Au-delà du mal (French Edition)

The chilling denouement will hold readers spellbound until the shattering, unforgettable conclusion. Trade Paperback , pages. Published by Chicago Review Press first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about By Reason of Insanity , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about By Reason of Insanity. Lists with This Book. Apr 01, TK rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book is not your typical noir novel. It is much more. Dense and, yet, in some ways bleak and sparse.

It tells the story of an escaped mental patient and the detective who chases him across America. But this isn't a Harrison Ford-like fugitive; this fugitive kills. And he kills to simply kill. The narrative is straight forwad: But does anyon One word: But does anyone really know why someone is compelled to enact heinous crimes on strangers?

Besides a schmaltzy sub-plot of the killer trying to understand where he came from via a search for his real father , and some heavy-laden mommy issues, this book is one that will never be forgotten. Few books leave me this flustered, yet gratified with my reading experience.

Jan 05, Dawn G rated it liked it. Quite a long ride this book! Very dark, graphic and intricate plot just the way I like. I would have given this book a much higher rating if not for two issues. First, I think the book could have had a less pages and been just as good, it was pages long. I do not mind a long book at all; however, it seemed to me that the author used alot of words at times when he could have made the point with much, much less. Secondly, I was a little disappointed in the ending.

I thought the author took Quite a long ride this book! I thought the author took all this time to tell the story, then rushed the ending a bit. Still, the plot was great and it never once entered my mind to not finish. Overall, good book, long journey. Come quando si va in visita agli Universal Studios Jul 31, Rob Twinem rated it it was amazing Shelves: If you are a fan and I use the term loosely of serial killers such as Edmund Kemper the you will love By Reason of Insanity.

The story of mass insane killer Thomas Bishop and the fixation of a young hungry reporter Adam Kenton to find Bishop and bring him to justice. This is a brutal and at times graphic story travelling deep into the mind of a mass murderer as he conducts his war against the world in his attempt to explain and show his hatred of women as he butchers his way across America. If I was to level one small criticism I would question the constant introduction of new characters some remaining for a very short time which tends to make the storyline a little over complicated causing the reader to have to refresh his memory on occasions.

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For a big novel the storyline moves at a frantic pace and makes for a fantastic read with a little unexpected and well thought out "sting in the tail" on the very last page I actually rated the book 4. Some will say this is the book by which all other serial killer novels should be compared and judged and they are not wrong!

Jun 09, Jack Thornsberry rated it it was amazing Recommended to Jack by: Stephen King referenced this author in one of his books so after much searching I located it at a used bookstore in Clifton Ohio, UC campus. I lived by myself at the time in a very dark neighborhood - raccoons and dogs regularly plundered around at night. I started in on this book and could not stop - had to make frequent trips around the house to check on things as I was sort of freaked out.

It did not help that I kept hearing sounds and getting startled. Scary crap from beginning to end. It Stephen King referenced this author in one of his books so after much searching I located it at a used bookstore in Clifton Ohio, UC campus. It reads like it is real, messed up from page 1 to the end. I read this book probably years ago, but it has always stuck in my mind as a very thought provoking book, shame that it's now out of print.

Jul 15, Robert Burnett rated it it was amazing. Jul 06, La. Creature oscure e irrazionali si infiltravano attraverso i muri. Demoni sanguinari che balzavano, straziavano, strappavano i muscoli dalle ossa. Identificandosi dunque con il presunto stupratore della madre, e innalzando questa figura a suo personale dio malato. Il fatto di aver avuto un altro padre fu dimenticato.

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Nella memoria ferita del ragazzo, colma di mostri e demoni infernali, di sofferenze e di punizioni spaventose, di donne che soffrivano e di uomini che le facevano soffrire, il nome di suo padre brillava. Voleva diventare come lui. Mettevano al mondo la vita nel dolore, sapendo che l'unica conseguenza sarebbe stata la morte. Questa consapevolezza, viscerale e inevitabile, le faceva impazzire oltre ogni sopportazione. Nel loro orribile tormento si scagliavano contro gli uomini, contro quelli che avevano dato loro il seme della vita e le avevano condotte quindi alla dannazione e alla morte.

Usando ogni possibile stratagemma, seducevano, asservivano e distruggevano ogni uomo alla loro portata, istintivamente, in una titanica battaglia senza tregua per la sopravvivenza, in un mondo totalmente impazzito. Ma non potevano vincere, naturalmente. Che il male incarnato e la sofferenza inaudita potessero abitare nello stesso corpo gli appariva normale quanto una donna con due seni.

Thomas accetta di perpetrare a sua volta violenza, accetta il ruolo a cui sua madre l'ha destinato in quanto maschio. Non avendo mai amato io le forse inevitabili forzature e spiegazioni stiracchiate presenti nelle trame di genere, trovo questo libro semplicemente spettacolare. Seguiamo insieme a loro l'evolversi naturale della follia omicida.

Ci sono tre cose che non mi sono piaciute di questo romanzo: Apr 01, Brent Soderstrum rated it really liked it. Stevens tells an enjoyable tale about Thomas Bishop who escapes quite masterfully from a mental health facility and begans to cross the US killing women in vicious ways. This book was written in the 's right when mass murders were becoming the rage with the likes of Charles Manson and such. Stevens gives you a look into Bishop's backround. He was raised by a mother who beat him with a leather strap a lot till he couldn't take it anymore and he killed her resulting in his residencey at Will Stevens tells an enjoyable tale about Thomas Bishop who escapes quite masterfully from a mental health facility and begans to cross the US killing women in vicious ways.

He was raised by a mother who beat him with a leather strap a lot till he couldn't take it anymore and he killed her resulting in his residencey at Willow, which was a mental facility. His father was killed in a robbery by one of his fellow robbers. His mother was also convinced his real father was Caryl Chessman who was arrested, convicted and killed for robbery and rape in the 's.

Thus Thomas thinks Chessman was his father and he begins murdering women to please his father.

Some enjoyable twists at the end. Aug 07, Anji rated it it was amazing Shelves: An absolutely enthralling journey through the life of a Psycho-sociopathic mind,I read this book in my teens and have to say I enjoyed every aspect of it,although "enjoy" is not the right word to use. This book preceded and is far superior to "American Psycho" by Brett Easton Ellis and I have often wondered why it was never adapted for the screen.

It is a well-written novel and is far superior in terms of style of writing,characterisation, and storyline,than many other serial-killer novels. This is one of the most harrowing books I have ever read. I have loaned this book to many of my friends. It is so dogearred and taped. It is also out of print. I actually would look over my shoulder to check if anyone was in the room while reading.

Few books can do that to me, but this one is a winner. Jan 02, Serena.. E quindi mi sono state detto mille volte le stesse cose.. Qualche pagina l'ho bellamente saltata e non me ne pento!

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D , era davvero troppo - lo stile: Shane Stevens ha la fastidiosa e decisamente poco gradita abitudine di intervenire random nel testo con commentini, previsioni e anticipazioni.. Ho apprezzato l'idea di ricostruire le vite delle persone che volenti o nolenti entrano nella sfera di Thomas Bishop..

Ma alcune parti sono inutili e fanno perdere il senso.. In certe pagine si alternano anche 4 POV diversi!! La me 14enne teleidiota ha visto mille puntate di serie tv con adolescenti brillanti, festaioli e socievoli.. Se si fosse limitato a questa, sarebbe un capolavoro.

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  • Au-Dela Du Mal.

Per questo ho arrotondato a tre stelline: Jun 19, Lauren rated it it was amazing. This was one of the best books I have ever read. I love the fact that this book was based on non fiction relating to the story of Caryl Chessman and then transitioning to fiction about this psychopathic mass murderer. I learned a part of history that I did not know about and I became spell bound in the methodical and insane mind of a killer. I wish Shane Stevens still wrote. The other books that I have found for him have great reviews but are impossible to find. No longer in print. Someone should really make his books available.

Oct 13, Brittany-Marie Aarons rated it it was amazing. Shane Steven's novel has me spellbound. I fear, with much certainty, that every thriller, mystery and crime novel I read for the rest of my life, will be met with disappointment. I am quite confident that no book is as good as this book. How can I be so confident?

In the past 3 months, I took upon myself the challenge of reading 55 books, written between the s to present, all with 3. Quite a few from legendary authors. Many of them blew me away. A handful we're historical gems.

By Reason of Insanity

A few earned my 5 stars. I now demote each by 1 star, because this will always be THE 5 star quality standard within its genre. This novel was way more than crime fiction. It was a rather general social fiction.

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I am surprised by the notion that it was 'too long'. In this world where one gobbles up and ENJOYS pages of Steven King describing every crack in the wall and elements of glass in a lightbulb, one should happily devour Stevens' entertaining repetition of details that serve as reminders and guides through a story so thickened by side-stories. I would argue he challenges the very concept of 'evil' itself.

Who, really, is the 'bad' guy? I do not see Thomas Bishop so much as the main character, as simply the main subject through which each major theme of this novel is explored via several main characters. Bless the weak of stomach, for Stevens does not hold back.

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