Karl der Große: Gewalt und Glaube (German Edition)


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Download Karl Der Große: Gewalt Und Glaube (German Edition)

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Download Karl Der Große Gewalt Und Glaube German Edition 2013

All in all, the book offers its envisaged audience a wealth of insights and stories, through which Charlemagne and the world he knew come to life, and this will no doubt inspire curiosity and interest in non-specialist readers. However, to a specialist of the period there are some issues with Fried's narrative, and with the interpretation of the early medieval texts that form the basis of what we know about Charlemagne.

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The first problem concerns the amount of agency assigned to Charlemagne in this book, who according to the author was almost single-handedly responsible for re-organising the exploitation of royal land , the revival of learning , and even the introduction of "modern" thinking in Europe In these instances, Fried paints a Charlemagne disconnected from the time and place in which he lived--to mention just one example, only Fried's Charlemagne understood how important it was "to establish the first step in the rationalization of European intellectual culture" This Charlemagne "the visionary" does, moreover, not seem to be the same person as the emperor we encounter in the sixth chapter of the book, that emphasises his reliance on a group of highly educated scholars and other intellectuals in more or less every decision he took.

Secondly, Fried occasionally overstretches his interpretation of primary sources, for instance when he makes a case for the Annales Regni Francorum as a receptacle for some of Charlemagne's earliest memories Without any further evidence, for instance, Fried interprets the brief entry into the Annales of the birth and death of Pepin, Charlemagne's brother who lived just three years, as a reflection of Charlemagne's personal emotions: In these cases, the step between careful hypothesis the idea that Charlemagne may have had influence on the contents of the Annales Regni Francorum and stated fact "The Annales Regni Francorum reflect Charlemagne's youth" is taken too easily, and conclusions drawn in these instances are therefore somewhat rash.


During his reign, many scholars from all over Europe flocked to his court, encouraging the translation of classic Greek texts into Latin and Germanic languages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The relations between Charlemagne and the two Popes he worked with is an obvious line to start with, since his coronation in late set the stage for Church-State conflicts going forward. Charlemagne was born and raised as a devout Christian and followed Church doctrine closely. Aber war er das wirklich?

Another example is how Fried reads one admonishment against superstitious practices in the Admonitio Generalis of as the king's intention to fully wipe out paganism. Here, too, the author allows himself to jump to conclusions not based on careful analysis of the texts. In third place is Fried's liberal use of his rich imagination, and the way in which he presents such ideas as entirely self-evident.

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Even though he admits that it is impossible to know what made Charlemagne tick, act, and feel , Fried freely ascribes "suppressed memories of his childhood" to him 41 , opens the possibility that Charlemagne was uncomfortable with the "cultural backwardness" of his kingdom as compared to the culture of Byzantium "We cannot prove it, but it seems plausible" [80] , and states without reserve that just being a warring king was not enough for him, since he "wanted something more, and something different Of course, every biography contains a certain amount of well-informed imagination, but it seems that in the instances just mentioned, Fried romanticises the emperor and pushes his descriptions beyond anything we can reasonably assume.

Even though these issues make the book problematic at times, Fried at the same time has a few important messages to his readers that do much to dispel some tenacious myths about Charlemagne and his day.


Karl der Große: Gewalt und Glaube (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Johannes Fried. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or. Start reading Karl der Große: Gewalt und Glaube (German Edition) on your ); Language: German; ISBN ; ISBN

He most emphatically tries to do away with the idea that the king and emperor was "the father of Europe" in any meaningful way: What is more, early medieval Europe never became politically, religiously or culturally uniform in any sense, but was and remained colourful and diverse, featuring many languages, traditions, available knowledge and histories.