Животные России. Красная книга (Russian Edition)

Animal life

A new subspecies of Carabus Morphocarabus odoratus Motchulsky, Coleoptera: Carabidae from Putorana Plateau. Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 2 2: A new species of the genus Carabus from south-western Tuva Coleoptera: Biology of the caterpillar hunter Callisthenes s. A new subspecies of Carabus Semnocarabus erosus Motchulsky, Coleoptera: Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 3 1: A new subspecies of the caterpillar hunter Callisthenes s.

  • Dulce amanecer (Mira) (Spanish Edition).
  • List of mammals of Russia.
  • BARDE (Un chevalier sans visage t. 3) (French Edition).
  • Solid, Stable and Strong: Heal From the Inside Out?

Description of the larva of Carabus Morphocarabus gebleri ultimus Coleoptera: A new subspecies of the caterpillar hunter Calosoma deserticola Semenov, from Mongolia Coleoptera: Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 13 1: The larva of Carabus Morphocarabus gebleri ultimus Coleoptera, Carabidae. Two new subspecies of Carabus Limnocarabus clathratus Linne, Coleoptera: Carabidae Acta Entomologica Slovenica, Vol.

  • List of insects in the Red Data Book of Russia - Wikipedia.
  • The Power of Non-Violence.
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  • кречетов - English translation – Linguee;

A natural interspecific hybrid between Carabus Morphocarabus odoratus Motchulsky, and Carabus Carabus arvensis Herbst, Coleoptera: The proposal of a substitute name Carabus sibiricus fossulaticus pro Carabus sibiricus fossulatus Dejean, nec Quensel, Coleoptera: The description of a natural interspecific hybrid between Carabus Morphocarabus odoratus Motchulsky, and Carabus Carabus arvensis Herbst, Coleoptera: New taxa of the tribe Carabini Coleoptera, Carabidae.

A new subspecies of Carabus Morphocarabus venustus Morawitz, Coleoptera: Carabidae from Furugelma Island. A new subspecies of Callisthenes Callisphaena reticulatus Fabricius, from the Kazakhstan and Orenburg region. Red Data Book of the Khabarovsky Krai, ; But, in fact, the vulnerability of the species on the territory of Russia retained an extremely high level.

The occurrence of the species in Khingansky and Komsomolsky Reserves and in the Bikin National Park Table 2 is indicated on the basis of individual meetings, so they cannot serve as reserve sites of the turtle because of its low abundance in these areas. In the spring and autumn seasons in , places of breeding of the Chinese soft-shell turtle spits for egg-laying were simultaneously flooded in three main populations: It should be noted that there are two sites in the Primorsky Krai, which are important for the conservation of rare species of herpetofauna, and where P.

The last mentioned species is listed in three regional Red Data Books Table 3 , and its recent find in the Amur region suggests the entry of O. The first site is located on the north-west coast of Khanka Lake and, unfortunately, does not fall within the borders of the Khankaisky Reserve and its buffer zones.

Category:Red Book of Russia

The second site is located in the middle reaches of the Arsen'evka river. Both sites have many convenient places for breeding of P. It is necessary to create protected areas in these mentioned locations. It is interesting to find out how the Far Eastern amphibians and reptiles are represented in the regional Red Data Books.

The findings are shown in Table 3. And three of them are prime candidates for inclusion: Fifteen species of amphibians and reptiles Of the 37 species of Far Eastern amphibians and reptiles, except for the adventitious species P ridibundus, 36 are represented in 35 Reserves and National Parks of the federal level. Each of the five remaining species E. Three new protected areas are necessary to organize in the south of the Russian Far East: There are 28 Of these, 15 species It is necessary to consider the inclusion of the Sakhalin population of S.

We are grateful to the following colleagues for their valuable information concerning observation points: Tagi-rova Pacific National University ; E. Ignatenko Zeisky Reserve ; I. Gorobeiko Bastak Reserve ; V. V Bobrovsky Komsomol-sky Reserve , V. Kryukov Lazovsky Reserve ; N. Sokolova Udegeyskaya Legenda National Park. On protection of amphibians and reptiles in Khabarovsk Province. On the Distribution of Pelodiscus sinensis Wiegmann, Testudines: Tri-onychidae in the Russian Far East.

Russian Journal of Herpetology Russian Journal of Herpetology 13 2: Checklist of vertebrate animals of the Botchinskii Nature Reserve and its surrounding restricted zone. Amurian Zoological Journal 3 1: New data on amphibians and reptiles distribution in the Russian Far East. Russian Journal of Herpetology 7 2: Colored Atlas of the Reptiles of the North Eurasia.

Pages in category "Red Book of Russia"

Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Necessity of creation of a natural protected territory in the basin of Anyui River. Fauna of Bastak Nature Reserve. The representativeness of the system Federal protected areas in the relation to amphibians and reptiles In: National protected areas of the Russian Federation: GAP analysis and perspective framework.

Rare vertebrate animals of the Soviet Far East and their conservation. On distribution of frogs of the genus Rana in Yakutia.


Herpetological investigations in Siberia and the Far East. New data on Distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Yakutia.

Full text (russian)

The same unfortunately happened to [ It is necessary to consider the inclusion of the Sakhalin population of S. The proposal of a substitute name Carabus sibiricus fossulaticus pro Carabus sibiricus fossulatus Dejean, nec Quensel, Coleoptera: List of mammals of Europe. Russian Journal of Herpetology 21 3: Udegeyskaya Legenda 43 N Prim - -? Morawitz, Coleoptera, Carabidae.

On protection of amphibians and reptiles of Siberia and the Far East of the U. Protection of amphibians and reptiles in reserves of Russian Republic. Amphibians and Reptiles of Protected Areas. Plants and animals of the Sikhote-Alin Reserve. Amphibians and Reptiles of Russia. Species of the fauna of Russia: On the herpetofauna of Shantar Islands.

Amphibian Species of the Word 6. Biota of the Russian Waters of the Sea of Japan. Herpetofauna of the Upper Zeya. Reserve of the Amur region. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Upper Amur River area. New data on the Herpetofauna of the Bureya River. Current Studies in Herpe-tology 2: Zov Tigra National Park.

Красная книга России (рассказывает Владимир Кревер)

Amphibians of the Russian Far East. The inventory of terrestrial vertebrates of Lazovsky Nature Reserve. The fauna of amphibians and reptiles Komsomol'skiy State Reserve. Ethnography studies in the regions of Russia: Proceedings of Russian scientific-practical Conference dedicated to the Memory of A.

Kurentsov and his th Birth. Ecology of lizard Lacerta vivipara inhabiting Komsomolskiy Nature Reserve. About the centres of genetic diversity and origin Newts genus Salamandrella Salamandrella keyserlingii, Salamandrella schrensckii, amphibia, cauda, hunobiidae. Genetic structure of population of Schrenck Newt Salamandrella schrenckii based on mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b variability data.

Molecular Biology 43 1: Herpetological Review 29 2: Vertebrates of Ussuriisky Reserve: The problems of conservation of rare species of amphibians and reptiles in Primorsky region.

Proceedings of the first International environmental forum. Far Eastern University Publishing House. Mountain grass lizard in Khankaiskii Nature Reserve. The Problems of Herpetology. Proceedings of the 3th Meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society.