Connecticut Medical Cannabis Legal Manual

Individual caregivers or compassion centers. A single licensee may possess up to 2. Home cultivation is allowed if patient lives more than 25 miles from nearest compassion center. Patient may have up to 12 plants in a locked facility. Other conditions subject to approval by Colorado Board of Health.

Individual caregivers and dispensaries. A single licensee may possess no more than 2 ounces of usable marijuana and no more than six plants, only three of which may be mature. Dispensaries are not empowered by law; regulations have been enacted to control their operation.

Individual caregiver or dispensary.

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A single licensee may possess an amount of usable marijuana for a 1-month supply. Home cultivation is illegal. Individual caregiver or compassion center. A single licensee may possess up to a maximum of 6 ounces of marijuana and may obtain a maximum of 3 ounces of marijuana only from a compassion center in a given day period. Each patient may be registered at only a single compassion center. Other conditions subject to approval by Hawaii Department of Health. A single licensee may possess only three mature plants, four immature plants, and 1 ounce of usable marijuana at a time.

A single licensee may possess a maximum of 2. A single licensee may possess up to a day supply for personal use. Individual caregiver or self-cultivated only. If the license is not registered to a caregiver, the patient may possess up to 12 plants in a locked facility. Individual caregiver or self-cultivated.

A single licensee may possess up to 12 seedlings less than 12 inches , four mature plants, and 1 ounce of usable marijuana. Other conditions subject to approval by health division of Nevada Department of Human Resources. A single licensee may possess three mature plants, four immature plants, and 1 ounce of usable marijuana. A single licensee must obtain a prescription from a physician for the amount of marijuana required. The maximum for a day supply is 2 ounces.


A single licensee may possess a maximum of 6 ounces of usable marijuana, four mature plants, and 12 seedlings. A caregiver may provide for only four patients. PTSD was added in A single licensee may possess a maximum of 24 ounces of usable marijuana and six seedlings.

Between the caregiver and the patient, a maximum of 18 plants is allowed. Individual caregiver, compassion center, or self-cultivation. A caregiver may possess a maximum of 24 plants and 5 ounces of usable marijuana. Between a single patient and a caregiver, a maximum of 2 ounces of usable marijuana, two mature plants, and seven seedlings are permitted.


Other conditions subject to approval by Washington Board of Health. Between a patient and a caregiver, there can be a day supply, defined as 24 ounces of usable marijuana and 15 plants. Open in a separate window. Pharmacists As the use of medical marijuana gains greater acceptance, it is likely that pharmacists will be called upon to counsel patients.

Medical Facilities As states debate the most effective ways to administer a medical marijuana program, hospitals and pharmacies are commonly mandated to be in charge of distribution.

Connecticut Archives | Compassionate Certification Centers

Medical marijuana in the United States. Accessed June 25, Should marijuana be a medical option? Office of National Drug Control Policy. Federal laws pertaining to marijuana. Last week, the state health commissioner said the state will draft regulations outlining the process by which manufacturers and dispensary operators will be chosen. The bill sets forth some requirements for potential manufacturers and dispensers. States where the drug was legalized by referendum are more likely to allow more manufacturers and dispensaries, while states that legalized the drug through an act of the Legislature are more likely to restrict their programs, an analysis of state laws shows.

For example, Minnesota, whose Legislature passed a bill last month authorizing medical marijuana, will allow just two in-state manufacturers to grow the drug, and limit the number of dispensaries to four statewide. Connecticut is similarly restrictive, allowing just 10 dispensaries statewide.

State Medical Marijuana Laws

Connecticut is similarly restrictive, allowing just 10 dispensaries statewide. Oklahoma NEW comprehensive medical program approved in and listed above. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. You may only use this form to decertify a patient if you were the patient's certifying physician. Connecticut Physician Decertification Form States: Constitution means that what the federal government says, goes. Under these circumstances, intentional violation of the Controlled Substances Act could lead to fines or imprisonment for employees, closure of a facility, loss of DEA controlled-substances registration and facility licensure, and loss of federal health care funding.

Other states regulate the number of dispensaries and manufacturers on a percentage basis. Arizona, which enacted a medical marijuana law in , put regulations in place to cap the number of dispensaries at 10 percent of the total number of pharmacies in the state, or about dispensaries statewide. The law gives the state health department, state police and governor a wide berth in developing several aspects of the program.


The health commissioner would be able to decide how much to charge for medical marijuana, and has the power to add or subtract diseases the drug can be prescribed to treat. And the program could be shut down at any time. If the health department or police departments decide the program is out of control and resulting in diversion of the drug for illegal uses, the commissioner or state police superintendent can issue a recommendation to the governor to end the program immediately.

Even if the program is successful, the law has a built-in sunset provision: Skip to Main Content. Continue to article content. NCSL does not endorse the views expressed in any of the articles linked from this page. You can find it on our website or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, Google Play or your favorite podcast app.

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State Medical Marijuana Laws. Ballot Measure 2 Yes, for AZ-approved conditions, but not for dispensary purchases.

Issue 6 Details pending. Amendment 2 Details pending.

Medical Marijuana and Related Legal Aspects

Question 1 page 4. Question 3 Regulations SF , Chapter Initiative SB Initiative Question 2 page Measure 5 Final details pending. Oregon Medical Marijuana Act Effective July 1, Initiative SB Initiative WAC Marijuana rules: Patient treatment information and outcomes will be collected and used for intractable childhood epilepsy research. Yes, 5 registered nurseries across the state by region, which have been in business at least 30 years in Florida.

Yes, cancer, medical condition or seizure disorders that chronically produces symptoms that can be alleviated by low-THC products.


Is composed of no more than three-tenths percent 0. Exempt cannabidiol from the definition of marijuana and allows it to be administerd by a public university or school of medicine in Kentucky for clinical trial or expanded access program approved by the FDA. Universities in Kentucky with medical schools that are able to get a research trial. Doesn't allow for in-state production of CBD product. HB "Harper Grace's Law" University research studies with a hemp extract registration card from the state DHHS or obtained from another jurisdiction that allows removal of the products from the state.

Contains no other psychoactive substance. NEW comprehensive medical program approved in and listed above. No in-state production allowed, so products would have to be brought in. Any formal distribution system would require federal approval.