Thunderbird Stories Project: Vol 1

The Thunderbird Stories Project


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    Thunderbird 3 is dispatched for search and rescue with Alan and Scott on board, Alan being particularly keen to see Halley's comet as it will be another 75 years before the comet passes Earth again. Designed by Brains, the Estrella Grand is a self-constructing luxury hotel in Earth orbit. Kayo is riding aboard Fireflash , a supersonic airliner that was recently improved by Brains, unaware that the Hood is planning to hijack it in mid-flight. CRUS Climate Research of the Upper Stratosphere , a weather station built cheaply with a lack of safety features, has a sudden failure in its stabilising fans, causing its balloons to lift the station higher into the atmosphere. Details are then introduced, including as textures, craft setup, atmospheric particles and flying debris. Seismologist Robert Williams and his son Aidan alert the authorities to the presence of a rogue hydromethane mining vehicle, only for the machinery to trigger an earthquake that swallows both them and the equipment. Disaster strikes when Francois flies into the comet's tail, damaging his ship and causing it to lose contact with Earth.

    It boomed all around them like a crack of thunder. So do not look to your new pieces to be any more potent. Someone could get killed on those steps.