The Unorthodox Sex Education of Billy Joe

Emulating holy men and women from the distant past is hard -- what would the Buddha do with Facebook? Still, there is a shadow side to this devotion: The latest and perhaps oddest example came this week, when an Alabama official i nvoked Christianity's Holy Family to defend Senate GOP candidate Roy Moore from accusations that he sexually assaulted a year-old girl decades ago. They became parents of Jesus.

There's just nothing immoral or illegal here.

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Maybe just a little bit unusual. In some ways, it makes sense for Moore's allies to draw on religious examples when defending him. The longtime Alabama Supreme Court judge has made Christianity and the Bible central to his political identity. He has insisted on displaying a monument to the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, even after he was told to remove it, and earned a suspension for refusing to follow the Supreme Court's legalization of gay marriage.

Moore, for his part, has vigorously denied the accusations. In keeping with his hardcore Christian image, the Senate candidate said he is engaged in a "spiritual battle" with "those who want to silence our message. But few Christians have risen to voice support for Zeiglers' interpretation of Scripture. The LDS church rejects this core principle of Christianity. I think this demonstrates that 21st century American conservatism has become a religion that in practice is more important than the actual religious beliefs of its individual adherents. And for that reason, a conservative Christian may actually believe that a conservative Mormon shares their values more deeply than a progressive Christian.

So, is it deceptive, or a surprisingly honest admission that, for the Christian right, conservative dogma is actually more important than religious belief? You mean the American Conservative Christian church has become a tool of the political right? This has been going on since about This is just one more clear piece of evidence. My problem is with equating orthodoxy with Christianity. These two things seem to be distinct from my perspective. It seems to me it is the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that has been both separatist and fundamentalist, and is now softening its position out of political expediency.

To put it another way, if GBEA is suddenly all nicey-nice with non-Christian religions, can we expect a whole bunch of love from them for Islam coming any time soon? There is nothing separatist or fundamentalist to ask why BGEA is having this sudden theological change at this time. Myths and idealization aside, I wonder to what extent political expediency has always been a important factor in defining Christian orthodoxy. Home-school history textbooks will one day attribute all this to the hand of God shaping the political circumstances to unify his people through spirit-led heroes like Franklin Graham and Charles Colson.

I will write that on Thursday. In the meantime, see this. If so, how is not Christian but also a form of Christianity? No, Andrew, if they admitted that, it would not be deceptive. I defy you to find a single evangelical leader who would admit that. Yes, but King identified himself with an orthodox church, the Southern Baptists, even while he dabbled in unorthodox thinking and ideas.

It is one thing for an individual Christian to entertain and express unorthodox views. What thinking Christian does not, from time to time? It is another thing for an entire church body, an entire group of believers, to define themselves, as a group, by a set of teachings that are, by definition, unorthodox. Rob, I have argued in the past that orthodoxy is not a static set of beliefs that you opt in or our of.

However, to say that there is no orthodoxy denudes Christianity of anything interesting, IMO. For example, it is fascinating to explore the politics that were at work when Luther was holed up at Wartburg Castle. The result of which was, of course, the Protestant Reformation and the Christian Church as we know it today. On the surface, to claim that politics and theology are somehow linked seems disturbing. But politics, after all, is nothing more than the relationships between people, and theology is the relationships between people and God.

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So perhaps politics and theology are inextricably tied to each other. They both deal with how people relate to each other. So, by extension, they both deal with how people relate to God. If God works through people, which Christians believe God does, then, by definition, God must work through politics. Because politics is nothing more than the way people work with each other. If God is at work in people, then God is in politics too. I think the about-face reveals the fact that calling Mormons non-Christians was a political statement in the first place — it had nothing to do with theology.

When the church so often mixes politics and religion it is difficult to separate political maneuvering from theologically-principaled action. Andrew — I think that all people vote for political candidates that will try and uphold what they value. For example, one person might vote for a political candidate that has a moral compass based upon her faith that leads her to be against the death penalty, cautious in terms of entering into war, for a traditional view of marriage, and active in supporting the rights of and unborn, voiceless child. If the first person encountered a person who claimed to be Christian, yet whose actions betrayed what they believe would flow in response — and encountered a second person who did not claim to be a Christian, but who valued action in this world that they believe is consistent with their world-view — they would vote for the person who claimed to be not a follower of Jesus.

What they are going to DO, not who they believe in, is the factor that hangs in the balance. The same is true for the second voter and their encounter with the candidate. It all boils down to: It obviously must have a definition. So, my theological viewpoint is that there is no distinction between Christians and Mormons. Certainly calling Mormons non-Christians was originally political in nature. But it originates long before the BGEA existed.

For that matter, Mormons claiming to be Christian was political as well. It is right to explore the political nature of the relationship of the LDS church to Christianity, both at the origin of the LDS church, and in this electoral cycle today. Curtis, I like the balance of your comment. They are a distinctive kind of relationship between people. As point of logic, God can work through people, and even through relationships between people, without having to work through every kind of relationship between people.

When a debunking explanation is ready-at-hand, this rightly raises the skeptical suspicions. To say that debunking explanations rightly raise skeptical suspicions is not of course to say secure skeptical conclusions. I am totally cool with the flexibility of the use of the word orthodox. They actively try to blur the lines between Christian orthodoxy and their sectarian beliefs.

Of course, they are free to believe whatever they want. Yes, I am bothered by their lack of fidelity to essential doctrines of the Christian faith, but I am especially bothered that they lie about it and pretend they are just another Christian group. What if the French person is trying to qualify for the Norwegian ski team?

What if the French person were trying to claim Norwegian social benefits? What if you were at a private club that only invited Norwegians, and this French person was intentionally trying to deceive others, even if only for social gain? The same with Christianity. To claim that all instances of asserting the definition of Christianity are instances of intolerance is failing to be sensitive to the context that is in place. To say that God works through people, but God does not work through every kind of relationship, is a very good distinction to make.

Also, historically, God tends to work disruptively in society. The question of when God is at work and when God is not is tricky, especially when those in power will always claim to be on Gods side. You are withholding Christian fellowship with someone who claims to be a Christian — which Mormons do. Separatism is the refuse to embrace another on the basis of principle. Fundamentalism is a strict adherence to a necessary set of beliefs and militancy against those who do not hold it.

By your comments in bold, you assumed the former and embodied the latter. We are electing a President, not a bishop or a pastor. We have had plenty of so-called Christian Presidents in the past whose fruit suggested otherwise.

The Unorthodox Sex Education of Billy Joe

We have the opportunity to elect a good man, full of integrity and LOVE for this country, to stop the total radicalization of America. If you are too self-righteous and morally scrupulous to vote for a Mormon in order to bring our country back from the edge of the cliff, may God judge you. From my perspective, the only thing that makes one a Christian is that one has decided to self-identify in that way.

Do you believe because of our theological inconsistencies are the reason many reject the truth of Christianity? Good points, that I think many would agree with. Glad we have all grown up and become big boys now! Gay marriage and healthcare come time mind. Or are we not that fully grown up yet?

Maybe without all the baggage of judgement from the past, but some type of consistency. That baseball illustration is a pretty good description of what you do here on the theoblogy. I tend to take the position that the same thing is happening with the idea of including the Mormon church in the vast realm of Christiandom. I agree that a political agenda is driving the theological discussion. Mormons will seek inclusion and friends and family of Mormons will advocate for them, and Christianity will IMO change.

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You keep missing the point, Curtis. Are they still a Christian? That is exactly what Mormons have done. Mormons assert fundamentally different beliefs from orthodox Christians.

That admit it themselves. It is not wrong for a Christian to stand up and point out where Mormons will clearly admit that their beliefs are fundamentally different from Christianity. Look at it another way. In an ideal world, they would lose nothing. Mormonism is a perfectly valid, honorable religion in its own right.

Similarly, there are cases where a Christian may claim them self to be a Jew. After all, they believe in the same God and read the same Bible. A Christian can claim to be a Jew if they feel like it. Tony, in this post: Your questions revolve about emergent doctrines the Trinity, the normativity of the Bible, and egalitarian leadership …not relationships and affinities. The president is not King.

The president has to work with congress and the courts. The pace of change on gay marriage and abortion will be determined by the American people, not by the President, and the train has already left the station on both issues. Abortion and growing acceptance of gay marriage will not change with Romney in office. What will change will be dramatic changes to government programs that even conservative families rely on, continued uncertainly about healthcare, enormous profits for the very wealthy, and many other policy statements that Romney and his team have made very clear.

Those who tell you to vote for Romney because of social issues have been sold a bill of goods, and they are trying to pass them on to you too, because they need the money that is currently used to support the programs your family uses, to support their own vision of American government. No President, by them-self, can change government on behalf what people believe. To claim otherwise is political rhetoric that has been around since George Washington. Billy Graham, from the beginning of his ministry, was willing to blur lines for the sake of a very focused message.

All that matters is Jesus. He called everyone into a relationship with Jesus. So he crossed denominational boundaries and even was willing to include Catholics who Fundamentalists saw as arch-enemies. So Billy got in trouble for that, for not respecting the established boundaries. He also was very highly political. He was exceedingly anti-Communist and really in a lot of ways exemplified the Evangelical love affair with Republicans. He was Christian Right before there was a Christian Right, and was a political evangelist when Fundamentalists still very much thought any involvement in the world was forsaking the gospel.

Indeed, one of the key markers between Fundamentalists and Evangelism in the earlier days 40s and 50s and early 60s was Billy Graham. True Fundamentalists despised him for selling out. Meanwhile, Graham represented a more open and public message, focused on Jesus but inviting to all who would come to the table. So, too was Fuller Seminary shaped, and it is interesting how much Graham here resonates with a lot of what Rich Mouw long time president of Fuller has said about Mormons.

I agree with Tony that Mormons are not Christians in any way that has meaning for the word Christian. Calling Mormons Christian is a bit like saying that Baptists are Jewish, as they believe in the Old Testament law and prophets and the promised Messiah. Question for all of you: Do you believe Jesus came to set up the religion we now call Christianity?

Your first paragraph is a caricature. Of course we can disagree. But, many Mormons were born into and grew up in a Mormon household — just like Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, etc. My problem is not primarily with people who change their minds, but with the attitude with which people hold their beliefs. We cannot avoid the former, but the latter, to me, reveals a lot about ones problematic psychological state. As Martin Marty pointed out, the religious can be divided between the mean and the non-mean.

Many leaders within that network have prided themselves on being proud. There has been some public apologies about this. But, overall, there is a lot of meanness. When an idea is presented as the absolute, objective, indubitable truth and then magically repealed at a later date, I, personally, have a problem taking anything they say seriously. As Bill Maher just said last week, if God is on the side of conservative Christians, why are they wrong so often? Sadly, though, rather than doing something that I see as a relatively positive thing — more closely associating with Mormons rather than labeling them outsiders — Acts 29 as a whole continues to move further to the right.

Yes, we are dealing in characterless to make a point. But I think my first paragraph is a pretty good summary of official Mormon doctrine. Please correct me if I am wrong. Again, I agree with you that individuals may differ from their official church position. But that does not remove the fact that churches have official positions, and official LDS doctrine is irrevocably incompatible with orthodox Christian doctrine, which is irrevocably incompatible with Jewish doctrine, and so on.

Nothing bad about that, they are all great religions. Of course, a follower of a Universalist tradition would argue, similar to your argument I suppose, that at a certain level, Mormons, Jews and Christians are all the same thing. That is fine, and I respect the Unilateralist point of view. But that does not remove my point of view as a Christian.

I am a Christian, and that means something. I can clearly define that meaning to you, and I can clearly explain how that meaning is irrevocably incompatible with Mormon doctrine. No disrespect to anyone, they are just different. To pretend that Mormonism and Christianity do not hold fundamentally different doctrines strikes me as very dishonest, if that position comes from an adherent to either one of those great churches. I am not saying that all religions are saying the same thing. I think there are great similarities — which, from my perspective, is more important than their differences.

Those are not always the same people.

The unholy excuses of Roy Moore's allies

There is diversity within each cultural identifier. At a certain point, a negative stereotype of any religion becomes a form of racism — i. Those kinds of statements are meaningless, unhelpful, and potentially dangerous. I refuse to allow you to monopolize that word. In my view, calling Mormon non-Christian does no label Mormons as outsiders. It labels them as non-Christian. In our current, post-Christian world, Mormons and Christians are both outsiders, and they can work together toward a positive outcome.

For every social conservative who wants to partner with Mitt Romney for positive change, there is a social liberal who wants to partner with Harry Reid who is Mormon too, in case anyone forgot. We can honestly and respectfully call Mormons non-Christian even while we all pull together and work for positive change. I think even most Mormons would agree with that. The role of religion in politics, after all, is primarily a distractor, and the right-wing is fully aware of that fact.

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Interestingly, women do not become a god. Archived from the original on June 20, The second campaign had a global reach of more than 20 countries and would provide financial support for Jackson's Bad album and —88 world tour. By following Him, to know him by following Him. The same with Christianity.

The American people spending all this energy fretting about Mormonism is exactly what people in power want us to do, rather than talk about healthcare or tax policy. Maybe, instead of a week of debating Mormonism before the election, a debate about clear policy differences between Romney and Obama would be more constructive. He is a shape shifter, continually changing his positions on issues to suit whatever audience he is addressing.

Yes, most politicians do this to some degree, but he is a world champ! In other contexts, his changing positions would be called what they are: No, if I a Mormon claims he or she is a Christian, great!

The Unorthodox Sex Education of Billy Joe : Salambo Forest :

Maybe I would feel differently if I had some kind of vested interest in some orthodox Christian institution. If a Mormon wants to have a conversation about beliefs, we can go through historical theology together and whatever else. And an outsider looking at the church would clearly recognize that it is non-Christian church, and the adherents to that church would be, doctrinally, non-Christian as well. Do you claim a cultural identity for yourself?

If so, would you feel any urge to clarify the definition of your identity, if someone who an adheres to obviously different cultural identity tried to claim the same cultural identity as you? Cultural identity is very powerful and very meaningful. And that can be done without any disrespect to the other culture. If anything I have said is disrespectful, I apologize profusely. You are not a Christian. Because…blah blah blah Mormon: I am a Christian. Is it magic fairy dust from some planet?

We can debate those and many other good questions forever. But it is the definition of core Christian doctrine. Some guys got together, probably had too much to drink, probably got in a bunch of fights and maybe even a few people got killed, and that is what they ended up with. It has been the definition of The Christian Church since then. Want to be a Christian? Are you interested in spiritual issues and think Jesus is really cool?

It is some other cool, whacked out church, and I wish you well and look forward to worshiping and working together with you. But it is not a Christian church. Christian doctrine is a cultural identity that has deep meaning for many people. Yes, there are differences. But, you are equating someone who is a cultural Christian which, I would argue, is most people who use that label with someone who agrees with some form of Christian doctrine. Clarifying differences between specific ideas and specific times or places of specific definitions of orthodoxy is a different conversation than Deciding who is or is not a Christian — or which group is or is not Christian.

His habit of constantly lying through his big grin is quite annoying, and is why I could never vote for him without having an extra line to define which Mitt Romney I am voting for. But besides that annoying trait which is common of several other politicians, he is a good man. That is the difference between you and me. I have a vested interest in this thing called Christianity. That said, I may require more than usual drinking tonight to relieve the pressure on my forehead from banging it against a wall. I guess, for me, the version of Christianity that I navigate toward sees the idea of seeing Christianity in that kind of way vested interest: Now if we can only get a gay person to run as a republican presidential candidate, then the conservatives will become Gay affirming….

How did Unitarians make the list of cults? There were Mormon kids, teachers, business people, etc. Younger Mormons express disbelief when told that statement. But my point has been, people can call themselves whatever they want, but that does not remove the fact that things have definitions. The show aired on May 16, , to an estimated audience of 47 million , and featured the Jacksons and other Motown stars. How does he do it?

As a technician, he is a great illusionist, a genuine mime. His ability to keep one leg straight as he glides while the other bends and seems to walk requires perfect timing. The first Pepsi Cola campaign, which ran in the United States from to and launched its iconic "New Generation" theme, included tour sponsorship, public relations events, and in-store displays. Jackson, who was involved in creating the advertisement, suggested using his song "Billie Jean" as its jingle with revised lyrics. During a simulated concert before a full house of fans, pyrotechnics accidentally set Jackson's hair on fire, causing second-degree burns to his scalp.

Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars and had his third rhinoplasty shortly thereafter. The second campaign had a global reach of more than 20 countries and would provide financial support for Jackson's Bad album and —88 world tour. Jackson's humanitarian work was recognized on May 14, , when he was invited to the White House to receive an award from President Ronald Reagan for his support of charities that helped people overcome alcohol and drug abuse, [] and in recognition of his support for the Ad Council 's and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 's Drunk Driving Prevention campaign.

Jackson donated the use of "Beat It" for the campaign's public service announcements. Unlike later albums, Thriller did not have an official tour, but the Victory Tour of headlined the Jacksons and showcased much of Jackson's new solo material to more than two million Americans. It was the last tour he would do with his brothers.

The project's creators received two special AMA honors: Jackson, Jones, and entertainment promoter Ken Kragan received special awards for their roles in the song's creation. Jackson's early acquisitions of music catalogs and song copyrights such as the Sly Stone collection included "Everyday People" , Len Barry 's " " , and Dion DiMucci 's " The Wanderer " and " Runaround Sue " ; however, his most significant purchase came in , when he acquired the publishing rights to ATV Music Publishing after months of negotiation.

McCartney reportedly felt it was too expensive, [] [] but several other companies and investors were interested in bidding. Jackson's skin had been a medium-brown color during his youth, but from the mids gradually grew paler. The change gained widespread media coverage, including rumors that he might have been bleaching his skin. Randy Taraborrelli's biography, Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo in ; vitiligo results in white patches on the skin.

Although Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo, Taraborrelli stated that Jackson had been skin bleaching.


He said that Jackson was diagnosed with lupus , and that while the vitiligo partially lightened Jackson's skin, the lupus was in remission. Both illnesses made Jackson's skin sensitive to sunlight. The treatments Jackson used for his condition further lightened his skin, and, with the application of pancake makeup to even out blotches he could appear pale. He said of his vitiligo: When people make up stories that I don't want to be who I am, it hurts me.

It's a problem for me. I can't control it. Jackson stated he had had only two rhinoplasties and no other facial surgery, although at one point mentioned having had a dimple created in his chin. He lost weight in the early s because of a change in diet and a desire for "a dancer's body". Periods of weight loss would become a recurring problem later in life.

Arnold Klein , and Klein's nurse Debbie Rowe. Rowe eventually became Jackson's second wife and the mother of his two eldest children.

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He also relied heavily on Klein for medical and business advice. Jackson became the subject of increasingly sensational reports. In , the tabloids ran a story claiming that he slept in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber to slow the aging process; he was pictured lying in a glass box. Although the claim was untrue, according to tabloid reports that are widely cited, Jackson disseminated the fabricated story himself. Consequently, the media began fabricating stories. Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars?

Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth. All four parks' Captain EO installations stayed open well into the s: Jackson's first album in five years, Bad , was highly anticipated, with the industry expecting another major hit. Short Form for " Leave Me Alone " in The Bad world tour began on September 12 that year, finishing on January 14, In , Jackson released his only autobiography, Moonwalk , which took four years to complete and sold , copies.

Due to financial issues, the film was only released theatrically in Germany; in other markets it was released direct-to-video. It was eventually knocked off the top spot by Michael Jackson: Jackson's success earned him the nickname the " King of Pop ". Bush designated him the White House's "Artist of the Decade". Jackson also won an award as best-selling artist of the s. Jackson founded the Heal the World Foundation in The charity brought underprivileged children to Jackson's ranch to enjoy the property's theme park rides, and sent millions of dollars around the globe to help children threatened by war, poverty, and disease.

In the same year, Jackson published his second book, Dancing the Dream , a collection of poetry, revealing a more intimate side. While it was a commercial success, it received mostly negative reviews. In , the book was republished by Doubleday and was more positively received by some critics in the wake of Jackson's death. Because of a dwindling interest during halftime in the preceding years — a special live episode of In Living Color eroded the previous halftime show's audience by 10 ratings points — the NFL decided to seek big-name talent that would keep ratings high, with Jackson selected for his universal appeal.

The performance began with Jackson catapulting onto the stage as fireworks went off behind him, followed by four songs: Jackson's Dangerous album rose 90 places in the album chart after the performance. Jackson gave a minute interview to Oprah Winfrey on February 10, , his second television interview since He grimaced when speaking of his childhood abuse at the hands of his father; he believed he had missed out on much of his childhood years, admitting that he often cried from loneliness.

He denied tabloid rumors that he had bought the bones of the Elephant Man , slept in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, or bleached his skin, and stated for the first time that he had vitiligo. Dangerous re-entered the album chart in the top 10, more than a year after its original release. In the summer of , Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse by a year-old boy, Jordan Chandler, and his father, Evan Chandler , a dentist.

By the fall of , he was addicted to the drugs. Jordan Chandler eventually told the police that Jackson had sexually abused him. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever Michael's career will be over. Montagna stated that Chandler would not be charged with extortion , due to lack of cooperation from Jackson's party and its willingness to negotiate with Chandler for several weeks, among other reasons.

In August , police raided Jackson's home and, according to court documents, found books and photographs in his bedroom featuring young boys with little or no clothing. The investigation was inconclusive and no charges were filed. A decade after the fact, during the second round of child abuse allegations, Jackson's lawyers would file a memo stating that the settlement was made without his consent. They had met in , when a seven-year-old Presley attended one of Jackson's family engagements at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino , and reconnected through a mutual friend.

As the child molestation accusations became public, Jackson became dependent on Presley for emotional support; she was concerned about his faltering health and addiction to drugs. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it. Jackson proposed to Presley over the telephone towards the fall of , saying: Past, Present and Future, Book I.

HIStory, Volume I in The second disc, HIStory Continues , contains 13 original songs and two cover versions. The album debuted at number one on the charts and has been certified for seven million shipments in the US. The single had the highest debut on the Billboard Hot at number five, and received a Grammy nomination for "Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals".

In late , Jackson was rushed to a hospital after collapsing during rehearsals for a televised performance, caused by a stress-related panic attack. Jackson quickly released a revised version of the song without the offending lyrics. Jackson performed 82 concerts in five continents, 35 countries and 58 cities to over 4.

Rowe was approximately six months pregnant with the couple's first child at the time. Originally, Rowe and Jackson had no plans to marry, but Jackson's mother Katherine persuaded them to do so. The divorce was relatively amicable, but a subsequent custody suit was not settled until In , Jackson released Blood on the Dance Floor: Worldwide sales stand at 6 million copies, making it the best-selling remix album of all time.

From October to September , Jackson worked with collaborators including Teddy Riley and Rodney Jerkins to produce his tenth solo album, Invincible. He joined Luciano Pavarotti for a benefit concert in Modena, Italy. The show was in support of the nonprofit organization War Child , and raised a million dollars for the refugees of Kosovo, FR Yugoslavia , and additional funds for the children of Guatemala.

In September , two 30th Anniversary concerts were held at Madison Square Garden to mark Jackson's 30th year as a solo artist. Jackson appeared onstage alongside his brothers for the first time since The concert took place on October 21, , and included performances from dozens of major artists, including Jackson, who performed his song " What More Can I Give " as the finale. The release of Invincible was preceded by a dispute between Jackson and his record label, Sony Music Entertainment. Jackson had expected the licenses to the masters of his albums to revert to him some time in the early s, after which he would be able to promote the material however he pleased and keep the profits; however, clauses in the contract set the revert date years into the future.

Jackson discovered that the attorney who had represented him in the deal had also been representing Sony. Invincible was released on October 30, to much anticipation. It was Jackson's first full-length album in six years, and the last album of original material he released in his lifetime. It received double-platinum certification in the U.

Beginning in May , Jackson allowed a documentary film crew, led by British TV personality Martin Bashir , to follow him nearly everywhere he went. On November 20 of that year, Jackson brought his infant son Prince onto the balcony of his room at the Hotel Adlon in Berlin as fans stood below, holding him in his right arm with a cloth loosely draped over Prince's face. Prince was briefly extended over a railing, four stories above ground level, prompting widespread criticism in the media.

Jackson apologized for the incident, calling it "a terrible mistake". In a particularly controversial scene, Jackson was seen holding hands and discussing sleeping arrangements with a young boy. As soon as the documentary aired, the Santa Barbara county attorney's office began a criminal investigation. Jackson trial began on January 31, , in Santa Maria, California , and lasted until the end of May.

On June 13, , Jackson was acquitted on all counts. In March , amidst reports that Jackson was having financial problems, the main house at Neverland Ranch was closed as a cost-cutting measure. Throughout , Sony repackaged 20 singles from the s and s as the Michael Jackson: Visionary series, which subsequently became a box set.

Most of the singles returned to the charts as a result. In September , Jackson and his ex-wife Debbie Rowe confirmed reports that they had settled their long-running child custody suit. The terms were never made public. Jackson continued to be the custodial parent of the couple's two children. It was not known at the time what Jackson was working on, or who had paid for the sessions, since his publicist had recently issued a statement claiming that he had left Two Seas.

He started as Jackson's personal dermatologist and developed a friendship with him. Drew 's show on CNN and stated he had given propofol to Jackson on two occasions, but that Jackson always requested an anaesthetist present. This deal gave him the rights to songs by Eminem and Beck , among others. While some have made deliberate attempts to hurt me, I take it in stride because I have a loving family, a strong faith and wonderful friends and fans who have, and continue, to support me. Army post in Japan, Camp Zama , to greet over 3, U.

The hosts presented Jackson with a Certificate of Appreciation. In September , Jackson was still working on his next album, but it was never completed. The album featured the previously unreleased song "For All Time", an outtake from the original sessions, as well as remixes by younger artists who had been inspired by Jackson's work. The album was a commercial success. Slightly different versions were released in various countries, based on polls of local fans.

In late , Fortress Investments threatened to foreclose on Neverland Ranch, which Jackson used as collateral for loans running into many tens of millions of dollars. The auction was scheduled to take place between April 22 and Jackson suggested retirement after the shows, saying it would be his "final curtain call".

Jackson rehearsed in Los Angeles in the weeks leading up to the tour under the direction of choreographer Kenny Ortega. Jackson's first posthumous song released entirely by his estate was " This Is It ", which he had co-written in the s with Paul Anka. It was not on the setlists for the concerts, and the recording was based on an old demo tape. The surviving brothers reunited in the studio for the first time since to record backing vocals. Two versions of "This Is It" appear on the album, which also featured original masters of Jackson's hits in the order in which they appear in the film, along with a bonus disc with previously unreleased versions of more Jackson hits and a spoken-word poem, "Planet Earth".

On June 25, , Jackson stopped breathing while attempting to sleep under the care of Conrad Murray , his personal physician. Murray had reportedly given Jackson an array of medications in an attempt to help him sleep at his rented mansion in Holmby Hills, Los Angeles. Attempts at resuscitating Jackson were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 2: Jackson's death triggered a global outpouring of grief.

Tickets to the memorial were distributed via lottery; over 1. The final 8, recipients were drawn at random, and each recipient received two tickets. The memorial service was one of the most watched events in streaming history, [] with an estimated U. Al Sharpton received a standing ovation with cheers when he told Jackson's children, "Wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with. But he dealt with it anyway. I just wanted to say I love him Lucious Smith provided a closing prayer. At the time of death, Jackson had been administered propofol , lorazepam , and midazolam , [] and the Los Angeles coroner decided to treat the death as a homicide.

On June 25, , the first anniversary of Jackson's death, fans traveled to Los Angeles to pay tribute. Many carried sunflowers and other tributes to leave at the sites. Members of the Jackson family and close friends arrived to pay their respects. The memorial continued with a candlelight vigil and a special performance of "We Are the World".

On June 26, fans marched in front of the Los Angeles Police Department's Robbery-Homicide Division at the old Parker Center building, and assembled a petition with thousands of signatures, demanding justice in the homicide investigation. A portion of the proceeds were presented to some of Jackson's favorite charities. In the 12 months after his death, Jackson sold more than 8. Three of his albums, Thriller , Number Ones and The Essential Michael Jackson , sold more than any new album, the first time a catalog album has ever scanned more sales than any new album.

On November 4, , Sony announced the first posthumous album, Michael , released on December 14, with the promotional single, " Breaking News ", released to radio on November 8. On November 3, , the theatre company Cirque du Soleil announced that it would launch Michael Jackson: One , designed for residency at the Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas, was announced on February 21, This show began its run on May 23, in a newly renovated theater to critical and commercial success.

In , in an attempt to end public family feuding, Jackson's brother Jermaine Jackson retracted his signature on a public letter criticizing executors of Michael Jackson's estate and his mother's advisers concerning the legitimacy of his brother's will. Jackson, son of Tito Jackson, was given co-guardianship of Michael Jackson's children after false reports surfaced of Katherine Jackson going missing.

On May 16, , choreographer Wade Robson alleged on The Today Show that Jackson sexually abused him for 7 years, beginning when Robson was 7 years old. Beckloff dismissed the lawsuit, citing that Robson had filed too late for the Jackson's estate to be held liable. On March 31, , Epic Records announced Xscape , an album of eight songs of unreleased material. Jackson's earnings have exponentially increased following his death. And when I saw him move, I was mesmerized. I had never seen a performer perform like James Brown, and right then and there I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life because of James Brown.

Jackson owed his vocal technique in large part to Diana Ross, especially his use of the oooh interjection, which he used from a young age; Ross had used this effect on many of the songs recorded with the Supremes. She taught me so much. I used to just sit in the corner and watch the way she moved. She was art in motion. I studied the way she moved, the way she sang — just the way she was. Jackson had no formal music training and could not read or write music notation. Jackson explored genres including pop , soul , rhythm and blues , funk , rock , disco , post-disco , dance-pop and new jack swing.

Pretty Young Thing ". In Bad , Jackson's concept of the predatory lover is seen on the rock song " Dirty Diana ". HIStory creates an atmosphere of paranoia.