Gideons Revenge

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Gideon's Revenge

Gideon kills the kings of Midian Gideon rejects a request to be made king Gideon makes an Ephod in Ophrah that causes the Israelites to go astray The Israelites stray after other gods. Photo taken from http: Moster 07 - Judges December 17, January 2, Gideon approached Nolan for help in taking his sister down through Daniel as payback for usurping his place as the LeMarchal heir apparent, Without telling his new partner Gideon arranged the death of a call girl Daniel was seen with to bring about his downfall.

He showed no remorse for this vile act and even made Nolan complicit to force the tech guru's continued support. Gideon was so cruel that he pretended to care about Charlotte just so he could use her money. He even humiliated Charlotte by showing the video of Conrad threatening her to another woman he was sleeping with and belittled her to the woman.

He also threatened to kill Margaux and Daniel. Sign In Don't have an account? Contents [ show ]. Retrieved from " http: Puffs of steam leaked from joints in his armour. By now, his ardour was so aroused that his armour was at risk of bursting asunder. That was some booby-trap. He fumbled for the stick of charcoal that he kept behind his ear in case someone asked for his autograph. He had forgotten to take off his helmet. Gideon quickly took his helmet off, found the stick of charcoal and signed the pre-nup with it. He had never met Peronell before; yet it was already filled out with his name, date of birth, hat size and annual bath night.

It also bestowed his entire wealth upon Peronell with effect from the moment he married her. She was anxious to tell the Queen of her conquest. I wonder what I just signed. He lurked instead in a bush along a path where Peronell was known to go for walks. He lurked there for most of a day before Peronell appeared. Afraid of being seen, he had crawled into the centre of the bush. When he tried to leap onto the path to confront Peronell, the bush refused to let him go.

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Peronell stopped by the shaking bush, fascinated. She had never heard a bush swear before. Suddenly, the bush tore itself from the earth and leapt on to the path. The bush thrashed about more violently than before. At last, Gideon burst free amid a cascade of leaves, twigs and broken branches. He brushed himself off. I was hiding in it, hoping to catch you alone.

Like I said, I have a bone to pick with you.

Gideon's Revenge

The pair sat down on a fallen log beside the path and picked the last morsels of meat off the bone that Gideon had brought along for his lunch. Sitting so close to Peronell, Gideon again became bewitched by her beauty.

Gideon LeMarchal

He wanted to thrust his nose deep into her cleavage once more, but this was not a good time. You tricked me into signing a prenuptial agreement without letting me read it first. Well, a girl has to protect her interests. What if you run off and get eaten by a dragon or something? Where would that leave me? I will let you keep your jockey shorts. He sank into the depths of depression. He had been standing over a sink hole. He climbed out of the depression, and then went off to seek Solace at the inn.

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I got them to witness your signature later. He's going to make Scott Pilgrim pay. They had run some way before she managed to jerk Gullveig to a halt, pulling them both to the floor. It kept me glued to the screen and I laughed a lot: Abimelech then used the silver to hire some lawless, dangerous men as his followers.

Solace was a barmaid there. She always had a kindly word for woeful customers. He stretched across the bar and impulsively kissed the startled barmaid; after which she impulsively smote him with a beer mug. Peronell was aware of the flaw in her plan. Gideon had promised to wed her, but what if he changed his mind?

It would take too long to sue him for breach of promise, and a good lawyer would cost more than she could afford. There was only one thing for it. She would have to stage a shotgun wedding. All they had to do was ensure his attendance. Peronell sought counsel from the Queen. We can keep him in the royal dungeon until the wedding. She called a secret meeting with her sisters to plan the deed.

It was so secret that nobody knew of it, so nobody turned up. She called a second meeting. This time she sent out a notice by messenger. After serving the notice, the messenger flushed himself down the toilet. It was only after he had gone through the motions that he remembered … it was just the message that he was supposed to flush down the toilet.

Capturing Gideon was not as easy as Peronell had hoped. He never went out at night. During the day, he stayed close to crowds. That was good news for the kidnappers, but they still had to catch Gideon alone. The town was crowded; but there were dark alleys into which an unsuspecting victim might be lured. The princesses lurked in one of the darkest of these, waiting for Gideon to stroll by.

Gideon stopped and peered into the darkness.

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He could see the vague shape of a woman sprawled on the ground next to an overflowing rubbish bin. I need you to come in here and rescue me. Get yourself in here right now and start rescuing me. For a wench who seeks rescue, this one is unseemly rude. But maybe she really was hurt.

He decided to call an ambulance, just in case. He found a homeless man warming his hands by a fire, and he paid him a gold piece to call the ambulance by smoke signal. The homeless man, being poorly educated, got the number of puffs wrong and called a pizza parlour by mistake.

The princesses did not get the right man that day; but it was not entirely wasted. Force did not work , the Queen reasoned, but maybe subterfuge would. Gideon had paid for his knighthood; but he had not been invested. This gave her good reason to command his presence at the palace for investiture.

He had no choice but to obey the Queen or lose his knighthood. As an approved visitor, Gideon did not expect to be cast into the moat. Even so, he approached the palace with trepidation. As he stepped on to the drawbridge, he peered at the murky water below, and then jumped back in fright. A hairy monster had peered back at him.

It was his reflection. I really must get myself a shave and a haircut, he thought. He reached a massive wooden gate at the end of the drawbridge. He hammered it with his fists, and finally started to kick it. The opening revealed the scowling face of Princess Ethelinda. The gate opened to the sound of clanking chains, grinding gears and the grunting of a slave straining at the winch.

Now come with me. He followed Ethelinda through a labyrinth of stairwells and corridors.

Far below the reach of daylight, the way was lit by flickering torches fixed to stone walls. They passed a number of rooms whose doors were made entirely of steel grills. This is where you have your vigil. Ethelinda rolled her eyes. Left alone, Gideon wondered what kind of stuff he should think about. He missed breakfast that morning, so he mostly thought about food.

Almost as if she had heard his thoughts, Rusalka arrived with a basket of bread and cheese. I was hoping Virgil would bring me something to eat. You will be going to your wedding. That was just a ruse to get you here. They will keep you alive for at least long enough for Peronell to invoke your pre-nup. What am I to do? Rusalka had already put the first part of her plan into effect. Earlier that day, she met with her mother and three sisters to discuss details of the wedding. Are you willing to do that?

I no longer have the power to change the law. It will be centuries before the vow of obedience is dropped from wedding ceremonies. Nobody takes much notice of the groom. So now he wants to be the bride and have everyone make a fuss over him. If you insist on being the bride, you will have to do whatever Gideon says.

The first thing he will do is order you to tear up the prenuptial agreement. Is that what you want? You can escort him to the chapel after I have finished with him. Rusalka had done her best to make it so, but he still had to suck his tummy in before she could do up the buttons. Once they were done up, the dress left no room for his tummy to sag back into its customary shape.

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It would be like marrying a can of beans. In truth, Gideon looked more like a carnival ghost than a bride, except carnival ghosts did not often carry bouquets of pink blooms around with them. Rusalka surveyed him critically. He will have to do, she thought. The princesses took Gideon with them through the labyrinth that led to the chapel. They arrived without noticing that Rusalka was no longer with them.

The chapel was packed with people. Every seat in the house had been sold, so there was nothing for anyone to sit on.