5 Life Lessons Learned from the Sea

I am forever seeking more information about building strong healthy attachment with my children. Standing at that shoreline, watching the water break over my freshly painted toes, I renewed my resolve to never stop learning. I also made peace with the fact that I may never fully understand the depths and intricacies of our attachments. My job is to be a safe equipper for my child. To create an environment in which she can feel safe to inquire, to feel, to be curious, to wonder.

My goal is to give her language when she lacks the words. To respect her limits and teach her to recognize and respect them for herself. I choose to speak life into her vast future and speak honor over her history. I will teach her to take that story as her own and possess it and guard it well. There is much I can choose to do. The rest is not mine to control.

I felt refreshed simply acknowledging that. The cycles of the tides.

All of these elements of this journey of attachment challenge me to be present in exhausting, unfamiliar or uncomfortable ways. My perspective was adjusted and refreshed.

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1. Attachment is like the waves. Neither ever stops moving.

Hover or click the text box below. Content created by Creating a Family. And remember, there are no guarantees in adoption or infertility treatment. The information provided or referenced on this website should be used only as part of an overall plan to help educate you about the joys and challenges of adopting a child or dealing with infertility.

Although the following seems obvious, our attorney insists that we tell you specifically that the information provided on this site may not be appropriate or applicable to you, and despite our best efforts, it may contain errors or important omissions. If we focus on building a suitable container for good things to happen, then the Universe will take care of the rest.

Countless rivers flow into the ocean each day.

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Some of them are clean and teeming with life, and some are heavily polluted. But the ocean accepts them all. In this way, something that could be a source of great suffering, polluted water, is transformed into a source of happiness. As human beings, we have the power to do the exact same thing. This can be a cause of great suffering. However, we have the ability to end that suffering by learning to practice acceptance and working with everything that the world gives us.

There is a very simple but profound quote from Rev. Gyomay Kubose which sums up this teaching perfectly.

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But the simple truth is that there are many things that happen to us each day that are out of our hands — traffic jams, bad weather, layoffs, etc. If we can learn to approach these things from a place of acceptance, like the ocean, then we can use the currents of our spiritual practice to purify them. The ocean is a source of life for every creature on earth. In this way, we can make life better for both ourselves and others. Bio Twitter Facebook Latest Posts. Only a few days later we were pounding straight into the teeth of 35 knot winds and a moderate sea and it was incredibly lumpy.

While the weather was not quite as terrible as the days previously it affected us a lot more because we were trying to go directly in the face of it.

Looking for the patterns:

In all things in life there will be times where things happen easily and other times where you really have to fight and suffer to get where you want to go. Sometimes it is circumstance; sometimes it is the manner of your approach. But know that they will always change.

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If you stick to your course be prepared to be battered around from time to time but stay true and you will eventually reach your destination. While being at sea may seem like a calm and serene endeavor things can happen very fast and get dangerous very quickly. Every person needs a high degree of self-leadership in order to ensure that they are competent and ready to perform any task when required.

10 invaluable life lessons you learn living on the ocean

When a dangerous situation unfolds at sea people must react and the person in charge must take charge effectively. There is nothing to help you apart from the people and equipment on that vessel. People need to show faith in the leadership and the leaders need to show strong command. A lack of leadership is not life or death in most situations as it can be at sea.

Lessons from the Ocean on Attachment - Creating a Family | Creating a Family

But strong leadership, both of oneself and of others, is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve goals. Always develop your leadership abilities because it will stand you in good stead whatever you do. At sea you must rely on your ship mates for everything. You have to work with them, eat with them, live with them and socialize with them.

You cannot isolate yourself and try and survive on your own. People in regular society often try and be a lone ranger because they cannot trust others.

2. Mother Nature is capricious, and She rules all.

Only a few days later we were pounding straight into the teeth of 35 knot winds and a moderate sea and it was incredibly lumpy. Brad Alexander Brad Alexander writes about personal development for young men, helping people navigate the difficult transition in the modern day from boyhood to manhood. Get regular inspiration to keep focused and on track. He is the owner of AsiaDivingVacation. Did you enjoy this post? As soon as I stepped aboard, I knew I was going to have to let go of some personal boundaries. As technology improves we seek to wield more and more control over the natural world.

Some people are so fiercely self-reliant that they cannot open up and let others help them. Human relationships are so important to our welfare. Make sure you set aside time to nurture the relationships you have with those close to you. If you let your relationships slide you may just find that one day they no longer exist.