowering time is about in the middle of July. Nayoro city located in Hokkaido pref. Hokkaido often provides us with totally different landscape like that of other parts of Japan. Kai-Komagatake is 2,m high, and its gigantic appearance especially stands out in Minami-Alps or South Alps.

This automatic vending machine sells "cup-noodle" noodle with soup. Of course including hot-water supply. Rausu Movie of Mt. Rausu Facts about Mt. Biei is one of the most beautiful villages in Japan. The night view of historical canal city, Otaru which has built in Famous night view of Mt. It commands a splendid scene from the summit m. Sapporo-miso ramen soybean paste noodle is a typical Sapporo's capital of Hokkaido noodle. It tastes nice especially in cold winter! Fukuroda-waterfall m long and 73m wide , which is one of the most famous waterfall in Japan. Sometimes it freezes fully in winter.

Famous dry landscape garden in Adachi-Museum Shimane pref. It represents the Nature by using rocks,sand and shrubs. A sunken hearth which uses for a cooking and a heater. In former days people sat around the sunken herth for a happy family get-together. One of the marvelous bridge in Japan, "Tsunoshima-Ohashi". One can cross this bridge even by bicycle. Sake tasting tour at several Sake bruweries are available during Sep-Apr.

Your can see and feel even taste!! It looks almost art!! Off course, tasting fresh Sake will be fantastic experience for everyone! Kamakura festivals take place in northern part of Japan in winter. It is located at the top of the building in JR Osaka station. You are able to see the vegetables in the farm with modern buildings. Wakura hot-springs has about years of history and especiaolly good for neuralgia,lumbago and arthralgia. Akame Shijuhachitaki is the name of gorge which is formed by limpid stream.

It has a hiking path about 4km long. And what is more, it has an unique atractions about Ninja. It is a good suggestion for family trip. West Japan Gohno-gawa Goh no river is the longest river in Chugoku district km long. Ibuki 15th Sep, Mt. Makihata 14th Sep, Mt. Poroshiri Hokkai-do, North Japan Mt.

Poroshiri 13th Sep, Misasa hot-springs Tottori pref. Shikoku The great autumnal tints of Kanka-kei.

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Kanto region The mouth of the Tone river. Tohoku district The autumnal tints of Hachimantai. Shikoku It might be difficult to tell you how dynamic this waterfall is. Kumotori 2nd Sep, Mt. Kanto region Nagatoro is name of Gorge. West Japan Daisen 1,m high is not only one of hundred great view but also one of well-known hundred mountains in Japan. Kinki region Minoo falls is located in Mino'o city. Tohoku district After the attack of Tsunami about 10m wave hight , only one pine tree has been survive.

Tohoku district Takatamatsubara Takata pine covered are is one of the hundred great scenes of Japan. Shikoku Dobuchi channel gets into the Guinness Book of World Records as the most narrow channel in the worl in We offer Fake food factory 1 day tour also possible fabrication experience tour. You can see many kinds of fake foods in this factory. Kanto region Yugama is a crater lake of Mt. Its pH value of 1. In this reason, there is no creature in this lake. Tohoku district Akka-do is the longest limestone cave in Japan 23,m long. It is located south part of Iwate pref.

Kinki region Hashihaka tomb Hashitaka Kofun is said that it is the oldest ancient burial mound, square at the front and rounded in the rear. Hashihaka tomb has a total length of meters and 30 meters high. One theory has it that this tomb is Himiko's Queen of Yamataikoku tomb, but there is no defined evidence. It was made by clay about years ago.

In my opinion, he is a quite handsome statue, particularly with his poignant gaze. This is a typical nostalgic scene of late autumn in Japan. Kanto region A cute appearance of raccoon dog is a typical motif of Shigaraki ware or Shigaraki-yaki. Kanto region Fukiware falls has another name of Oriental Niagara falls. Kyushu "Oni no sentaku ita" means "Demon's scrub board" because of the rough-edged geometry. Other famous junctions are: Edobashi jct, Misato jct,Takebashi jct.

The first witness is in and is named after the Nessie in the Loch Ness monster. Kinki region A monolith of Koza river Koza-gawa no ichimai-iwa is the most biggest monolith in Japan m high and m wide. This monolith has a folk tale related to the dog. An eyesight from Rokumeikan, about 5: Central Japan Nagoya castle is famous for a pair of golden fabulous dolphinlike fish. Tohoku district Toh-no-Hetsuri is a gorge which is formed by Okawa name of river. Kanto region Isumi Line in Chiba pref. Yotei Hokkai-do, North Japan Mt. Yotei Facts about Mt. If you want to visit this temple, you might want to reserve in advance by postcard.

Shikoku Udon is a kind of noodles and is made of plain wheat flour. Udon is one of Japanese fast foods. Okinawa "Iriomote-yamaneko" Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis are popultating only in Iriomote Island. What is the big difference of features between Iriomote-yamaneko and cat is the shape of their ears.

The top of Iriomote-yamaneko's ears are more round than cats. Kyushu Saikai bridge m long was constructed in ,and is the first toll bridge in Japan. Dai-KIretto means the big gap and is located between Mt. Yari 3,m and Mt. Central Japan "Nezameno-toko" is formed by the flow of Kiso-river. It is said that Urashimatoro, people of folklore, waked up here. Shikoku Tatsukushi coast is a dynamic and artistic view of Southern part of Kochi Pref. Hokuriku District Japanese crested ibis Nipponia nippon is one of endangered species Japan's national bird is the pheasant.

Kyushu The beautiful sunset of Yatsushiro sea. Ontake 3,m high is a mountain of faith since ancient times. Kinki region The route is the most shortest national highway in Japan. Central Japan Is this a Roman aqueduct!? Kyushu Madarajima pothole is the second largest basaltic one in the world. Tohoku district A small temple in ricefields. This is a peaceful scenen of Tono, Iwate. Tohoku district The "Godzilla" rock in Akita pref. Kyushu Early summer of Kusasenri, Mt. Tohoku district Oze is a high moor between Fukkushima pref. Tokai area Great vies of Mt.

Fuji in cloud sea. Kyushu In Beppu city, there are many hot springs only for sighseeing, as they are called Bonze Adventure. Kyushu Terrace rice-fields series, Hamanoura Terraced rice-fields in Saga pref. Kinki region "Yamadanishiki" is the best species of Sake making. Central Japan The white cyclone is a wooden roller coaster in Nagashima-spaland.

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South West of Tokyo Jufuku-ji temple is located in Kamakura area. Shirouma 2 Nagano pref. The answer of yesterday's daily recommendation.. Shirouma 1 Nagano pref. West Japan Japanese refer to some historical city as Llittle Kyoto. Kyushu Takachiho gorge was formed by the volcanic activity of Mt. West Japan Izumo Taisha is a shrine is associated with the god of marriage.

Hokuriku District A columnar joint of Tojinbo. Compare with the sightseeingboat 17th Jun, Kobe fireworks Hyogo pref. Kinki region A display of fireworks which reminds one of a particular summer season.

Railway Nostalgia Seen in the Picture Postcard Joshinetsu and Chuo Line Edition (Japanese Edition)

Kyushu A crater of Naka-Dake 1,m high , Mt. North Japan Iwamuro Onsen Iwamuro hot sprongs is a famous place of watching fireflies. Kyushu A columnar joint of Umagase, Miyazaki pref. Central Japan Though almost all of wooden towers in Japan are saped like a square, Anraku ji Anraku temple is the sole octagonal wooden tower. Kanto region One of best way to learn and feel about Japanese history and culturewith enjoyment, visit Nikko Edo Mura Nikko Edo-era theme park.

Kyushu A former samurai residence in Chiran,Kagoshima Pref. Rishiri Hokkai-do, North Japan Mt. There are lots of Hydrangea macrophylla in Meigetsuin. Hokuriku District A morning bazaar is taking place in Wajima city. West Japan Beautifu sunset of Lake Shinji. Central Japan Fuji moss phlox festival. Kyushu Tsushima Island Nagasaki pref. Shikoku Splendid view of the top of Mt. Kyushu Ayajo castle located in Ayamachi town is also called Ryubijo castle which means "Dragon Tail" as a term of endearment.

Kanto region Takeyama Shibazakura Festival is held in late April in Nakanojo town located in the north-west area of Gunma pref. Kanto region Showa village has great landscape of Jooshinetsu mountains and Katashina river where you are able to enjoy fishing. Kinki region This polished form of tower is Yakushiji-East Tower Shikoku Manniquin Pis of Japan! Tweet 14th May, National road Aomori pref.

日本 Japan ; Kozoji to Nagoya

Tohoku district In spite of a national road, it is impossible for cars to pass only in this section. Kinki region This beautiful terraced rice-fields is called Aragishima in Wakayama Pref. South Japan The name of this eccentric tree is Sakishimasuou. Central Japan This winding road is Norikura echo line about 2,m high.

Tokai area Horai bridge is registered as the longest wooden bridge in the world on The Guinness book of records. Tokai area There are 4 main routes to reach to the top of Mt. Tokai area Official season of climbing Mt. Kyushu This shinto shrine gate was buried with the lava of Sakurajima in Hokuriku District Lake Kurobe is formed by the gigantec Kurobe dam see the yesterday's daily recommendation located at an elevation of 1,m.

Hokuriku District The Kurobe dam is the highest dam hight m in Japan. Tohoku district This phenomenon is called Kage-Chokai. Tohoku district Single-hook fishing is the typical and traditional way of Ooma's tuna fishing. Tohoku district The limpid stream of Oirase gully. It is easy to access from Senjojiki station of Komagatake aerial tramway. The route of the climb is not long we can say "short".

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So, you need to be careful for your safety. There used to be said that Tsukumo-jima, meaning 99 islands. But this inlet was risen about 2. Many islands now, hill in the rice paddy fields remind us of former beuty islands and the inlet. Fuji and pine trees along the coast. Mihonomatsubara is painted in a Japanese woodblock printing,what is called "Ukiyoe," by Kitagawa Utamaro.

It was established on AD and has a lot of interesting national treasures which include not only the architectures but also Buddha statues. It is located near central of Kanazawa city. It is the longest river in Hokkaido and third in Japan. EF is able to pull maximum 26 container train about m long and which has about 8, horsepower eg,Shinkansen is cars and about m long. Sofu-Iwa is situated at lat. There is nothing around this Island. Adults only Kanamara-festival is taken place by Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki.

It is one of the strangest festivals in Japan. But it has quite serious meaning. Again, it's quite serious festival A picture linked left side is recommended for adults only. Hakusan is one of three major sacred mountains in Japan. These two main bridge towers are m above sea level. This penisula is formed by sands which are being heaped up by the Japan Current and being eroded by waves again and again for a long time.

Feature vast virgin forests of birch treees and Japanese larch trees. Especially Begonia Garden where is a special area in Nabana no Sato shows incredible beautiful view. It is one of the greatest view of Sakura in Japan. Tnku-no-noen farm means "the farm in the sky". Ninai taki is one of The best 5 Akame Shijuhachitaki means Akame forty-eight falls. Fake food in Japan. Yugama is a crater lake of Mt. Akka-do is the longest limestone cave in Japan 23,m long. Hashihaka tomb Hashitaka Kofun is said that it is the oldest ancient burial mound, square at the front and rounded in the rear.

A house frontage of a dried persimmon Hoshi-gaki farmer. A cute appearance of raccoon dog is a typical motif of Shigaraki ware or Shigaraki-yaki. Fukiware falls has another name of Oriental Niagara falls. It is said that the Hakozaki junction is the king of junction in capital freeway.

A monolith of Koza river Koza-gawa no ichimai-iwa is the most biggest monolith in Japan m high and m wide. Nagoya castle is famous for a pair of golden fabulous dolphinlike fish. Toh-no-Hetsuri is a gorge which is formed by Okawa name of river. Isumi Line in Chiba pref. The coastal scene of dried kelp Kombu in Hokkaido. Toro-nagashi is sending off the spirits of the dead on lanterns floated on the water of a river or the sea on the last day of the Bon Festival. Japanese capsule Hotels sleeping modules are getting more popular year by year in the world. If you visit the "Koke-dera" Moss temple , you might feel a sense of Wabi Sabi.

Udon is a kind of noodles and is made of plain wheat flour. Saikai bridge m long was constructed in ,and is the first toll bridge in Japan. Dai-Kiretto, Japanese, is a name of a gap in a mountain ridge of the Hida mountains. Tatsukushi coast is a dynamic and artistic view of Southern part of Kochi Pref. The rock of parent and child bear in Setana coast. A small temple in ricefields. Goldfish scooping is the typical openair stalls of festival.

The "Godzilla" rock in Akita pref. Esto fue lo que opino Chuo Torrealba del aumento salarial decretado por Maduro. Chuo Torrealba agradece al Nuncio Apostolico su "intervencion humanitaria en favor de los presos politicos". Mira lo que le dijo "Chuo" Torrealba a Maduro. Chuo Torrealba tras ataques: No somos las victimas que eramos antes, somos la nueva mayoria nacional.

Arriving at Tokyo Station - Chuo Line - La proxima AN va a ser muy parecida a mi, sin cabello. Jersey City, New Jersey. New York City, New York.


Kanto region Takeyama Shibazakura Festival is held in late April in Nakanojo town located in the north-west area of Gunma pref. Tadanoumi coastline is one of The Great views of Japan. Tone river is the second longest river in Japan km and maximal drainage area in Japan. MO afunguka, ofisa chuo kikuu atoweka na mamilioni. Unzen 1,m high is active volcano in Kyushu. A open-air bath of Yamanashi which commands a splendid view of Kofu city and Mt.

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