So You Want To Be A Rock n Roll Bride

The message comes in many forms: Adverts on TV for a special drink that expands in your stomach.

Rock n Roll Bride: ‘Should you invite your work colleagues to your wedding?’

Supermarket aisles filled with guilt-free, low-calorie, no-sugar desserts, and overheard whispers in every public place we go about pounds dropped and calories cut. What all of these messages add up to is a culture that prizes weight loss above all else; a diet culture. The diet industry was born out of the fact that advertisers needed a reliable way to make money. What better way than convincing half the population that their bodies are wrong and selling them the solution? One thing that the diet industry does sickeningly well is prey on women at times when they are the most susceptible to feeling insecure.

There are two moments especially that this is clear as can be: Both life-altering, powerful, unforgettable events. Both distilled by our culture into the number that flashes on the scale when they happen. Which brings us to the second answer of why weight loss is such an inescapable part of getting married.

Because ultimately, the driving force of diet culture, is the message that how women look is the most important thing about them. Written for Rock n Roll Bride magazine issue 18 by body positive blogger Megan Jayne Crabbe aka bodyposipanda , the message is something I've been proudly fighting for since the inception of this blog - that you do not have to lose weight for your wedding! Pusillanimous means cowardly by the way and has no connection to genitalia, but as an aside do start slipping Pusillanimous into conversation and watch people lose their shitillanimous. Crap, that got very legitimately sentimental and sweet… pusillanimous … phew good save.

Parents as we all know, always cause more than one issue; with cold feet their issues are three fold:. Am I marrying my mother? To be honest with you: Gosh that was like some straight up Freud shiz. Many of you reading this will be from a family where your parents are divorced so I imagine the memory of that leaves a sense of distrust for the whole marriage thing. No, or at least I hope not.

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Your marriage is not going to fail just because 20 years prior another marriage did. Are my divorced parents going to make a scene at my wedding? This one could be the most stress-inducing issue for all weddings. I can deal with this one really easily. However when it comes to planning your wedding, many elements only seem to work for a very traditional family set up.

If this is your situation then my first piece of advice would be to immediately let go of your expectations and pains that your family dynamic does not living up to societal expectations. As someone planning their own wedding for an unconventional family, I can tell you first hand this part is not easy…but that planning for the inevitable that could play out at the wedding is better than ignoring the enormous elephant in the room.

Gathering in an informal space without the pressures of the big day can really help to diffuse things and will also put your mind at rest. Engagement parties and bridal showers are the perfect opportunity for this.

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You may have a few people that are overbearing, so set your boundaries in place early. Know what your non-negotiables are and make these clear in advance with an explanation of why these choices are important to you. Let family members know how much you love and appreciate them but also make your limits known. If your best friend is male, definitely forget gender typecasting and have a dude of honour. If you want to have eighteen bridesmaids or two mothers-of-the-bride — go for it!

Just be aware that older generations may hold traditions a little closer to their hearts so give it some thought and warn people in advance if need be. In saying this, most of the time, as long as your guests know and get on with at least one person on the table, or have something in common, they should be happy. There are have many options on how you can address this. Before you plan anything, you could ask your family and friends who they would like to sit with. If either sets of parents are divorced, or have new partners, then ditching the traditional top table completely might be a good option.

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Another idea is to have long tables with guests sitting opposite one another, rather than round ones. This is a good option for limiting the conflicts that can come up in a group seating dynamic.

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You could simply mix everyone together with no hierarchy at all, or you could ditch the seating plan entirely and tell people to sit wherever they like! This blended format is really good for encouraging your guests to mingle with one another too. Our initial meeting was in April so things have been a little bit insane since then.

I also arranged shooting a huge chunk of brand new imagery with my amazing shoot team.

We did a two-day shoot with six! The book is actually already finished! We wrapped everything a few weeks ago and it was sent off to be printed at the end of last month!

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Rock n Roll Bride: This book will help you navigate the muddy waters of planning a wedding that goes against the grain. Depending on how many orders we get, we may stop offering signed copies closer to the release date to save me from RSI LOL! We should be getting more international stockists soon too, keep an eye on my Instagram for those announcements. Oh my goodness I literally cannot wait for you to get the book in your hot little hands.

Be personable but professional

I have poured my heart and soul into it and I truly hope you love it just as much as I do. This is a very proud day for me. Thank you for your love and endless support. Many congratulations Kat, have known you for over 10 years and always thought you should write a book!

Be short and concise… but not too brief

How do you know that you should buy So You Want To Be A Rock N Roll Bride?1 . Your daughters bedroom wall is covered with posters of Aaron Carter How do you know that you should buy So You Want To Be A Rock N' Roll Bride? 1. Your daughter's bedroom wall is covered with posters of Aaron Carter. 2.

I am also obsessed with planning activities looking forward to buy it. So that, I also have an idea of how to express and explain my ideas through a book one day. I own every issue of your magazine and am so excited to get this book! So proud of you, Kat!