AGE ERASERS: How to look Younger and Reverse Aging

The Ageless Secret helps your skin look younger by beautifully hydrating it. If you read this far you are probably interested in the science behind The Ageless Secret. There are 10 radio shows I did with Dr. You can listen to them or make a copy to listen to in your car or on your Ipod. Each show has different information. There is some overlap. They can be listened to in any order, but they build on one another. To listen to a show, on the home page, click on Radio Shows. If you click on The Big Green Button you can make a copy.

If you click on Play the show plays immediately. It features me and guest, Dr.

Peiper is a well known nutritional and holistic author and has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. We reveal that many commercial skin care companies in their quest to make inexpensive products with a long shelf life use ingredients that can be harmful. If you have looked at the preceding information, you now know that the hidden secret to looking younger is to support your NSRP.

The Ageless Secret lets you have that beautiful smoother tighter skin you are wishing for and more because it supports your NSRP! The Microderm GLO system uses a breakthrough treatment of diamond exfoliation and smooth suction technology to gently buff away those unhealthy layers of skin, invigorate your complexion, and promote the growth of healthy new cells.

Eliminate the appearance of lines and wrinkles in just 60 seconds with Wunderlift. This amazing wrinkle reducer mimics the effect of a surgical face lift by pulling the skin tighter and smoothing out the surface of the skin for results that last for hours. Its innovative formula also penetrates the skin to reduce the signs of aging over time. This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Always seek the advice of a qualified health-care professional regarding any medical condition.

We only share products that get rave reviews from women over Anything less, doesn't belong in Beauty Bloomers. Are you growing old before your time?

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Wunderlift Eliminate the appearance of lines and wrinkles in just 60 seconds with Wunderlift. Leave a Reply Name: It's an in-office treatment that delivers intense blasts of broadband light therapy deep into the epidermis to kill pigmented cells, which then slough off after a week or two. Thinning hair It can be downright freaky when you start seeing clumps of hair swimming around your shower drain and some thinning thinning! This is largely due to the something hormonal shift, which is genetically determined, but big-time thinning can be triggered by stress, a vitamin deficiency, an excess of mercury, or giving birth moms experience temporary hair loss about two months after popping out a baby as their hormones readjust.

More serious causes include hypothyroidism, which often manifests itself in your thirties, and polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS , which is most often seen in women ages 30 to Eat a well-balanced diet that's rich in B vitamins, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, and keep mercury levels in check by sticking to low-mercury fish like tilapia and herring, and eating it just twice a week.

If the root cause of hair loss is a thyroid condition, a regular dose of synthetic hormones like Synthroid, prescribed by an endocrinologist, can put your body back on track. For PCOS sufferers, switching to a low-glycemic low sugar, low carbohydrate diet can reduce overall body fat and reset your blood insulin levels.

Mysteries of Anti-Aging Revealed

If it doesn't, your doctor may prescribe Metformin, a drug for diabetics that controls blood-sugar levels. If your doctor rules out a thyroid condition and PCOS, she may recommend a prescription drug called Aldactone the generic name is spironolactone. Stray hairs It's a raw deal that when your hair starts to fall out of your head, it starts to pop up in less-than-ideal places, like your chin, nipples, and abdomen. The ratio of androgens male hormones to estrogen may change in your thirties, which can turn a soft, fine hair into a gasp!

How to put the brakes on wrinkles, cellulite and thinning hair

Traditional hair-removal methods like tweezing, waxing, and electrolysis work, and laser treatments have proved to be highly effective too. A natural decline in estrogen levels, switching birth-control pills which can create a temporary hormonal imbalance , and stress. The adult responsibilities of your thirties a big-shot job, a kid, or both may make cortisol levels spike, resulting in a case of adolescent-like acne.

Daily cleansing and weekly exfoliation will help keep your pores clear and fend off acne. Wrinkle-fighting retinoids also have a way with pimples. Apply it at night to clean skin. Ask your dermatologist about in-office peels a custom blend of peeling agents like salicylic acid or alpha-hydroxy acid that's left on the skin for several minutes, which may result in peeling a few days later. Both are proven zit erasers. Red bumps around your nose and mouth Notice a constellation of tiny, painless red bumps on the lower half of your face?

Chances are, you've got a case of perioral dermatitis, which is most common among women in their thirties. Quit touching your face! Brown spots on your face Big blotchy patches on the upper lip, cheeks, and forehead are called melasma. While typically considered one of those annoying estrogen-related pregnancy symptoms, they can occur in something women who have never been preggers.

Melasma can be tough to treat, but light chemical peels such as the Vi peel, a combination of ingredients like salicylic acid, retinoic acid, and vitamins, can be effective in lifting the pigment from your skin. Don't have the bucks or the pain threshold for a peel? This image contains graphic content that some viewers may find disturbing.

Click to view the image, or use the buttons above to navigate away. Skin and beauty on NBCNews. Stop looking older than you are How to put the brakes on wrinkles, cellulite and thinning hair Below: How famous faces are aging photos x Jump to discuss comments below discuss x Next story in Skin and beauty Top sunscreen?

The Big Mystery

Cheapest is best, report finds related. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's not much you can do. Fading stars or better than ever? How famous faces are aging Open in new window loading photos Madonna, 51 In left and We asked msnbc. Tony Youn, a Michigan-based board-certified plastic surgeon who has been featured on "Dr. Youn, who hasn't treated any of those featured, shares his observations: Is the Material Girl made of plastic? Madonna looks much younger than Her cheeks are full, her neckline is sharp, and there are no wrinkles to be found.

I believe she's had a facelift, Sculptra injections to her cheeks, multiple laser treatments or chemical peels, Dysport injections and possibly an eye lift. Jane Fonda, 72 In left and Jane Fonda was recently quoted as saying she attributes her looks to 30 percent sports and nutrition, 30 percent genes, 30 percent good sex and 10 percent plastic surgery.

Raising The Frequency

In my opinion, Christie, is one of the best examples of good plastic surgery in Hollywood. If you read this far you are probably interested in the science behind The Ageless Secret. So how can we hold back the clock? Tony Youn, a Michigan-based board-certified plastic surgeon who has been featured on "Dr. His jawline is also way too sharp for a man who is 63 years old. He is a good example of the need for plastic surgeons to be very conservative when operating on men.

With her sharp jawline, elevated brows, and wide-open eyes, this year-old-star, in my opinion, has had a facelift, browlift, and eyelid lifts. Getty Images Share Back to slideshow navigation.

Anti-Aging: Skincare vs Procedures - My 3-Year Transformation - Full Disclosure!

Now he just looks like an older, wiser and distinguished Hollywood star. Andie MacDowell, 51 In left and Unlike many year-old actresses and models, Andie MacDowell appears to be completely natural, except for maybe a touch of Botox here or there and possibly skin tightening laser treatments such as the Cynosure laser facial. Her face is smooth and likely reflects a lifetime of avoiding the sun, taking care of her skin, and undergoing preventive treatments. Bruce Jenner, 60 In and Bruce Jenner reportedly underwent a botched nose job and partial facelift back in , leaving him looking, in my opinion, feminized and unnatural.

But why does he still look a bit strange? Cindy Crawford, 43 In left and The prettiest woman of the past two decades still looks amazing. Cindy Crawford is really a Super Role Model for aging gracefully. She looks barely five years older than she did in the early s. Her skin remains flawless. She may have had some minor skin tightening treatments such as the new eMatrix by Syneron, but other than that it appears her looks are due to TLC and not the OR.

If only we could all age like her! Clint Eastwood, 79 In left and Clint Eastwood looks too tough to have had plastic surgery. Because 90 percent of plastic surgery patients are women, these techniques can sometimes make men look a bit effeminate and unnatural.

Over 30? Stop looking older than you are

Eastwood exhibits many of the signs of a man who has resisted the knife: The only procedure I believe he may have had is an upper eyelid lift. His upper eyelids actually appear heavier and more hooded back in than they do today. Kenny Rogers, 71 In left and Kenny Rogers has admitted to gambling with an eyelid lift - and losing. His plastic surgeon reportedly removed too much upper eyelid skin, causing him to look permanently surprised. He also appears to have had a browlift, further accentuating his possible botched eyelid work. He is a good example of the need for plastic surgeons to be very conservative when operating on men.